Saturday 30 May 2020

Sri Lanka Timeline - Year 2008 - July to Dec

Sri Lanka Timeline - Year 2008
July 1
25 LTTE militants were killed and more than 39 others injured as the troops clashed with the militants in the Ampandankulam East, Periyamadu North, Palamoddai, Navvi, Andankulam, Yalankulam, Echarakkai, Janakapura North, Kokkutoduvai and Kiriibbanwewa areas of Vavuniya district. Two soldiers were also killed while 25 others wounded in LTTE-triggered explosions and firing during the clashes.

July 2
12 LTTE militants were killed by the SFs in clashes at Kayamodai and Puthukulam in the Mannar district.
The troops killed 12 militants in the Janakapura, Kokkuthuduvai and Palamoddai areas of Vavuniya district.

July 3
The founder of the TMVP, Vinayagamoorthy Muraleetharan alias ‘Colonel’ Karuna, returned to Colombo after completing his prison term in Britain on charges of violation of immigration laws.
The LTTE ruled out the possibility of any reconciliation with Karuna Amman and termed such reports as mere rumours. "Speaking about Karuna is a waste of time. We will never take him back. There are other more important issues which could be discussed other than such baseless reports," the LTTE military spokesperson, Rasiah Ilanthirayan said, adding, that the LTTE did not need an alliance to regain the east and warned the LTTE would recapture the area soon. The TMVP also ruled out that Karuna would rejoin the LTTE. "We are confident that Karuna will not join the LTTE as he has rejected the Tigers’ policies and leadership. If anyone thinks that a Karuna-LTTE alliance is in the making, then I have to tell them that it would be the biggest joke of the year," Azad Maulana told Daily Mirror.

July 4
25 LTTE militants were killed and an equal number of them injured by the SFs during clashes in the Parayanakulam, Palamoddai, Vidattaltive, Periyamadu and Nedunkandal areas of the Vavuniya and Mannar districts. Two soldiers were also killed in an IED explosion in the Palamoddai area. Nine bunkers were also neutralized by the troops near Periyamadu.
20 LTTE militants were killed 12 others injured during encounters with the troops in the Maruthamadu, Navakkulam, Thunukkai, Nochchimunai and Navvi areas of the Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while three others sustained injuries in these clashes.
Approximately 17 militants were killed as the Army’s 59th Division engaged in an offensive on the Welioya front captured the LTTE’s strategic Michael Base. The Michael Base, part of the 1-4 Base, is located seven-km north of Janakapura and is similar to the Munnagam base - the first base in the 1-4 complex captured earlier -, is an underground structure.
The troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the areas north of Janakapura, north of Kiriibbanwewa and Ranabapura areas of Vavuniya district and killed eight of them while injuring 22 others. Troops also captured one LTTE bunker.
Five militants were killed and 12 others wounded by the troops during clashes in the area north of Kiriibbanwewa and Janakapura in Vavuniya district.
Four LTTE cadres were killed and another injured by the SFs during an encounter between the two sides in the Ampachdankulam and Thiraktive areas of the Mannar district.
During an encounter the SFs killed three LTTE militants in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district.
The Government forces are on the verge of defeating the LTTE, said ‘Colonel’ Karuna, founder of the TMVP. He also said that he is ‘very happy' that his deputy, Pillayan, has been appointed as the EPC Chief Minister and insisted that he has no plans to replace him as the new Chief Minister. Pillayan who had earlier told BBC Sandeshaya that he would offer the post to Karuna, if he returns to the country on July 4 said that there was no need to hand over his reigns to the party leader.

July 5
15 LTTE militants were killed and 18 others injured as the troops clashed with the militants in the Ampandankulam, Puttakamam, Paranthekulam, Palamoddai and Navvi areas of Vavuniya district. Nine soldiers were injured in LTTE mortar fire while four others sustained injuries in explosions of APMs and improvised explosive devices. One LTTE bunker was neutralised by the SFs in the Palamoddai area.
Four LTTE militants were killed while nine others were wounded in clashes with the SFs in the areas north of Janakapura, Kiriibbanwewa, Naddamankulam and Anandankulam areas of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while four others sustained injuries.
The political leader of the LTTE, P. Nadesan, denied claims that the outfit has been weakened. He also urged the Tamil Nadu (Indian State) Chief Minister Karunanidhi to come forward and assist their struggle to establish a Tamil Eelam and expressed regret that India was providing help to the Sri Lankan Government.
The LTTE commemorated 356 Black Tigers, men and women, who have staged suicide attacks since the tactic was first used by the outfit 21 years ago. "Three hundred and fifty six Black Tigers have laid down their lives, 254 of them in sea operations, during the last 21 years since," Tamil Net said. The LTTE in 2007 had commemorated 322 suicide bombers who perished in attacks. The figures show that 34 suicide bombers had carried out attacks in the past year. An attack on Anuradhapura air base on October 22, 2007 was the worst, with 21 suicide bombers destroying a fleet of aircraft. One militant later returned to the north with video footage of the attack, while the others were shot dead or blew themselves up.

July 6
Seven LTTE militants were killed during clashes with the troops in the Navathkulama, Ampandankulam and Palamoddai areas of the Vavuniya district.
Four LTTE militants were killed and 10 others sustained injuries during clashes with the troops in the area north of Janakapura, Kiriibbanwewa and Andankulam areas of Vavuniya district. Two soldiers were wounded in these clashes.
Sri Lanka Army reopened the Omanthai entry/exit point, the southernmost entrance between the cleared areas (area under Government control) and the non-liberated areas (area not under Government control) in the Northern Province, at 3.15 pm (SST). According to the defence sources, the ICRC officials also opened their offices at the point. The entry/ exit point remained closed since July 1 as the ICRC officials opted to close their offices on security reasons claiming that Sri Lanka Air Force had carried out air raids at LTTE targets located close to their offices in the area.
Media Minister Lakshman Yapa Abeywardene said that there could be a terrorist attack in the country within the next 48 hours. He said intelligence agencies have informed the Government of possible terrorist attacks within the next 48 hours and all police stations and army camps have been put on alert. Police said they have received information that the LTTE is planning attacks in the South.
Insisting that he still remained the leader of the TMVP, Karuna admitted there was an attempt by some top government officials to split the outfit without the knowledge of President Mahinda Rajapakse.

July 7
At least nine LTTE militants were killed and 14 others injured during three separate clashes with the troops in the Palamoddai and Navvi areas of Vavuniya district.
The troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the Kiriibbanwewa, north of Janakapura and Kamalmunai areas of Vavuniya district and killed three of them while injuring at least 16 others. One soldier was also killed while two more sustained injuries in the fighting.
The Government insisted that any future peace talks would take place with the participation of all Tamil political parties in the country and not solely with the LTTE. Government maintained that the LTTE would have to accept the condition as it (LTTE); was not the sole representative of the Tamil people. The LTTE, however, ruled out such a possibility stating that it would enter negotiations with only the Government, through the facilitation of the Norwegians and not with the presence of any other political party in the country. "The LTTE has been fighting for the rights of the Tamils. Such a condition laid down by the Government is just another tactic to evade peace talks", LTTE military spokesperson Rasiah Ilanthirayan said.

July 8
Eight LTTE militants were killed as the troops neutralised a bunker at Periyavalayankadu in the Vavuniya district.
The SFs clashed with the LTTE militants in the area north of Janakapura in the Vavuniya district and killed at least seven militants while injuring nine others. Two soldiers sustained injuries in the incident.
The troops captured four LTTE bunkers in the area north of Janakapura in the Vavuniya district killing three militants and injuring another.
The Parliament extended the state of emergency by another month. Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake informed the Parliament while moving the motion that 112 SF personnel and 43 civilians were killed and 793 SF personnel and 61 civilians were injured in June 2008.

July 9
Eight LTTE militants and one soldier were killed while six militants and two soldiers were wounded during clashes between the two sides in the areas north of Kiriibbanwewa and north of Janakapura in Vavuniya district.
The SFs attacked three LTTE bunkers in the area north of Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district and neutralised one of them killing nine militants while injuring 10 others.
The troops clashed with the militants in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district and killed eight of them while injuring 10 others. Seven soldiers were injured in this incident. The troops during the operation also captured one LTTE bunker.
Six more militants were killed and a soldier was wounded when the troops attacked several LTTE camps in the Anandankulam, Navvi and Nedunkandal areas of Vavuniya district.
The SFs captured five LTTE bunkers in the Mathirmadu area of Mannar district and killed six militants.
During an encounter with the LTTE cadres in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district, the SFs killed two militants and injured five others. Two soldiers were also killed in this incident.
The LTTE has started to extort Government servants living in un-cleared areas forcing them to contribute SLR 4000 from their salary to the coffers of the outfit, military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said based on the information from civilians fleeing the un-cleared areas. He also said that civilians living under severe pressure of the LTTE were now fleeing to the cleared areas in large numbers.
Leader of the SLMC, Rauf Hakeem, has reportedly resigned from his recent appointment as the Eastern Province Opposition Leader.

July 10
Seven militants were killed when the troops attacked LTTE camps in the Palamoddai, Navavi, Mundipurippu, Navakkulam, south of Ampandankulam, Illanthaimotai and Nedunkandal areas of Vavuniya district.
The troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the Chandamandankulam, Palaweddumodai, Pallimunai, Uthkamam, Palairaimotai areas of Mannar district and killed seven of them. Eight soldiers sustained injuries during the operation in which they neutralized two bunkers.
Four LTTE militants were killed and 23 others injured by the SFs in the areas north of Janakapura, Uluthuvely and Kiriibbanwewa in the Vavuniya district. Six soldiers were wounded in the incident.
Three civilians, identified as Surendra Kumara, Wasantha Premakumara and Asanka Namal Buddhika from the Wattegama area of Kurunegala district, were shot dead by a ‘pistol gang’ militant of the LTTE in the Kalmunai area of Ampara district.
Government spokesman and Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said that the TMVP leader ‘Colonel’ Karuna Amman will be interrogated only if there is a necessity pertaining to his involvement in the mass killing of over 400 policemen in Muttur in 1990. Earlier, in an interview with Daily Mirror, Karuna had admitted that the policemen were in his custody at the time he was still part of the LTTE but added that they were killed after he handed them over to LTTE intelligence chief Pottu Amman.
The LTTE has expressed readiness for a cease-fire and peace talks with the Sri Lankan Government. The outfit’s political wing leader, B. Nadesan, said in a telephonic interview to Times Now television channel, 'It is the Sri Lankan State that unilaterally abrogated the ceasefire agreement and is unleashing a war against the Tamils in their homeland. We are not against ceasefire or peace talks."

July 11
Army troops, after clashes that lasted for days, took full control of the Nedunkandal town, about 16-km north east of Periyamadu in the Mannar district. The town was an important tactical and administrative location of the LTTE. Troops also captured Navvi, another small town about 15-km northwest of Omanthai in Vavuniya district.
Five LTTE cadres were killed and six others injured in clashes with the troops in the area north of Janakapura in Vavuniya district.
Four civilians, including two women and a 12-year-old child, were killed and 25 others sustained injuries when a group of LTTE militants shot at a bus plying from Moneragala to Kataragma on the Buttala- Kataragma main road.
During an encounter between the two sides the troops killed four LTTE militants in the Wellaveli area of Mannar district.
The troops killed three LTTE militants and injured 11 others in the Maruthamadu, Eelamaruttankulam and Ampandankulam areas of Vavuniya district.

July 12
Four LTTE militants and a soldier were killed during clashes between the two sides in the Navvi area of Vavuniya district. Two soldiers and a militant were injured in these clashes.
SFs killed four LTTE militants and injured 12 others in the Puthukulam area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also injured in incident.
The troops killed four LTTE cadres and injured an equal number of them in the Sannarkulam area of Vavuniya district.
Three LTTE militants were killed and three others injured during clashes with the troops in the Janakapura area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also injured in the incident.
Addressing journalists in Andhra Pradesh during his visit to India, President Mahinda Rajapakse said that his Government was ready to resume talks with the LTTE provided it laid down arms. He said the LTTE should give up terrorist activities and come to the negotiating table in the interest of the nation.

July 13
Seven militants were killed when the troops attacked a LTTE camp northeast of Sulathinakulam in the Mannar district. The troops later recovered the dead bodies of five slain militants along with one T-56 weapon.
The troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the areas north of Janakapura and north of Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district killing seven militants while injuring 26 others.
The SFs opened fire on two LTTE bunkers at Periyavilankulli and Puthukulam in the Mannar district and killed five militants.
The TMVP spokesman, Azath Moulana, denied media reports over a leadership struggle in the party and reaffirmed that ‘Colonel’ Karuna Amman remains the leader of the party. He also said that Pillayan will continue to act as the deputy leader of the party.
Plans are under way to resettle the remaining IDPs in the Eastern Province in their native places in the wake of a peaceful atmosphere prevailing in the province, Resettlement and Disaster Relief Services Minister Rishad Badhiutheen said. Badhiutheen stated that 34,341 IDP families consisting 112,702 persons were resettled in 2007 in Vavunathivu, Vellevely, Vakarai, Pattipola, Chenkalady and Verugal Divisional Secretariat Divisions in the Batticaloa district.

July 14
Environment Minister Champika Ranawake accused that India had given military training to some 29000 Tamil youth and regardless of diplomatic norms had used LTTE terrorism to interfere with the 1984 government.
The LTTE since 2007 has been conscripting boys and girls who had just reached 17 years for war and by now 30 per cent of those recruited with the adults have been killed, stated the University Teachers for Human Rights-Jaffna.
27 LTTE militants were killed and 69 others injured during clashes with the troops in the areas north of Janakapura, Kiriibbanwewa, Ampandankulam, Palampiddi, Navvi, Nithyanagar, Parappakandattan and Puthukulam in Vavuniya and Mannar districts. Four soldiers were also killed while 15 others sustained injuries. The troops also captured one bunker and two trenches.
Three soldiers were killed and another injured in an LTTE-triggered IED explosion in the Kadolana area of Jaffna district.

July 15
28 LTTE cadres were killed and more than 40 others injured by the SFs in the Navakkulam, Maruthamadu and Nedunkandal areas in Vavuniya and Eachalarakkai in Mannar.
20 militants were killed as the Army troops along with the SLAF launched an attack on a LTTE convoy while it was moving along A-32 Mannar-Pooneryn road.
20 militants were killed as the SLAF MI 24 helicopter gun ships neutralised an LTTE camp located north of Vidattaltive area in the Mannar district.
The SFs neutralised an LTTE bunker in the Maruthamadu area of Vavuniya district and killed four militants.
During clashes between the two sides in the areas north of Janakapura and north of Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district, the troops killed four militants and injured 20 others.
The troops captured two LTTE camps in the Ampandankulam and north of Navvi areas in Vavuniya district killing three militants and injuring eight others.
While reaffirming its commitment to resuming peace negotiations with the Government, the LTTE said that it would not disarm before such negotiations took place.

July 16
The troops captured the biggest Sea Tiger base in the North Western coastal town of Vedithalthivu in Mannar for the first time after the early 1990’s. More than 70 to 80 militants were killed during the past few days, the General Officer Commanding of the 58 Division Brigadier Silva said.
12 LTTE militants were killed and 23 others wounded during clashes with the troops in the Periyamaraiillupai, Kattikulam, Pandiyankulam, Palamoddai and north of Navvi areas in Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while another sustained injury in the clashes. Troops also captured three bunkers at north of Navvi and recovered one Global Positions System.
During another clash in the Welioya area of Vavuniya district, the SFs killed eight militants and injured 25 others. While 10 SF personnel were wounded in the incident, the SFs also neutralised two LTTE bunkers.
Three LTTE cadres and two soldiers were killed in an exchange of fire between the two sides at the Vidattaltive jetty in Mannar district. While six soldiers sustained injuries, the SFs recovered two trucks, one canter and a motor bike.

July 17
19 LTTE militants were killed and at least 40 others injured when the troops attacked the outfit’s bunkers in the Thunukkai, Pandiyankulam, Oddankulam, Pallaimadu, Palaiandankulam, Thiravu, north of Janakapura, Kiriibbanwewa, Andankulam and Vellankulam areas in Vavuniya district. While five soldiers were also killed and 10 others injured in IED explosions in these areas, one soldier went missing during the clash in Thunukkai. Troops also neutralised 11 bunkers during the operation.
The TMVP leader ‘Colonel’ Karuna Amman has said that the members of his group no longer need to carry arms as they are totally satisfied with the security given to them by the Government. Karuna also said that he has already discussed with the defence authorities to bring his qualified and willing cadres to the SFs, Police and Home Guards.

July 18
Nine militants were killed and 12 others injured by the SFs during encounters in the areas north of Navvi, Palamoddai and Pandiyankulam in Vavuniya district. Six soldiers sustained injuries in these clashes.
Seven LTTE militants were killed and 27 others injured by the SFs during clashes in the areas north of Janakapura and north of Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district. Four soldiers also sustained injuries in these clashes.
The troops killed three LTTE militants in the areas ahead of the Nagarkovil and Muhamalai FDLs in Jaffna district.
The LTTE had now lost nearly two thirds of its manpower and land area to the SFs, Army Commander Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka said. Fonseka said the LTTE cadres restricted to a small area in the two Northern districts were fighting with the advancing SFs using nearly 200,000 innocent Tamils as a human shield. He also said that the LTTE, which has been severely weakened, was now engaged in recruiting innocent children and Tamil elders to its ranks.
Government defence spokesman Minister Keheliya Rambukwella has said that the next target of the SFs is to liberate Kilinochchi from LTTE clutches. Pointing out that the LTTE is now confined to Kilinochchi, Mullaitivu and a small stretch of land in Vavuniya.

July 19
Eight LTTE militants were killed in an encounter with the troops in the Karawaddivembu and Murunkaiyadippudi areas of the Vavuniya district.
The troops killed five militants and injured 10 others during clashes in the areas north of Andankulam, north of Janakapura and north of Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district. One bunker was also neutralized by the troops in north Kiriibbanwewa.
Three militants were killed when the security forces neutralised a LTTE bunker in the area north of Navvi in Vavuniya district.

July 20
Troops captured the biggest LTTE base at Illuppukadavai, 10-kilometres north of Vedithalthivu, in the Mannar district. 15 militants and one soldier were killed during the clashes that continued for the past two days.
14 LTTE militants were killed and five others injured by the security forces in the areas north of Omanthe, Vedamakilam, Pungantalvamadu, Parappukkal, north of Navvi and Palamoddai in Vavuniya district.
During a clash between the two sides in the Iluppakadaweli area of Mannar district, the troops killed 13 LTTE militants.
The SFs captured five LTTE trench lines in the area north of Navvi in Vavuniya district killing five militants and injured three others.
Five LTTE militants were killed and 18 others injured by the troops in the areas north of Janakapura and north of Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district. Four soldiers sustained injuries in the clashes and IED and APM explosions.
The troops attacked two bunkers of the outfit in the area north of Navvi in Vavuniya district and killed three militants and injuring five others. One soldier sustained injuries in the incident.

July 21
The LTTE announced that they would observe a unilateral cease-fire during the period of the SAARC summit from July 26 to August 4. The outfit’s political wing said in a press statement issued from Wanni that, "As a sign of this goodwill, our movement is glad to inform that it will observe a unilateral cease-fire that is devoid of military actions during the period of the SAARC conference from 26th July to 4th August and give our cooperation for the success of the conference. At the same time if the occupying Sinhala forces, disrespecting our goodwill gesture of our people and our nation, carry out any offensives, our movement will be forced to take defensive actions."
Balasingham Nadesan, chief of the LTTE political wing, has said that peace talks with the Sri Lanka Government are impossible. In an e-mail interview from Kilinochchi, Nadesan, said, "It is impossible to hold peace talks when one party, the Government of Sri Lanka, is undertaking large-scale military offensives."

July 21
24 militants were killed and 15 others injured as the troops launched an attack on LTTE camps in the Murunkaiyadippudi area of Mannar district.
During separate clashes between the two sides in the Kalawilan, Cheddapiddikulam and Pandiyankulam areas in Mannar and Palamoddai, Madam and north of Navvi in Vavuniya, the SFs killed 10 LTTE militants and injured three others. One soldier was also killed and five others were wounded in these clashes.
The troops attacked one LTTE bunker complex in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district and killed four militants and injured four others.
Three LTTE militants were killed by the SFs during an encounter in the Kiriibbanwewa area of Vavuniya district.

July 22
At least 22 Black Tigers were killed when the SLAF fighter jets carried out an air attack in the Mullaitivu area targeting an LTTE training centre in the Udayarkattikkulam area East of Iranamadu. Udayarkattikkulam area is considered as a nerve centre of the outfit in the Mullaitivu district and had been used for special training for its leaders.
12 LTTE militants were killed and about 30 others injured as the SFs launched an attack on the outfit’s Murunkaiyadippudi camp in Mannar district.
The troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the areas north of Janakapura and north of Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district and killed seven of them and injured 22 others.
The SFs killed five LTTE cadres and injured six others in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district. Two soldiers were wounded in the incident.
Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama told Parliament that the Government would not enter into any agreement with the LTTE although they have declared a unilateral cease-fire during the period of the SAARC summit.

July 23
23 LTTE militants were killed and 21 others injured during clashes with the troops in the Eelamaruttankulam, Pungntharumadu and Nauvi areas of Mannar district and north of Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa in the Vavuniya district. While four soldiers were also killed during the clashes in Nauvi and south of Kalvilan, 10 others were injured in these clashes.
The SFs attacked an LTTE bunker in the Kilaly area of Jaffna district and killed three militants.
Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama during a meeting with his Australian counterpart Stephen Smith on the sidelines of the 15th ASEAN Regional Forum in Singapore expressed serious concern over the activities of the LTTE and its front organizations in the Sri Lankan Diaspora in Australia. Citing the ongoing criminal prosecution against three Australians of Sri Lankan origin on charges relating to raising funds for terrorism as well as the recent arrest of another Australian in Melbourne, at the request of the US Federal Bureau of Investigation, as significant steps by Australia to support the global fight against terrorism, Bogollagama urged the Australia to proscribe the LTTE as a terrorist organisation.

July 24
13 LTTE militants were killed and more than 42 others injured during separate encounters with the troops in the Pandiyankulam, Navakkulam, Navvi, north of Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa areas in the Vavuniya district. Three soldiers were killed while 13 others sustained injuries during these encounters.
Information and Media Minister Anura Priyadharshana Yapa said there is no truth in allegations that the Government has stopped air raids on the LTTE facilities.
A vertical dam is being constructed around what is thought to be LTTE chief’s Velupillai Prabhakaran’s bunker in Wanni in order to construct a deep underground railway tunnel, as an escape plan in the event the SFs capture Kilinochchi, intelligence sources told Daily Mirror.

July 24-25
The troops advancing towards the Mullaitivu district captured the Vavunikkulam tank located three-km south of Mallavi Town in the Mullaitivu district on July 24-morning. The troops later repulsed a LTTE counter-attack on the Vavunikkulam tank. "So far the troops have collected 36 Tiger bodies in the Vavunikkulam area killing more than 55 of them during the battle to capture Vavunikkulam tank bund and the subsequent attack to repulse the counter attack by the LTTE to regain control of the area," Brigadier Nanayakkara said. Eight senior LTTE cadres, identified as ‘Lieutenant Colonel’ Pallavan, ‘Major’ Ambumani, Selvakannan, Sellappu, Muhi, Illambu, Sudar and Jenathan, who were at the commanding level of the 'Charles Anthony' brigade in Mannar sector were among the slain militants.

July 25
16 LTTE militants were killed and 10 others injured during clashes with the troops in the Pandiyankalli, north of Oddankulam, Palamoddai and Navvi areas of Vavuniya district. Eight soldiers were also killed while 10 others sustained injuries during these clashes.
Eight militants were killed and 10 others injured by the SFs when clashes erupted between the two sides in the area north of Janakapura area of Vavuniya district.
The Government is firmly committed to a political solution, while it is convinced that military action is necessary to implement an equitable political solution, the Export Development and International Trade Minister Professor G.L. Peiris said.
The visiting European Parliament delegation leader Robert Evans said that the LTTE should disarm and come to the negotiations table for a peaceful solution as terrorism has no place or legacy anywhere in the world.

July 26
The troops killed six LTTE militants during clashes in the Navathkulama and Navvi areas of the Vavuniya district.
Troops confronted several group of LTTE militants in the areas north of Kiriibbanwewa and north of Janakapura in Vavuniya district and killed three of them and injured 10 others.
Three LTTE cadres were killed by the security forces in the Muhamalai and Kilaly areas of Jaffna district.
President Mahinda Rajapakse said that the day on which the oppressed masses of Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu could enjoy the same freedom and the liberty enjoyed by the Eastern polity was not too far away. He also rejected the cease-fire proclaimed unilaterally by the LTTE recently to mark the SAARC summit in Colombo.
Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse told Sunday Island that the LTTE is in disarray. He asserted that they (LTTE) are falling apart like a pack of cards and fleeing for safety leaving behind heavy guns and artillery as never seen before.

July 27
SFs captured the Sugandan base, part of the LTTE’s One-Four base complex in the Mullaitivu jungle. The Sugandan satellite base was a small base which was being used by the LTTE cadres for communications, he added.
Seven LTTE militants were killed in three separate encounters with the troops in the areas north of Navvi, Parappukkal and Kattikulam in Vavuniya district.
Four militants were killed and 13 others sustained injuries when clashes erupted between the two sides in the Ranabapura, Kiriibbanwewa and Ethawatunuwewa areas of Vavuniya district. Two soldiers were killed in mortar fire by the LTTE while five others were wounded in explosions of IEDs and APMs in the area north of Kiriibbanwewa.
The troops attacked two LTTE bunkers in the area north of Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district and killed five militants and injured seven others.
Sri Lanka defence officials said that the LTTE had obtained "a large number of vehicles" belonging to the NPA, an international non-governmental organization operating in the North. The vehicles, including few earth moving vehicles, trucks, jeeps, tractors, and motorbikes, were being used for bunker construction, transporting of LTTE leaders etc. NPA is one of Norway's largest non-governmental organisations, involved in more than 400 projects in 30 countries.

July 28
Nine LTTE militants and three soldiers were killed while more than 25 other militants and six soldiers were injured as clashes erupted between the two sides in the areas north of Janakapura, north of Kokkuthuduvai and north of Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district.
12 militants were killed and five others injured by the SFs during clashes at Adampan Kulam and Iluppakadaweli in the Mannar district.
The troops clashed with militants in the Navathkulama, Vilakkavettikulam, Kuttimulei and north of Navvi areas in the Vavuniya district and killed nine of them and injured four others.

July 29
LTTE militants operating in the Thunukkai and Kavilan areas of Mullaitivu district opened mortar fire towards the troops in the north of Thunukkai and killed two soldiers while injuring three others. In the retaliatory fire, the SFs killed eight militants.
Five LTTE militants were killed while three others were wounded by the SFs as the troops captured an LTTE bunker in the Kalmadu area of Mannar district. One soldier was also killed in the incident.
The SFs neutralised several LTTE camps in the area east of Vellankulam in Mannar district and killed four militants in Adampan Kulam.
In the wake of the intensified military operations and Government forces’ taking control of virtually the entire Mannar district, over a hundred thousand people have evacuated their homes and moved to the heartland of LTTE-controlled Kilinochchi district as displaced refugees, said Tamil media and education ministry sources, adding that about 55 schools in the Wanni region have been closed to accommodate the families. People in Mannar-Kilinochchi and Mannar-Mullaitivu borders are also evacuating their homes and moving as displaced refuges, the sources added. 35 schools in the Mannar Madhu zone and 20 schools in both the Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi districts have been closed.

July 30
While one LTTE bunker was destroyer, at least eight militants were killed and 17 others injured by the troops in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district.
The troops clashed with the LTTE cadres in the Navathkulama, Kattikulam and Vedamakilam areas of Vavuniya district and killed eight of them and injured three others.
The SFs attacked and destroyed a heavily fortified LTTE camp in the north of Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district after a seven-hour long battle killing five militants. Among those killed include one LTTE woman leader, "Lieutenant Colonel" Kadiravani, and "Captain" Vageesan. One soldier sustained injuries in the incident.

July 31
The troops crossed the district borders between Mannar and Kilinochchi at an undisclosed location on the Mannar-Vavuniya combined warfront. 20 LTTE militants and two soldiers were killed in the operation during which the troops established their control over five square kilometers area in Mundampiddy.
The troops attacked an LTTE camp in the Mundampiddy area of Mannar district and killed seven militants.
SFs clashed with LTTE militants in the areas north of Janakapura and north of Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district and killed six of them and injured 10 others.
Five top LTTE militants were killed during clashes with the SFs at Janakapura in the Vavuniya district. Four women cadres, including, "Lieutenant Colonel" Kumaveri Thangeamma, leader of the LTTE’s women’s wing in Mullaitivu, and three of her accomplices, Kanthimani, Pushparani and Magolechchami, were among those killed.
The troops neutralized three LTTE bunkers in the area north of Navvi and another in the Palamoddai area in Vavuniya district. Four militants were reportedly killed in these operations.
Four militants were killed and eight others wounded by the SFs during clashes between the two sides in the Thunukkai area of Mullaitivu district.
The troops captured a stretch of about 1.5-km in the Nachchakuda area on A-32 Mannar-Pooneryn Road.
The LTTE could still wage a protracted low-intensity insurgency with hidden resources despite a military victory over the outfit, a senior foreign ministry official said. "Defeating the LTTE might not be the end of the story because an organisation like this might still have some resources hidden away," Sri Lanka's Foreign Secretary Palitha Kohona told Reuters in an interview. "This might continue to be a problem for us. So the way we are trying to resolve this problem is... by a combination of military and political means," he said. "Our resource base is not that extensive. Our costs will escalate with the recovery of the last two districts in the north," he added.

August 1
15 soldiers and nine militants were killed while 27 militants and 20 soldiers were wounded as clashes erupted between the two sides in the Malawi area of Mullaitivu district.
Seven militants were killed during an encounter between the two sides in the Vellankulam area of Mannar district.
The troops killed eight militants and injured three others in the Navvi and Palamoddai areas of Vavuniya district.
Four militants were killed by the troops in the Paddadmutthukulam and Navathkulama areas of Vavuniya district.
Four LTTE cadres were killed and eight others injured in Kiriibbanwewa and Janakapura areas of Vavuniya district.
The troops killed three militants in the Vellankulam area of Mannar district. Two soldiers were also killed while two others were injured.

August 2
Sri Lanka military captured Vellankulam town, the northernmost town in the Mannar district. At least 30 LTTE militants were killed and the remaining reportedly used sea routes to withdraw. With the capture of Vellankulam, the entire Mannar district came under the control of the security forces for the first time.
Three militants were killed by the troops in the Palamoddai and north of Navvi areas in Vavuniya district.
SFs killed three LTTE cadres and wounded another in the Kalvilan and Malawi areas of the Mullaitivu district.

August 3
Troops attached to the 58th Division advanced further northwards on the Mannar-Pooneryn road after shifting the entire 58th Division into the Kilinochchi district. "At least 15 Tiger cadres were killed in the confrontation that erupted yesterday in the North of Vellankulam," an unnamed senior military official said.
The troops advancing towards the areas north of Vellankulam in Kilinochchi district repulsed LTTE attacks and killed 12 militants and injured 14 others.
SFs killed nine militants and wounded seven others at Vellankulam in Kilinochchi district. Two soldiers were also killed in the incident.
Five militants were killed and two others wounded during encounters between the two sides in the Uttimodai and Kovilan areas of Vavuniya district.
A LTTE makeshift camp on the Iranatheevu islands, about 12-km west of Nachchakuda beach in the Kilinochchi district, was destroyed by the Naval troops. During the raid, Navy destroyed one LTTE boat and killed four militants. Sailors also captured two LTTE boats along with their Out Board Motors, one stretcher, a haul of medical items, two cans full of fuel and a tent.
The SFs confronted LTTE militants in the areas north of Kiriibbanwewa, Andankulam and Ranabapura areas in Vavuniya district and killed three of them and injured 20 others. One soldier was also killed in Ranabapura while another sustained injury in an APM explosion in the north of Kiriibbanwewa.
The SFs killed three LTTE cadres in the area north of Janakapura in Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while another was injured during the incident.
Three soldiers were killed while another sustained injuries in a grenade explosion in the Thanankilappu area of Jaffna district.
30000 persons have been displaced in Wanni due to the fighting and air strikes in the last two months and the region is also experiencing a shortage of medicines and other supplies, the latest UN reports said last week.

August 4
The troops attacked a fortified LTTE camp located north of Vellankulam in the Kilinochchi district and killed five militants while injuring six others. Two soldiers were killed in mortar fire by the LTTE and another was wounded in an APM explosion.

August 4
11 LTTE militants were killed in clashes with the troops in the Thunukkai, south of Kalvilan, Kalaikadu and Vellaimuntai areas in the Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi districts. One soldier was also killed while five others sustained injuries during these clashes.
Seven militants were killed and nine others wounded during clashes with the troops in the Paddikkudiyiruppu, Pullekyarkulam, Navathkulama and Palamoddai areas of Vavuniya district. Among the dead was Kumaran Master, the Pullekyarkulam area leader of the outfit. One soldier was also injured in an anti-personnel mine explosion in the Palamoddai area.
The troops killed six militants and injured 14 others in the areas north of Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district.

August 5
26 militants were killed and more than 73 others injured during clashes with the troops in the Mannar, Vavuniya, Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi districts. Three soldiers were also killed while eight others sustained injuries in these clashes.
The SFs confronted LTTE militants in the areas north of Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district and killed 10 of them and injured 20 others.
Sri Lanka police has asked for public support in tracing a most wanted Black Tiger, identified as Mohammed Amzar Ramzin alias Sannakkiyan. According to the Defence Ministry, he was the mastermind of many civilian massacres, including the bus bombing at Dambulla and the suicide bomb blast that killed over 100 navy personnel at Digampathana.
The LTTE now controls about 4000 sq km or just six percent of Sri Lanka’s land territory, an Indo Asian News Service report quoting Tamil activists and diplomatic sources said. And the population under its control is said to be about 250000 - 1.25 percent of the country’s total. In 2005, the LTTE reportedly controlled a vast area in the north and east.

August 6
Seven LTTE militants were killed and more then 10 others wounded during clashes with the SFs in the area north of Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district. One soldier died in an IED explosion in the same area.
The troops clashed with LTTE militants in the area north of Janakapura in Vavuniya district and killed five militants and injured 18 others.
Troops attacked the Muhamalai FDL of the LTTE in the Jaffna district from seven different flanks killing at least five militants and injuring 25 others. Three soldiers were injured in APM explosions in the area.
Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse said that denying the LTTE access to INGOs and NGOs material was a critical element in Government’s efforts to destroy the terrorist group.
Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake while submitting the proposal to extend emergency said that 106 security force personnel and 24 civilians were killed during the past month. The Parliament extended emergency regulations for another month.

August 7
Nine LTTE militants were killed and at least 22 others injured during clashes with the troops in the Andankulam and Kiriibbanwewa areas of Vavuniya district. Four soldiers were also killed while 16 others sustained injuries in these incidents.
The SFs clashed with LTTE militants in the north of Janakapura in Vavuniya district and killed four militants while wounding six others. One soldier was killed and another was injured during the clashes.

August 8
15 militants were killed during clashes with the troops in the Thennayankuma area of Mullaitivu district.
The SFs killed five militants in the Thennayankuma and Malawi areas of the Mullaitivu district. Three soldiers were also killed while eight others were wounded in the incident.
The troops captured two LTTE bunkers killing six militants and wounding 18 others in the Andankulam, north of Kiriibbanwewa and Kokkuthuduvai areas of Vavuniya district.
SFs killed five LTTE cadres and injured another during clashes in the Kallamparawa, Adampan Kulam and Palamodaikulam areas of Kilinochchi district.

August 9
During clashes between the two sides in the Palamoddai, Nadunkulam and Navathkulama areas of Vavuniya district, the troops killed 16 militants and injured 10 others.
The SFs killed four militants and injured 14 others in the areas north of Janakapura and Andankulam areas in Vavuniya district.

August 10
15 LTTE militants were killed and 13 others injured by the SFs in an encounter between the two sides in the area south of Nayaru lagoon in Mullaitivu district. During subsequent search operations, the SFs recovered the dead bodies of seven militants, including four of the Imran Pandiyan Group and three of the Sea Tigers.
The troops opened fire on LTTE positions ahead of the Kilaly FDL in Jaffna district and killed 15 militants.
Eight LTTE cadres were killed as the SFs captured an LTTE bunker complex with trenches that intercommoned each bunker in the area north of Navvi in Vavuniya district.
The troops clashed with LTTE militants in the areas north of Janakapura and Andankulam in Vavuniya district and killed seven of them and injured at least 15 others. One soldier was also killed while three others were injured.
During an encounter between the two sides in the Kariyalanmodai area of Kilinochchi district, the SFs killed seven militants.
The troops killed four militants in the Kunchankulam area of Kilinochchi district.
Three LTTE cadres were killed by the troops as clashes erupted between the two sides in the Kopavitchanulam area of Vavuniya district.

August 11
Six LTTE militants were killed and four others wounded by the SFs during clashes in the Kariyalanmodai area of Kilinochchi district. Two soldiers were also killed while eight others sustained injuries in the in incident.
The SFs in an encounter killed five LTTE cadres and injured four others in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district.
The troops observed an LTTE boat movement in the seas off Adampan Kulam in Kilinochchi district and opened fire on the flotilla of about six boats completely destroying one boat while severely damaging the others. In the ensuing exchange of fire, the troops killed three militants while the militant’s counter fire killed one soldier.
The troops confronted LTTE militants in the Koliyankulam area in Vavuniya district and killed three of them.
The troops captured the Kalekuda Jetty, about two-kms north of the Mannar-Kilinochchi district boundary. The jetty reportedly used by the LTTE to facilitate their sea movement and smuggling, gives an adequate view of the outfit’s Nachchakuda Sea Tiger base, located about two-kms northwards.

August 12
The SFs killed six LTTE cadres and injured eight others in the Vedamakilam, Navakkulam and Palamoddai areas of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also injured during these clashes.
The troops during separate encounters in the Janakapura north, Andankulam and Kiriibbanwewa north areas in Vavuniya district killed three militants and injured 26 others. One soldier was also killed while seven others sustained injuries in LTTE-triggered IED explosions and mortar fire.
Two soldiers and a militant were killed when clashes erupted between the two sides in the Kidipidittankulam and Kalvilan areas, east of Vavunikkulam in Mullaitivu district. Three more militants and an equal number of soldiers sustained injuries in these clashes.
The troops captured two LTTE bunkers in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district killing three militants and injuring six others.
Army Commander Lt. General Sarath Fonseka refuted allegations by the LTTE that civilians in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu are getting killed and injured due to the shelling of the SFs.
The Jane’s Intelligence Report said in its August issue that the LTTE's annual income is "between $200-300 million making it the second biggest income generating terrorist organisation in the world."
The founder of the TMVP, ‘Colonel’ Karuna Amman, said that military defeat is inevitable for the LTTE as it does not have a proper commander. He also warned that the LTTE may use chemical weapons as their last resort. He confirmed that the outfit has the weapons but said he was not aware about the exact substance used.
Rejecting the opposition United National Party’s claim that the Government was holding secret talks with the LTTE, Government Defence Spokesman Minister Keheliya Rambukwella told a media briefing in Colombo, "The Government will never go for peace talks unless the LTTE lays down arms since in our experience the LTTE usually come for peace talks or offers a ceasefire only when they are cornered."
Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse said the Army is on target to capture Kilinochchi town in the next four months.
India has warned Sri Lanka that it may not be able to win an ongoing war against the LTTE despite recent military gains.

August 13
The troops captured Mulankavil, the second most powerful administrative base for the LTTE in the Kilinochchi district. 20 militants, including one area leader identified as Thennaman, were killed during the incident.
Troops attached to the 57 Division captured Kalvilan village in Mullaitivu district after two days of fighting. According to sources, more than 30 militants were killed as troops repulsed six counter attacks of the LTTE to foil the advance of the troops into the village.
Seven LTTE militants were killed and 13 others injured during clashes with the troops in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district.
The SFs captured one LTTE bunker and two trench lines in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district killing four militants while injuring seven others.

August 14
35 LTTE militants and two soldiers were killed while 48 militants and 10 soldiers sustained injuries during clashes between the two sides at places north of Janakapura, Kiriibbanwewa, Panikkamadammadu, Kalaikadu, Poddimodikulam, Komankulam, Palamoddai, Navathkulama and north of Kalvilan in the Vavuniya, Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi districts.
In the encounter at Palamoddai in Vavuniya district, the SFs captured four bunkers and one 81-mm mortar point killing nine militants and injuring 10 others.
Nine militants were killed by the troops in the area north of Janakapura in Vavuniya district.

August 15
Nine LTTE militants and a soldier were killed as clashes erupted between the two sides in the Nachchakuda and Panikkamadammadu areas of Kilinochchi district.
The SFs attacked several LTTE hideouts in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district killing seven militants and injuring six others.
The SFs in separate encounters at Andankulam and Kokkuthuduvai in Vavuniya district killed three LTTE cadres and injured 16 others. Four soldiers were also injured in an IED explosion.

August 16
The troops captured LTTE’s ‘Jeevan Base’, a large underground training facility of the outfit, in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district at around 4.30 pm (SLST), the Defence Ministry said.
Five militants and four soldiers were killed as clashes erupted between the two sides in the areas south of Thunukkai and Malawi in Mullaitivu district. 11 militants and four soldiers sustained injuries in these clashes.
The troops captured an LTTE bunker in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district killing six militants and injuring another. One soldier was also injured during the exchange of fire.
Four more militants were killed in an encounter with the troops in the Kariyalanmodai area of Kilinochchi district. One soldier was killed and two others were wounded in the incident.
During an encounter in the in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district, the SFs killed two militants and injured four others. Two soldiers were also killed while three others were wounded.

August 17
23 LTTE militants and four soldiers were killed and more than 46 militants and four soldiers were injured as clashes erupted between the two sides at several places in the Mullaitivu, Kilinochchi and Vavuniya districts.
The SFs attacked several LTTE camps in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district killing seven militants and injuring nine others. One soldier sustained injuries in an APM explosion in the same area.
The troops neutralised three fortified LTTE bunkers in the Nachchakuda area of Kilinochchi and killed six militants and wounded 13 others. Two soldiers were also killed while 11 others sustained injuries in the incident. Elsewhere, a soldier was injured in the explosion of an LTTE laid booby trap in the Mundampiddy area.
The SFs killed four militants and injured five others in the Uyilankulam area of Mullaitivu district. Two soldiers were also killed while four others sustained injuries in this incident.
Six militants were killed and 19 others sustained injuries during separate encounters with the troops in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district. Four soldiers were also killed during these clashes.

August 18
President Mahinda Rajapakse asserted that after the lapse of a prolonged period of absolute tolerance and patience and failed negotiations with the LTTE, his Government eventually responded in the language best understood by the terrorists with the strong resolve of not turning back until the very last terrorist is captured.
Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake has predicted that the LTTE’s stronghold might be captured by the military before the two Provincial Council - North Central Provincial Council and the Sabaragamuwa Provincial Council – polls scheduled to be held on August 23.
The military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara called on the LTTE cadres to surrender giving up their arms and said action would be taken to rehabilitate them.
33 LTTE militants were killed and more than 16 others injured during clashes with the SFs in the Nachchakuda, Navakkulam, Palamoddai, Uyilankulam, Sinnapuliyanperumal, Andankulam, Kokkuthuduvai and Vannavikulam areas of the Vavuniya, Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi districts. Two soldiers were also killed while six others sustained injuries during the clashes at Nachchakuda, Vannavikulam, Andankulam and Kokkuthuduvai.
Three soldiers were killed and another was wounded in an LTTE mortar attack in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district.
The LTTE tacitly admitted they were losing ground in the face of a major military offensive by warning that thousands of civilians in the north were at risk. In their first public acknowledgement that Government forces were moving deeper into areas previously held by them, the outfit said civilians have had to move several times because of the military onslaught. More than 112000 people have been displaced in the past two months by heavy fighting between the militants and troops, aid agencies said last week.
The Free Media Movement alleged that a TMVP supporter threatened journalist Thakshila Jayasena from the BBC Sandeshaya when he was covering a protest campaign by the main opposition United National Party.

August 19
21 LTTE militants and two soldiers were killed while 23 soldiers sustained injuries as clashes erupted between the two sides in the areas south and east of Vannavikulam, west of Thunukkai, south of Malawi and Andankulam in the Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts.
The troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the Palamoddai and Vedamakilam areas of Vavuniya district and killed four of them.

August 20
Six LTTE cadres were killed in clashes with the security forces in the Konakkarankulam and Palamoddai areas of Vavuniya district.
The Sri Lankan Government has urged the international community to put pressure on the LTTE to allow civilians to leave the conflict zones to safety. A Government statement said the LTTE was preventing thousands of families from moving to safer areas by imposing a strict pass system. In some instances, the outfit is reportedly forcing people to stay behind to ensure the return of other members of their families.

August 21
Six militants and two soldiers were killed while nine militants and seven soldiers sustained injuries as clashes erupted between the twos sides in the Vanarakulam area of Kilinochchi district.
The SFs clashed with a group of LTTE militants in the Thunukkai and south of Malawi areas in the west Mullaitivu and killed six militants. One soldier was also killed while two others were wounded in LTTE mortar fire and explosions of anti-personnel mines.
Five militants were killed during clashes between the two sides in the Nachchakuda and Palamoddai areas of Kilinochchi and Vavuniya districts. A soldier was also killed during the fighting in Palamoddai area.
The SFs killed five LTTE cadres and wounded 22 others during separate clashes in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district.
Troops entered the Thunukkai town in the Mullaitivu district, west of the Jaffna-Kandy A-9 road. Thunukkai is reportedly an alternative hideout of the outfit’s chief Velupillai Prabhakaran.
The Colombo High Court Judge, Kumuduni Wickramasinghe, reissued notice to four suspects, including LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran, in connection with the assassination of the former Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar.

August 22
Troops captured Thunukkai, the second most important administrative hub of the LTTE, taking the Forward Defences of the ground troops’ just 12-kilometres south of Kilinochchi, after capturing Uyilankulam, located eight kilometers north of Thunukkai. At least 20 militants and five soldiers were killed during the two days of clashes in Thunukkai.
The SFs captured three LTTE trenches killing seven militants and wounding 17 others in the north of Palamoddai in Vavuniya district.
The troops clashed with the LTTE militants and killed three of them while injuring three others in the north of Palamoddai in Vavuniya district.
The SFs killed five militants and wounded 20 others in two separate attacks in the Anandankulam area of Vavuniya district.
Five militants were killed and nine others sustained injuries during clashes with the troops in the areas south of Malawi, Uyilankulam and Thunukkai in Mullaitivu district. Seven soldiers were also wounded in the incident.
During another clash between the Army and the LTTE militants in the Aithimundai and Maniarkulam areas, the SFs killed four militants while three soldiers got wounded in the fighting.
The Government accused the LTTE of conscripting civilians to fight the troops advancing into the outfit controlled areas as their numbers dwindle due to the fighting.

August 23
11 LTTE militants were killed and nine others injured during an encounter with the SFs in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district.
The troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the Ranabapura and Janakapura areas of Vavuniya district and killed five of them.
Five more LTTE cadres were killed as the troops neutralised two bunkers in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district.
The SFs killed five militants in an encounter in the Vedamakilam area of Kilinochchi district.
The troops neutralised a LTTE bunker in the Vedamakilam area of Vavuniya district killing four militants.

August 24
12 LTTE militants were killed and 12 others were wounded during clashes with the Army in the east of Tunukkai, Vannarikulam, Palamoddai, Andankulam, north of Kiriibbanwewa and other areas of Kilinochchi and Vavuniya districts.

August 25
Eight militants were killed and 11 others injured as the troops captured another 800m long stretch of land under their control from the Tannimurippukulam tank bund, about 9.5-km to the north East of Nedunkerni in Kilinochchi district.
The SFs neutralised an LTTE bunker line in the Vannavikulam area of Kilinochchi district killing six militants and injuring four others. One soldier was also killed while seven others sustained injuries.
Four soldiers were killed and a similar number of them wounded when the LTTE militants opened mortar fire from the east of Thunukkai and also from the Ariyamadu area towards the troops to the west of Mullaitivu town centre.

August 26
17 militants were killed and 60 others injured during clashes with the SFs in the Koliyankulam, Navakkulam, Andankulam, Nitthikaikulam and Palamoddai areas of Vavuniya district, Alankulam in the Mullaitivu district and Wannarikulam in Kilinochchi district. Two soldiers were also killed while 16 others sustained injuries in LTTE mortar fire and explosions of anti-personnel mines and booby traps during the fighting in these areas.
The troops clashed with LTTE militants in the Kilali, Puthur and Therankandal areas of Jaffna district and killed 10 of them.
Using a small aircraft, the LTTE dropped two improvised bombs on Trincomalee naval base on August 26-night. The Defence Ministry said the LTTE launched the air raid on the naval camp at about 9:15 pm (SLST). Naval sources, confirming the attack, said the raid caused minor damages and added that one bomb out of the two dropped failed to explode. 10 sailors were injured in the attack.

August 27
11 LTTE cadres were killed and 13 others injured during an encounter with the SFs in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed in an improvised explosive device explosion while two others sustained injuries during the fighting and explosions of anti-personnel mines.
The SFs neutralised three LTTE trench lines in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district killing five militants and wounding seven others.

August 28
Troops captured the strategic Palamoddai town, six kilometers northwest of the Omanthai entry exit point in the Vavuniya district.
The troops also captured Uluththuveli area in the Mullaitivu district.
19 militants and four soldiers were killed while 32 persons were injured during clashes between the two sides in the east of Thunukkai, Alankulam and areas about two kilometers to the east of Nachchakuda in Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts. Troops later captured the Alankulam area.
18 LTTE militants were killed and five others injured during clashes with the SFs in the Vavunikkulam, Nitthikaikulam and Andankulam areas in Mullaitivu and Vavuniya districts. One soldier was also killed while 19 others sustained injuries during these clashes.
The SFs clashed with LTTE militants in the Palamoddai and Navakkulam areas of Vavuniya district killing at least 15 of them.
Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse said that civilians in areas where military operations are going on are being urged to come to cleared areas as the Government’s main concern is to protect them.

August 29
Eight militants were killed as clashes erupted between the two sides in the Vannavikulam area of Kilinochchi district. Four more soldiers and at least three militants sustained injuries in the incident.
Five LTTE cadres were killed and three others were wounded during clashes with the SFs in the area north of Palamoddai in Vavuniya district.
The troops killed four militants and wounded 14 others during separate encounters in the Andankulam and Kokkuthuduvai areas of Vavuniya district.

August 30
Nine militants were killed and five others injured by the SFs as clashes erupted between the two sides in the Vannavikulam, Kariyalanmodai and Nachchakuda areas of Kilinochchi district.
Four LTTE cadres were killed while six others sustained injuries during an encounter with the troops in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district.
LTTE militants opened mortar fire towards SFs in the Malawi area of Mullaitivu district killing three soldiers and injuring nine others.
Three SF personnel were killed and four others injured when the LTTE militants fired mortars towards the troops at Konketiyawa in the Vavuniya district.
The troops, during separate encounters in the Navakkulam and north of Palamoddai areas in Vavuniya district, killed three LTTE cadres.
48 persons, including two children and seven women, were injured in an LTTE-triggered parcel bomb explosion at the Bo-Tree Junction in the Pettah area of capital Colombo.

August 31
The troops clashed with LTTE militants in the Andankulam and north of Kokkuthuduvai areas in Vavuniya district killing at least 16 of them and injuring 19 others. Two soldiers were also killed and five soldiers sustained injuries in this incident.
During an encounter in the Vannavikulam area of Kilinochchi district, the SFs killed seven militants and wounded nine others. Three soldiers were also killed while 16 others sustained injuries in theses clashes.
The troops killed 10 militants during a clash at Konketiyawa in the Padaviya area of Vavuniya district.

September 1
Troops captured the strategically important Malawi town on September 1-afternoon, military sources said. Malawi, one of the main administrative hubs of the LTTE where they kept many of their foreign visitors arriving in the Wanni to meet their leaders, is located surrounding the ninth mile post on the Mankulam- Vellankulam road which links the Jaffna Kandy A-9 road and the Mannar- Pooneryn A-32 road. Malawi reportedly has a hospital, banks and a massive bakery complex which can make 5000 loaves of bread at once.
18 LTTE militants were killed and more than 21 others injured during clashes with the troops in the areas north of Palamoddai and Navakkulam in Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while the troops recovered the dead bodies of five slain militants along with three T-56 weapons and one communication set.
BBC reports that civilians living in LTTE-held areas were urged by the outfit to build bunkers. The leaflets said, "No houses should be without bunkers. Be it road junctions, play grounds, schools, business establishments, offices- in all places bunkers should be constructed as Safety Mechanisms."
The Government announced the Ministry of Defence had taken "swift measures to establish a safe corridor" to enable passage of civilians in the LTTE-held territory in the north.
Eight LTTE cadres were killed and 23 others sustained injuries during clashes with the troops in the Andankulam and north of Kokkuthuduvai areas in Vavuniya district. Three soldiers were wounded in these clashes.
The troops neutralised three LTTE trench lines in the areas north of Palamoddai, Navathkulama and Kottakkarankulam areas in the Vavuniya district killing seven militants and injuring nine others. One soldier was also killed while the troops recovered two T-56 weapons from the incident site.

September 2
At least 44 LTTE militants were killed and more than 100 others injured during two days of clashes between the troops and militants in the Malawi area in Mullaitivu district. Three soldiers were also killed while 18 others sustained injuries during these clashes. The troops which according to earlier reports had captured the Malawi town on September 1 took full control of the Malawi area on September 2.
At least 17 militants were killed while 18 others sustained injuries during clashes with the troops in the Nachchakuda and Kunchankulam areas of Kilinochchi district. Five soldiers were also killed while 17 others were wounded. One T-56 weapon, one anti tank mine, twelve booby traps and thirty APMs were recovered from the possession of slain militants.
During another encounter between the two sides in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district, the SFs killed 19 militants and injured 23 others. One soldier was also killed while another sustained injuries in the incident.
10 LTTE militants were killed and 13 others wounded as the troops captured about 400-meters of land at Terankandal in the Akkarayankulam area of Kilinochchi district neutralising an LTTE bunker line. 31 soldiers sustained injuries during these clashes.
The troops killed six more militants and injured 11 others in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district.
Troops recovered 12 dead bodies of militants from Padaviya and five dead bodies from Palamoddai in the Vavuniya district, two dead bodies from Trincomalee district and one dead body from the Malawi area in Mullaitivu district.

September 3
The SFs killed 22 militants, including one LTTE intelligence leader identified as ‘Lieutenant Colonel’ Neelavan, in the Vannavikulam area of Kilinochchi district.
19 partly disfigured and decomposed corpses of soldiers delivered to the ICRC officials by the LTTE in the Mullaitivu district was received by the Army authorities serving Omanthai Entry/Exit point in the Vavuniya district. Of them, seven dead bodies have been so far identified as those of the soldiers who had gone missing in the Nachchakuda area of Kilinochchi district on after heavy fighting on September 2.
Eight more militants were killed in the Palamoddai and Navakkulam areas of Vavuniya district.
Three militants were killed in two separate encounters with the troops in the Nagarkovil and Muhamalai areas of Jaffna district.
While acknowledging Sri Lankan Government's efforts to improve the freedom of movement of civilians affected by the fighting in the north, the UN officials in Sri Lanka urged the LTTE to allow the civilians to leave the battle fields for safety. The UN Country Team in Sri Lanka said they have "raised with the LTTE its urgent concern that civilians be allowed maximum freedom of movement of all times." A recent UN IASC report estimates that 74,119 individuals (18,970 families) have been displaced since June due to the fighting in the north-west. UN officials said the displaced have moved into Kilinochchi district which is still under LTTE control. The IASC report stated that there were 134868 individuals (35,353 families) displaced in the district, and more than 160000 Internally Displaced Persons in the central-north area, the Wanni, controlled by the LTTE.

September 4
At least 18 LTTE militants were killed and three others wounded during clashes with the troops in the Vannavikulam, Andankulam and Akkarayannagar areas of the Kilinochchi and Vavuniya districts.
11 more partly disfigured and decomposed corpses of soldiers delivered to the ICRC officials by the LTTE was received by the Army authorities serving Omanthai Entry/Exit point in the Vavuniya district.
At least nine militants and a soldier were killed as clashes erupted between the two sides in the Akkarayankulam, Mannikkandannadu, Vannavikulam and adjoining areas of Kilinochchi district. Nine more militants and six soldiers were wounded during these clashes.
The troops confronted a group of seven militants in the Vedamakilam area of Vavuniya district killing five of them.
The troops eliminated five LTTE cadres during an encounter in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed during the incident.
Four militants and a soldier were killed while five militants got wounded during clashes in the Andankulam and Kurundankulam areas of Vavuniya district.
The troops repulsed an LTTE attack in the Mannikkandannadu area of Kilinochchi district killing four militants while injuring nine others. Three soldiers also received injuries during the fighting.
During another encounter in the Akkarayankulam area of Vavuniya district the troops killed four LTTE militants.
The SFs attacked three LTTE bunkers ahead of the Muhamalai FDL in the Jaffna district and killed three militants while injuring at least six others.
President Mahinda Rajapakse asserted that his Government would shortly move towards establishing the ninth Provincial Council. "When we came into power there were only seven Provincial Councils functioning in the country. We have now increased it up to eight. We would establish the ninth Provincial Council shortly," the President said after he swore in the Chief Ministers for the North Central and Sabaragamuwa Provinces at a ceremony at the Presidential Secretariat. He also said: "We held the Eastern Provincial Council election and a Chief Minister for the East was elected. Similarly we would set up the Northern Provincial Council shortly."

September 5
At least 14 LTTE militants were killed during confrontations with the troops in the Thalikkulam, Vedamakilam and North of Palamoddai areas in the Vavuniya district. Troops later recovered the dead bodies of six slain militants along with four T-56 weapons and two bicycles from the Thalikkulam area.
Eight militants were killed and 13 others injured in clashes with the troops in the Andankulam and north of Kiriibbanwewa areas in the Vavuniya district. The SFs also neutralised an LTTE bunker, one communicative trench line, one mortar location and recovered two hand grenades, 150 T-56 ammunition and 550 MPMG ammunition after the clashes.
Three members of the TCHR, a pro-LTTE Non Governmental Organisation were evicted from the 61st Annual UNESCO Conference of DPI/NGO at the UNESCO headquarters in Paris \. The UNESCO conference authorities cancelled the registration of the three members - S.V.Kirubahar, Director TCHR, France, Mrs Deirdre McConnel Kirubahara, Director TCHR, UK and J. Jean-Marie, Program Officer, TCHR, Paris – who had registered as participants submitting false information to the Department of Public Information of UNESCO and the DPI/NGO Conference Secretariat in Paris and New York.

September 6
At least five LTTE militants were killed and another injured during encounters with the troops in the area north from Palamoddai in Vavuniya district. Two soldiers were also killed in the LTTE mortar fire while another was injured in an APM explosion during the clashes.
The Foreign Affairs Minister Rohitha Bogollagama said that the Sri Lankan Government will "find only a political solution to a political issue," and its military engagement was "purely as a means towards eliminating terrorism."

September 7
11 LTTE militants were killed and at least six others injured by the troops as clashes erupted between the two sides in the Periyamadu, east of Nachchakuda and Vannavikulam areas in Vavuniya and Kilinochchi districts. Four soldiers sustained injuries due to mortar fire and activation of an LTTE APM in these areas.
Eight more militants were killed and 15 others injured during separate clashes between the two sides in the Andankulam and north of Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district. Four soldiers also sustained injuries during these clashes.
The SFs killed three militants and inured four others in the area north of Palamoddai in the Vavuniya district and captured two trench lines.
The Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse has said that the change in the strategy of the Sri Lankan Army along with accurate Intelligence inputs have led the island nation to advance into the LTTE stronghold in northern areas.
Foreign Ministry Secretary Dr. Palitha Kohona stressed the need to end fundraising and propaganda capacity of the LTTE and its fronts in the West. "At a time Sri Lanka is engaged in the arduous task of putting an end to terrorism in the north of the country, it was vital to also end the capacity of the LTTE and its front organizations to raise funds and engage in propaganda in Western countries," the Foreign Ministry said quoting Kohona.

September 8
Troops killed 10 militants while injuring nine others as clashes erupted between the two sides in the Nachchakuda, Tambalamunai, Panisaikundumadu and Vannavikulam areas of Kilinochchi district to the west of the A-9 road.
Six more militants were killed while six others received injuring in a separate clash with the troops in the Uluththuveli and Andankulam areas of Vavuniya district.
The SFs neutralised an unspecified number of LTTE bunkers in the areas north of Palamoddai, Navathkulama and Kompuwennakulam areas of Vavuniya district killing three militants while injuring four others.

September 9
The Sri Lanka military said that the combined air and artillery attack by LTTE over Vavuniya in the pre dawn hours killed 21 combatants on both sides. Preliminary reports said the abortive ground artillery attack on the Wanni SF’s Headquarters Complex in Vavuniya killed 10 Army soldiers and one Police constable. While seven airmen, nine Police constables and one civilian also sustained injuries as a result of exchange of heavy fire, the troops have so far recovered 10 bodies of militants, including five female cadres. Simultaneously, two LTTE aircrafts providing support to the artillery attack dropped two bombs which missed their intended target falling on the office area failing to cause much damage. Meanwhile, the SLAF fighter jets which had taken off from Katunayake Air Base intercepted the two fleeing aircrafts and shot one down.
10 LTTE militants were killed and more than 20 others injured during confrontations with the troops in the areas north of Rumulamunai, Vannavikulam, Kariyalanmodai and Ranaikandanamadu in the Kilinochchi district.
Four cadres of the LTTE were killed and five others wounded in clashes with the SFs in the Navakkulam and north of Palamoddai areas in the Vavuniya district.
The troops killed three militants and injured three others in the Uluththuveli and Anandankulam areas of Vavuniya district.

September 10
Five LTTE cadres were killed and at least three others injured in clashes with the troops in the Akkarayankulam and Maniarkulam areas closer to the Kilinochchi-Mullaitivu districts boarders. Seven soldiers also sustained injuries during these clashes and explosion of an APM.
The troops killed five more militants during confrontations in the Vedamakilam and north of Palamoddai areas in the Vavuniya district.
The SFs eliminated four LTTE cadres and wounded 10 others in an encounter in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district. Three soldiers also sustained injuries in LTTE mortar fire and explosion of an APM.
According a report by the IASC there are at least 160000 IDPs in the Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi districts, which are under LTTE control.

September 11
At least 19 LTTE militants were killed and five others wounded during clashes with the troops in the Akkarayankulam, Kariyalanmodai, Manirasakulam, Vannavikulam and Pannaikanthakadu areas of Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts. While one soldier was killed during confrontation at Pannaikanthakadu, eight other soldiers reportedly got injured in confrontations in Kilinochchi district.
SFs killed 14 LTTE militants, including seven women cadres, during confrontations in the Vavuniya district.
The troops eliminated 10 more militants and wounded eight during separate clashes in the Vedamakilam and north of Palamoddai areas in the Vavuniya district.
Seven civilians, who had gone for cultivation work and collecting firewood, were killed by the LTTE militants at Ethimale village in the Kotiyagala area close to the Ampara-Moneragala district borders. While four of them were killed using T-56 weapons from a certain distance, the other three aboard a tractor, were shot dead with pistol at a close range.
Six more militants were killed and two others received injuries in an encounter with the SFs in the area south of Nayaru in Kilinochchi district.
The troops confronted with the LTTE militants in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district and killed four militants. Two soldiers also sustained injuries in the clashes.

September 12
Eight militants were killed and nine others injured during separate clashes with the security forces in the Vedamakilam, north of Palamoddai, north of Janakapura, Andankulam and Perankulam in the Vavuniya district and Akkarayankulam, Nachchakuda, Vannavikulam and Vanneikandamadu in the Kilinochchi district. One soldier was also killed while nine others got injured in LTTE mortar fire and explosion of anti-personnel mines.

September 13
At least 19 LTTE militants were killed and more than 20 others injured during clashes with the troops in the Akkarayankulam, Vannavikulam and Nachchakuda areas of Kilinochchi district and Andankulam in the Vavuniya district. One soldier was also injured in the confrontation at Nachchakuda.
Eight militants were eliminated by the SFs during encounters in the Navakkulam, Mamaduwa and north of Palamoddai areas in the Vavuniya district. Troops alter recovered the dead body of the terrorist killed in Mamaduwa along with two hand grenades.

September 14
The SFs confronted with the militants at Andankulam and Tannimurippukulam in the Vavuniya district killing eight LTTE cadres while injuring at least 19 others. One soldier was injured in an IED explosion in Andankulam.
Six more militants were killed in clashes with the troops in the Navakkulam and north of Palamoddai areas of Vavuniya district.
The SFs neutralized one LTTE bunker at Vannavikulam in the Kilinochchi district killing three militants while injuring two others.
Three more militants were killed and two others injured in an encounter in the Vannavikulam area of Kilinochchi district. 12 soldiers also sustained injuries in confrontations and IEDs explosions in the area.
The Sri Lanka Army chief Sarath Fonseka reportedly told his senior officers that about 11000 LTTE cadres have been killed since the military launched its campaign to secure the Mavil Aru anicut in July 2006.
Police spokesman, Ranjith Gunasekara, has said the government has no intention of sending back civilians, who have entered Colombo to escape from the north and east conflict.

September 15
At least 18 LTTE militants were killed as the troops of the 57 Division operating on the Vavuniya front advanced six-kms east of Akkarayankulam tank in the Kilinochchi district further closing towards the Jaffna Kandy A-9 road from the north of Kokkali, said Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara. Three soldiers were killed and nine soldiers injured during these confrontations.
The UN Office of the Resident Humanitarian Coordinator for Sri Lanka has decided to relocate its offices in Vavuniya. According to UN, assurances has received from the LTTE that UN and humanitarian agency staff remaining in Kilinochchi will be allowed to leave, with safe passage provided to Omanthai entry/exit point, into government controlled areas of Sri Lanka.
Nine LTTE militants were killed and seven others injured during confrontations with the troops in the Kaliyalamunai, Nachchakuda, Vannavikulam and Pannaikandamdu areas of Kilinochchi district. Two soldiers were also injured in these clashes.
Troops confronted with the LTTE militants in the Navakkulam and north of Palamoddai areas in the Vavuniya district and killed six militants while injuring two others. Three soldiers were also injured in LTTE mortar firing during the fighting.
President Mahinda Rajapakse said troops were on track to capture the outfit’s political capital in Kilinochchi by the end of the year. Ruling out a future cease-fire with the LTTE he vowed to "finish the war as soon as possible".
The President further said that his Government will seriously consider any request from India to hand over the LTTE leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran when he is captured.

September 16
The SFs during separate encounters in the Palamoddai, North of Palamoddai and Vedamakilam areas of Vavuniya district killed 11 LTTE militants. One soldier also received injuries when the LTTE militants triggered an APM explosion.
Eight more militants were killed and 14 others wounded in encounters between the two sides in the areas east of Akkarayankulam and Vannavikulam in the Kilinochchi district. One soldier received injuries in the Akkarayankulam area. The SFs captured one bunker following those confrontations.
The Government has reportedly put its health authorities on alert in order to face any possible chemical attack by the LTTE during the fighting in the North, informed sources said.
The government is seeking the assistance of the people to prevent terrorist activities in the southern part of the country.
Sri Lanka has said that adopting a legislation by the United States would enable it to prosecute foreign military leaders who recruit child soldiers.

September 17
At least 25 LTTE militants and four soldiers were killed while about 25 militants and 14 soldiers were injured as troops captured a 1.5-kilometres stretch of the huge earth bund at Karampaikkulam, eight kilometers northeast of Nachchakuda, in the Kilinochchi district.
Troops operating east of Akkarayankulam foiled three counter attacks by the LTTE to capture the area under the security forces since September 15, killing at least 15 LTTE cadres. Troops are now operating just one kilometre west of the A-9 road in the Murikkandal area and 5.5 kilometres south of Kilinochchi.
The SFs during six separate clashes in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district killed 12 militants. One soldier was also injured in an APM explosion during the fighting.
Five LTTE cadres were killed and 24 others injured in an encounter with SFs in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed and four others injured in the LTTE mortar fire and explosion of an APM during the clashes. Also, the troops overran a well-fortified LTTE camp that had four bunkers, one drinking-water well and a mortar pit in the same area after the militants abandoned the camp and fled.
Three more LTTE militants were killed and another injured in confrontations with the troops in two separate incidents at Navakkulam and Konakkarankulam areas of Vavuniya district.
The LTTE have used CS gas to attack Sri Lankan soldiers recently in the battlefronts of Wanni region, the MCNS said. However, the Army is fully equipped and well geared up to face any unacceptable ‘chemical or gas attacks of the enemy,’ MCNS added.
Army Commander Lt. General Sarath Fonseka told Daily News that SFs operating in Wanni region are ready to face any type of gas attacks by the LTTE as they have been equipped with gas masks to face such situations.
The security authorities have decided to hold a special census on the people now living in the Western Province after fleeing the LTTE-held areas.

September 18
At least 25 Sea Tigers, cadres of the sea wing of the LTTE, were killed and 10 Sea Tiger boats, including three big ones, were destroyed in a four-hour long sea battle between naval troops and the Sea Tigers in the seas off Valaipadu at Nachchakuda in the Kilinochchi district. Four navy personnel received injuries in the fighting. The LTTE Sea Tiger cadres fled with four other damaged boats. Intercepted LTTE communications disclosed that the sea attack was led by a senior Sea Tiger cadre identified as Kader.
The SFs captured another 1.5 kilometres stretch of land in the Karampaikkulam area of Kilinochchi district killing 15 LTTE militants and injuring 18 others. Three soldiers were also killed while 12 others received injuries during the clash.
At least 13 LTTE militants were killed and six others injured during clashes with the troops in and around Andankulam in the Vavuniya district. Three soldiers were killed and one more injured in the confrontations.
Troops confronted with the LTTE militants in the north of Palamoddai in the Vavuniya district killing at least eight militants. One soldier sustained injuries in the clashes.
Army Chief Commander Sarath Fonseka said that the LTTE will go underground rather than 'fight to the last man'.
The Government distributed SLR 30 million for displaced persons in Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi due to the ongoing war in the northern region.

September 19
At least 12 LTTE militants were killed and five other injured in confrontations with the SFs in the area north of Palamoddai in the Vavuniya district.
Troops killed four militants during separate encounters in the Poovarasankulam and Navakkulam areas of Vavuniya district.
Three LTTE cadres were killed and at least 18 others injured in clashes with the SFs in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed in the incident.
The Sri Lankan government said that the resettlement of the Eastern Province is almost finished under the region's development project. Secretary to the Resettlement Ministry A.C.M. Razik said at the moment, 51,851 families have been resettled.
The United States has announced that its USAID will launch a new multi-year initiative to improve economic growth in Eastern Sri Lanka.

September 20
At least 23 LTTE cadres were killed and a large number of others were injured during encounters between troops and militants in the areas west of Mankulam, Navaddikulam, north of Palamoddai, Akkarayankulam, Panniwedikulam, Vannavikulam, Punani Kodamadu and Andankulam in the Kilinochchi and Vavuniya districts.
Three soldiers were killed in LTTE mortar fire in the Vannavikulam area of Kilinochchi district. Another soldier was killed in clashes with the LTTE militants in the Pannaikandamdu area.

September 21
At least 16 LTTE militants were killed and five others injured during clashes with the security forces in the Akkarayankulam, Wannivilankulam and Vannavikulam areas of Kilinochchi district. Four soldiers were also killed while five others received injuries during the confrontations.
The troops killed 11 LTTE militants, including provincial leader of the outfit, identified as Muttu in the east of Navvi in Vavuniya district.
At least eight LTTE militants were killed and an equal number of them injured in clashes with the troops in the Karampaikkulam area of Kilinochchi district. Four soldiers were also reported injured in the incident.
Four more militants were killed by the troops during an encounter in the Pallimunai and Komankulam areas of Vavuniya district. While one soldier was injured, the SFs recovered three hand grenades and one pouch from the incident site.
The troops neutralized an LTTE base with three bunkers, two huts, a partly destroyed construction and a deep drain in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district killing at least three militants while injuring nine others.
The UN in Sri Lanka announced that its offices in the LTTE-held Kilinochchi have been looted.
The Sri Lanka Police have ordered the registration of all the Tamil civilians who moved to the capital Colombo and surrounding towns within the past five years from five northern districts in conflict areas.

September 22

President Mahinda Rajapakse expressed the hope that very soon all Sri Lankans living overseas will be able to return to a country that had been completely rid of the scourge of terrorism. Addressing Sri Lankans at the New York Bauddha Viharaya while on his visit to attend the 63rd United Nations General Assembly Sessions, the President said, "Whether you are from Kilinochchi, Batticaloa or the South my aim is to treat you all as my children and build a country where you all can live as free citizens."
Military spokesman Udaya Nanayakkara said that the LTTE is a terrorist outfit which has a long history of looting from civilians and aid agencies and make use of the ill gotten resources to strengthen its cadres and terror activities against security forces.
The number of people who have migrated from Sri Lanka’s five warn-torn districts to Colombo and its suburbs, which constitute the Western Province, since 2003 stands at 37,037, said the police.
At least 17 LTTE militants were killed and 13 others injured as clashes erupted between the militants and the troops in the Akkarayankulam, Wannivilankulam, Pannaikandamdu and Vannavikulam areas of Kilinochchi district. After the confrontation at Akkarayankulam, troops neutralized an LTTE bunker. An LTTE mortar fire attack in the Wannivilankulam area injured one soldier.
The SFs stormed the "Pasarai" base of the Sea Tiger in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district killing seven cadres of the outfit while injuring 14 others. The SFs later captured the entire complex which had two separate huts which served as sentry points and had been surrounded by three triangular-type tall bunkers with overhead protection layers made of concrete.
The SFs confronted the LTTE militants in the Navakkulam and north of Palamoddai areas in the Vavuniya district and killed four militants while wounding at least seven others.
Sri Lanka has asked Norway, the official facilitator of the abandoned peace process, to assist in the government's humanitarian efforts to bring relief to citizens in the north, instead of "through other organisations."
The suicide bombing in Pakistan shows that al Qaeda has learnt bomb making from the LTTE, said Foreign Employment Minister and military spokesperson Keheliya Rambukwella.

September 23
Nine LTTE militants were killed and five others injured as clashes erupted between the militants and the troops in the Navakkulam, Palamoddai and Wannivilankulam areas of Vavuniya district.
Four more militants were killed and an equal number of them injured during separate clashes with the SFs in the Akkarayankulam, Vandarimodai and Teyankulam areas of Kilinochchi district. While three soldiers were also killed, two other soldiers sustained injuries in these incidents.
Six militants were killed and 13 others injured in clashes in the Andankulam and Kamalmunai areas of Vavuniya district. Three soldiers were also injured in LTTE mortar fire and explosions of APMs. Troops also captured one LTTE trench line.
The government troops are capable of capturing alive Velupillai Prabhakaran, the leader of the LTTE, Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake said.
The TMVP leader, Vinayagamoorthy Muraleetharan a.k.a. Colonel Karuna and its deputy, Eastern Province Chief Minister Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan a.k.a. Pillayan appealed to Tamil expatriates in Canada and elsewhere to stop funding the LTTE war machine.
Abductions and extra-judicial killings and other security challenges must end in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka to attract private sector investments to develop the region, the US Ambassador Robert Blake said while addressing the inauguration ceremony of the Kalawanchikudi Vocational Training Center in the Batticaloa district.

September 24
The troops confronted with the LTTE cadres in the Akkarayankulam, Nachchakuda, Vannavikulam and Andankulam areas of Kilinochchi and Vavuniya districts killing nine militants while injuring at least 31 others. Eight soldiers also sustained injuries in these clashes.
The SFs foiled two simultaneous infiltration attempts of the LTTE militants in the Nagarkovil and Kilaly FDLs areas of Jaffna district killing eight militants, including the LTTE’s Muhamalai South leader, ‘Vardan’.
Seven more militants were killed during confrontations with the troops in the Navakkulam and Palamoddai areas of Vavuniya district.
The LTTE has refused to permit hundreds of local humanitarian workers to leave the Wanni by not issuing them ‘travel passes’.
Addressing the 63rd session of the United Nation General Assembly in New York the President Mahinda Rajapakse asserted that Government will only be ready to talk to the LTTE when it is ready to commit itself to decommissioning its illicit weapons and dismantling of its military capability, and return to the democratic fold.

September 25
13 LTTE militants were killed as the troops neutralized eight bunkers of the outfit at Vannappulikulam, an area between Nachchakuda and Akkarayankulam, in the Kilinochchi district after four-hour long battle. Two soldiers were also killed while 14 others sustained injuries during the encounters.
Seven LTTE militants were killed in clashes with the security forces in the Akkarayankulam area of Kilinochchi district.
During another clash between the two sides in the Andankulam and Kamalmunai areas of Vavuniya district the troops killed at least six militants while injuring 14 others.
Four more militants were killed as the SFs captured two LTTE trench lines in the Kokavil area of Kilinochchi district.
The SFs confronted with LTTE militants in the Vedamakilam, Koliyankulam and the north of Palamoddai areas in the Vavuniya district killing four of them while injuring another.
The security forces have advanced to the outskirts of Kilinochchi, the Head Quarter of the LTTE, the Army Chief Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka said. "Our forces are around four kilometers (2.5 miles) from Kilinochchi town. In fact we can see some of the buildings," Fonseka said. Meanwhile, the Defence Ministry reported the LTTE have lost some 6,898 fighters since January. Also, the Military authorities said that 673 soldiers have also died during the same period.
Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama said at the UN that Sri Lanka government troops are wary of any "collateral" damage as they move closer to dismantling the Tamil Tigers' de facto state.

September 26
At least 18 militants were killed as the troops repulsed a LTTE attack on the SFs FDL in the Maniarkulam area of Kilinochchi district. Eight soldiers were also injured in the fighting.
17 militants were killed and one more injured as clashes erupted between the two sides in the Vannavikulam area of Kilinochchi district.
Eight more LTTE cadres were killed while more than 30 others sustained injuries during three separate incidents in the Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed during these clashes. In the first incident, the SFs attacked an LTTE bunker line in the Andankulam area and captured one bunker and one trench line. Also, six more bunkers in the same area were destroyed by the troops. Similarly, the troops attacked a line of five bunkers in the Rumulamunai area.
The troops attacked an LTTE bunker line at Akkarayankulam in the Kilinochchi district and destroyed one bunker killing seven militants while injuring three others. One soldier also sustained injury in an improvised explosive device explosion.
During two separate clashes between the two sides at Navathkulama and north of Palamoddai in the Vavuniya district the troops killed six militants while the SFs also captured one LTTE bunker and three trench lines north of Palamoddai area.
The SFs eliminated four militants during an encounter in the Kalayaparu area of Kilinochchi district. Two soldiers were also injured in LTTE fire and explosions of anti-personnel mines.

September 27
Eight militants were killed by SFs during clashes in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district. Four soldiers sustained injuries during the clash.
Seven more LTTE cadres were killed during separate clashes with the troops in the Vannavikulam and north of Karamaddakulam areas of Kilinochchi district. Nine soldiers sustained injuries in LTTE mortar fire directed from their gun positions in the Vannavikulam area while seven other soldiers received injuries during separate confrontations and APM explosions in the same area.
Three soldiers and two militants were killed during a clash at Akkarayankulam. Two soldiers were also wounded in explosions of IEDs and APMs.

September 28
The troops after fierce gun battle captured a section of the Akkarayankulam – Nachchakuda road in the Kilinochchi district by September 28-afternoon killing at least 10 LTTE militants. Two soldiers were also killed while eight others sustained injuries in the fighting.
The troops moving towards the A-9 road captured a 4-km area along the Akkarayankulam–Murikkandy road in the Kilinochchi district killing seven militants. One soldier was also killed while three others sustained injuries.
Six more militants were killed and 13 others injured as the troops neutralized three LTTE bunkers in the Andankulam and Tannimurippukulam areas of Vavuniya district. One soldier also sustained injuries in the fighting.
The troops confronted with the LTTE militants in the Navathkulama and north of Palamoddai areas of Vavuniya district killing four militants. Two soldiers were also injured in the encounter while another soldier was injured in the explosion of an anti-personnel mine.
An LTTE suicide cadre on a bicycle struck his bike against a three-wheeler and blew himself up killing one civilian and injuring nine others in the Vavuniya town. One of the injured soldiers died later.

September 29
Six LTTE militants were killed during a clash with the SFs in the Mulankavil and Karampaikkulam areas of Vavuniya district.
At least 39 LTTE militants were killed and 52 others injured as clashes erupted between the two sides in the Palamoddai, Akkarayankulam, Andankulam, Vannavikulam and Kariyalanmodai areas of Kilinochchi and Vavuniya districts. Five soldiers were also killed while 19 others sustained injuries during these clashes. Troops also neutralised six bunkers.
At least eight militants aboard two Sea Tiger boats moving in the seas off Kalmunai point in the Pooneryn area of Jaffna district were killed when the Special Boat Squadron of the Sri Lanka Navy spotted them and directed fire attack towards the boats.

September 30
At least 13 LTTE militants were killed and four others injured as clashes erupted between the SFs and the militants in the areas of north of Maniarkulam, Palamoddai, Podunkanpila, Wemankallu and Pandiyankulam in the Vavuniya and Kilinochchi districts. One soldier was also killed while three others sustained injuries in these clashes.
The troops eliminated seven militants and injured 10 others during confrontations in the Wannarikulam area. Two soldiers were also killed while seven others, including an officer, received.
At Andankulam in the Vavuniya district, the troops confronted the LTTE militants and killed six of its cadres while injuring 31 others. While, seven soldiers were also injured in the incident, the troops neutralised two bunkers.
The SFs killed three more militants during an encounter in the area west of Kokavil, closer to captured Murikkandy Railway Station, in the Kilinochchi district.
The SFs captured a 50-m wide LTTE airstrip in the Pannichchankulam area, about 7-km north-west of Mankulam and about 500-m to the west of A-9 road in the Mullaitivu district.
The troops seized one of the lorries hired by the Vavuniya District Secretary for transport of essentials to Internally Displaced Persons at the Omanthai cross-loading point and recovered 2.5-kg of C-4 explosives in its driver’s possession.

October 1
At least 18 LTTE militants were killed and eight others injured as the troops captured three more bunkers of the outfit after the clashes in the Akkarayankulam, west and south of Iranamadu tank, Vannavikulam and Maniarkulam areas in the Kilinochchi district. Eight soldiers also sustained injuries in explosions of anti-personnel mines and IEDs.
14 more militants were killed and 28 others wounded as clashes erupted between the SFs and the militants in the Andankulam, Palamoddai, Nauve east, Thandiyankulam and Podunkanpila areas of Vavuniya district. While one soldier was also killed, four others sustained injuries during these clashes. The troops also neutralized seven bunkers in the Palamoddai north and Pandiyankulam areas.
The troops confronted with the LTTE militants in the Nagarkovil area of Jaffna district and killed four cadres destroying two bunkers. Five more militants and two soldiers suffered injuries in the fighting.

October 2
The troops killed at least 18 militants while injuring 14 others as clashes erupted between the two sides in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also injured in an anti-personnel mine explosion.
Six more LTTE cadres were killed and more than 20 others injured during clashes with the SFs in the Paraikandamadu, Madam and Vannavikulam areas of Kilinochchi district. Four soldiers were killed and three others sustained injuries during the fighting.
During another clash between the two sides in the areas south of Mankulam and south of Kokavil in the Mullaitivu district, the SFs killed eight militants while wounding 11 others.
Eight more LTTE militants were killed and five others wounded during separate clashes with the troops in the Pannichchankulam, Navakkulam, Panikkaniravikulam, Villattikulam and Nallikulam areas of Vavuniya district. Four bunkers of the militants were also neutralized in these incidents.
The troops in an encounter killed seven more militants while wounding an unspecified number of them at Akkarayankulam in the Kilinochchi district. Three soldiers were also injured in the LTTE gun fire.
Two more militants were killed during another exchange of fire between the two sides in the areas south of Iranamadu in the Mullaitivu district. Two soldiers were also killed while another received injuries in the incident. Separate clashes in the same area injured one militant and three soldiers.
The United Nations officials in Sri Lanka deplored the placing of explosives by an unknown group on a Government truck that was due to join a UN food convoy delivering food and other essential items to the displaced in the North.
The SLA has reportedly recruited 10,136 Sri Lankans to various ranks to fight against the LTTE.
As its September 21 directive to the citizens of five districts of Northern Province living in and around Colombo (Western Province) to "re-register" themselves with the police, Sri Lanka Government announced that a similar census would be carried out on October 5 for such citizens of Eastern Province.

October 3
Eight more militants were killed and 10 others injured when the SFs captured three more camps in the in the Panniwedikulam area of Kilinochchi district. Three soldiers were also killed and 12 others received injuries in these incidents.
The troops confronted with the LTTE militants in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district and eliminated four militants while injuring at least 19 others. While nine soldiers were also injured in LTTE fire and anti-personnel mines explosions, the troops captured three bunkers of the outfit.
Three LTTE militants were killed after a confrontation with a combined Army-Air Force foot patrol in the eastern village of Kattikulam in the Trincomalee district.

October 4
At least 20 LTTE militants and four soldiers were killed while 27 militants and six soldiers wounded as the troops captured a section of the bunker line constructed along the Nachchakuda - Akkarayankulam road at Panniwedikulam in the West of Vannerikuma area in the Kilinochchi district. The SLAF MI-24 gunship helicopters also assisted the troops capturing 10 bunkers, constructed on the massive earth bund, and advanced further northward, military sources added. The 58 Division now operating in the Kilinochchi district has captured a four kilometer stretch of a massive ditch cum earth bund constructed by the LTTE from Nachchakuda to Akkarayankulam tank area. Troops have also advanced nearly two kilometers from this earth bund and in control of the Nachchakuda - Akkarayankulam road depriving the LTTE of a vital supply route to Nachchakuda.
The Sri Lankan army chief said that his forces are on the verge of capturing the key LTTE stronghold of Kilinochchi. "We are two kms away from the Kilinochchi town limits," the army chief said, adding, government proposed to declare Vishvamadu and Oddusudan in Kilinochchi a no war zone after the army consolidated its position there.

October 5
The SFs killed eight LTTE militants and inured at least nine others during clashes in the Iranamadu and southwest of Iranamadu areas in the Kilinochchi district. Two soldiers were also killed while five others received injuries in these incidents.
During two separate clashes in the Vannerikuma and Pannaikandamdu areas of Kilinochchi district, the SFs eliminated four militants. Three soldiers were also killed in the explosions of APM during the fighting.
The troops neutralized two LTTE bunkers in the area west of Mankulam in the Kilinochchi district killing four militants. Four more militants and a soldier were also injured in the incident.
The troops neutralized another LTTE bunker in the Akkarayankulam area of Kilinochchi district and killed three militants.
Three more militants were killed and at least 19 others injured in clashes with the SFs at Andankulam in the Vavuniya district.
The Government has reportedly created a special police task force to protect the Colombo and its suburbs from possible terrorist attacks as the LTTE is facing losses to the military in the North.
Army chief Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka urged LTTE cadre and its leaders, barring Velupillai Prabhakaran and Pottu Amman, to surrender and hinted at the possibility of the LTTE chief fleeing the country. The LTTE is left with only 4,000 cadres, he said, adding he was not sure how long they can maintain its fighting capabilities.
Sri Lanka Police said that the majority of people who registered with police in Colombo after fleeing the eastern province were Tamil nationals.

October 6
28 persons, including UNP NCPC Member, Maj. General Janaka Perera and his wife; UNP Anuradhapura district Manager Dr. John Pulle who was also the former Chairman of the Rajarata Bus Company and his wife Dr. Mrs. John Pulle; UNP Legal Advisor Attorney-at-law A.C.S. Hameed; NCPC UNP Member Shantha Dissanayake and UNP Provincial Council candidate Subashi Charles were killed in a LTTE carried out suicide bomb attack inside the UNP office near the Old Bus Stand in Anuradhapura. More than 86 persons sustained injuries in the blast that occurred around 8:45am (SLST) during a function held to declare open the new UNP office, military sources said. According to eyewitnesses a suicide cadre a dark and short man had reached the function and unbuttoned his shirt facing Major General Perera and the crowd instantaneously killing himself and the victims. According to investigators only the legs of the suicide cadre’s has been left after the blast. "He had used a relatively large quantity of explosives for this blast as his head was also blown off without leaving a trace about his appearance."
The leader of the TMVP, Vinayagamoorthy Muraleetharan alias ‘Colonel’ Karuna Amman was sworn in as a MP by the Speaker with Marxist party MPs boycotting the house in protest of his appointment. Karuna was appointed to the seat left vacant by the JVP MP Wasantha Samarasinghe who resigned to contest the NCPC elections. Karuna is representing the ruing UPFA.
At least nine militants were killed and 27 others injured as the SFs neutralized four bunkers during their confrontations with the LTTE militants in the Adampankula, Madam, Kidippidikulam, Terankandal, Alankulam, Odrattakulam, Andankulam and Gajabapura areas Vavuniya and Kilinochchi districts. One soldier was also killed during confrontations. Six more soldiers received injuries in explosions of anti-personnel mines and confrontations in the Terankandal and Waddakattu areas.
The SFs destroyed three LTTE bunkers in the Akkarayankulam area of Kilinochchi district killing nine militants while injuring five others.
The troops who captured the first bunker line on Nachchakuda – Akkarayankulam road in the Kilinochchi district during the weekend marched, about 1-km further eastward and dominated a three-way intersection.
The Inter Agency Standing Committee, a consortium of UN and NGOs in Sri Lanka, in its report on the situation on the north said "nearly all of Kilinochchi’s residents are reported to have vacated to Mullaitivu district due to shelling and air attacks in the heart of the district."
India's National Security Advisor M.K. Narayanan had summoned Sri Lanka's Deputy High Commissioner in India to convey New Delhi's "grave concern and unhappiness at the growing casualties of unarmed Tamil civilians as a result of the military action".

October 7
Eight LTTE militants were killed during clashes with the security forces in the Vilakkavettikulam and Nallikulam areas of Vavuniya district.
The dead bodies of four civilians, suspected to have been chopped to death by the LTTE militants, were recovered from the deep jungle areas off Dekethipothana at Horowpathana in the Anuradhapura district. Those four civilians, according to a Police complaint, have entered jungle areas on 27th September but failed to return home.
The SFs shot dead four militants in the Murikkandy and west of Akkarayankulam areas in the Kilinochchi district. A soldier was also injured during these confrontations.
The Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake said in Parliament that some 200 soldiers were killed and 997 others were injured during the month of September in clashes with the LTTE. 13 civilians also have been killed and 25 more were injured in the conflicts during September, he added.
The TMVP leader Karuna in his maiden speech in Parliament said he warmly welcomes the responsibility entrusted upon him by President Mahinda Rajapakse on behalf of the Tamil people. He also noted that Tamils never endorsed the war.

October 8
At least 16 LTTE militants were killed and 26 others injured as the troops captured a line of LTTE bunkers in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district. Eight soldiers were also killed while 45 others sustained injuries during these clashes.
At least 21 LTTE militants were killed and an unspecified number of them injured during clashes with the SFs at Wanniyarkulam in the area north of Panniwedikulam in the Kilinochchi district.
Eight more LTTE cadres were killed and four others injured as the SFs captured two more bunkers in the Akkarayankulam area, south of Iranamadu, in the Kilinochchi district.

October 9
At least 22 LTTE militants were killed as the troops neutralised five outfit’s bunkers in the Akkarayankulam and Vannavikulam areas of Kilinochchi district. One soldier was also killed during the clash at Vannavikulam while three others received injuries in these incidents.
During separate clashes between the two sides in the Pannichchankulam, Vedamakilam and Nallikulam areas of Vavuniya district, the troops killed seven militants.
At Andankulam in Vavuniya district, the troops killed three militants while injuring six others. Two soldiers were also killed while eight soldiers received injuries.
The troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district and killed three militants while injuring five others.
Agriculture Development and Agrarian Services Development Minister Maithripala Sirisena escaped an LTTE carried out suicide attack at Pirivena junction in the Boralesgamuwa area of Colombo district. A female suicide cadre blew herself targeting Minister Sirisena’s motorcade at Pirivena junction around 1.15 pm (SLST) when the Minister was returning after a Government function in the Bandaragama area. A civilian was killed and five others were injured.
President Mahinda Rajapakse told Al Jazeera television in an interview that this would be the end of the LTTE terrorists’ battle for a separate State, adding that the terrorists should surrender to the military.
The LTTE has alleged that the Sri Lanka Air Force had destroyed a large number of civilian homes in Wanni on the pretext of attacking the outfit’s military bases over the last one year.

October 10
The troops eliminated four more militants while injuring six others during clashes at Vannavikulam in the Kilinochchi district. Three soldiers were killed and four others injured in the confrontation.
The Panniwedikulam tank area also fell under the control of the 58 Division.
Army Chief Sarath Fonseka said the security forces faced several constraints as a result of past cease-fire agreement or cessation of hostilities in the three-decade long battle with the LTTE.

October 10-11
At least 40 LTTE militants were killed as the troops operating north east of Nachchakuda in the west of Kilinochchi district made steady progress within the last two days reaching the outskirts of Jayapuram in the north of Nachchakuda foiling LTTE efforts to bring in reinforcements to the front on several occasions. Jayapuram is located some seven kilometers north of Nachchakuda where the LTTE is having one of their main Sea Tiger bases in the North Western coast.

October 11
14 militants were killed and 10 others injured by the troops in the Maniarkulam area of Kilinochchi district. Two soldiers were also killed and six others wounded in the incident.
Six LTTE militants were killed and 37 others injured as the troops captured four more well fortified bunkers of the outfit in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district. Two soldiers were also killed while four others sustained injuries in these incidents.
Five more LTTE cadres were killed during a clash with the SFs at an unspecified place in the Kilinochchi district.
Three militants were killed by the troops at Akkarayankulam in the Kilinochchi district.
At Kokuvil in the Jaffna district, three militants were killed in confrontations with the SFs.
The troops eliminated three more LTTE cadres at Pillawarayankadu in the Kilinochchi district.
The MI-24 helicopter gun ships of the SLAF neutralised LTTE bunker construction positions ahead of the Akkarayankulam Tank bund in the Kilinochchi district. Intercepted LTTE communication later confirmed that three militants were killed and six others injured in the air strike.
The SFs foiled an LTTE attempt to enter into the cleared areas (area under Government control) at Muhamalai in the Jaffna district killing three militants. Three soldiers were also injured in the incident.

October 12
At least 19 LTTE militants were killed and 12 others injured as the SFs neutralized eight bunkers and a camp in the areas west of Akkarayankulam and Vannavikulam in the Kilinochchi district. One soldier was also killed while 14 others sustained injuries in LTTE-triggered APM explosions and simultaneous firing of small arms.
During separate clashes in the Periyakulam, Andankulam and Tannimurippukulam areas of Vavuniya district, the SFs killed nine militants while injuring three more others. One soldier was also injured in explosion of an APM at Tannimurippukulam.
Troops attacked LTTE bunkers in the Muhamalai and Nagarkovil areas of Jaffna district and killed at least six militants. Six militants also sustained injuries, while a soldier was wounded in an APM explosion.
The LTTE is in "a precarious condition" but no one can predict when they can be overcome militarily, says Karuna.
Karuna told Sunday Observer that they have decided to rename the TMVP mainly to get the help of the people of the South.
President Mahinda Rajapakse has said the current phase of war would mark the end of the LTTE’s battle for a separate State and counseled the outfit’s cadre to surrender.
Charging that 'some foreign elements' were trying to disrupt the ongoing development activities in Sri Lanka, a senior advisor to President Mahinda Rajapakse has said that the island nation has "got maximum support from India to crush" the LTTE, a media report said.

October 13
Australia is considering formally declaring the LTTE a terrorist group, said Australian Foreign Minister Stephen Smith.
Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama also said the war on the LTTE will not be slowed by international financial turmoil placing pressure on the Government’s military budget.
In the wake of the US announcement on October 11 that it has decided to remove North Korea from the list of "state sponsors of terrorism" a Counter Terrorism Foundation (CTF) in US has revealed there was ample evidence to prove North Korea had armed the LTTE. The CTF further revealed that a Congressional Research Service Brief submitted to the US Congress in January 2008 had detailed possible links between North Korea and the LTTE.
16 LTTE militants were killed and three others injured as clashes erupted between the militants and the SFs in the Mankulam, Nallikulam, Akkarayankulam, Vannavikulam and Paraikandamadu areas of Kilinochchi district. While two soldiers were also killed and seven others sustained injuries in LTTE small arms and mortar fire and APM explosions, the troops also neutralised two camps in the Paraikandamadu area.
The troops eliminated two militants and injured 14 others during clashes at Andankulam and Tannimurippukulam in the Vavuniya district. One soldier also sustained injuries in these confrontations while another was injured in an APM explosion.
Troops reportedly detected a bag with 1.5-kg of C-4 explosives, 3-m length detonator code and four electric detonators, said to have been delivered to someone working in the UN International Organization for Migrants sponsored construction project for temporary shelters at Kurumankadu in the Virawapuliyankulam area of Vavuniya district.
The Sri Lankan Government is reportedly shouldering an increased defence budget to continue the fight against terrorism. According to sources, the government has spent 6,840 rupees per minute in the fight against the war during the last few months and expects an increase of 11,160 rupees to reach 18,000 rupees from next week. Increased expenses were allocated by the Parliament recently as the government troops have stationed at outskirts of the Kilinochchi town following the capture of several nearby rebel controlled areas.

October 14
At least 37 LTTE militants were killed and 36 others injured as clashes erupted between the SFs and the militants in the Akkarayankulam north, west and east, Wannarikulam, Madamodei and Pannaikandamdu areas of Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts. Seven soldiers were also killed in these confrontations while 26 others sustained injuries, including two in explosions of APM and improvised explosive devices.
The troops observed the movement of an LTTE tractor with several militants aboard in the Mankulam area of Vavuniya district and opened fire on the tractor killing four of the militants.
Two more militants were killed and six others injured during clashes with the SFs in the Nayaru, Alampil south, Tannimurippukulam, Kiriibbanwewa and Andankulam areas of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while another wounded during these confrontations.

October 15
United Kingdom expressed its concern over the ongoing military efforts taken by Sri Lanka in the war against terrorism.
Minister of Resettlement and Disaster Relief Services Abdul Risath Bathiyutheen said the Government is fully committed to provide all the basic needs for the Internally Displaced People in non liberated areas and for the civilians arriving in Vavuniya using the safe corridor established by the Government and it has a fully functioning mechanism to do so.

October 16
Troops after few days of gun battle captured Maniarkulam intersection, about 13.5-km northeast of Nachchakuda, in the Kilinochchi district. Though ground troops confirmed that a number of LTTE militants were killed and many others injured, troops have so far recovered the dead bodies of six LTTE militants, including three decomposed ones.
The SFs clashed with the LTTE militants in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district killing an unspecified number of militants, including two leaders identified as Kanyan and Isaiman. Though exact details of LTTE casualties are yet to be ascertained, the outfit’s communication intercepted revealed more than 40 militants were wounded. Three soldiers were also killed while nine others sustained injuries in LTTE fire.
Police recovered four dead bodies of the farmers in the Kanchkudichchiaru area of Ampara district. According to the sources the farmers were shot dead by unidentified assailants.
50 World Food Programme Lorries carrying essential food items, medicine and other dry rations for Wanni civilians were forced to return to Vavuniya due to LTTE artillery fire and claymore mine attacks.
The SFs recovered two claymore mines of 7.5-kg each, 551 rounds of T-56 ammunition, 18 hand grenades, one 5-m long detonator code, seven field dressings, packets of dry ration, fifteen 81-mm mortar bombs, one 120-mm mortar bomb, two LTTE uniforms, medical equipments, four packs, two detonators and one Icom radio set from the Madhu, Karanvilathivu and Palampiddi areas of Mannar district.

October 17
Troops clashed with groups of LTTE militants in the Nedunkandal, areas around Akkarayankulam, Pillawarayankadu and Vannerikuma areas of Kilinochchi district. Troops later recovered dead bodies of two militants. One soldier was killed in LTTE mortar fire in the Vannerikuma area while four others wounded in confrontations and explosions of APM in other areas.
Two factions of the TMVP clashed over the party's printing press as the party leader in the Batticaloa town. According to the police, Karuna faction of the TMVP raided the printing office run by the Pillayan faction and took the control of the office called "Thenagama" and detained 13 members of the Pillayan group. However, no one was reported injured in the incident.

October 18
Troops attached to the 57 Division and Task Force I captured over 1.5-km stretch of earth bund in the areas West and East of Akkarayankulam in the Kilinochchi district killing at least 75 LTTE militants while injuring more than 125 cadres, Military sources said. An unspecified number of soldiers were also killed and injured. 14 fortified bunkers built along the bund were also captured by the troops.

October 19
Task Force I moving towards Nachchakuda by October 19-afternoon captured the earth bund from west of Panniwedikulam to Akkarayan west, capturing one kilometers stretch of earth bund in the east of Vannerikkulam, bringing the 10-km stretch of earth bund between the west of Panniwedikulam and towards the east of Vannerikkulam under its complete control. The Task Force I troops continued their march towards the north of the earth bund capturing Adampamodai village which is located 10-km north east of Nachchakuda.
Defence Ministry sources said the LTTE used poisonous gas on Government troops. According to military sources, advancing forces at Akkarayankulam tank south of Kilinochchi were attacked by the LTTE with chemical gas believed to be CS.

October 20
The Sri Lankan military claimed to have established complete domination over the western Kilinochchi battlefront. The Military said 33 soldiers were killed, 48 injured and three others went missing in the pitched battles with the LTTE, which is resisting the Army’s thrust. The military also said that in the mop-up operations, dead bodies of 11 militants were recovered along with large quantities of ammunition.
Sri Lankan Government has said that the de-mining process of the Eastern Province is almost finished.
Three youths were killed when an unidentified assailant stormed their boarding place at Arasadithivu in the Kokkadicholai area of Batticaloa district. The victims, Sanjeewa Pushpakumara of Matugama, Pethum Priyadarshana and Duminda Roshan, both from Pannala, were working for a road construction site in the area when they fell prey to the bullets.
Troops further expanded its territory with another 1-km long stretch in the Vannerikkulam area of Kilinochchi district. Troops now in full control of the area are engaged in removing booby traps and other explosive devices.

October 21
Troops captured Anaivilunthan village, about 1.5-km north of Vannerikkulam in the Kilinochchi district. The exact details are awaited.
The Sri Lankan military claimed that troops had defeated LTTE battle formations amid heavy resistance in areas at Vannerikkulam and Akkarayankulam Tank in Kilinochchi.
The international community is firmly behind Sri Lanka in the battle against terrorism, President Mahinda Rajapakse said. Referring to India, President Rajapakse said the two countries enjoyed an unprecedented level of friendship, understanding and cooperation. India is helping Sri Lanka in many ways. The President asserted that there was no request from the Indian government to halt the military campaign against the LTTE. He pointed out that the Government has given an assurance to look after the civilians in the Wanni and provide them food and other essentials.
The Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama stressed that the government would not withdraw its decision on terrorism due to any kind of pressure by the international community.
Sri Lankan government has organized a photographic exhibition in European cities to showcase the atrocities committed by the LTTE.

October 22-23
LTTE suicide boats targeted two merchant ships carrying essential items to the civilians in the Northern Province of Sri Lanka. According to the military sources, merchant ships Ruhuna and Nimalawa, were attacked off the Kankasanthurai harbour in Jaffna by three suicide boats. The Navy sailors providing security onboard the targeted vessels fired at the approaching suicide boats effectively, destroying two of them. One suicide boat, however, exploded in close proximity to the merchant ship Nimalawa considerably damaging its hull. The pro- LTTE website Sankathi on October 23 reported that two top Sea Tigers (cadres of the Sea Wing of the LTTE), identified as "Lieutenant Colonels" Elakkiya and Kuberan, were killed in the abortive suicide attempt on the merchant ship, Nimalawa, on October 22.

October 23
Troops captured Gajabapura area in the Vavuniya district inflicting heavy casualties to the LTTE. The details are awaited.
The TMVP leadership has reportedly distanced itself from the stand taken by its leader, Karuna, over the devolution of powers and has demanded for police powers. Earlier, in a meeting with the heads and editors of media at the presidential secretariat, Karuna had said that Police powers should not be devolved in to provincial councils, a provision under the 13 amendment to the constitution. "We do not need police powers at the moment because of the current security situation," he had said at the meeting chaired by President Mahinda Rajapakse.

October 24
The Sri Lankan defence ministry says it is suspending the release of casualty figures during the current fighting in the north of the country.

October 26
The SFs confronted the LTTE militants in the Akkarayankulam, Kokavil and Nachchakuda areas of Kilinochchi district and destroyed several bunkers inflicting heavy casualties to the outfit.
The SFs confronted the militants on several occasions in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district and caused heavy damages to the outfit. The troops also captured three bunkers and three trenches and recovered 30 APMsand five IEDs from the area.
President Mahinda Rajapakse said the Government's efforts are to eliminate terrorism from the soils of Sri Lanka but not to fight against another community.
A special census was taken in Puttalam to register the civilians who are living in the district after fleeing the Northern and Eastern provinces of Sri Lanka.

October 27
Troops recovered dead bodies of two LTTE cadres from the Kunchankulam area in Kilinochchi district. Three T-56 weapons were also recovered from the incident site.
Troops recovered 130 anti personnel mines and four booby traps during a search operation at Andankulam area in Vavuniya.

October 28
At least four TMVP members were killed when its political office was attacked by the suspected LTTE cadres at Chenkaladi in the Batticaloa district.
An LTTE aircraft dropped two bombs targeting the Kelanitissa power station in Colombo. However, no casualties were reported. According to military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara the blast caused a minor fire at the power station which was doused by the fire-fighters. Later, the air defence system in Colombo and suburbs was activated and the electricity supply to the city was suspended as a precautionary measure.
Prior to this incident, an LTTE light aircraft dropped three bombs on the Mannar Army headquarters in Thalladi. Brigadier Nanayakkara said no damage was caused to the camp or any other military logistics facility in the area due to this attack.
The troops attached to the 58th Division in the north of Nachchakuda captured two strategically important junctions on the 12th and 16th mile posts on the Mannar-Pooneryn A-32 road, cutting off the LTTE links with the now isolated Nachchakuda with the Sea Tiger base in Valaipadu.
The United Nations Colombo office in a press release said that it has discovered two micro pistols and 48 rounds of ammunition hidden on the premises at Mannar International Organization of Migrants (IMO) office.
The pro-LTTE Website Tamil Net in an item posted on its website said, "Close to 55,000 school children from 190 schools have been displaced in Wanni since 2006. Most of the displaced schools have combined with the schools that have not displaced and are functioning."

October 29
Sri Lanka Army reported that one civilian injured in Kelanitissa power plant bombing on October died of his injuries.
Three soldiers were injured in the attack in Mannar bombing.
The troops captured Nachchakuda, Jayapuram and Akkarayankulam tank bund in Kilinochchi district.
Troops of the Task Force 1 on October 29-morning gained full control of Jayapuram, the last main village, with an area of about four square km, on the A-32 road to the extreme west of the Kilinochchi town.
On the same evening, troops completed the capture of the entire Akkarayankulam tank bund, to the north of Akkarayankulam under Thunukkai division. The two km-long bund stretches across the northern side of Akkarayankulam tank with an area of about 4.5 square km in total.
Late in the evening, Nachchakuda’s complete length of the well-fortified LTTE FDL, about eight km north of Vellankulam was brought under the troops control. Nachchakuda area lies about 1.5 km to the west of A-32 strategic Mannar-Pooneryn highway which runs parallel to the north-western sea coast. The fishing bastion, Nachchakuda, a town with a large concentration of people and business ventures has remained a strategic point for the LTTE for several months. It is believed that the outfit has suffered heavy casualties following the encounters throughout the day.

October 30
The troops completely captured Nachchakuda, the last stronghold of the LTTE on the Western coast before Pooneryn by October 30-evening.
A Singaporean arms dealer who was charged for conspiracy to provide material support to the LTTE has been sentenced to 37 months in prison by a US federal judge.

November 1
Troops when tried to question two suspicious young men at Ariyalai in the Jaffna district, one of them suddenly swallowed a cyanide capsule while the other managed to flee opening fire towards the troops. Troops later chased and killed him. While the cyanide victim, identified as Sellthurai Purusothaman of Kaithady North Kaithady, now confirmed to be an LTTE militant, has had a student identity card (Reg. No. 2003 A / 85) of the University of Jaffna (Art Faculty) in his possession, though its authenticity still remains to be checked, the other militant, Sivagnanalingam Varnaathithan of Aliyavalai in Thalladi had a 9-mm micro pistol with ammunition. Troops found a student identity card issued by Faculty of Medial University of Jaffna in his possession too.

November 1-2
The SLN foiled an attack by a flotilla of Sea boats in the seas between Nagarkovil and Point Pedro in the Jaffna district destroying at least four boats and killing more than 14 militants aboard the boast on November 1- morning. Later on November 2, reports confirmed that 16 militants were killed.
On November 1, troops breached a stretch of 2-km LTTE defence line at Paddaruyal Villu, about 3-km east of A-32 road, in the Kilinochchi district destroying their bunkers along the. Although troops claimed to have killed a large number of militants they could recover a total of 17 dead bodies of the militants including 10 females have been recovered according to the formation available on November 2. Intelligence reports confirmed that all female cadres killed in confrontations belonged to LTTE’s Malathi group.

November 2
At least 93 people were arrested for suspicious terrorist connections in the village of Kalpitiya, about 165-km from the capital Colombo, in the Puttalam district. All arrested were people who had arrived in Kalpitiya from Northern and Eastern provinces and living in temporary locations in the village, police added. They were arrested during a house to house search for suspicious terrorist connections.
The Government will declare a cease-fire only if the LTTE lay down weapons and surrender, President Mahinda Rajapakse told India Today in an interview.
A Defence Ministry statement said, "Fighting was reported between troops and LTTE at Kovilkoduttavil, Podimuruppukulama and Urutirapurankulama. This phase of the military surge has forced the LTTE to retreat with heavy casualties. The LTTE is on the verge of losing its ‘supply line’ along the western coast."
Responding to the request made to the international community, Russia and Czech Republic have come forward to help the government of Sri Lanka to destroy the small aircraft of the LTTE air wing.

November 2-3
Four Tamil youths were shot dead and another seriously injured by motor bike riding LTTE militants at Kurunchchiady, a coastal locality in the Kalmunai area of Ampara district on November 2. While two died on the spot the other two succumbed to injuries later. The death toll in the shooting incident increased to five as one youth who was severely injured in the shooting succumbed to his injuries on November 3-morning at the Kalmunai hospital. Four of the victims were identified as Jayasekar Nisanthan, Kadiravadively Rajakurendran, Somasundaram Kartik, and Muttupillai Sri Sudaharan.

November 3
The LTTE paid SLR 25,000 to the parents who reportedly permitted one of their children to join the organization, a female suspect revealed to the police. The suspect, from the north and currently under detention by the Terrorist Investigation Division had told the police that her parents handed her to the LTTE for money. Inquiries revealed that she had undergone one year’s training in Kilinochchi as a suicide cadre and come down to Colombo to carry out a mission on a VIP.
A fugitive Sri Lankan has been given the maximum sentence of 45 months for his role in the theft of 80 assault rifles from a Swiss Army depot two years ago.
The Chairman of the APRC of Sri Lanka Prof. Tissa Vitharana told Lanka-e-News that the final set of proposals for power devolution to solve the ethnic problem would be presented to the President Mahinda Rajapakse next week.
President Rajapakse has reportedly invited the LTTE proxy party, TNA for a meeting this week to discuss the way forward on the political solution the Government intends to propose.
The President said that a general election would come before the next presidential election.
Army Commander Lt. General Sarath Fonseka declared that over 80 per cent of the war against the LTTE has been completed after regaining 80 per cent of the areas under them and killing over 12,000 of their cadres. The Army Commander also said that he is confident that he can complete the task of defeating the LTTE during his tenure as he promised earlier.

November 4
The SFs clashed with the LTTE militants in the Akkarayankulam, Kovilkadu, Vannerikkulam, Viththar and Pallikkulam areas of Kilinochchi district inflicting an unspecified number of casualties to the outfit. At least three dead bodies of the militants along with six T-56 weapons and three I-com radio sets were later recovered from the Pallikkulam and Kovilkadu areas.
With the capture of strategically important Nachchakuda in the Kilinochchi district, the Sri Lanka Army has sealed off over 90 percent of the 80-km long north-western coast of the island, the Defence Ministry said. It said that the army now has continuous domination over 70-km stretch of the strategically vital Mannar- Pooneryn (A-32) road, which is one of main strategically important road linking northern peninsula to the rest of the country.
Government informed that a total of 171 security force personnel had been killed in operations and 1,122 injured during the past month in the country. At the State of Emergency debate senior Government Minister W.D.J. Senaviratne told Parliament that 38 civilians had died and 62 were injured. The Parliament extended the State of Emergency for another month.
The Government confirmed there would be no ban imposed on the LTTE as Sri Lanka was not at war despite several other countries proscribing the outfit and their proxies. Constitutional Affairs Minister Dew Gunasekara said that a LTTE ban was not discussed or considered as the country was not officially at war.
The APRC chairman, Science and Technology Minister Prof. Tissa Vitarana said that the final document of the APRC power devolution proposals will be ready when the present military campaign concludes shortly. Both the President Mahinda Rajapakse and the APRC cleared the reports in Sri Lanka that the Government was getting ready to go with a political solution parallel to the ongoing military campaign.

November 5
Troops overrun the Akkarayankulam built-up area in the Kilinochchi district. During subsequent search operations, troops recovered the dead bodies of two LTTE militants along with two T-56 assault riffles and an I-com set.
Mangala Samaraweera, the leader of the SLFP-PW has set up a 'Defense Watch' to report the casualties of offensive in the North. Addressing the inaugural press briefing, Samaraweera charged that the government downplays the military casualty figures and have created intelligence units at the village level. He claimed that about 2,200 soldiers have sacrificed their lives during this year and during the last three months about 600 soldiers were reportedly killed while 30,000 personnel deserted the Army this year.
The TMVP will be disarmed within months and integrated into the security forces, said Vinayagamoorthy Muraleetharan alias ‘Colonel’ Karuna Amman. He informed that the rehabilitation of former cadres under his command had already begun.

November 6
The SFs handed over the dead bodies of six militants, including two females, to officials of the International Committee of the Red Cross at Omanthai Entry/Exit point in the Vavuniya district. These militants were reportedly killed in the recent clashes at Akkarayankulam and Mankulam in the Kilinochchi district.
Police Intelligence warned the public that LTTE suicide bombers in the guise of pregnant women, beggars, women carrying children, old men and women etc. have been deployed to carry explosions in the Colombo city.

November 7
Soldiers attached to 59 Division killed at least four LTTE cadres and wounded nine others in Andankulam. A soldier was killed and seven others sustained injuries in the operation.
Two Civil Defence Force (CDF) officers and a police constable were killed and another CDF officer injured when the LTTE cadres opened fire on them at Kohilaela in Tampitiya. They were attacked while providing security to farmers working in their paddy fields.
Troops attacked LTTE positions in Mullarkudduvil using mortar fire killing at least three of its cadres and injuring two more. One soldier also sustained injuries during the attack.

November 8
Two soldiers and a LTTE cadre were killed in a series of clashes in the general areas of Kilaly, Nagarkovil and Muhamalai areas of Jaffna district. Five LTTE cadres and a soldier were also wounded. During the clashes, troops destroyed at least three LTTE bunkers in Kilaly and the earth bund built by the outfit in Muhamalai.

November 9
The LTTE said that it is ready for a cease-fire with the Sri Lankan Government.

November 10
Troops attached to the 58 Division took control of Kiranchi, one of the Sea Tiger bases on the North Western coast. Kiranchi, located northwest of Nachchakuda, which fell to the hands of the SFs two weeks back, was captured by the 58 Division troops as they completely cut off the land area from north of Nachchakuda to south of Chempankundu on the A-32 road up to the seventh Mile post.
SFs in Vavuniya handed over seven more dead bodies of the LTTE militants, including five females, to the ICRC officials across the Omanthe Entry/Exit point.
The Government will not enter into a CFA or talks with the LTTE at this juncture unless it was prepared to lay down arms, Agriculture Development and Agrarian Services Minister Maithripala Sirisena told Parliament. The Minister said the Government will not accept LTTE political leader B. Nadesan’s claims for a CFA because it had enough experiences on the LTTE’s double standard vis-à-vis CFAs.

November 11
Troops of the 58 Division moved further towards Pooneryn after capturing the Valayakudiyurippumoddai defence line in the Kilinochchi district held by the LTTE for the past few days, killing over 30 militants and capturing five dead bodies of the militants. This came hours after the SFs captured the Palavi fishing village in the west of Mannar-Pooneryn A-32 road, military sources said.
Troops of the 59 Division captured a part of Kumulamunai town in the Mullaitivu district. A section of the Kumulamunai-Tannimurippukulam main road was also captured by the troops on the same day. Troops of the 57 Division recovered dead bodies of four female LTTE militants along with four T-56 weapons and one I-com following clashes in the Perimurikandai area of Mullaitivu district.
The troops entered the strategically important Kumulamunai village, located 12-km south of Mullaitivu, after capturing 21 LTTE bunkers located between Tannimurippukulam and Kumulamunai. According to military officials, Kumulamunai is the first build up area after passing the Andankulam forest reserve in the south of Mullaitivu.
Six more dead bodies of the LTTE militants killed in clashes with the Army in Akkarayankulam area of Kilinochchi district were delivered to the officials of the International Committee of the Red Cross at the Vavuniya hospital.
SFs captured four trench lines of the LTTE at Valayakudiyurippumoddai in the Kilinochchi district and subsequently recovered the dead bodies of five militants along with eight T-56 weapons, according to Sri Lanka Army.
Sri Lanka Ministry of Nation Building and Estate Infrastructure announced that 156,203 land mines have been defused since 2002.

November 12
The Omanthai entry/exit point in the Vavuniya district was kept closed by the military in the absence of ICRC officials at the site. Sarasi Wijeratna, Media coordinator for the ICRC in Sri Lanka, said that due to some unreasonable incident that occurred on November 11, ICRC members have decided to withdraw from the Omanthai entry/exit point.
Sri Lankans in the UK are going to launch a hunger strike urging British authorities to stop events organized by the LTTE front organizations that are scheduled to take place in London.
The UNHCR said more than 150000 IDPs have returned to their former villages in the Eastern Province over the past year.
A Buddhist monk, Ven. Sivuralamulle Dhammasiri Thero, in the internationally famous Kudumbigala Temple in the Ampara district was abducted by unidentified persons.

November 13
Troops captured the entire triangular Devil’s Point to the west of A-32 Mannar–Pooneryn road in the Kilinochchi district.
Troops recovered and handed over the dead bodies of 14 LTTE militants, killed during clashes in the Akkarayankulam area of Mannar and north of Padaviya areas in the past few days, to the ICRC official at Omanthai Entry/Exit point in the Vavuniya district.
The Government’s firm stand on the CFA is unchanged, Government Defence Affairs spokesman Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said reiterating there will not be peace negotiations with the LTTE unless it lays down arms and surrenders. Rambukwella vehemently denied allegations made by certain parties that the Air Force had restricted air attacks in the North and the Wanni fearing civilian casualties.
The Sri Lanka Government sought cooperation of BIMSTEC nations in combating terrorism in the region saying the sea lanes of Bay of Bengal were being used by terrorists to smuggle arms and drugs.
The TMVP leader and Member of Parliament, Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan alias ‘Colonel’ Karuna Amman, said in an interview that political will and military planning will defeat the LTTE.

November 14
The Personal Secretary to the Eastern Province Chief Minister and TMVP leader Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan a.k.a. Pillayan and his driver were assassinated by suspected the LTTE militants at Oruwela in the Athurugiriya area of Colombo district. Pillayan’s Co-ordinating Secretary Kumara-swamy Nandagopan a.k.a. Ragu had contested at the Eastern Provincial election as the main TMVP candidate for the Trincomalee district.

November 15
Pooneryn, the LTTE bastion in Northern Province, fell to the troops advancing amid heavy resistance, the military said.
The Janes’s Defence Weekly said it was in a position to confirm that the LTTE made at least one attempt to transport a consignment of artillery rounds by air to the outfit-controlled areas in the Wanni. It said commercial satellite imagery obtained by Jane's confirmed that between 2004 and 2007, the outfit constructed two airstrips that could handle aircraft capable of transporting weapons’ cargo from Central or Southeast Asia.
Addressing the nation following the military victory over Pooneryn, President Mahinda Rajapakse reiterated his commitment to a political solution to the conflict and called on the LTTE chief to lay down arms and come for negotiations.
Eastern Province Chief Minister Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan a.k.a. Pillayan said that he has no reason to believe that LTTE was behind the assassination of the TMVP Secretary Kumarasamy Nandagopan a.k.a. Ragu. The Chief Minister said that incidents like this will negatively influence those who are moving from militancy to democracy.

November 16
Troops neutralized a LTTE bunker killing at least four militants ahead of the Muhamalai FDL in the Jaffna district.

November 17
SFs captured the strategically important Kumulamunai village south of Mullaitivu and the key junction town of Mankulam on the A-9 road. Troops also recovered the dead bodies of three LTTE militants and an armour plated cab. Troops now reportedly control the Mulliyavali village west of Kumulamunai and next to the Nagacholai forest reserve.
Troops captured the strategically important key junction town of Mankulam on the A-9 road. It is key junction on the A-9 road with roads leading to Mullaitivu to the West, Vellankulam to the East, Kilinochchi to the North and Omanthai to the South.
Troops clashed with militants at Andankulam in the Vavuniya district and recovered dead bodies of three militants, including a Sea Tiger cadre and one from LTTE’s ‘Sodiya’ Group.
Sri Lanka police sources said that plans are underway to set up Police stations in recently captured areas in the Northern Province. Accordingly, a new police station will be set up in Pooneryn, the strategic point in north-western coast captured by the security forces last week.
Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse has said that the LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran can continue his strategic withdrawals from Paranthan, Elephant Pass, Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu as well. He denied the LTTE's statement that the withdrawal from Pooneryn was a strategic one and reminded that the outfit had told the same when they lost other bastions of theirs.
Informed sources said that around 70 TMVP cadres have defected to rejoin the LTTE during the past few months. Some of these cadres have killed their colleagues prior to their fleeing to join the outfit, sources added.

November 17-18
Troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the Kilaly and Muhamalai FDLs area on November 17-18 and inflicted heavy casualties on the outfit. An unspecified number of soldiers were also killed and the operation is reportedly still continuing. Meanwhile, the pro-LTTE Website Tamil Net claimed that the LTTE in Jaffna put up stiff resistance against the SLA that attempted to advance across the outfit’s FDL four times between November 17-noon and 10:00am (SLST) on November 18. At least 36 SLA soldiers were killed and 90 others wounded, the LTTE said.

November 18
The Sri Lankan Navy confronted a Sea Tiger flotilla off the coast of Nayaru in the Mullaitivu district killing six Sea Tigers and destroying two boats in the pre-dawn hours, the military said. The SLAF MI-24 helicopter gun ships also provided close air support to the Navy causing the other four other LTTE craft to flee while damaging another.
There is the possibility of the Government proscribing the LTTE, said Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake.
Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama told Parliament that the Government firmly maintains the stance of eradicating terrorism and bringing a political solution to the ethnic problem. Speaking at the Committee Stage Debate on the Foreign Ministry, he said President Mahinda Rajapakse has clearly expressed to the international community that the country’s political issues will be solved only through political means while also taking measures to put an end to terrorism.
The Central Bank announced that it has forfeited a sum of SLR 71 million of TRO, a LTTE front organization, to the State. The Government had confiscated the assets of TRO in August 2006 under the Financial Transactions Reporting Act and the Convention on the Suppression of Terrorist Financing Act. The Government charged that the money received by TRO from various donors for humanitarian projects were, according to intelligence reports, mainly used to finance terrorist activity.

November 19
Troops advancing towards Kokavil, south of Kilinochchi, by November 19-afternoon closed in on the Kokavil town centre perimeter where the Kokavil Sri Lanka Rupavahini Cooperation (SLRC) transmission tower stands. The LTTE had captured the area in November 1990 after the militants launched an attack on the Army detachment at the SLRC tower which spread transmission to the entire northern part of the island.
18 dead bodies of the LTTE militants, including seven female cadres, who were killed in the clashes in Mannar and Vavuniya areas, were handed over to the representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Vavuniya.
President Mahinda Rajapakse again urged Velupillai Prabhakaran and the LTTE to give up violence in the interest of the Tamils of the country and enter into negotiations with the Government.
Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama said the capture of Pooneryn has dealt a severe blow to the LTTE arms smuggling capability across Palk Strait, as the latest achievement by the security forces have denied the outfit access to the North Western Coastal belt.

November 20
At least 130 SLA soldiers lost their lives and more than 450 were wounded in the offensive push within the last three days on Kilali and Muhamalai fronts in the Jaffna district, according to a Sri Lankan military source, claimed the pro- LTTE Website Tamil Net. 29 SLA soldiers died sustaining sniper fire and several others were killed while they were trapped in the LTTE minefield. The LTTE, however, is yet to release details on the fighting in Northern Front.
Mangala Samaraweera, leader of the Sri Lanka Freedom Party (Mahajana wing), said that 200 SLA soldiers were killed on November 18 alone and more than 700 were wounded in the recent fighting in Wanni. "I know that by last Tuesday, 235 injured soldiers were brought to Colombo National Hospital. It was reported that 85 were brought to Kalubowila, 90 to Jayewardenepura and more than 300 to the military hospital. Also, the bodies of more than 200 brave sons of this country were brought to Jayaratne Funeral Directors."
More than 50 LTTE militants were killed and an unspecified number of them injured as troops in Jaffna overran the first FDL of the outfit in the strategic bottleneck and the lagoon to the north and south of the A-9 Jaffna-Kandy Highway. An unspecified number of soldiers were also killed in the fighting that lasted for a few days.
Troops captured one of the LTTE airstrips located in the Nivil area in Pooneryn on November 20-afternoon. The airstrip is about 200m in length and made by demarcating a strip of the B-69 Pooneryn-Paranthan main road. The strip is believed to be used as an emergency landing strip by the LTTE.
Refuting certain media reports and allegations, Media and Information Minister and Cabinet Spokesman Anura Priyadarshana Yapa reiterated that the LTTE has been completely defeated and driven out of Pooneryn and Mankulam with absolutely no hopes of a return. Addressing the weekly Cabinet press briefing in Parliament he said, "This is in no way a ‘tactical pull-out’ as some critics strive to portray. They used all means at their disposal such as the construction of bunds and various other obstacles on our path to prevent us from reaching there. Losing the A-32 route has been a major blow to them. We are in a very strong position now, with LTTE’s hopes and aspirations of re-gaining their lost territory a myth."

November 21
Troops recovered a huge arms cache following extensive search and clear operations conducted in the Pooneryn, Kalmunai point and other surrounding areas. The recoveries included suicide boats and jackets, a few hundreds of T-56 weapons and LTTE I-com radio sets, several mortars, 12.7-mm weapons, claymore mines, thousands of ammunition rounds, detonator cords, wire rolls, remote control devices, fuses, oxygen cylinders, hand grenades, pistols, pistol rounds and a large stock of other LTTE warlike items.

November 22
Army Commander Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka said that the LTTE now have around 3,000 fighters with 2,000 of them forcibly recruited, and would die as the SFs close in on Vishvamadu close to Kilinochchi. He said that at this juncture Velupillai Prabhakaran would decide to flee from the country as some others would surrender. The Army Commander said that there would be a chance for the LTTE leader to flee in a dinghy boat or in a low lying fast aircraft. The Army Commander also said that Prabhakaran is now injured according to verified evidence and he is a patient running from bunker to bunker without medicine.
A recently released report by the University Teachers for Human Rights (Jaffna) quoting sources from the Wanni said that since early September 2008 the LTTE has conscripted 9,000 ‘very young’ persons who are now under training.

November 22-23
120 LTTE militants and 27 soldiers were killed during clashes between the two sides as fighting intensifies for Kilinochchi, Sri Lanka army said. "Pitched battled in Muhamalai, north of Adampan to the south of Paranthan-Pooneryn road in Kilinochchi, north of Kumulamunai in Welioya during the weekend have caused loss of 120 Tiger terrorists and injury to over 80 more," Defence Ministry said. 70 soldiers were injured while a few others went missing. Troops of the Task Force 1 and 57 Division deployed in the Adampan and Pudumurippukulam had come under a massive LTTE counter attack since November 23-evening. Troops of the two units have come in three fronts towards the center of the town. The 57th Division fighting in the Terumurikandi area have captured about 1.2-km stretch on the earth bund (embankment) built across the Jaffna-Kandy (A-9) road establishing their position just a few hundred meters short of the A-9 road, immediately south of the Kilinochchi built up, defence authorities said.

November 23
Army troops overran the LTTE’s Entry/Exit point at Omanthai in the Vavuniya after clearing the defence lines of the outfit in the area, the military said. The Defence Ministry said that troops of the Task Force 2 are now consolidating defences at Omanthai. "The domination over Omanthai will enable the Army to further extend the defence lines linking Mankulam - Oddusudan- Kumulamunai," the Ministry said. More than 40 LTTE cadres were killed in the incident.
The pro-LTTE Website Tamil Net claimed that at least 43 SLA soldiers were killed and more than 70 wounded in the latest fighting that broke out at Nallur on Poonakari-Paranthan road in the Kilinochchi district.
The Army intensified its thrust on Kilinochchi, marching towards the city from three frontiers and neutralising many defences, including several points of an earth bund (embankment) constructed by the LTTE, the Defence Ministry said.
A Sri Lanka Defence Ministry statement claimed that 41 civilians in two groups broke out of the LTTE-held areas and arrived at the Omanthai roadblock in the Vavuniya district.
The Eastern Provincial Council Chief Minister Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan a.k.a. Pillayan has said that that since he took office in May 2008 not a single person has been recruited to the Council. "I don’t have any powers to implement the 13th Amendment. We have asked the central government to give us the powers vested in the 13th Amendment," he said in an interview with a Sri Lankan weekend newspaper. He also accused that Vinayagamoorthy Muraleetharan alias ‘Colonel’ Karuna Amman, the leader of his party, TMVP, who is with the Government is now convincing the Government not to give powers to him. Chandrakanthan also said that only a few cabinet ministers in the district are directly involved in the ongoing development projects in the province.

November 24
Three dead bodies of LTTE militants, including one female cadre, killed in the Akkarayankulam area of Kilinochchi district were handed over to officials of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Vavuniya.
The Defence Ministry in a statement said, "Defence intelligence reveals that LTTE has marshalled its final reserves to the battlefront to save their symbolically-important stronghold — Kilinochchi. All senior terrorist leaders have been heard over the radio, commanding their cadre to die for the safety of the terror supreme V. Prabhakaran."
Troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the Karadiyankadu area of Jaffna district and inflicted an unspecified number of casualties upon the outfit.
Troops in the north of Akkarayankulam in Kilinochchi district and Kumulamunai and Andankulam in the Vavuniya district confronted groups of LTTE militants killing and injuring an unspecified number of them. During a subsequent search operation in Andankulam, troops recovered five anti-personnel mines and two improvised explosive devises.
Defence sources said that the LTTE are fleeing northward from their forward defence line at Omanthai in the Vavuniya district as the outfit has shifted the entry/exit point to their territory from Vavuniya to Oddusudan situated on A-34 highway.

November 25
Troops captured Olumaduwai, a major base of the LTTE four kilometres northeast of Mankulam along the Mankulam-Mullaitivu (A-34) road in the Mullaitivu district. The Task Force-3 entered the Olumaduwai area after a fierce battle that lasted several days, military sources said. An unspecified number of militants were killed in the operation.
A group of LTTE militants moving in the Ambagaswewa area, about 10-kilometre northeast of Horowpathana, in the Anuradhapura district were observed and attacked by the troops. Later, troops with the assistance of Civil Defence Force personnel conducted a search operation in the area and recovered the dead bodies of four militants.
STF personnel killed three militants in the Karaweddi area of Batticaloa district.
Three LTTE cadres were shot dead by the SFs at Vavuvathivu in the Batticaloa district.
The Colombo Magistrate Court issued a notice to eight members of the TRO, frontal organisation of the LTTE, to appear in courts regarding allegations over its finances. The Magistrate Court made this order following an application made by the CID. According to sources of the Central Bank of Sri Lanka, the TRO had used its funds to finance LTTE activity. The CID had conducted investigations on this issue following a complaint made by the Central Bank of Sri Lanka. The eight TRO members are required to appear in courts on February 9, 2009.

November 26
An unspecified number of LTTE militants were killed and several others injured as clashes erupted between the two sides in the Kumulamunai area of Vavuniya district. Troops later recovered the dead bodies of five militants, including three female cadres. One female militant was also arrested with gunshot injuries.
The fall of Kilinochchi, the LTTE’s strategic bastion in the Wanni and its core administrative capital is imminent as troops had established positions in the outskirts of Kilinochchi district, Defence Affairs spokesman Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said. He said that the security forces were moving from the south, southwest and west of Kilinochchi.

November 27
The LTTE leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran, while vowing to fight on and evict Government forces from their 'land', said his organization wants to stop the war and seek a peaceful resolution to the national question of the Tamil people. In his "Hero’s Day" speech, an annual ritual followed since 1989, delivered from an undisclosed location in the jungles of Wanni, he said, "We are waging a defensive war for the freedom of our people." He urged the Tamil people living outside the country to contribute to his movement to "strengthen the hands of our freedom movement and continue to extend their contributions and help."
Reports indicated that the ‘Hero’s Week’ of the LTTE in northern part of Sri Lanka failed to evoke much response. According to sources in Wanni, the celebrations were held only in Mullaitivu district as people of the other key areas in the North have rejected the celebrations. The LTTE had urged the people in those areas to close down all the shops and offices even in Vavuniya and Jaffna, but the order was disregarded, sources added. Sri Lanka Police said that they have tightened the security in those areas where the celebrations were held in past years but no such incidents were reported this time.
Mangala Samaraweera, leader of the SLFP-M, said on November 27 that the fate of one officer and three soldiers allegedly captured by the militants in Kungchupparanthan was not known. 700 critically injured soldiers were admitted to Anuradhapura Military hospital, another 700 in SLA Hospital Colombo, 250 in Colombo National Hospital, 160 in Sri Jayewardenepura Hospital, 90 in Ragama Hospital and 65 in Kalubowila Hospital, according to Samaraweera.

November 28
75 SLA soldiers were confirmed dead and more than 160 injured during fighting with the LTTE in the Kunchankulam area of Kilinochchi district, according to pro-LTTE Website Tamil Net.
Clashes erupted between the two sides at Otiyamale in the Vavuniya district in which the LTTE suffered an unspecified number of casualties. Subsequently, the SFs recovered dead bodies of five militants along with four T-56 weapons and one I-com set.

November 29
The troops advancing in the northeast entered Otiyamale town located southwest of Tannimurippukulam in the Mullaitivu district, the military said. An unspecified number of LTTE militants were killed and injured in the operation. During subsequent search operations, troops recovered dead bodies of four militants and a cache of weapons.
Dead bodies of five LTTE militants, including a female cadre, who were killed during clashes in the Padaviya and Janakapura areas of Vavuniya district were handed over to the representatives of the International Committee of the Red Cross in Vavuniya.
Kandy and its suburbs have been identified as the second most LTTE-threatened area after Colombo, according to intelligence reports. The Deputy Inspector General (Central Province), Pujith Jayasundara, said police recently arrested 115 persons during raids in the Kandy, Matale and Nuwara Eliya areas and information gathered from three of the arrested persons led to the recovery of 500-kilograms of C4 explosives and four claymore mines. In another case, a person caught transporting a large quantity of explosives by lorry admitted to previously transporting some 1,000-kilograms of explosives to Kandy, Matale and Nuwara Eliya. Suicide squads of 11 LTTE cadres were reportedly living in the Kandy area, Jayasundara said.

November 30
Troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the Kumulamunai east area of Vavuniya district and inflicted heavy casualties upon the outfit. During subsequent search operations, the SFs recovered dead bodies of three militants along with three T-56 weapons and one I-com set.
Italy recognised the dangerous potential of terrorists by arresting those with alleged links to the LTTE, Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to Italy, Hemantha Warnakulasuriya told Adnkronos International (AKI). He said the Italian government had taken the lead in Europe in clamping down on anyone who tried to extort money from the Sri Lankan community to support the outfit. Italian authorities in June arrested 28 suspected LTTE sympathisers in nine Italian cities, including Rome and Naples. Warnakulasuriya said others had been arrested elsewhere in Italy.

December 1
Troops completed the capture of Kokavil town area about 15-km north of Mankulam in the Kilinochchi district. Kokavil, a key town on the Jaffna-Kandy (A-9) road in the south of Kilinochchi was captured by the troops after advancing three kilometres southwards from Murikkandy. With the capture of Kokavil town troops have taken full control of the A-9 road from Murikkandy in the south of Kilinochchi to Mankulam junction.
A provincial leader of the LTTE, Thangawel Krishnapillei alias Chuti, was shot dead by the Police at Eravur in the Batticaloa district.
Government reiterated that the ongoing operations in the North will cease only after all civilians are fully liberated from the LTTE control. Making a statement to the local media, Defence spokesman Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said the operations in Wanni are being carried out successfully at the moment.

December 2
Troops captured Periyakulam village, about 1-km west of the newly-captured Otiyamale, in the Mullaitivu district. Periyakulam lies near Vavuniya and Mullaitivu district borders.
The dead bodies of four people, including three children, were recovered at Maithreepura village in the Padaviya area of Anuradhapura district.
The ICRC in Vavuniya delivered five more dead bodies of the LTTE militants, including three females, who were killed during recent clashes in the Kumulamunai area of Vavuniya district.
The number of civilians fleeing the LTTE-held areas is increasing as the resistance of LTTE waning day by day. According to the defence sources, 15 more civilians have arrived in Vavuniya on December 2-morning at the Omanthai Entry-Exit point Vavuniya, seeking refuge. The officials have taken measures to settle them at a refugee camp in Vavuniya.

December 3
A total of 75,000 anti-personnel landmines have been removed from areas affected by terrorism, Chairman of the National Steering Committee on Humanitarian De-mining at the Nation Building Ministry, N.S. Jayasinghe, said. Project Manager of Humanitarian De-mining Unit, Imthiyas Ismail, said landmines have been removed from a 17 billion square metre area in the liberated areas including the recently liberated Eastern Province. Meanwhile, Senior Project Officer of Support to Mine Action Project Programme Management Unit of United Nations Development Programme, Niloufer de Silva, said more than 1,700 persons have lost their limbs due to landmine explosions.

December 4
Troops captured the strategically important Alampil area, 10-kilometres south of Mullaitivu, while Task Force II troops captured the key junction town of Puliyankulam on the A-9 highway.
Nine more dead bodies of the LTTE militants, including five females, killed during clashes in the Kumulamunai and Otiyamale areas of Vavuniya district were handed over to the ICRC representatives.
The extension of emergency rule for another month was passed in the Sri Lanka Parliament with a majority of 100 votes.
The TMVP represented by its leaders, Member of Parliament Karuna and Eastern Province Chief Minister Pillayan, signed an agreement with the UNICEF to end its child recruitment. According to a UNICEF press release, the agreement would ensure the immediate release of all children currently with the TMVP.
Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake told the Parliament that some parties have pressured the Government to enter into a cease-fire agreement with the LTTE. He, however, reiterated that the Government will not agree for a cease-fire till the ongoing operations are concluded.
Defence spokesperson Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said that the Indian Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh and President Mahinda Rajapakse had come to a mutual agreement that the Government would declare a cease-fire only if the LTTE disarmed themselves.

December 5
Troops moving eastwards across the main A-9 highway captured Kanakarayankulam located about 10-km north of Puliyankulam, in the Kilinochchi district. With the capture of Kanakarayankulam, Puliyankulam, Mankulam and Kokavil towns, troops have now cleared a 21-km segment of the A-9 highway between Omanthai to the south and Kokavil to the north facilitating the civilian movement into Government controlled areas.

December 6
Troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the north of Olumaduwai in the Kilinochchi district and inflicted heavy casualties upon the militants. Troops later recovered the dead bodies of 10 militants, including seven female cadres, along with 13 T-56 weapons.
Approximately 12 militants were killed and an equal number of them were injured as clashes erupted between the two sides near the Olumaduwai town centre.
Six dead bodies of militants killed during clashes in the Kumulamunai, Akkarayankulam, Thunukkai and Thanthirimale areas were handed over to the ICRC by the SFs at Omanthai in the Vavuniya district.
Troops captured the bridge over Kanakaryan Aru on the Puliyankulam-Nedunkerni road, about 5.5-km northeast of Puliyankulam, in the Kilinochchi district.

December 7
The military claimed to be advancing on multi-fronts into parts under LTTE control in the Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts.
The Ministry of Resettlement and Rehabilitation said that the resettlement process in Trincomalee district has been completed.
The Defence ministry said the "strategic focus" of the counter operations in Wanni shifted from Kilinochchi to Mullaitivu battlefront since last week as the troops started sweeping down the A-34 road that leads to the last bastion of the LTTE. It said troops confronted the militants at least in six locations in the east of Olumaduwai town and claimed that the outfit had suffered heavy casualties.
The military claimed that three "senior LTTE cadres" who fought for the outfit for more than a decade have surrendered to the Army. The three, aged between 25-30 years, surrendered before troops operating in the Pooneryn area of Kilinochchi District and laid down their weapons.

December 8
Troops commenced their eastward march from the north of captured Kanakarayankulam on the A-9 road immediately and took control of Katkidanku junction which links all surrounding important towns like Nedunkerni, Nainamadu, Olumaduwai and Kanakarayankulam areas, the Army Headquarters officially declared.
Five militants were killed during clashes with the troops in the Otiyamale sector of Vavuniya district.
Troops attacked a group of LTTE militants in the Bakmitiyawa jungles of Ampara district and killed four of them.
The Defence Ministry said the "strategic focus" of the counter operations in Wanni shifted from Kilinochchi to Mullaitivu battlefront since last week as the troops started sweeping down the A-34 road that leads to the last bastion of the LTTE.
Troops commenced their eastward march from the north of captured Kanakarayankulam on the A-9 road and took control of Katkidanku junction which links all surrounding important towns like Nedunkerni, Nainamadu, Olumaduwai and Kanakarayankulam areas, the Army Headquarters officially declared.
Five militants were killed during clashes with the troops in the Otiyamale sector of Vavuniya District.
SFs attacked a group of LTTE militants in the Bakmitiyawa jungles of Ampara District and killed four of them.
The Sri Lankan Government, in a special gazette notification, dissolved the North Western and the Central Provincial Councils. Terms for both these are to end in August 2009.

December 9
11 more dead bodies, including that of seven female cadres, of the LTTE militants killed in clashes with troops at Mankulam in the Olumaduwai area of Mullaitivu District were handed over to the ICRC.
The TMVP reassured that they will disarm in the near future. The Eastern Province Chief Minister and deputy leader of the party, Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan a. k. a. Pillayan, gave this assurance during a meeting with the Deputy British High Commissioner in Sri Lanka, Mark Gooding.

December 10
The Government has overwhelming public support for its war against the LTTE and most people believe the outfit will soon be defeated, an opinion poll indicated. Research group TNS Lanka said close to 75 per cent of people questioned said they are "firmly in favour of military action, seeing it as the only route to wipe out terrorism."

December 10-11
More than 60 SLA soldiers were killed during fighting with the LTTE militants at a location five kilometres west of Kilinochchi on December 10. At the same time, heavy fighting broke out at Ariviyal Nakar, south of Kilinochchi, where 29 SLA soldiers were killed in the clashes. More than 180 SLA soldiers were wounded in both these clashes, the Website added. The Website on December 11, however, claimed that 120 soldiers were killed more than 280 wounded in these clashes.

December 11
27 LTTE militants and 20 soldiers were killed as the troops advancing northwards from Kokavil and eastwards from Akkarayankulam captured the strategically vital Terumurikandi junction in Kilinochchi District. Troops also captured the Murikkandy Hindu temple area.
Troops attacked several groups of LTTE militants in the Adampan, Akkarayankulam, Iranamadu and Mankulam north areas of Kilinochchi District, causing heavy casualties upon the militants. Two area leaders of the outfit, identified as Kabeithovan and Mohiran, were among the militants killed in Mankulam. Several soldiers were also injured in these battles.

December 12
SFs handed over 13 more dead bodies of the LTTE militants, including two female cadres, killed in Wanni to the ICRC in Vavuniya. The ICRC also brought the dead bodies of 11 soldiers handed over to them by the LTTE.

December 14
Troops of 59 Division advancing in the Kumulamunai area of Mullaitivu District clashed with the LTTE militants killing an unspecified number of them. During subsequent search operations, SFs recovered the dead bodies of four militants, including one female cadre, along with four T-56 weapons and six hand grenades.
A senior Government official in Mullaitivu said that over 163,000 people have been displaced in Mullaitivu due to the fighting. Government Agent Emilda Sukumar said approximately 8000 people are fleeing towards LTTE-held Puthukkudiyiruppu as shell attacks have recommenced in and around Mullaitivu town from December 13.
Military sources said that 21 LTTE militants led by Nagulan, a former LTTE leader in the East, has infiltrated the East with the objective of destabilising the security situation and four militants who had been killed by the troops in Bakmitiyawa in Ampara on December 8 belonged to that group.
President Mahinda Rajapakse reiterated that no force can reverse the unparalleled victories achieved by the SFs against the LTTE terrorism as they are fighting a war setting an example to the entire world without facing a single drawback since the Mavilaru battle to the Wanni liberation operation.
Sri Lanka’s Ambassador to the European Union, Belgium and Luxembourg, Ambassador Ravinatha Aryasinha, said sufficient evidence was available that operations of front organisations are an integral part of the LTTE as seen in recent action against the outfit’s fronts in the US and Canada.

December 15
After hours of heavy fighting with the LTTE, Troops of Task Force III captured the strategic Ampakamam village in Mullaitivu District. The town, located approximately seven kilometres north of Olumaduwai, is a main administrative hub of the outfit.
The 59 Division troops took control of a three kilometre stretch of the A-34 road from the South West of Mulliyavali village totally cutting off links between Mullaitivu and Oddusudan which was a vital supply route connecting the coastal town with the southern part of Mullaitivu District.
Troops of the 57 Division and the Task Force I attacked LTTE camps in the Adampan, Iranamadu and Nivil areas of Kilinochchi District and the 59 Division troops operating in Mullaitivu expanded their Kumulamunai defence line killing an unspecified number of militants. During subsequent search operations, troops recovered the dead bodies of two militants along with two T-56 weapons, with magazines, and one hand-held communication set.

December 16
120 LTTE militants and 25 soldiers were killed during clashes between the two sides near the Kilaly and Muhamalai FDLs) of Jaffna District and elsewhere in the Kilinochchi sector. 250 militants and 160 soldiers sustained injuries while 10 more soldiers went missing. The troops also destroyed a part of the outfit’s five kilometres long stretch of defensive earth bund in the Kilinochchi sector from many different places, the Army Headquarters stated. In addition, the troops captured Chorikenkulam village, about seven kilometres to the west of the A-9 highway pushing militants further into the jungle areas. The pro-LTTE Website Tamil Net, however, claimed that more than 40 SLA soldiers were killed and at least 120 soldiers wounded in the morning of December 16 when the LTTE repulsed an offensive push by the SLA along the Kilali area of Jaffna District.
The 59 Division troops now operating in the southern perimeter of the Mullaitivu centre totally cut off LTTE movement along the Mullaitivu-Oddusudan (A-34) road as they captured a few kilometre-long swathe of land parallel to the road which lies about 6.5 kilometres southwest of Mullaitivu.
Troops clashed with militants in the Ampakamam area of Mullaitivu District and later recovered dead bodies of five militants, including three women cadres, along with one Multi Purpose Machine Gun and three T-56 weapons.

December 17
The LTTE claimed that 130 SLA soldiers were killed and more than 300 wounded when the LTTE repulsed the multi-front offensive push by the SLA in Kilinochchi on December 16 which continued throughout the day on four main localities and along a wide stretch of the Kilinochchi frontiers. LTTE's director of peace secretariat, S. Puleedevan, said on December 16 the major push, which was foiled by the outfit, was the third debacle of the SLA in recent days in Kilinochchi.
15 dead bodies of LTTE militants were recovered along with a cache of arms and ammunition from the Chorikenkulam area, about seven kilometres to the west of the A-9 highway, in Kilinochchi District.
The troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the areas south of Adampan, south and west of Iranamadu, Nivil and Adampan in the Kilinochchi District and killed an unspecified number of them. They also recovered the dead bodies of four militants, including one female cadre, along with three T-56 weapons, 2040 rounds of ammunition, one I-com set and two claymore mines from the area. Troops also captured a LTTE penetration point along the Army’s FDL and expanded their FDL in the Nivil area.
During a clash between the two sides in the Kumulamunai area of Mullaitivu District, the troops expanded their FDL inflicting heavy casualties upon the militants. The SFs later recovered the dead bodies of two militants along with one T-56 weapon, two tractor engines, one tractor tailor and one C-90 Honda motorcycle from the area.

December 18
The troops expanded the existing Security Force’s defence line in the Karuppaddamurippu area of Mullaitivu District.
The APRC Chairman, Prof. Tissa Vitharana, announced that the Committee is meeting twice a week to hold discussions on core issues on devolution of power. Political parties in the Committee are now debating contentious issues regarding the devolution of power after reaching a consensus on 90 percent of the issues, the Chairman said. The APRC formed in 2006 comprises 14 political parties. However, the main opposition United National Party and the Marxist Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna have boycotted the APRC.

December 19
The 57 Division troops captured the northern edge of the LTTE’s earth cum ditch bund from the western side of Iranamadu tank in the Kilinochchi District. Troops also destroyed a few more bunkers on the earth bund before they took control an area of about 200 metres in length, away from the pierced earth bund. With this the whole area east of the A-9 road up to the Iranamadu tank has been brought under troop’s control.
Troops handed over 15 dead bodies of the LTTE militants to the ICRC officials to be taken across the Omanthai Entry/Exit point in Vavuniya to be delivered to the outfit.

December 20
Troops clashed with militants in the Kumulamunai and north of Ampakamam areas in Mullaitivu District and killed several of them. Troops later recovered the dead bodies of three militants.
President Mahinda Rajapakse has urged politicians concerned over the safety of Tamil civilians to "coax the LTTE to allow the civilians to move towards the safe corridor".

December 21
Troops of Task Force IV captured the strategically important town of Nedunkerni, a LTTE stronghold in Mullaitivu District. Nedunkerni was considered as a key administrative hub by the LTTE with three main roads leading to Puliyankulam, Oddusudan and Mullaitivu interlinking each other in the town of Nedunkerni.
SFs repulsed a LTTE attack in the north of Iranamadu area in Kilinochchi District. During the day-long battle that lasted till 6 pm (SLST), 12 soldiers were killed, 34 sustained injuries and 16 went missing. The pro-LTTE Website Tamil Net, however, claimed 60 soldiers were killed and the Army was pushed back. Rejecting the LTTE claim, the Defence Ministry said monitored LTTE radio transmission revealed that the outfit has suffered heavy damages.
Despite stringent measures to freeze funds, the TRO, a LTTE front organisation, reportedly raised over SLR 60 million in August 2008.
The leader of the TMVP and parliamentarian Vinayagamoorthy Muraleetharan alias ‘Colonel’ Karuna Amman has formed a new party named as Tamileela Makkal Viduthalai Koddani (TMVK or the Tamil People’s Liberation Alliance).

December 22
56 LTTE militants and 10 soldiers were killed as the troops captured a two kilometre stretch of land west of Paranthan, Adampan and Iranamadu in the Kilinochchi District. More than 87 militants and 40 soldiers sustained injuries in these clashes. However, head of the LTTE’s peace secretariat, S. Puleedevan, quoting the outfit’s field commanders said more than 100 SLA soldiers were killed and at least 250 were wounded when the LTTE repulsed a fresh offensive push of the SLA. Heavy fighting erupted when the SLA attempted to advance from Uruththirapuram towards Kilinochchi and Iranamadu. Puleedevan claimed fighting was continuing on three fronts.
SFs recovered the dead bodies of four LTTE militants subsequent to the clashes that led to the capture of segments of the LTTE earth bund in the Nivil area of Kilinochchi District.
Troops of the 59 Division continued their advance amidst LTTE resistance in the area north of Kumulamunai in the Mullaitivu district and managed to extend their FDL further.
President Mahinda Rajapakse issued a warning to the LTTE asking it to release civilians held captive as ‘human shields’ before the dawn of New Year or be ready to be banned and neutralised. We also rule out a ‘Ceasefire’ sans a ‘Lay -down of Arms’, by the LTTE, the President said.
The Army Commander Lt. General Sarath Fonseka told The Island that the armed forces had no intention to call a halt to their present offensive against the LTTE in the North.
The LTTE has said they that will continue to fight even if they lose Kilinochchi. The head of the outfit’s political wing, Balasingham Nadesan, told BBC that the outfit can defend the town and even if it falls, they will fight on. He said: "Freedom... never depends on one city. We can create more communities, more cities and [in] our freedom struggle, we are supported by people. We have the confidence that we will capture more areas in our motherland and we will create so many communities in [the] future." He rejected the Government's offer of talks if the outfit laid down their weapons first. "This is not a realistic question, we took up arms to safeguard our people, so we will keep these arms until the safeguard is guaranteed," Nadesan stated.

December 23
12 LTTE militants were killed and an unspecified number of them injured as the troops of the Task Force-I consolidating their positions about 300 meters further southward along the LTTE earth bund captured the Sinnaparanthan area of Kilinochchi District. Troops later recovered the dead body one LTTE militant along with one T-56 weapon.
The troops recovered dead bodies of three LTTE cadres from Mankulam area in Kilinochchi District.
Troops of the 59 Division expanded their defence line some metres ahead and consolidated positions in the area east of Mulliyavalai in the Mullaitivu District. An unspecified number of militants were killed in the subsequent intense fighting which erupted when the militants launched a counter attack on the troops.
The Inspector General of Police, Jayantha Wickramarathna, warned of possible suicide attacks on key points in south Sri Lanka as the LTTE faces defeat in the North. He also said the SFs have seized approximately 4,350 kilograms of C-4 and TNT explosives across the southern part in 2008.

December 24
Troops conducted search and clear operations in the areas east and north of Adampan area of Kilinochchi District and recovered the dead bodies of three militants along with two T-56 weapons and one T-81 weapon.
One more airstrip of the LTTE with a width of 25 meters and length of 350 meters was captured by the Army as the troops moved further towards north of Ampakamam in the Mullaitivu District.
The LTTE has called all students in the Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu Districts who have completed the recent GCE Ordinary Level examination to join combat training, latest military intelligence reports said. Over 8,000 students sat for the GCE Ordinary Level Examinations in these two Districts, said Defence spokesman Minister Keheliya Rambukwella.

December 25
The 59 division troops captured a communication tower used by the LTTE in the area north of Mulliyavalai in Mullaitivu District.
Troops captured an LTTE training base in the Kulamarippu area of Mullaitivu District.
The Government admitted that there would be a delay in capturing Kilinochchi owing to several civilians still remaining in the outskirts of the town. Since December 1, 363 civilians have reportedly sought protection of the Army.
The ICRC has said that about 800 dead bodies of combatants were transferred across the Army and LTTE frontlines in Wanni during 2008. It, however, did not identify the combatants separately. In November and December alone, the ICRC had facilitated the transfer of about 200 dead bodies.
The Minister of Environment and Natural Resources, Champika Ranawaka, addressing a Sri Lankan audience in Britain pointed out that over 826 innocent civilians were killed by the LTTE terrorists during July 2006 to December 2008.

December 26
The military claimed to have captured Mulliyavalai Township located along the A-34 main road and killed several LTTE militants after hours of heavy fighting.
Troops clashed with militants in the Adampan east, Adampan south, Iranamadu west and Sinna Paranthan east areas of Kilinochchi District and subsequently expanded their defence line south of Adampan.

December 27
The dead bodies of eight LTTE militants, including four female cadres, killed during clashes in the Paranthan area of Kilinochchi District were taken to un-cleared areas (area not under Government control) by the ICRC.
The Sri Lanka Navy destroyed a LTTE logistic boat, 12 nautical miles north east of Point Pedro, in the Jaffna District. Four Sea Tigers (cadres of the sea wing of the LTTE were also reported to have been killed, as the Navy engaged the fleeing vessel in the northern seas. The boat which was completely destroyed due to Navy fire is believed to have carried logistics for the LTTE, including weapons.
Troops of the Task Force-I captured Nalanawakulam agricultural village, situated on the Pooneryn-Paranthan (B-69) road and about five kilometres west of Paranthan in the Kilinochchi District. Troops inflicted heavy casualties upon the militants and later recovered the dead bodies of three militants along with some weapons with ammunition.
Quoting intelligence reports, the Defence Ministry said the LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran had been faced with a serious problem with finding a safe hiding place. "The terror chief overwhelmed with fears for his life due to increasing threats from his own outfit as well as from the advancing soldiers is reportedly shifting his hiding place in quick successions," the ministry added.

December 28
The LTTE claimed that at least 50 SLA soldiers were killed and 90 wounded in the Alampil area of Mullaitivu District on December 27. 15 SLA soldiers were also killed and more than 30 wounded in the nearby Uduppukkulam village.
Eight persons were killed when a suspected LTTE suicide bomber blew himself after entering the premises of a Civil Defence Force (CDF) post at Wattala in the Colombo District. One Army officer, six CDF personnel and one civilian died while 17 others sustained injuries.
Army troops at Black Bridge in the Chenkaladi area of Batticaloa District confronted a group of LTTE militants and inflicted heavy casualties upon the militants. During subsequent search and clear operations, the troops recovered dead bodies of four militants along with two T-56 weapons and two micro pistols.

December 29
Sri Lanka Government said that they will arrest the LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran and bring him to the courts before February 7, 2009. Speaking at a function in Kandy, Defence spokesman Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said the outfit’s chief is currently hiding in a bunker, limited only to a small area in Wanni. According to the Minister government troops will over run Prabhakaran’s bunker in the near future.
Velupillai Prabhakaran said that India is set to support his struggle to get for the Tamils of Sri Lanka, the right to self-determination. The LTTE leader said that the belief that the group was on the verge of a defeat was misplaced. Asked if he had any time table for securing an independent Tamil Eelam, since he was ageing, and there was no sign of independence, Prabhakaran said, "Ours is a freedom struggle. It has no time limits or age limits."
The Army received dead bodies of 17 soldiers from the International Committee of the Red Cross officials at Omanthai in the Vavuniya District.

December 30
The Task Force-I troops captured Kamalakadukulam, about two kilometers west of Paranthan, and Thadduwankoddy, in the north west of Paranthan, in Kilinochchi District. "Intercepted radio transmissions confirmed that 20 Tiger cadres were killed and 30 wounded in the fierce battles that erupted from early hours of yesterday. The Task Force I troops managed to recover six Tiger bodies during search and clear operations," sources said.
President Mahinda Rajapakse said the Government plans to hold elections in the Tamil dominated north in 2009 after flushing out the LTTE from their strongholds and rehabilitating the displaced people.
Leader of the LTTE political wing, Balasingham Nadesan, said in an e-mail sent to Associated Press the outfit did not believe they were facing imminent defeat. Stressing that the LTTE had not abandoned hopes for new peace talks, he said, "we have always been ready for peace talks, but the Sri Lankan government has been always insisting on a military solution." The Government, however, reiterated that it would only consider new peace moves if the LTTE agreed to disarm.

December 31
More than 50 LTTE militants were killed and over 60 injured by the SFs as clashes erupted between the two sides when the Task Force-I troops on entered the strategically important Paranthan town after cutting off the A-9 road from the north of Paranthan junction, said Army Commander Lt. General Sarath Fonseka. Paranthan is a strategically important four way junction town in the remaining areas held by the LTTE in Wanni and the North as it connects Pooneryn in the West, Mullaitivu in the East, Kilinochchi in the South, and Jaffna and Muhamalai in the North to one main hub through B-69, A-35 and A-9 roads.
Troops of 59 Division confronted LTTE militants in west of Mulliyavalai in the Mullaitivu District and subsequently recovered the dead bodies of 15 militants along with one Rocket Propeller Grenade (RPG) launcher, 12 RPG rounds, nine T-56 weapons, one Multi Purpose Machine Gun, 40 hand grenades, four I-com sets, one Global Positioning System and one Night Vision Device from the area. 11 soldiers were injured during these clashes.
Army troops advancing towards Kilinochchi town attacked more LTTE camps in the east and west of Iranamadu, north and south of Adampan and Paranthan areas inflicting an unspecified number of casualties to the outfit. In subsequent search operations, troops recovered dead bodies of seven militants along with three T-56 weapons, one Light Machine Gun, four T-56 magazines and two hand grenades from Adampan south and Paranthan areas. A few soldiers sustained injuries during these clashes.