Saturday 30 May 2020

Srilanka Timeline - Year 2000

Srilanka Timeline - Year 2000

February 1
Government discloses that Norway is to play an intermediary role in placing before the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) a peace package.
April 23
Government admits to having lost the strategic Elephant Pass to LTTE onslaught.
May 8
President Kumaratunga rejects a cease-fire offer made by the LTTE to enable the evacuation to safety of an estimated 40,000 troops from Jaffna.
Speaking on India's stand on the evolving situation in Sri Lanka, Indian Prime Minister Atal Behari Vajpayee says, "If we have to take any step, we are ready for it, if necessary." Indian Defence Minister, George Fernandes, however, rules out military intervention.
May 24
LTTE claims that its cadres shot down a Mi-24 helicopter gunship in Manthuvil, Tenmarachchi division.
May 27
LTTE declares temporary, unilateral cease-fire for 12 hours, between 10.00am and 10.00pm to facilitate civilians to move to safer areas from the Tenmarachchi division. Government gives no response.
June 7
Led by the President, Sri Lanka celebrates first ever annual War Heroes Day. Several commemmorative events mark the day. C. V. Gooneratne, Minister for Industrial Development, assassinated by a male Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) suicide bomber in Ratmalana, near Colombo. Gooneratne was leading a War Heroes Day rally when his assassin struck.
July 10
A delegation of the moderate Tamil United Liberation Front (TULF) calls on the President and informs her that the proposals on devolution agreed upon between the Ruling People’s Alliance and the Opposition United National Party (UNP) did not satisfy Tamil aspirations.
July 18
Parliament enacts two laws, Prevention of Hostage Taking and Suppression of Unlawful Acts, in tune with international and terrorist treaties, to tighten existing mechanisms to contain international terrorism.
August 2
A spokesperson for the opposition United National Party (UNP), Karu Jayasuriya, announces that his party would not support the Constitution Reforms Bill.
August 3
Kumaratunga, pilots the Constitution Reforms Bill, "An Act for the Repeal and Replacement of the Constitution", in Parliament amidst protests on the floor of the House and outside Parliament. Supreme Court declares that the Act would be legal only if it is passed by a two-thirds majority in Parliament and approved by the people at a national referendum.
August 8
Government decides to defer the debate, and, in effect, voting, on the Constitution Reforms Bil in the wake of protests against the Bill and the likelihood of not being able to secure the required two-thirds majority.
August 10
Five-time Prime Minister and two-time Leader of the Opposition, Sirimavo Bandaranaike lays down office as Prime Minister. Sirimavo, world's first woman Prime Minister, just completed 40 years in public life; Ratnasiri Wickremanayake, Home Minister and Leader of the House, assumes office as Prime Minister, a fortnight before the term of the current House is due to end.
August 11
President Kumaratunga announces that the next parliament would be converted into a Constituent Assembly in order to pass the proposed Constitutional Reform Bill.
August 12
President asserts that the new Constitution would be enacted within two months of the next general election. At the same time one of Sri Lanka's four principal Buddhist sects called for a more concerted opposition to the Constitutional Reforms Bill
August 13
Sri Lanka's new Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake calls on the heads of two of the country's four principal Buddhist sects (Malwatte and Asgiriy) in an attempt to get their support ahead of the parliamentary elections.
August 18
President dissolves Parliament a week before its term was due to end. Polls called for on October 10.
August 22
In a major set back to the government, three ministers of the ruling coalition partner, Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC), resign over differences on seat adjustment.
August 24
Major Gen. Lionel Balagale assumes charge as the new Commander of the Sri Lankan Army replacing Lt. Gen. Sirilal Weerasooriya.
August 30
A UNP leader and member of the dissolved Parliament, Sarath Kongahage resigns from the Party accusing the leadership of collaborating with the LTTE.
August 31
Norwegian special envoy Erik Solheim visits the country indicating that Norway was still trying to bring the LTTE and the Sri Lankan government to the negotiating table.
September 1
LTTE rebels blow up a military vehicle in northern Sri Lanka kiling 15 airforce men.
September 3
26 soldiers killed and several hundred injured as army launches fresh offensives against the LTTE in Jaffna.
September 10
Chelian Perinpanayagam, former Mayor of Batticoloa shot dead along with a supporter in eastern Kalumunai.
September 16
M.H.M. Ashraff, Ports Minister and SLMC leader and 14 others killed in a helicopter crash in the east of the country.
September 17
Sri Lankan troops lunched Operation Kinihara. Recapture Chavakachcheri town from the LTTE.
September 26
LTTE launches Operation Unceasing Waves IV along the Killali-Muhamalai- Nagarkovil axis and claims to have killed more than 150 soldiers.
September 30
Deputy Posts and Telecommunications Minister M L A M Hizbullah survives an assassination attempt in Batticoloa.
October 4
Prime Minister Wickremanayake asserts at a press conference in Colombo, "The stage of talking to the LTTE is over".
October 5
Deputy Minister for Health and Indigenous Medicine, Tissa Karaliyaddea survives a suicide bomb attack at an election rally. 12 people, including a police officer, killed in the attack. Over 100 rebels kiled as troops repulse attack on Nagarkovil.
October 6
President Kumaratunga states in Colombo, 'There is no other alternative but to conclude the war successfully.'
October 10
Sirimavo Bandaranayake dies of a heart attack after casting her vote in the country's parliamentary elections.
October 11
People's Alliance(PA) emerges as the leading party with 107 seats, closely followed by the UNP with 89 seats.
October 13
Ratnasiri Wickremanayake sworn in Prime Minister after the PA manages to obtain support from the SLMC and the National Unity Alliance (NUA).
October 14
SLMC issues a 100-day deadline to the President to implement constitutional reforms or risk a collapse of the coalition government.
October 15
Sri Lanka's influential Buddhist monks demand the setting up of a national government with the collective effort of the PA and the UNP.
October 16
SLMC splits over extending support to PA. Sinhala Urumaya, the hardline Sinhala Buddhist Nationalist party splits over the issue of representation in Parliament.
October 17
Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar states in Oslo, 'We want Norway to remain engaged in the process.' He presents a letter from the President to the Norwegian PM which says, 'We look forward to Oslo continuing its efforts in the peace process.'
October 19
Three civilians killed and 21, including three American nationals, injured in a suicide bomb attack near the Colombo Town Hall as the new Cabinet takes oath.
BBC correspondent Mylvaganam Nirmalarajan killed by unidentified terrorists in Jaffna.
TULF calls for halting the war and commencing negotiations with the rebels.
October 21
TULF calls for disarming all former terrorist groups such as TELO and PLOTE that have been absorbed into the democratic stream.
October 23
LTTE shoots down helicopter gunshipa and in a suicide attack on Trincomalee harbour destroys two naval vessels.
October 24
An estimated 26 youth detained under the Prevention of Terrorism Act killed when a mob attacks the Bindunuwewa Detention camp in Banarawela.
October 29
Army launches Operation Kinihara III in Maduvil North to capture rebel strong holds and claims to have killed 25 rebels.
October 31
Airforce planes destroy seven LTTE camps in Upparu and Kandalkadu areas, south of Trincomalee.
November 1
Eric Solheim, Norwegian peace envoy, meets LTTE chief Prabhakaran in the Wanni. Says the meeting was 'serious, frank, open and very useful'.
November 4
JVP, the Sinhala nationalist party, criticises Norwegian initiative and alleges that it wasattempting to impose a political solution.
November 7
TULF Member of Parliament representing Batticaloa district shot dead by an unidentified-armed person in Chenkaladi, near Batticaloa.
November 8
Cief of the Naval Staff meets India's Naval Chief and discusses increasing arms trafficking across the high seas.
November 9
President inaugurates 11th Parliament. Parliament extends State of Emergency by a month. President declares that her government was willing to negotiate with the LTTE, but 'war against terrorism would have to continue’.
November 11
Government would hold further talks with Norway and seek clarifications on the modalities of the proposed peace talks with the LTTE, Kumaratunga informs party (SLFP) colleagues.
November 12
Army Chief General Balgalle discloses that the LTTE lost more than 2,100 cadres in the year 2000.
November 13
European Union extends support to Norwegian peace initiative. Calls upon both the government and the LTTE to seize the opportunity to hold a dialogue in order to find a negotiated solution to the ethnic conflict.
November 15
Supreme Court directs a serving military officer to stand trial at a court martial. The officer has been accused of having colluded with the LTTE.
November 17
Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP) leader Douglas Devananda warns the government that the LTTE was never sincere about negotiations, but expreses support if the government held talks with the LTTE.
November 19
Sri Lankan Army launchesOperation Kinihara IV in Maduvil South.
November 22
Peter Hain, British Minister of State for Foreign and Commonwealth Affairs arrives in Colombo to meet the President and other leaders, amidst protests from the rightist Sinhala Urumaya.
November 27
LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran says in his annual Heroes Day Speech,the LTTE "is prepared to participate in negotiations to find a political solution to the ethnic conflict through peaceful means... [I am looking for a] fair, just and equitable negotiated settlement". Explaining his stand, he declares, "our call for de-escalation and normalisation of civilian life should not be misinterpreted as pre-conditions".
November 28
Karl Inderfurth, US Assistant Secretary of State for South Asia, says the US supports the territorial integrity of Sri Lanka and favours a solution that protects the dignity of all Sri Lankans.
November 30
General Anurudh Rattawate once again appointed Deputy Minister for Defence. The President holds the Defence portfolio, too.
December 1
LTTE rebels have lost 1,742 cadres, including 253 suicide cadres, in the year 2000, the Daily News says, quoting the LTTE.
December 2
LTTE theoritician and chief negotiator, Anton Balasingham says, in London, the LTTE has serious doubts on the government's willingness to negotiate peace and adds, the President is keen on prosecuting the war. Meanwhile, several Tamil groups welcome the LTTE leadcer's Heroes Day offer to hold peacew talks with the government.
December 5
The Sri Lankan Army launches Operation Kinihara V to regain rebel-held areas in Nunavil west.
December 10
On the occasion of its golden jubilee, the Sri Lankan Navy commissions three Israeli Fast Missile Vessels (FMV) and an Indian Offshore Patrol Vessel (OPV) to augment its strength.
December 12
Government reiterates willingness to hold peace talks with the LTTE, but firmly declares, "the de-escalation of war could be considered only as the talks progress towards a definitive stage in resolving the conflict".
December 13
Strongly protesting the British Minister for Foreign and Common Wealth Affairs, Peter Hains'statement, Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar asks international community to desist from making statements that would 'undermine Sri Lanka's right to solve its own ethnic problem'.
December 16
Governmentr forces launch Stage 2 of 'Operation Kinihira V', in the Nunavvil sector.
December 21
LTTE announces, in a statement issued from its headdquarters in the Wanni, month-long unilateral cease-fire from midnight December 24.
December 25
Prime Minister Wickremanayake and Foreign Minister Kadirgamar issue a staement rejecting the LTTE's cese-fire offer.
December 26
LTTE expresses 'dismay' at the governemtn's rejection of the cease-fire.Vows to implement its offer. TULF criticises government decision.
December 27
Government accuses LTTE of 'violating its own cease-fire' offer.

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