Saturday 30 May 2020

Sri Lanka Timeline - Year 2008 - Jan- Jun

Sri Lanka Timeline - Year 2008


January 1
The UNP Member of Parliament, T. Maheshwaran, was shot at and injured by suspected ‘pistol gang’ cadres of the LTTE while he was offering prayers inside Sivam Kovil (Temple of Lord Shiva) at Kotahena in the capital Colombo. The Parliamentarian, however, succumbed to his injuries. One of the nine more civilians wounded in the incident also died of his injuries. The Kotahena police claimed that the suspect, a resident of Gurunagar in Jaffna, was shot at and injured in retaliatory fire by Maheswaran's security personnel and is under police custody.
The Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa said that the LTTE is under pressure due to a sharp decline in recruiting cadres and acute shortage of arms and ammunition.
January 2
The Sri Lanka government decided to withdraw from the CFA with the LTTE. At the Cabinet meeting, Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake proposed to annul the CFA, signed in February 22, 2002, between then United National Front government and the LTTE, government spokesperson Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said. "The Government decided to officially withdraw from the Ceasefire Agreement since it is futile to continue with the Ceasefire with no indication that LTTE is willing to enter the peace path," the Minister said, adding further, "The Ceasefire has been violated by the LTTE more than 10,000 times. The Cabinet decision will be put into practice by using the terms and conditions of the Ceasefire Agreement itself."
Four persons were killed and over 20 injured in a powerful bomb blast in Colombo. The Defence Ministry said the blast which occurred at about 9:30am opposite the Nippon Hotel, targeted an army bus carrying soldiers.
At least 10 LTTE militants were killed and 30 others injured when troops launched two separate attacks on a LTTE bunker line at Kilaly in the Jaffna district. Two soldiers were also killed and six others sustained injuries during the exchange of fire. Five LTTE bunkers were destroyed in the incident.
Troops entered the LTTE bunker lines in the Vaiyaththukulam area of Vavuniya district and killed four militants. While one soldier was injured in the encounter, the troops destroyed one bunker.
In the Umayaratuvarankulam area of Vavuniya district, troops destroyed a LTTE bunker, killing four militants.
The LTTE militants lobbed a hand grenade at a STF foot patrol in the Thirithilana area of Ampara district without causing any fatalities. The STF retaliated and killed three militants.
January 3
At least six LTTE militants were killed and more than a dozen injured when troops stormed the outfit’s bunker line at Pallikuli, west of Adampan, in the Mannar district. One of the seven soldiers wounded in the incident later succumbed to his injuries. Six LTTE bunkers were completely destroyed by the troops.
Troops in the Pallikkulam area of Vavuniya district launched an attack on a LTTE bunker line and completely destroyed one bunker, killing four militants while injuring another. Four soldiers also sustained injuries in the incident.
Troops observed an infiltration attempt of the LTTE militants into the security forces held areas west of Palamoddai in the Vavuniya district and launched counter fire killing at least four militants.
The government’s decision to abrogate the CFA was based on a policy decision and the doors are yet wide open for a peaceful and negotiated political solution to the ethnic conflict, said Cabinet spokesperson and Media and Information Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa.
The government officially conveyed to Norway its decision to pull out of the CFA. Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama handed a letter to Norwegian Ambassador Tore Hattrem, saying that the government was withdrawing from the agreement.
January 4
Six LTTE militants were killed in separate encounters Vavuniya and Mannar.
Six LTTE militants were killed after troops stormed the outfit’s bunker line in the Nagarkovil and Muhamalai areas of Jaffna district. Four soldiers were injured during the encounter.
Three LTTE cadres were killed during an armed clash between troops and militants in the Mullikulam area of Mannar district.
January 5
Chief of the "Liberation Tigers Military Intelligence", self-styled Col. Charles a.k.a. Shanmuganathan Ravishankar, was killed in a "random claymore attack" by the Sri Lanka Army’s Deep Penetration Unit at Pallamadu in the Mannar district. Charles, who has been in charge of internal intelligence within the ranks of the LTTE ground forces and led an external operations corps and regular combat force that has been deployed in Mannar district, was killed along with three LTTE "lieutenants" in the ambush while they were traveling in a van between Iluppaikkadavai and Pallamadu at 3:10 p.m. Confirming the news, the Sri Lanka Defence Ministry said that Charles was deputy to Pottu Amman, the chief of the LTTE’s intelligence wing.

At least 20 LTTE cadres were reported killed and a large number of other cadres were injured following a raid by the troops on a bunker line of the outfit at Parappakandal in the Mannar district.

Six LTTE militants were killed in the Adampan area of Mannar district. Two bunkers were neutralised. Intercepted LTTE radio communication later revealed that two more cadres were killed.
Five LTTE militants were killed by troops during an encounter in the Kutinchankulam area of Vavuniya district.
Troops in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district confronted a group of LTTE militants and killed three of them.
January 6
Troops killed four LTTE militants during an encounter at Kaduruvitankulam in the Vavuniya district.
Troops launched an attack towards the LTTE bunker line north of A-9 at Muhamalai in the Jaffna district and killed four militants. While two LTTE bunkers were also destroyed, an unspecified number of militants were reported injured in the incident.
During an encounter at Pallikkulam in the Vavuniya district, troops killed three LTTE militants.
Three LTTE militants were killed by troops during a clash at Pandivirichchankulam in the Vavuniya district.
January 7
At least seven LTTE militants were killed as troops foiled their attempt to infiltrate into the security force’s FDL at Muhamalai in the Jaffna district.
Three LTTE bunkers were also destroyed. Troops at Talaivankulam in the Vavuniya district confronted a group of LTTE militants and killed four of them.
Three LTTE militants were killed in the general area of Kuchchaveli near Trincomalee when the sailors observed LTTE movement in the area.
January 8
Suspected LTTE militants killed the non-Cabinet Minister for Nation Building, D.M. Dissanayake, in a claymore mine blast near Rukmani Devi junction at Ja-ela while he was proceeding towards Colombo to attend the parliament session. A personal bodyguard of the Minister, identified as K.P. Rathnayaka, also succumbed to his injuries in the hospital. 13 people, including seven civilians, were injured in the incident.
Troops killed six LTTE militants in the Mullikulam area of Mannar district when the militants were trying to enter the military-held areas.
Troops killed four militants in the Periyathampane area of the Vavuniya district when the latter tried to confront troops in the area after firing a few shots towards them.
January 9
The LTTE eastern leader Shanker was shot dead by the STF personnel at Shaukade in the Batticaloa district. Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said that Shanker who was spotted by the STF personnel on patrol at Shaukade, between the Sathurukanda and Eravur areas, opened fire towards them and was shot dead in the retaliatory fire.
At least 19 LTTE militants were killed and over 30 injured during clashes between troops and the militants in the Parappakandal area of Mannar district where troops further consolidated their positions capturing an area of about one kilometer covering north of Parappakandal.
10 LTTE militants, including a leader named Kalanadan, were killed when troops confronted a group of the outfit’s militants in the Mullikulam area of Mannar district. One soldier was also injured in the incident.
At least eight LTTE militants were killed and an unspecified number of them injured during clashes between the militants and troops in the Parappakandal and Periyakulam areas of Mannar district.
In a clash between the two sides at Chettukulam in the Vavuniya district, troops killed five LTTE militants and captured one bunker of the outfit. Three soldiers sustained injuries due to the explosion of anti-personnel mines during the clash.
Five LTTE militants were killed in two separate incidents in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district.
Troops at Kutinchankulam in the Vavuniya district confronted a group of LTTE militants and killed three of them. Four soldiers sustained injuries during the exchange of fire.
Troops attacked a LTTE stronghold in the jungle off Janakapura in the Vavuniya district and killed three militants.
Three LTTE cadres were killed and two others injured by troops during an encounter in the area west of Mullikulam in the Mannar district.
January 10
Troops confronted a group of LTTE militants in the Parappakandal area of Mannar district and killed at least five militants.
Troops killed five LTTE militants during an attack launched in the Mullikulam area of Mannar district.
Three LTTE militants were killed and several others injured by troops when they repulsed an LTTE attack in the Parappakandal area of Vavuniya district. Four soldiers sustained injuries in the incident site.
A US District Court in Maryland sentenced a Sri Lankan to 57 months in prison and three years of supervised release for conspiracy to provide arms, ammunition and other military materiel to the LTTE. The sentence was imposed on Thirunavukarasu Varatharasa, a Sri Lankan resident in the US.
The LTTE is one of the most dangerous and deadly extremist outfits in the world and the world should be concerned about the outfit as they had ‘inspired’ networks worldwide, including the al-Qaeda in Iraq, said the FBI. In a January 10 report, posted on its website under the title "Taming the Tigers," the FBI alleged that the LTTE had perfected the use of suicide bombers, invented the suicide belt, pioneered the use of women in suicide attacks, killed some 4,000 persons in the past two years alone and assassinated two world leaders — the only terrorist group to do so. "Needless to say, the Tamil Tigers are among the most dangerous and deadly extremists in the world. For more than three decades, the group has launched a campaign of violence and bloodshed in Sri Lanka, the island republic off the southern coast of India. Its ultimate goal: to seize control of the country from the Sinhalese ethnic majority and create an independent Tamil State," the report said.
January 11
At least 13 LTTE militants, including three female cadres, were killed in a pre-dawn raid carried out by troops on an LTTE bunker line in the Parappakandal area of Mannar district. Four bunkers were also destroyed in the raid.
Troops after observing two groups of LTTE militants in the area north of Villattikulam in the Vavuniya district launched an attack on them, killing 13 militants. While six militants were killed and at least one injured in the first attack, troops killed seven more militants and injured nine others in the second attack.
Troops attacked and destroyed an LTTE bunker in the Karampaikkulam area of Mannar district, killing eight militants and injuring several others.
Eight LTTE militants were killed and 10 others injured by troops as they repulsed a militant attack in the area west of Puthukulam in the Mannar district. Four soldiers were also injured in the incident.
Troops attacked an LTTE bunker line at Palamoddai in the Vavuniya district and killed six militants.
Troops operating ahead of the FDL in the Periyapandirichchan area of Vavuniya district confronted group of LTTE militants and killed at least five of them. About four hours after the incident, terrorists fired mortar and artillery towards the troops, injuring 13 soldiers.
Troops launched two separate attacks on LTTE bunkers in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district and killed five militants, including one militant leader. Three bunkers were also destroyed in the incident.
The Media Minister Lakshman Yapa Abeywardana said that the abrogation of the CFA will not affect the foreign aid flow as the LTTE has been perpetrating terrorist activities even though the government tried its best to protect it. He informed that outfit has violated the CFA 3,743 times according to the reports of the SLMM.
January 12
At least 15 LTTE militants were killed during a fierce gun battle that erupted between militants and troops at Pallikuli in the Mannar district. One soldier was killed and five others were injured during the clash.
Troops in three separate incidents moved forward and destroyed three bunkers of the LTTE in the Muhamalai, Nagarkovil and Kilaly areas of Jaffna district and killed six militants. Two soldiers were also injured during the incidents.
An LTTE bunker was fired upon by troops in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district. While four militants were killed, one soldier sustained injuries during the clash.
During clashes that erupted between the two sides at Palamoddai in the Vavuniya district, three LTTE militants were killed and two others injured by troops.
January 13
Nine LTTE militants were killed and eight others wounded during clashes between the two sides in the area west of Parappakandal in Mannar district. Two soldiers were also killed and 15 others sustained injuries in the exchange of fire. Troops also captured nine LTTE bunkers.
Troops killed four LTTE militants during an encounter in the area east of Mantai in the Mannar district.
An LTTE bunker ahead of the Kilaly FDL in the Jaffna district was completely destroyed by troops and three militants killed.
Three LTTE militants were killed and an equal number of them injured when a confrontation erupted between the two sides at Kokkuthuduvai in the Vavuniya district.
Troops clashed with a group of LTTE militants in the Kutinchankulam area of Mannar district and killed three of them.
Troops captured one LTTE bunker in the Periyapantrichurichchan area of Vavuniya district and subsequently recovered the dead bodies of three LTTE militants, including one decomposed female dead body.
One soldier was killed during clashes in the Parikariperiyakulam area of Vavuniya district. Though troops inflicted heavy casualties on the LTTE, the details are yet to be ascertained.
The Japanese peace envoy Yasushi Akashi arrived in Colombo to hold talks with the government and to assess the impact of the decision of the government to withdraw from the 2002 CFA.
In a strongly-worded statement the Tokyo Co-Chairs of Sri Lanka (Norway, Japan, U.S. and the E.U.) backing continuation of Norway’s role as the official peace facilitator as well as asked the government to provide the Co-Chairs and Norway access to the LTTE in Kilinochchi.
January 14
The LTTE cadres triggered off a powerful claymore mine targeting one civil vehicle moving in the Kudakachchikudi area of Vavuniya district. Two army soldiers and the driver of the vehicle were killed in the explosion while three soldiers and another civilian were injured.
Eight LTTE militants were killed by troops during two separate encounters in the Nagarkovil and Muhamalai areas of Jaffna district.
During an encounter between the two sides in the Parikariperiyakulam area of Vavuniya district, the troops killed five LTTE militants.
Five LTTE militants were killed by troops during sporadic clashes in the Periyapantrichurichchan, north of Villattikulam, Kattikulam and Kutinchankulam areas of Vavuniya district.
Four LTTE militants were killed during an exchange of fire with army troops ahead of the Kokkutoduvai FDL (Forward Defence Line) in the Vavuniya district.
Troops confronted a group of LTTE militants in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district and reportedly killed three of them. One soldier was injured in this incident.
January 15
Troops attacked and captured one LTTE bunker killing at least four militants in the Periyapantrichurichchan area of Vavuniya district.
A group of LTTE militants who were moving away from their defence line in the area south of Muhamalai in the Jaffna district were attacked by troops. Three militants were killed and one of their bunkers was destroyed.
During a clash that erupted between the two sides at Janakapura in the Vavuniya district, troops killed three LTTE militants and injured two others.
The Sri Lankan military spokesperson Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara told Deutsche Presse-Agentur that the military wants to destroy the LTTE and conclude 25 years of war after the cease-fire ends on January 16. He said the military was already putting pressure on the LTTE at various fronts in the North, and added, "If we continue like this we will be able to defeat the LTTE."
The LTTE said that they will never be defeated despite Sri Lankan authorities vowing to wipe them out within months. The head of the outfit’s political wing, P. Nadesan, told BBC that the LTTE has experienced similar statements during their 30-year old struggle against Sri Lankan state. Denying that the outfit is reverting to guerrilla tactics as it is losing the war, he asserted, "We will never revert to guerilla warfare. We are a conventional force. We will launch attacks on military targets but we will not target civilians." He also denied accusations that his organisation forcefully recruits civilians for combat and said, "No. People, they like to join us. We never force the people. LTTE is a people's organisation."
January 16
At least 27 civilians, including some school children and women, aboard a Central Transport Bus proceeding to the Buttala town of Moneragala district, were killed and 66 others injured in a claymore mine explosion triggered by the LTTE in the Helagama area near Ella road. The bus was simultaneously fired upon by the militants immediately after the claymore mine explosion.
A group of four LTTE militants, allegedly scurrying back into the jungles minutes after triggering the claymore mine explosion targeting the passenger bus, reportedly shot dead five farmers in their paddy-fields at Dambeyaya in the Heentenna area.
The LTTE leader for Trincomalee south, Arichelvam, who was wanted for numerous killings and criminal activities in the east, was shot dead by the troops at Pachchanoor.
The Sri Lanka government said it has decided to eliminate LTTE chief V. Prabhakaran to bring peace, while maintaining that it was still open to negotiations with the rebels. "If Prabhakaran is ready to take the white flag, we will leave some window open to consider that offer. Otherwise we have decided to eliminate him to bring peace in Sri Lanka," said defence spokesman Keheliya Rambukwella.
January 17
At least 10 civilians, including two home guards, were shot dead by the LTTE militants at Hambegamuwa in the Thanamalwila area of Moneragala district.
Nine LTTE militants were killed when troops moving towards the north from their Mannar base confronted militants at Thirukeshwaram in the Mannar district.
During a clash that erupted between the two sides, troops captured another three kilometres patch of land along Uyilankulam – Adampan road in the Mannar district killing five LTTE militants.
Troops shot dead four LTTE militants in an encounter in the area north of Pallikuli, a suburb of Adampan in the Mannar district. Three soldiers were also injured during the exchange of fire.
During a confrontation between the two sides in the Kurunchakulam area of Vavuniya district, troops killed four LTTE militants.
Three LTTE militants were killed and two others injured by troops when they attacked a bunker of the outfit at Janakapura in the Welioya region of Vavuniya district.
January 18
10 LTTE militants were killed by troops during three separate confrontations in the Pullippankiyarkulam, Villattikulam and Janakapura areas of Vavuniya district. Troops also destroyed one bunker.
Troops captured three LTTE strong points in the Pallikuli area of Mannar district and consolidated their positions in the area. During the process, troops killed nine militants.
Troops launched attacks on LTTE positions in the Muhamalai and Nagarkovil areas of Jaffna district and killed six militants.
Troops attacked an LTTE bunker in the Maruthamadu area, 4-km northwest of Omanthai, in the Vavuniya district. Four female militants were confirmed killed and the bunker was completely destroyed.
January 19
Troops confronted two groups of LTTE militants in the Mullikulam and Villattikulam areas of Mannar and Vavuniya district respectively, killing seven militants. Two soldiers were also injured.
Six LTTE militants were killed by troops during an encounter at Janakapura FDL in the Vavuniya district.
Troops on advance from their Chettukulam FDL in the Vavuniya district attacked and destroyed two LTTE trenches. Six LTTE militants were killed and 10 others injured in the incident.
Troops killed four LTTE militants and injured nine others when a clash erupted between the two sides in the Chettukulam area of Vavuniya district. Two soldiers also sustained injuries.
At Pallikuli in the Mannar district, troops killed three LTTE militants in two separate incidents.
Two LTTE militants were killed and another injured as troops attacked and destroyed a bunker in the Janakapura area of Vavuniya district. During the attack one soldier was also killed and two others were injured.
January 20
Seven LTTE militants were killed when troops attacked a bunker of the outfit in the Pullippankiyarkulam area of Vavuniya district.
Advancing troops captured another LTTE stronghold in the Vaiyttankulam area of Mannar district after a confrontation with the militants in which four of the militants were killed. Six soldiers were injured in the incident.
Four LTTE militants aboard a tractor were killed when troops opened fire towards the tractor moving about 5-km south of Madhu.
Troops shot dead three militants in the Madhu s area of Mannar district.
Troops cordoned the area north of Kaithady in the Jaffna district and conducted a search operation. During the operation, the LTTE militants fired at the troops. Troops in counter fire killed two militants, including the outfit’s leader of the Thendamarachchi area, identified as Chengan.
January 21
At least 15 LTTE militants were killed and 30 others inured as troops launched a pre-down attack against the outfit’s bunker lines in the Nagarkovil and Muhamalai areas of Jaffna district and destroyed 24 bunkers. The troops destroyed 12 bunkers east of A-9 road and eight more bunkers west of A-9 road in the Muhamalai area while four bunkers were destroyed at Nagarkovil. Two soldiers were also killed nine others injured during the gun battle that lasted nearly for one hour.
Four LTTE militants were killed during a clash between the two sides in the Navathkulama area of Vavuniya district.
A team of police personnel who were providing security at Allimankada in the Kithulkote area of Thanamalwila in the Moneragala district confronted a group of LTTE militants and in the ensuing gun battle, three policemen were killed. The militants, however, managed to escape.
Troops attacked a group of LTTE militants moving in the general area of Mullikulam in the Mannar district. In the ensuing gun battle, troops killed seven militants.
The troops in the general area north of Janakapura in the Vavuniya district confronted another group of LTTE militants and killed six of them.
During a clash that erupted between the two sides at Villattikulam in the Vavuniya district, the troops killed six more LTTE militants.
Troops destroyed two LTTE bunkers in the Parappakandal area of Mannar district and killed five militants.
January 22
10 LTTE militants were killed as troops in the general area (area under government control) of Pallikuli in the Mannar district attacked an LTTE strong point and destroyed four bunkers.
Troops stormed a LTTE bunker line in the area south of Muhamalai in the Jaffna district and killed four militants.
A calendar apparently depicting the logo of the LTTE and the map of a separate state of "Tamil Eelam" was sold outside Hindu temples in London on January 1. The "Tamil Eelam" national calendars were publicly sold at the rate of five pounds to 10 pounds each, a report said.
President Mahinda Rajapakse said that the ethnic conflict should not be solved through military means, but the government will not seek a political solution as long as the LTTE engages in terrorism.
January 23
The Elections Commissioners Department recognised five more political parties in addition to the 53 Political Parties recognised as on December 31, 2007. The TMVP, the political wing of the LTTE breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna, is among the two new recognized Tamil political parties.
Full and faithful implementation of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, holding of provincial council elections in the east and establishment of an interim provincial council in the north are the key recommendations made by the APRC in its interim report submitted to President Mahinda Rajapakse.
President Mahinda Rajapakse promised to hand over the LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran to India to face trial in the former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi assassination case if he is captured.
January 24
Police recovered the dead bodies of 16 youths hacked to death by suspected LTTE militants from a swamp at Kiriketuwewa on the Horoupathana-Kebithigollawa road in the Anuradhapura district.
Eight LTTE militants were killed by the troops in three separate attacks launched on the outfit’s bunkers at Anandankulam in the Mannar district.
The troops launched an attack on a LTTE bunker line in the area south of A-9 route at Muhamalai in the Jaffna district and killed five militants.
President Mahinda Rajapakse is to set up a Temporary Interim Advisory Council (TIAC) to resolve problems in the North, said the Agriculture Development and Agrarian Services Minister and Sri Lanka Freedom Party General Secretary Maithripala Sirisena.
January 25
Troops captured a one-kilometer stretch of land in the Karpiththanmoddai area on the Uyilankulam–Adampan road in Mannar district and killed nine LTTE militants. Troops also destroyed seven bunkers. Two soldiers sustained injuries in the incident.
Seven LTTE militants were killed and four others wounded during two encounters between the militants and troops at Madhu road area in the Mannar district.
At least six LTTE militants were killed when troops attacked a pocket of militants who were firing at troops from a bunker in the Periyapandirichchan area of Vavuniya district. One soldier who received injuries during the incident died later.
Renegade LTTE leader Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan alias 'Colonel' Karuna was sentenced to nine-month imprisonment by a UK Court for identity fraud. He was arrested in London on November 2, 2007, for carrying an apparently genuine Sri Lankan diplomatic passport issued under a false name. Karuna told the Isleworth Crown Court in West London that he had received the false diplomatic passport from the Sri Lankan Government. He said Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapakse, who is also the brother of President Mahinda Rajapakse, had arranged the documents for him. Karuna, who founded the Tamil Makkal Vidhuthalai Pullikal (TMVP), was sentenced to nine months in jail under the Identity Cards Act after he pleaded guilty.
January 26
The troops launched an artillery attack on a group of LTTE militants in the jungle north of Palamoddai in the Mannar district and killed six of them and wounded nine others.
Troops deployed south of Madhu area in the Mannar district launched an attack on a group of LTTE militants and killed six of them. Two militants were injured.
Six LTTE militants were killed by the troops during an encounter near the Kiriibbanwewa FDL of Vavuniya district.
During a clash that erupted between the two sides at Villattikulam in the Vavuniya district, the troops killed five LTTE militants.
Troops attacked a LTTE bunker line in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district and killed three militants.
Three militants were killed and an unspecified number of them injured by the troops during their attack on an LTTE bunker line in the Vavuniya district. One bunker was also destroyed.
January 27
At least 10 LTTE militants were killed and an unspecified number of them injured when clashes erupted between the two sides following militant’s fire towards the troops in the Pantrichurichan area of Mannar district.
Troops after observing the LTTE militants constructing a new bunker line in the Kokkuthuduvai area of Vavuniya district launched an assault towards them and killed six militants.
Troops in an encounter killed four LTTE militants in the Mullikulam area of Mannar district.
Three LTTE militants were killed by the troops at Vankalacheddikulam in the Mannar district.
Troops killed three LTTE cadres who attempted to enter into the Kokkuthuduvai area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was injured in the incident.
Three LTTE militants were killed by the troops during a clash ahead of the Muhamalai FDL in Jaffna district. One soldier sustained injuries in this incident.
January 28
Troops destroyed six LTTE bunkers in the Pallikuli area of Mannar district and killed seven militants. One soldier was killed and two others sustained injuries during the clashes.
Five LTTE militants were killed by the troops during a clash in the area south of Adampan in the Mannar district.
During six separate clashes with the LTTE, the troops killed nine militants and injured five others in the Kiriibbanwewa and Janakapura areas of Vavuniya district. At Janakapura, militants fired artillery towards the troops killing one soldier.
Troops at Umayaratuvarankulam in the Vavuniya district launched an attack on an LTTE gathering and killed six militants.
During two encounters in the Villattikulam and Kallikulam areas, the troops killed six militants and injured four others. One soldier was injured at Villattikulam.
Troops fired mortar and small arms towards an LTTE bunker line in the Andankulam area of Mannar district and in the ensuing gun-battle, three militants and a soldier were killed while one soldier was injured. In another clash between the two sides in the same area, one soldier was killed and another wounded.
Troops opened fire on a line of LTTE bunkers in the Kilaly area of Jaffna district and destroyed four of them, killing four militants.
January 29
17 civilians, including 11 children, were killed in a claymore mine attack on a school bus in the Mannar district. The military and the LTTE blamed each other for the incident. A military spokesperson said the forces did not operate in the area, adding, "The blame for the attack on the military is a cheap propaganda tactic by the Tigers cornered in the battlefield." However, the LTTE claimed that 20 civilians, including 11 school children, a teacher of Thadchanaamaruthamadu Roman Catholic Tamil Mixed School, the driver, conductor and two hospital workers were killed and 14 wounded when a Deep Penetration Unit of the Sri Lanka Army triggered a claymore mine targeting the bus carrying school children in Madu division of the LTTE-controlled territory.
The last village of Vaiyttankulam in Adampan under the LTTE control fell to the SFs following heavy fighting in Mannar. The SFs destroyed 10 bunkers and killed 10 militants during the operation. Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said, "Vaiyttankulam was located 1-km towards the west of Adampan and the Security Forces destroyed 10 LTTE bunkers while killing 10 Tiger cadres," he said, adding, the fight lasted for two hours and the SFs successfully retaliated the outfit’s resistance forcing them to flee the area.
The SFs neutralized six LTTE bunkers and killed 12 militants in the area south of Pallikuli.
Army snipers killed seven LTTE militants when they were fired upon by the militants in the Karampaikkulam and Parappakandal areas of Mannar district.
During another confrontation between the two sides at Andankulam in the Vavuniya district, troops killed seven militants. Two soldiers were also injured in the incident.
Five LTTE militants who infiltrated into the general areas (areas under government control) at the Kokkuthuduvai FDL in the Vavuniya district were killed in an encounter by the troops.
Troops launched an attack on a group of LTTE militants moving in the Villattikulam area in of Vavuniya district and killed four of them.
At Andankulam FDL in the in the Vavuniya district, the troops killed four more LTTE militants during two separate attacks.
January 30
The SFs captured the Muhamalai, Nagarkovil and Kilali FDLs of the LTTE in the Jaffna district destroying 35 bunkers of the outfit on January 30. 30 militants were killed and an unspecified number of them were injured during the operations in which seven soldiers also sustained injuries.
Brigadier Nanayakkara urged the public to be vigilant since the LTTE had planned to carry out attacks by disguising their men as ice cream vendors. "We have reliable information that the LTTE cadres are planning to carry out an attack posing off as ice cream vendors and we are asking the public to be extra vigilant," he said.
At least 10 LTTE cadres were killed during an encounter with the security forces in the Adampan area of Mannar district. The location, believed to be one of the outfit’s command posts, had been heavily fortified with a three-layer concrete slab.
Troops opened fire on a group of LTTE militants in the Kallikulam area of Mannar district and killed at least five cadres and injured several others.
Three civilians belonging to the same family were shot dead by suspected LTTE cadres at Chawakachcheri, defense sources said. The outfit had earlier issued death warrants to the civilians who it accused of acting as security forces’ informers. The Sri Lanka Army report identified the victims as B. Thalikalan (30), K. Baleshwari (28) and B. Pradeepan (17).
The LTTE have urged the UN to recognize 'Tamil sovereignty' to end the 25-year-old ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka, accusing the Sri Lankan government of committing excesses against the minority community in the country. The LTTE political head B. Nadesan in a letter to the UN Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon that the Sri Lankan army was involved in the attack on January 28 at Madhu in the Mannar district that led to the death of 18 civilians, including 12 school children. He also accused the Sri Lankan military of being responsible for aerial bombing of a village in Mullaitivu in which seven children were killed on January 4. "Since the present President of Sri Lanka (Mahinda Rajapakse) assumed office in November 2005, as many as 2,056 Tamil civilians including 132 Tamil children have been massacred by the Sri Lankan State Forces," he claimed.
The government spokesman and Minister Keheliya Rambukwella strongly denied any military involvement in the January 28 bomb blast and reiterated that Sri Lanka Army being a professional military would not operate in a no-war-zone proclaimed by the government. The Minister pointed out that the military has so far refrained form wresting control over the territory despite it being a relatively easy task, due to its respect for the existence of the no-war-zone.
The Army said that the LTTE transmissions, closely monitored and transcribed by members of the security forces, now consolidating in and around Mannar areas, affirmed that many conscripted minors, school children and teachers were being sent to the LTTE defence line to the north of Madhu with sinister motives and plans.
Women are being forced into joining the LTTE, according to letters purportedly recovered from slain woman militants in Sri Lanka. "Every LTTE cadre is anxious to see his or her parents and I will come home for pongal (harvest festival – January 14) though I do not know what my fate will be," said one letter recovered by security forces from a slain woman militant. "Amma, what can I do? When all those at home in the area were taken away, I too had to go with them (LTTE)," said the letter, which was released by the Media Centre for National Security. Another militant said she was forced to join the LTTE by her parents in spite of her objections.
January 31
Troops stormed an LTTE bunker in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district and killed at least eight militants. An unspecified number militants sustained injuries in the incident.
Troops clashed with the LTTE militants at Welioya in the Vavuniya district and killed four of them.
A LTTE suicide bomber on a bicycle blew himself at Thinnaveli in the Jaffna district killing three civilians and injuring 17 others, the military said. Authorities, however, said that the explosion was premature since there was no target in the area.
The UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon accused the LTTE and its breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna of recruiting children from North and the East in a report looking at Children in War. The UN Secretary-General's latest report on children and armed conflict, covering the period from October 2006 to August 2007, said the LTTE had recruited or re-recruited 339 children. It says that 41% of them were from Batticaloa. The UNICEF has also received confirmed reports that 246 children had been recruited or re-recruited by Karuna group during the reporting period.
February 1
Troops killed 10 LTTE militants and neutralized 10 of their bunkers in an attack at the Muhamalai FDL in Jaffna district. Two soldiers were killed six others were injured in the incident.
At least eight LTTE militants were killed when the troops attacked a group of the outfit’s militants in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district.
Troops attacked two LTTE bunkers in the Janakapura and Kokkuthuduvai areas of Vavuniya district and killed four militants.
Troops in the Sirukulam and Chettukulam areas of Mannar district during an encounter killed three militants.
Two civilians were killed by the LTTE militants in the Kachchai and Kodikamam areas of Jaffna district.
Troops recovered the dead bodies of four LTTE militants lying in shrubs in the Vavuniya district.
Five soldiers were injured due to the explosion of an LTTE booby trap at Mullikulam in the Mannar district.
Three soldiers were injured due to the explosion of an anti personnel mine at Mullikulam and Kokkuthuduvai in the Vavuniya district.
Nine LTTE militants surrendered to the troops at Murunkan in the Mannar district. Eight of those militants were active in the jungles surrounding Mannar while the remaining one was active in the Vavuniya district.
The Sri Lanka Navy Commander Wasantha Karannagoda claimed that the LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran was not capable of leading his organization due to immense pressure from the armed forces. With reference to intelligence reports the Commander said that Prabhakaran is either injured or indisposed, adding, "The victory is coming soon but I don’t want to indicate an exact time frame."
February 2
At least 20 passengers aboard a bus were killed and 50 others injured when the LTTE militants detonated an explosive device at Dambulla bus stand in the Matale district. The bus was to play on the Kandy - Anuradhapura road. Initial reports quoting Dambulla police said that many Buddhist devotees on a pilgrimage to the sacred Anuradhapura city were among the dead and injured.
Troops killed 16 LTTE militants during separate confrontations in the Sirukulam, Andankulam and Kokkuthuduvai areas of Vavuniya. Two soldiers sustained injuries during the confrontation at Kokkuthuduvai.
10 LTTE militants were killed during confrontations with the troops in the Parappakandal and Vannakulam areas of Mannar district. Troops also neutralized three bunkers of the outfit.
Eight LTTE militants were killed by the troops during an encounter in the Villattikulam area of Vavuniya district.
During another confrontation between the two sides in the Periyapanchurichchan and Navakkulam areas of Vavuniya district, troops killed seven LTTE militants.
Five LTTE militants were killed by the troops in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also injured during the confrontation.
February 3
At least 12 persons were killed and around 100 injured, 10 of them critically, when an LTTE female suicide militant blew herself inside the Colombo Fort Railway Station. The bomber who apparently arrived at the railway station in a train blew herself opposite the station cafeteria on platform number three at 2.10pm. The head of the suicide cadre was lying on the platform along with a cellular phone connected to a handsfree kit. "They (LTTE) would have targeted Security Forces personnel who were returning to their bases after rehearsals at the Galle Face Green," an unnamed military official said.
Earlier in the day, at least seven civilians, including two children, were injured in a low intensity grenade explosion inside the Dehiwala Zoological Garden on the outskirts of Colombo.
Troops attacked a LTTE bunker line in the Koilmoddai area of Mannar district and killed eight militants. One of the outfit’s bunkers was also destroyed in the incident.
Three LTTE militants were killed and three of their bunkers were neutralized by the troops during two separate attacks in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district.
Three LTTE militants and a soldier were killed during a gun battle in the Periyapanchurichchan area of Vavuniya district.
Troops launched an attack on an LTTE bunker in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district and killed four militants.
In the Kokkuthuduvai area of Vavuniya district, troops killed four militants.
Four more LTTE militants were killed by the troops during an encounter in the Madu area of Vavuniya district.
Troops killed four LTTE militants who were roaming in the jungle areas of Karampaikkulam and Adampan in the Mannar district.
Troops on a search operation shot dead four LTTE militants in the Koilmoddai area of Mannar district.
At least three LTTE militants were killed and three of their bunkers destroyed by the troops during two separate clashes in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district.
February 4
At least 13 persons were killed and 17 others inured when LTTE militants detonated a claymore mine targeting a civilian bus, plying from Parakaramapura to Janakapura, at Kobbekaduwa junction in Welioya, 200-metres away from the 223 Brigade headquarters. The dead include five soldiers and two women.
Three soldiers were injured in a LTTE-triggered claymore mine at Galge in the Buttala area of Badulla district. One of the inured soldiers died later.
An explosion occurred at Dandeniyawatta in the Moratuwa area of Colombo District. Separately, an IED that had been planted at the foot of an electricity transformer at Wijesiriwardane Mawatha in the Mt Lavinia went off damaging the transformer. However, no casualties were reported in the incidents.
Troops in a series of clashes with the LTTE militants at Andankulam in the Vavuniya district killed at least 12 of them.
Troops killed at least six LTTE militants during clashes in the Andankulam, Kaddutaddamalai and Kokkutoduvai areas of Vavuniya district. One soldier was injured during the clashes.
LTTE militants opened fire towards the troops in the Periyapanndivirichchan area of Vavuniya district and in the ensuing gun-battle, two soldiers and a militant were killed while another soldier sustained injuries.
February 5
The troops confronted a group of LTTE militants in the Janakapura area of Vavuniya district and killed nine of them and injured nine others.
During an encounter in the Kokkuthuduvai area of Vavuniya district, four militants and three soldiers were killed while 14 soldiers sustained injuries.
During a clash between the two sides at Janakapura in the Vavuniya district, the troops shot dead at least six militants. One soldier sustained injuries during the clash.
At Umayarathuwankulam in the Vavuniya district, troops attacked and captured a LTTE bunker killing five militants.
The troops stormed the LTTE trench line in the Periyathampane area of Vavuniya district and killed four militants.
Two soldiers and a militant were killed when clashes erupted between the two sides at Adampan in the Mannar district.
Three LTTE militants were killed by the troops in the Kaduthodamalai area of Vavuniya district.
February 6
12 LTTE militants were killed when the troops deployed at the FDLs in the Nagarkovil area of Jaffna district stormed the outfit’s bunkers at about 5.30am. Five soldiers were also injured during the clash. Troops with the assistance of T-55 battle tanks completely destroyed 30 bunkers - four in the Nagarkovil area, 10 in the area north of A-9 and 16 in the Kilaly area.
At least 10 LTTE militants were killed and several others wounded when troops confronted a group of militants in the Welioya and Kokkuthuduvai areas of Vavuniya district.
Six SLN personnel were killed and one was rescued when the Sea Tigers [cadres of the sea wing of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE)] attacked the SLN vessel in the seas off Thalaimannar.
Two groups of soldiers who were on an ambush in the Periyapanndivirichchan area of Vavuniya district shot dead four LTTE militants and injured at least nine others.
At Kokkuthuduvai, the troops killed four more LTTE militants during another clash.
Army snipers killed three LTTE militants in two separate incidents in the Parappanikulam and Sirukulam areas of Mannar district.
February 7
Troops confronted a group of LTTE militants in the Umayaratuvarankulam area of Vavuniya district and killed at least 10 of them.
Five LTTE militants, including an area leader, were killed and 10 others injured by the troops during an encounter in the Muhamalai and Nagarkovil areas along the A-9 road in the Jaffna district. One soldier was killed and five others sustained injuries during the clash.
At Periyapanndivirichchan in the Vavuniya district, the troops attacked a LTTE bunker and killed four militants while injuring six others. Two soldiers were also wounded in the incident.
Two LTTE militants and a soldier were killed during a gun-battle between the two sides in the Janakapura area Vavuniya district. 10 militants and a soldier were injured in the incident.
An army captain, a soldier and a Buddhist monk were arrested for having close links with a top LTTE leader named Ramesh alias Charles, who was reportedly involved in the recent bomb blasts in Colombo and the suburbs.
February 8
The Army captured a one-square kilometer area to the south of Adampan Tank in the Mannar district after clashes with the LTTE militants. 12 militants and two soldiers were killed during the clashes. Five more soldiers sustained injuries in the operation.
Eight LTTE militants were killed by the troops in an ambush in the Sinnapantrichurichchan area of Vavuniya district.
Eight LTTE cadres were killed by the troops during a gun-battle between the two sides at Andankulam area of Vavuniya district. Three soldiers were injured in the incident.
Five LTTE militants were shot dead by the troops in the Sirukulam, Kallikulam and Adampan areas of Mannar district.
February 9
15 LTTE militants and three soldiers were killed during a gun-battle between the two sides at Periyapantrichurichchan in the Vavuniya district. Seven soldiers were also injured.
Six militants were killed during three separate incidents at Mullikulam in the Mannar district.
The troops launched an attack towards a group of LTTE militants constructing a bunker line in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district and killed five militants.
Troops killed four LTTE militants during separate encounters in the Chettukulam, Ittikandal and Nedunkandal areas of Vavuniya district.
During an encounter at Kokkuthuduvai in the Vavuniya district, the troops killed three militants.
Three LTTE militants were shot dead by the troops during separate encounters in the Koilmoddai and Navakkulam areas of Vavuniya district.
The troops shot dead three LTTE militants in the Periyapantrichurichchan and Umayaratuvarankulam areas of Vavuniya district.
The troops launched two separate attacks on the LTTE militants at Periyapantrichurichchan areas of Vavuniya district and killed three militants.
Three separate attacks launched by the troops at LTTE militants operating in the Muhamalai and Nagarkovil areas of Jaffna district caused the death of three militants.
The LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran had no option but to give up arms and join the political mainstream as the Sri Lankan forces were marching ahead remarkably against the outfit, Army Chief Sarath Fonseka said. "LTTE leader V. Prabhakaran should realize that he cannot go ahead with his military campaign. They have no option other than to give up their struggle and enter the political mainstream," he told the state-run Sunday Observer.
February 10
11 LTTE militants were killed during separate clashes with the troops in the Sirukulam, Karampaikkulam, Adampan and Parappakandal areas of Mannar district.
The troops killed eight LTTE militants and destroyed two of their bunkers at Kallikulam in the Vavuniya district.
Six LTTE militants were killed by the troops in the Janakapura area of Vavuniya district.
Troops operating ahead of the Mullikulam FDL in the Mannar district confronted a group of LTTE militants and killed six of them.
Troops opened fire towards a tractor carrying LTTE militants in the Sivarayankulam area of Vavuniya and killed three militants.
February 11
Six LTTE militants were killed by the troops during two separate encounters between the two sides in the area south of A-9 in the Muhamalai region of Jaffna district.
At least 13 LTTE militants and 10 soldiers were killed during a gun-battle between the two sides in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district. The troops destroyed 12 LTTE bunkers and also injured an unspecified number of militants. 25 soldiers were reportedly injured in the incident.
At Udayanathankulam in the Vavuniya district, troops attacked and neutralised a LTTE bunker, killing at least eight militants.
The troops killed five LTTE militants during an encounter at Periyapandirichchan in the Vavuniya district.
The troops opened fire towards a group of LTTE militants in the Sirukulam, Karampaikkulam and Nedunkandal areas of Mannar district and killed five of them.
The troops during a raid on an LTTE bunker in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district killed four militants.
At Kokkuthuduvai in the Vavuniya district, during a clash with the LTTE cadres the troops killed four militants while destroying one of their bunkers.
During a clash that erupted between the two sides at Mullikulam in the Mannar district, the troops killed three LTTE militants. One soldier was wounded in the incident.
February 12
During an encounter between the two sides at Villattikulam in the Vavuniya district, the troops killed at least seven LTTE militants and subsequently recovered the dead body of one of the slain militants.
Six soldiers were killed and 10 others injured when LTTE militants fired artillery shells at the densely populated Thalladi town damaging the St. Sebastian Church in Mannar.
Four LTTE militants were killed when the troops opened fire towards them in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district.
At Kokkuthuduvai in the Vavuniya district, the troops clashed with some infiltrating LTTE militants killing at least three of them while injuring six others.
The LTTE are reportedly among six blatant violators of human rights singled out by the UN for recruiting underage children in armed conflict and using rape and other forms of sexual violence against them. The UN Security Council criticised the continuing recruitment and use of children in armed conflict and deplored the systematic use of rape and other forms of sexual violence against them.
February 13
At least 13 LTTE militants were killed by the troops in the Parikariperiyakulam and Umayaratuvarankulam areas of Vavuniya district. A soldier was injured during the incident.
The troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the Periyathampane area of Vavuniya district and killed at least seven militants.
Four LTTE militants were killed by the troops when clashes erupted between the two sides in the Thaddankulam area of Mannar district.
Three LTTE militants were killed and three of their bunkers destroyed when the troops stormed the LTTE bunker line in the Sirukulam area of Mannar district.
The troops killed three LTTE militants and injured nine others in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district.
Addressing a media briefing in Colombo the military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said in the period between January 30 and February 12, 475 LTTE militants were killed and many more injured during the fighting between the SFs and the militants in the North. He put SFs losses at 39 killed and 178 injured. 46 civilians were also killed during the two-week period while 179 civilians sustained injuries.
The ICRC said it was deeply concerned about the growing number of civilian casualties, including children, as the security situation across Sri Lanka deteriorates due to indiscriminate LTTE attacks on civilian targets. Issuing a statement, the ICRC said that in the first six weeks of 2008, more than 180 civilians were reported killed and almost 270 injured in a series of attacks on civilian buses, railway stations and individuals in Colombo, Dambula, Kebhitigollewa, Madhu, Okkampitiya and Welli Oya.
February 16
Reacting to the frequent claims by the Sri Lankan government that the LTTE Chief Velupillai Prabhakaran has been injured in a military raid, the outfit’s political head B. Nadesan told the Tamil daily Thinakkural in an interview, "A false propaganda saying our leader Prabhakaran is injured is being carried. Nobody can approach our leader. People of Sri Lanka will realise the futility of such a claim in times to come."
February 18
Troops advancing into the LTTE held areas in the eastern part of Mannar district, captured an area of about 600 square metre with an LTTE defence line and a strongly-built bund in the Andankulam area. 10 militants were killed and an equal number of them sustained injuries in the attack. One soldier was also killed while four others were wounded in the fighting.
February 19
Troops foiled an LTTE attempt to dislodge the consolidating troops in the newly captured Sirukulam area in the Mannar district. In the gun-battle that started around midnight and continued for about four hours troops inflicted heavy casualties on the militants forcing them to retreat. The exact details of the casualties are, however, yet to be ascertained, though it is believed at least 35-40 militants have either been injured or killed.
Sri Lanka has said a proposal for providing a safe haven for the LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran has been there "for some time", but felt he would be apprehended by India the moment he leaves the island country. "Yes, that is his problem. If he (Prabhakaran) leaves Kilinochchi, then India will get him for sure," Foreign Secretary Palitha Kohona told Asian Tribune.
The Sri Lankan government said that it would open a 'gateway' for trapped civilians in the Wanni area to crossover to the government controlled areas. "We would open an escape rout for civilians in the Wanni area and would give necessary accommodation," said Minister Keheliya Rambukwella.
February 20
At least 13 LTTE militants were killed and five others injured during encounters with the troops in the areas west of Parappakandal and north of Pallikuli in the Mannar district. Two soldiers were also killed in the LTTE attacks.
At least 13 LTTE militants were killed when the troops launched an attack towards a group of militants in the Janakapura area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while five others sustained injuries in the incident.
The troops attacked a group of LTTE militants in the area north of Villattikulam area of Vavuniya district and killed eight of them. Three militants and a soldier were injured in the gun-fight.
At Kallikulam in the Vavuniya district, the troops neutralized a LTTE bunker and killed six militants.
Three soldiers were killed when the LTTE militants opened fire on an Army picket point at Dambakote in the Buttala district. Troops retaliated and injured at least one militant.
February 21
At least eight LTTE militants were killed when the troops neutralised a bunker of the outfit in the Mullikulam area of Mannar district. Three soldiers were also injured while three T-56 weapons and one Icom radio set were recovered from the incident site.
During an attack launched by the troops targeting a heavily fortified LTTE bunker in the Karampaikkulam area of Mannar district, four militants were killed while several others were injured. Two soldiers were also killed while four more sustained injuries in the gun fire.
Five LTTE militants were killed by the troops in two different attacks in the Periyapantrichurichchan area of Vavuniya district.
Four LTTE militants were killed as a group of outfit’s militants attempting to infiltrate newly captured areas in the Parappakandal area of Mannar district were attacked by the troops.
Troops attacked another group of LTTE militants moving in the Mullikulam area of Mannar district and killed three of them.
The troops attacked a few LTTE bunkers in the Mantota area of Mannar district and killed three militants.
Three LTTE militants were killed by the troops in separate encounters in the Kokkuthuduvai and Adampan areas of Mannar district.
February 22
A fierce gun battle erupted between the two sides when the troops assaulted a group of LTTE militants who were manning a bunker in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district. At least seven militants were killed and three others were injured in the incident.
Six LTTE militants were killed when a fierce gun battle erupted between the two sides in the area north of Welioya sector in the Vavuniya district. Subsequently, the troops recovered dead bodies of the six slain militants along with a Multi Purpose Machine Gun, five T-56 weapons and two radio sets.
In the Mankindamulai area of Vavuniya district, troops over ran a line of LTTE bunkers while killing at least five militants. One soldier also died in the incident.
Troops attacked an LTTE bunker line in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district and killed four militants. One soldier was injured in the incident. Another attack on a LTTE bunker line in the Andankulam area of the same district area by the troops resulted in the death of four militants.
Troops in the Mantota area of Mannar district launched an attack on a LTTE camp in the jungle and shot dead four militants.
President Mahinda Rajapakse asserted that following the local government elections due to be held shortly in the East, his government will also take steps to establish democracy and rights to all communities in the land, inclusive of those in the North.
February 23
The troops stormed an LTTE bunker line ahead of them in the Koilmoddai area of Mannar district and killed at least 11 militants while destroying three bunkers. Five soldiers were reportedly injured in the incident.
At least eight LTTE militants were killed when the troops stormed one of the outfit’s camps in the jungle north of Janakapura in Vavuniya district.
The troops launched several attacks on a LTTE bunker line at Mullikulam and killed seven militants while neutralising a number of their bunkers.
The troops stormed a line of LTTE bunkers in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district and killed seven militants. One soldier was injured in the incident.
The troops confronted a group of LTTE militants on two occasions in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district and killed four militants.
Four LTTE militants were killed and one of their bunkers was neutralised by the troops in the Perankulam area of Mannar district. One T-56 weapon was also recovered from the area.
The troops during an encounter in the Adampan area of Mannar district killed four LTTE militants.
At Mullikulam in the Mannar district, the troops attacked LTTE bunkers ahead of them and killed two militants. One soldier who sustained injuries in the incident died later.
Troops operating in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district shot dead three LTTE militants.
Troops confronted another group of LTTE militants and killed three of them in the Periyapanndivirichchan area of Vavuniya district.
February 24
The troops operating in the Mannar battle front advanced further into the LTTE-held territory on three fronts from Thiruketheeshvaran, Uyilankulam and Pallikuli, an unnamed senior Army official said. "At least 15 to 20 Tiger cadres were killed in these confrontations," the official added.
At least 17 LTTE militants were killed when the troops overran their line of bunkers in the Parappakandal area of Mannar district. Six soldiers were killed and 16 others sustained injuries in the clashes.
The Naval intelligence revealed that three senior Sea Tiger [sea wing of the LTTE] women leaders, including self-styled ‘Lt. Colonel Kalai Arasi’, a woman Sea Tiger instructor and six others had been killed in the air raids carried out by the Sri Lanka Air Force fighter jets targeting women’s Sea Tiger training camp at Kiranchi in the Kilinochchi district.
The troops launched an operation to capture LTTE bunkers in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district and killed five militants and injured two others.
Five LTTE militants were killed during clashes that erupted between the two sides in the Villattikulam, Chanakakulam and Periyapanndivirichchan areas of Vavuniya district.
Two TMVP cadres were killed as a LTTE suicide cadre blew himself opposite the Kali Kovil (Temple) in the Kalawanchikudi area of Batticaloa district. The suicide cadre had apparently jumped onto the motor bike on which the two persons were traveling near Satyavilan road, some 17- kilometers from Batticaloa town.
Foreign Secretary Palitha Kohona in an interview to Asian Tribune said that there is no group left that could be described as Karuna Group because they have splintered into many factions over the last year.
February 25
At least six LTTE militants were killed by the troops during clashes in the Udayanathankulam area of Vavuniya district.
During a clash that erupted between the two sides when the troops launched an attack on three LTTE bunkers at Koilmoddai in the Mannar district, five militants and a soldier were killed. Two soldiers and two militants were also injured.
Three LTTE militants were killed during clashes between the two sides in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district.
February 26
Five LTTE militants were killed by the troops during intermittent clashes that erupted between the two sides in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district. Troops also neutralized at least six bunkers of the outfit.
The United Nations and Non Governmental Organisations working in the conflict-ridden north and east are warning of a mounting humanitarian toll in 2008 due to the escalation in hostilities. Agencies should be prepared to assist "up to 500,000 conflict-affected individuals comprising IDPs, returnees and economically affected persons", according to the CHAP 2008, prepared by the Inter Agency Standing Committee country team for Sri Lanka and released on 22 February.
February 27
During clashes between the two sides in the Perankulam, Parappakandal, Karukkakulam, Adampan and Mannar town areas of Mannar district, the troops killed at least 14 LTTE militants.
At Kokkuthuduvai in the Vavuniya district, the troops neutralised LTTE bunkers and killed eight militants.
The troops confronted a group of LTTE militants in the Karampaikkulam area of Mannar district and killed at least four militants. One soldier is reported to have died in the incident.
The military said that since 2006, a total of 6,486 LTTE militants, 1196 military personnel and 982 civilians have been killed, estimating there are now only around 5,000 militants still alive.
February 28
The troops captured the Sinnaodaippu sluice gates and its adjacent areas north of Giant Tank in the Mannar district after an encounter erupted between the security forces and LTTE militants. At least 14 militants were killed and six T-56 weapons were recovered during the incident. Two soldiers sustained injuries in the incident.
Seven LTTE militants were killed in three separate attacks carried out by the troops in the Navakkulam and Periyapantrichurichchan areas of Vavuniya district.
February 29
Seven LTTE militants were killed by the troops during clashes in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district.
The troops neutralized four LTTE bunkers in the Kokkuthuduvai and Andankulam areas of Vavuniya district and killed four militants.
The troops killed four LTTE militants during an encounter at Vallaikulam in the Vavuniya district.
The troops launched an attack on an LTTE bunker line at Muhamalai in the Jaffna district and destroyed eight bunkers killing five militants.
Troops neutralized eight newly-erected LTTE bunkers in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district and killed five militants.
March 1
Nine LTTE militants were killed by the troops during encounters between the two sides in the Navakkulam, Mullikulam and Kallikulam areas of Vavuniya district.
The troops confronted a group of LTTE militants in the Kilaly, Muhamalai and Nagarkovil areas of Jaffna district and killed five militants. One soldier was also killed during the incident.
During a clash between the two sides in the Janakapura area of Vavuniya district, the troops killed two LTTE militants. One soldier was killed while another sustained injuries during the incident.
The troops attacked an LTTE strong point in the area north of Janakapura in the Vavuniya district and killed two militants. During the exchange of fire, one soldier was killed while four others were wounded.
March 2
Eight LTTE militants were killed by the troops in a clash in the general area of Kokkuthuduwai in the Vavuniya district. Two soldiers were killed while 10 others sustained injuries during the clash.
The troops at Kallikulam in the Mannar district attacked a LTTE hideout with Rocket Propeller Grenades and killed at least six militants. One soldier was also killed in the incident.
Troops attacked a group of militants in the Kovilmadu area of Vavuniya district and killed five of them. At least nine more militants were reportedly wounded in the incident.
President Mahinda Rajapakse reiterated that until such time every inch of land is captured and the last terrorist is neutralised, his government will not cease its liberation operations against the LTTE.
Sri Lankan authorities urged the British government to ban fund-raising activities of what they described as LTTE’s front organisations alleging that the money collected by these groups "ostensibly" for charitable purposes went into the "coffers" of the outfit.
March 3
The troops neutralized a LTTE bunker in Chettikulam in the Vavuniya district and killed five cadres. Four soldiers are reported to have been wounded in the incident.
March 4
Army troops took under control Pallaikuli east and a LTTE cross-loading point on the Uyilankulam-Andankulam road in Mannar district (about 2.5 sq km in total). Troops reportedly broke into the LTTE dominated Pallaikuli east area and killed seven militants, including three women cadres, and injured five others.
The troops attacked a LTTE bunker in the Palaimodai area of Mannar district and killed at least three militants.
The troops neutralized another LTTE bunker in the Vilattikulam area of Vavuniya district, killing three militants.
March 5
The troops attacked an identified LTTE bunker in the Manthota area of Mannar district and killed five militants. One soldier was also killed while three more sustained injuries in the incident.
The troops attacked another LTTE bunker in the Periyapantichchan area of Vavuniya district and killed five more militants. One soldier was injured in the incident.
The troops killed four LTTE militants during an encounter in the Karampaikulam area of Vavuniya district. Two soldiers sustained injuries during the clash.
During an encounter between the two sides at Andankulam in the Vavuniya district, the troops killed three LTTE militants. One soldier was injured in the incident.
The Sri Lanka government said that more than 100 soldiers were killed and 800 were wounded in the fighting against the LTTE during February 2008. Health Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva told Parliament, "The number of security personnel killed last month was 104, while another 822 soldiers and police were wounded. Some 80 civilians were killed and 201 wounded in February."
March 6
The TNA parliamentarian K. Siwaneshan, representing the Jaffna district was killed in an explosion in the Kanagarayankulam area on the Mankulam-Mallavi road of Kilinochchi district. The pro-LTTE Website Tamil Net alleged that he was killed in a claymore mine attack carried out by the Sri Lanka Army’s Deep Penetration Unit. His driver was also killed in the attack. The military, however, said no operations were being carried out there at that time.
At least 12 LTTE militants were killed during a gun-battle between the two sides in the Kokkuthuduvai area of Vavuniya district. Two soldiers were also killed while 10 others sustained injuries.
12 more LTTE militants were killed and their trench line destroyed by the troops during an operation to capture Parappakandal in the Mannar district.
The troops killed seven LTTE militants in the Periyapantrichurichchan, Kallikulam and Mundimurippu areas of Mannar district.
Four LTTE militants and two soldiers were killed when the troops confronted a group of LTTE militants in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district. Two soldiers were injured during the clash.
The troops attacked and destroyed one LTTE bunker ahead of their FDL (at Nagarkovil in the Jaffna district and killed three militants.
March 7
Six LTTE militants were killed during sporadic clashes in the Veddamkulam, Karampikulam, Madhu camp area, Periyawalandykulam, Tiruketishwara in the Mannar district.
Four LTTE militants were reported killed during an attack by the troops at Kollmoddai in the Vavuniya district.
March 8
The troops killed 13 LTTE militants during clashes in the Udayanatankulam, Karampaikkulam, Palaimoddai, Palaikuli, Periyavalayankaddukulam and Perankulam areas of Vavuniya district.
10 LTTE militants were killed during a gun-battle with the troops in the Manthai area of Mannar district. Two soldiers were also killed and four others were wounded in the incident.
Seven LTTE militants were killed by the troops in the Kilaly and Muhamale areas of Jaffna district. Two soldiers sustained injuries during the encounters.
Three soldiers were killed during clashes with the LTTE militants at Udayanatankulam, Sulainamarutamadu and Ampan areas of Mannar district.
Three LTTE militants were killed and one of their gun positions and two bunkers were neutralized by the troops in the Muhamalai and Nagarkovil areas of Jaffna district.
March 9
At least 15 LTTE militants were killed by troops during clashes in the Umayarathuwarankulam, Vilathikulam, Venkalacheddikulam, Adampan, Pulmoddai, Ilantaivan and Janakapura areas of Vavuniya district. Five soldiers were also killed during the clashes.
The LTTE released two pictures of its leader Velupillai Prabhakaran paying his respects to the TNA parliamentarian K. Sivanesan, who was killed in an explosion on March 6, at an undisclosed destination in the outfit’s-controlled Wanni area.
March 10
In a pre-dawn attack on an LTTE bunker line in the Illanthaivan area of Mannar district, the troops killed 10 militants and injured an equal number of them. Troops also captured eight bunkers. Three soldiers were also killed while 12 others were injured.
Intelligence sources have revealed that the LTTE is attempting to poison VIPs as they are unable to reach them, said Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake.
At least 26 LTTE militants, mostly females, were killed and three others injured by the troops during clashes in the Puliyankulam area of Mannar district. One soldier was also killed while 13 others were wounded during the clashes.
The troops attacked a LTTE camp in the Karampaikulam area of Mannar district and neutralized two of their bunkers and cleared a few trenches. Ground troops confirmed that four soldiers were killed while two others sustained injuries during the clash.
The LTTE militants directed 60-mm mortar fire on troop positions in the Vilattikulam area of Vavuniya district, injuring two soldiers. In the retaliatory fire, the troops killed at least four militants.
March 11
The TMVP, a breakaway faction of the LTTE, won eight out of nine local councils while the ruling UFPA won the Batticaloa Municipal Council with 11 out of 19 seats. Polling for the local body elections in Batticaloa went off peacefully on March 10, though there were some allegations of vote rigging. There were nine political parties and 22 independent groups fielding 831 candidates for 101 posts in nine Pradeshiya Sabhas (local councils) and the Batticaloa town municipality.
The troops operating ahead of the Maruthamadu FDL in the Vavuniya district killed five LTTE militants.
The troops in a pre-dawn attack captured the immediate surroundings adjacent to the Sinnaodaippu sluice gates under their control after advancing about 500 meter to the east. Four militants were killed while three soldiers sustained injuries in the incident.
The troops attacked a LTTE bunker in the Umayaratuvarankulam area of Vavuniya district and killed three militants, including the team leader Tallavan.
Three LTTE militants were killed by the troops during an encounter in the Karampaikkulam area of Vavuniya district.
A case was filed against LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran, its Intelligence wing leader Pottu Amman and another three former cadres before the Colombo High Court in connection with the former Foreign Minister Laxman Kadirgamar assassination.
March 12
Nine LTTE militants were killed and an equal number of them injured when the troops attacked three bunkers of the outfit in the Udayanathankulam area of Vavuniya district. Three soldiers sustained injuries in the incident.
The troops fired on a tractor carrying LTTE militants in the Karampachchikulam area of Vavuniya district and completely destroyed the tractor, killing six militants.
Four LTTE militants were killed by the troops in the Kokkuthuduvai area of Vavuniya district.
The troops killed three LTTE militants during an encounter in the Karampachchikulam area of Vavuniya district.
At Janakapura in the Vavuniya district, the troops neutralized a LTTE bunker and killed three militants.
March 13
11 LTTE militants were killed during several encounters between the troops and militants in the Karukkakulam, Nedunkandal, Vannakulam and Ilantaivan areas of Mannar district.
Six LTTE militants were killed by the troops in the Karampaikkulam area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also injured in the incident.
Six LTTE militants were killed by the troops when clashes erupted between the two sides in the Villattikulam area of Vavuniya district.
March 14
The troops during two separate attacks captured four LTTE bunkers and killed four militants in the Kallikulam and Malikaittidal areas of Vavuniya district. Two soldiers were injured during the clashes.
March 15
Six LTTE militants were killed by the troops during a clash in the Mullikulam area of Mannar district.
Four soldiers were killed and three others injured during an encounter with the LTTE militants at Kokkuthuduvai in the Vavuniya district.
The troops killed four LTTE militants during clashes in the Adampan and Malikaittidal areas of Mannar district. One soldier also sustained injuries in the Malikaittidal incident.
The troops killed four LTTE militants in the Navakkulam and Kirchudankulam areas of Vavuniya district.
Three LTTE militants were killed by the troops at Kiriibbanwewa area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was injured in the incident.
March 16
At least 12 LTTE militants were killed by the troops during separate clashes in the Pandivirichchen, Villattikulam, Kallikulam, Kappankulam and Nedunkandal areas of Vavuniya and Periyakulam area of Mannar district. A few LTTE bunkers used for artillery, RPG and mortar firing were also destroyed during the clashes.
The troops attacked and captured a LTTE camp in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district, killing five militants and injuring 20 others. Two soldiers were also killed during the clashes while eight others sustained injuries.
The troops foiled two infiltration attempts by the LTTE towards the second line of the defense of the troops in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district and killed three militants.
Three militants were killed as clashes erupted between the troops and a group of LTTE militants in the Janakapura area of Vavuniya district.
March 17
Troops killed two LTTE militants during an encounter in the Navakkulam area of Vavuniya district.
The Sri Lanka Defence Ministry said it had opened a green channel for the doctors at the main roadblock at Madavachchiya from March 17-onwards. "The measure has been taken to reduce the delays and complexities faced by the doctors traveling to Mannar and Vavuniya," it said.
At least five LTTE militants, including a close ally of an LTTE leader, Jeyam, were killed and another sustained injuries during an encounter in the Munkilmurichchan area of Vavuniya district.
Four LTTE militants were killed during an encounter in the Kokkuthuduvai area of Vavuniya district.
The troops attacked and neutralised a LTTE bunker in the jungles northwest of Kallikulam in the Vavuniya district, killing three militants, identified as Kuilan, Virasailan and Kuvilmaran.
One soldier was killed while two others sustained injuries when the LTTE militants triggered a claymore mine explosion targeting a foot patrol of the troops in the Murunkan area of Mannar district.
At Kaduthodamalai in the Vavuniya district, the troops killed a LTTE militant and injured two others during an encounter.
March 18
At least four LTTE militants were killed when the troops neutralised a bunker in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district.
The troops attacked two LTTE camps in the Kokkuthuduvai area of Vavuniya district and killed four militants while injuring another.
The troops recovered decomposed dead bodies of nine LTTE militants, including five females, from dense jungles in the Periyapanndivirichchan area of Vavuniya district.
President Mahinda Rajapakse announced that democracy given to the people in the Eastern Province will soon be given to the North as well.
March 19
11 LTTE militants were killed and two of their bunkers destroyed in an ambush carried out by the Army Special Infantrymen at Kottakkarankulam in the Vavuniya district.
The troops repulsed an attack by the LTTE in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district and killed three militants while injuring an equal number of them.
The troops ambushed a group of LTTE militants in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district and killed three of them.
March 20
The troops attacked a LTTE bunker in the Pandivirichchen area of Vavuniya district and killed at least four LTTE militants.
During an attack in the Villattikulam area of Vavuniya district, the troops killed at least four LTTE militants.
The troops ambushed a group of LTTE militants and killed four of them while injuring three others in the area of north of Janakapura. Two soldiers were also injured in the incident.
Three LTTE militants were killed while two others sustained injuries by the troops in the Veddayamurippu area of Mannar district.
The LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran has reportedly ordered its proxy political party, the TNA, not to contest the forthcoming Provincial Council elections in the Eastern Province.
March 21
The troops attacked and captured a LTTE camp and bunker complex north of Janakapura in the Vavuniya district, killing three militants. Six soldiers were injured in the incident.
Three LTTE militants were killed and 22 others injured during a clash between the two sides in the Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa areas of Vavuniya district.
March 22
At least 25 LTTE militants were killed and an equal number of them injured as the troops successfully responding to heavy resistance by the militants moved forward and captured an area of about one square kilometre in the Periyakulam and Ilantaivan regions, north of Uyilankulam in the Mannar district. Four soldiers were also killed while 16 others sustained injuries.
At least 13 LTTE militants were killed by the troops in the areas southwest of Madhu and Kallikulam in Mannar district.
Seven LTTE militants were killed and 10 others injured by the troops during clashes between the two sides in the Kiriibbanwewa area of Vavuniya district. Three soldiers were killed while seven others sustained injuries during the incident.
During two separate encounters, the troops killed four LTTE militants in the Nagarkovil area of Jaffna district.
At Kokkuthuduvai and Janakapura in the Vavuniya district, the troops killed three LTTE militants.
March 23
10 LTTE cadres were killed by the troops during clashes in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district. Six of the slain militants were inside a bunker when the Rocket Propeller Gun fire completely destroyed it.
The troops killed at least six LTTE militants during intermittent fighting that erupted in the Janakapura, Kokkuthuduvai and Kiriibbanwewa areas of Vavuniya district.
The troops killed five LTTE militants in the Periyakulam area of Mannar district.
Two LTTE militants trying to launch an attack on the troops were shot dead in the Kathankulam area of Vavuniya district.
March 24
The troops killed seven LTTE militants in the area south of Madhu in the Mannar district.
The Colombo High Court Judge, Kumuduni Wickremesinghe issued notices to the LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran, Intelligence Wing leader Pottu Amman, Charles Master and Komadee Manimekala in connection with the assassination (August 12, 2005) of former Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar.
According to the Defence Ministry, over 2500 LTTE militants have been killed by the military since January 1, 2008. More than 7200 militants have been killed since December 2005.
Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake stated that the LTTE maintains links with international terrorist groups such as the PKK and certain affiliates of al Qaeda. He also said that certain reports mentioned about Tamil youths receiving training in Palestinian camps in Syria and Lebanon.
The Elections Department said that all measures had been finalized to receive nominations for the Eastern Province election from March 27. The deadline for filing nominations is April 3. All major political parties are expected to join the fray in a contest where 37 members which includes two bonus seats, would be chosen out of a total of 44 from three districts, namely Batticaloa (11), Trincomalee (10) and Ampara (14) for the Provincial Council of the de-merged East.
The TULF has urged Sri Lankan leaders to disarm all militant groups before the eastern provincial council elections. In a letter to President Mahinda Rajapakse, TULF leader Veerasingham Anandasangaree said the existence of armed groups in the east is an obstacle to free and fair elections.
Three LTTE militants were killed by the troops during an encounter in the Karampaikkulam area of Vavuniya district. Four soldiers were injured in the incident.
March 25
The 11 sailors, who went missing when a locally–built fast attack craft of the Sri Lanka Navy was caught in a LTTE-triggered sea mine explosion in the Nayaru Sea off Mullaitivu coast on March 22, have reportedly died.
Five LTTE militants were killed by the SFs during an encounter in the Adampan area of Mannar district.
The troops neutralized a LTTE bunker in the jungles north of Janakapura in the Vavuniya district, killing at least four militants who were inside the bunker.
Air Force Wing Commander Andrew Wijesuriya reiterated that intelligence sources confirmed three LTTE militants were killed and eight others injured in an air raid carried out by the SLAF at the Sea Tiger Coordinating Centre located in the Puthukudirippu area of Mullaitivu district on March 22.
Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara informed that more than 501 LTTE militants have been killed in the last 20 days and that an unknown number of militants and 223 soldiers have been injured in clashes from March 5 to March 24. 50 soldiers died during this period. Nanayakkara also said military operations were continuing in the Mannar, Vavuniya and Jaffna district's Muhamalai area. "The Security Forces have been successful in capturing 31 square kilometres of territory south of the A14 road in Mannar," he added. He said so far this year some 115 bodies of militants have been handed over with 11 more bodies to be delivered to the International Committee of the Red Cross.
The Sri Lanka Government said that all IDPs in the Eastern Province will be resettled before the coming provincial council election. There are over 6000 IDPs still sheltered in welfare camps in the Eravur, Pattu and Kiran areas. Resettlement of IDPs from the Trincomalee district started on March 25. Some 464 people belonging to 132 families from the Pallikudiruppu and Muttur area have been resettled. Meanwhile, there are IDPs from five more villages in the Muttur area still living in welfare camps in the Batticaloa district, sources said.
The UNP has decided to contest the EP elections, UNP Secretary General Tissa Attanayake said. The SLMC has also decided to independently contest the polls, SLMC General Secretary Hussan Ali said.
Muslim civilians who survived mass ethnic cleansing campaigns by the LTTE during 1990s and who are living in refugee camps in the Puttalam district at present plan to form a political party. Sources said that this measure is intended to find a solution to the problems faced by the large number of Muslims living in the refugee camps or with their relatives for the past 18 years.
Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake told a gathering in Jerusalem in Israel that "India will never allow a separate independent state for Tamils in Sri Lanka because such a development will have a disastrous effect in India. India has always been committed to Sri Lanka’s territorial integrity," he added and claimed that the LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran wanted to create a Tamil state by "including certain parts of India as well."
March 26
The troops ambushed a group of LTTE militants in the Janakapura area of Vavuniya district and killed seven of them. One soldier sustained injuries in the incident.
Four soldiers were killed and eight others sustained injuries following accidental explosions of APMs in the Sulanamaruthamadu, Adampan and Koilmoddai areas of Mannar district.
At Kiriibbanwewa in the Vavuniya district, the troops confronted two groups of LTTE militants and killed at least two of them. Two soldiers were killed while three others sustained injuries during the clashes.
The SFs retaliated and rescued eight fishermen when they detected a group of people trying to come out of a jungle patch three-kilometer east of Omanthai in the Vavuniya district under heavy small arms fire by the LTTE militants. Three of the escapees were killed while another three sustained injuries in the LTTE attack.
The troops shot dead three LTTE militants at Janakapura in the Vavuniya district.
March 27
At least nine LTTE militants were killed by the troops when clashes erupted between the two sides in the area north of Janakapura in the Vavuniya district. One army officer was also killed while three soldiers were injured in the incident.
The troops neutralised an LTTE hideout in the Janakapura area of Vavuniya district, killing four militants. One soldier was also killed while three others sustained injuries in the incident.
Five LTTE militants were killed when the troops neutralised an LTTE bunker in the Janakapura area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was injured in the incident.
The troops retaliated to an LTTE attack in the Nagarkovil area of Jaffna district and killed at least three militants. Two of the outfit’s bunkers were also destroyed in the operation.
March 28
Nine militants were killed during two clashes in the Kaduruvitankulam and Periyathampane areas of Vavuniya district.
During two encounters in the Nagarkovil and Eluttumadduwal areas of Jaffna district, the troops killed seven militants. A female militant was among the slain militants, troops at Eluttumadduwal stated.
March 29
At least 11 LTTE militants were killed during separate clashes with the troops in the Madhu area of Mannar district. One soldier was also killed while four others were injured in these clashes.
Approximately 10 LTTE militants were killed as the troops captured an area of about 700-metre in the Ilantaivan region of Mannar district. Two of the outfit’s bunkers were also neutralised in the incident.
Three soldiers were killed and four others injured during clashes with the LTTE militants in the Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa areas of Vavuniya district. One militant was also killed while an unspecified number of them sustained injuries during the clashes.
Four militants were killed by the troops in the Navathkulama area of Vavuniya district.
The Deputy Chairman of the Moneragala local council, Dr. A. Muththulingam, was shot dead by unidentified gunmen in his clinic in the Moneragala town.
March 30
Six LTTE militants were killed by the troops during three separate encounters in the Malikaittidal, Veddayamurippu and Adampan areas of Mannar district.
March 31
A tractor carrying LTTE militants was fired upon by the troops in the Mundimurichchikulam area of Vavuniya district. Troops confirmed that six militants were killed in the incident.
Four militants were killed by the troops when clashes erupted between the two sides in the Janakapura area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while another sustained injuries in the incident.
At Andankulam in the Vavuniya district, at least four female LTTE militants were killed by the troops.
The troops captured two LTTE bunkers in the Malikaittidal area of Mannar district, killing two militants.
April 1
At least 21 LTTE militants were killed and 12 soldiers wounded when the troops attacked a bunker line of the outfit at Pikkulam in the Mannar district.
21 LTTE militants were killed during clashes with the troops at Puthukulam in the Mannar district.
The troops in the Sulanamaruthamadu and other areas of Vavuniya and Mannar district killed 12 LTTE militants. Five soldiers were also injured due to the explosion of LTTE laid booby traps.
The SFs neutralised LTTE bunkers in the Malikaittidal area of Vavuniya district and killed at least five militants.
During an encounter between the two sides in the area north of Manthai in the Mannar district, the troops killed four LTTE militants.
A pro-LTTE Website claimed that the outfit’s chief Velupillai Prabhakaran met his "elite" Black Sea Tigers suicide squad before they triggered an explosion on a Sri Lankan Navy craft that killed 10 sailors in Mullaitivu on March 22. The three militants identified by the Website as ‘Lt’ Anbumaran, ‘Major’ Niranjan and ‘Major’ Kananeela were photographed with Prabhakaran before the operation.
April 2
The troops advanced another 800 meters into the LTTE-held territory neutralizing the outfit’s FDLs in the Kaliaddanchan village of Mannar district, said military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara. "The fierce fire fight lasted for an hour and a half and troops advancing on the LTTE frontlines gained 800 meters of Tiger territory in the confrontation. Thirteen Tiger cadres were injured in the confrontation", he added. One soldier was also killed while 12 others were injured during the clashes.
The SFs in the newly captured Sinapandivirichchan area of Vavuniya district foiled an attempt by the LTTE to re-capture one of their bunkers in the area. In retaliatory action, the troops killed at least 11 militants and injured five others. Two soldiers were also killed while 15 others sustained injuries during the encounter.
The troops attacked an LTTE bunker in the Nikawewa area of Vavuniya district and killed four militants while injuring two others.
Three militants were either killed or injured by the troops when they attacked an LTTE hideout in the area north of Kiriibbanwewa area of Vavuniya district.
Suspected LTTE militants killed a man and his son when they had gone to collect firewood in the Anuradhapura district.
April 3
At least 11 LTTE militants were killed by the troops during clashes in the Navathkulama area of Vavuniya district.
During a clash between the two sides in the Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa areas of Vavuniya district, the troops killed four LTTE militants. One soldier also died of gunshot injuries while four others sustained injuries.
The troops shot dead three LTTE militants near the Omanthe Entry/Exit point area of Vavuniya district.
April 4
The troops neutralised an unspecified number of LTTE bunkers at Kallikulam in the Vavuniya district and killed eight militants.
A. M. Razick, secretary to the Ministry of Re-settlement, said that over 50,000 families displaced in clashes in the east during 2006 have now been resettled. "During the last 10 months we have managed to resettle 17,938 families in Trincomalee and 31,343 families in Batticaloa," Razick said, adding, this represents over 150,000 individuals. Over 8,000 families are yet to be resettled, he stated. The government's resettlement of the internally displaced people began after it secured the entire Eastern Province from the LTTE in July 2007.
April 5
The troops clashed with several groups of LTTE militants in the areas north of Kiriibbanwewa and Janakapura in the Vavuniya district and killed at least 14 militants. Four soldiers were injured in these clashes.
11 LTTE militants were killed by the troops during clashes in the Palampiddi, Madhu, Mundipurippu, Nedunkerni and Thirukethiswaram areas of Mannar district. Five soldiers sustained injuries in these clashes.
April 6
Highway Minister and Chief Government Whip Jeyaraj Fernandopulle and 13 persons were killed and 90 persons injured in a suicide attack carried out by the LTTE at a sporting event in the Weliweriya area, about 25-km north of capital Colombo, of Gampaha district.
At least 21 LTTE militants were killed and nine others injured by the troops during clashes between the two sides in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district.
The troops killed eight LTTE militants in the Adampan, Manikilmarichchi, Kallikulam and Malikaittidal areas of Vavuniya and Mannar districts.
Four LTTE militants, including two females, and a soldier were killed in clashes between the two sides in the Madhu camp area of Mannar district. One soldier was injured during one of the clashes.
The troops neutralised three LTTE bunkers and killed four militants in the Malikaittidal area of Vavuniya district.
During an encounter between the two sides, the SFs killed three LTTE militants in the Chanakakulam area of Vavuniya district.
April 7
The Washington Times reported that the LTTE’s political wing has established its branches in at least 12 countries, including the United States. Citing federal law-enforcement authorities, the report said that the LTTE have quietly established a presence in the US to help bankroll and equip its secessionist campaign in Sri Lanka. "As part of a global expansion to purchase millions of dollars worth of anti-aircraft weapons, automatic rifles, grenade launchers, ammunition and other military equipment, the LTTE has set up its branches," it reported, adding, the expansion includes operations in Maryland, New York and New Jersey.
Four LTTE militants were killed by the troops in an ambush in the Palampiddi area of Mannar district.
In another ambush at Chennmaniattuaru, the troops killed four LTTE militants.
The troops killed three LTTE militants, including one female, in two separate incidents at Thirukethiswaram and Perankulam areas of Mannar district.
The SFs killed three LTTE militants in the Kiriibbanwewa area of Vavuniya district.
April 8
Seven LTTE militants, including two females, were killed by the SFs in the Madhu, Adampan and Veddayamurippu areas of Mannar district.
Two soldiers and a civilian were killed and one soldier was wounded when a team of army soldiers on a patrol were wrongly identified to be LTTE militants and fired upon by the STF personnel at Komari in the Ampara district.
The Colombo magistrate has allowed police to detain a Singapore national suspected of having links with the LTTE until May 7. The magistrate also ordered the police to produce the suspect, Muttusamy Ilangovan, believed to be a senior leader of the LTTE's international naval operations.
April 9
The troops killed at least seven LTTE militants during clashes in the Janakapura jungles and Kiriibbanwewa.
During another encounter between the two sides in the Adampan and areas north of Parappakandal in the Mannar district, the security forces (SFs) killed at least four LTTE militants. Three soldiers sustained injuries in the clashes.
Election to the Eastern Provincial Council would be held as scheduled on May 10 and the Election Commission has agreed to a request by political parties to invite representatives from foreign countries to monitor it. Dayananda Dissanayake, Commissioner of Elections, told representatives of registered parties that the election would not be postponed. The Commission has also declared April 28 and 29 as the dates for postal voting.
April 10
Five LTTE militants were killed when the troops neutralised outfit’s bunkers at Udaiyadi in the Mannar district.
During another confrontation between the two sides in the Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa areas of Vavuniya district, the SFs neutralised an unspecified number of outfits’ bunkers, killing three militants while injuring 14 others. Five soldiers sustained injuries in the clashes.
The SFs clashed with a group of LTTE militants in the Ilampiddi area of Mannar district and killed three militants while injuring seven others.
The troops attacked an LTTE bunker line in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district and killed three militants. Three more militants got injured in the incident.
Two more LTTE bunkers were neutralised by the troops in the Veddayamurippu area of Mannar district, killing three militants.
April 11
The troops ambushed a group of LTTE militants in the Andankulam area of Vavuniya district and killed three of them.
Norway does not support the formation of an independent Tamil State in Sri Lanka, Norway's special envoy to Colombo, Jon Hanssen-Bauer, told the United National Party (UNP) Member of Parliament (MP) Jayalath Jayawardene and to two leading Sinhalese and Buddhist monks from Sri Lanka on the sidelines of an international conference that ended in Oslo on April 11. "Norway will not support the establishment of Tamil Eelam," the MP quoted Hanssen-Bauer as saying.
April 12
The troops extended their defence line in the areas north of Giant Tank, north Kathankulam, south east of Adampan and Periyakulam in the Mannar district after fierce clashes with the LTTE. At least 66 militants were killed while over 50 others sustained injuries in the clashes. 10 soldiers were also killed and 20 others got injured in the incident.
Five LTTE militants were killed and eight others injured in clashes with the SFs in the Villattikulam, Vinayagapuram, north of Madhu and Chinnavalayankulam areas of Vavuniya and Mannar districts. Two soldiers were wounded in the incident.
April 14
More than 25,000 people, including 6,000 students, in the LTTE-held areas in the north-western region of the Mannar district face displacement due to the intensified fighting, according to A. Nicholaspillai, the Mannar District Collector. "The entire population of the LTTE-held Madhu and Manthai west assistant government agent division, numbering over 25,000, face displacement due to recent fighting in the area," he said. According to him, the people have moved further north into LTTE-held Kilinochchi.
The SFs launched attacks on a few LTTE hideouts in the area east of Madhu in the Mannar district. Seven militants were killed in one of these attacks.
During a clash between the two sides in the area north of Janakapura and north of Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district, five LTTE militants were killed while 11 others were injured. Two soldiers were also killed and seven others sustained injuries in the incident.
April 15
Six LTTE militants were killed by the troops during clashes in the Paleipperumalkadu, Kaddupulan, Vettukkuly, Veddayamurippu and Veppankulam areas of Mannar district. One soldier sustained injuries in one of the clashes.
Three militants were killed when the troops clashes with LTTE militants in the Navakkulam, Narrikkulam and east of Madhu areas of Vavuniya district. Two soldiers were injured during the clashes.
The United States Agency for International Development announced that it has awarded a five-year $12 million contract to support regional Government in Sri Lanka's eastern and north central provinces.
April 16
The troops killed six LTTE militants and injured nine others during clashes in the Andankulam, Palampiddi, Vinayakankulam, Palamoddai, Kanne Karappu and Periyakulam areas of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while eight others sustained injuries in the clashes.
The SFs killed five LTTE militants while injuring 47 others during clashes in the Janakapura, Kiriibbanwewa and Andankulam areas of Vavuniya district. Nine soldiers were also wounded during the clashes.
During clashes between the two sides in the Kaliaddanchan, Manthotam and Vediya Murippu areas of Mannar district, the SFs killed four LTTE militants and injured three others. Two soldiers were injured in these incidents.
April 17
The troops during clashes with the LTTE in the Andankulam east area of Vavuniya district killed four militants and injured eight others. Two soldiers were also killed while five more sustained injuries in the clashes.
Six LTTE militants were killed by the troops in the Andankulam east area of Vavuniya district.
During an encounter between the two sides at Kokkuthuduvai in the Vavuniya district, the SFs killed at least four militants. One trooper was also killed while another sustained injuries in the clash.
Four more LTTE militants, including two female cadres, were killed by the troops in the Kattikulam and Tenvadaiyan areas of Mannar district.
The Sri Lankan Government said that it will be ready for talks with the LTTE if they eschewed terrorism but has not made any formal contact with the Norwegian peace facilitators on resuming the process of stalled negotiations.
April 18
13 militants were killed and three others injured as the troops launched attacks on LTTE hideouts at Kathankulam and Malikaittidal in the Mannar district. One soldier was wounded in the incident.
The troops clashed with LTTE militants in the area east of Madhu and killed 12 of them while injuring eight others.
Three LTTE militants and a soldier were killed and 21 militants were wounded during clashes in the area north of Janakapura, north of Kiriibbanwewa and Andankulam in the Vavuniya district.
The French relief organization - Action contre la Faim (ACF or Action against Hunger) - that operated in conflict areas in Sri Lanka and lost 17 of its local workers in a single incident at Muttur in the Trincomalee district on August 4, 2006 has decided to withdraw, a statement from the organization said. The AFC cited the slow progress of the investigations carried out by the Presidential commission for its decision to pull out.
April 19
Four militants were killed when clashes erupted between the LTTE and SFs in the Muhamalai and Nagarkovil areas of Jaffna district.
April 20
13 LTTE militants were killed during separate encounters with the troops in the Kathankulam, Veddayapiru, Veddayampuramkulam, Adampan and Malikaittidal areas of Mannar district.
MI 24 fighter helicopters of the SLAF neutralised an LTTE mortar location and one of the outfit’s forward command posts in the area east of Adampan in the Mannar district. 12 militants were killed and an equal number of them were wounded in the attack.
The troops captured two LTTE trenches and shot dead at least five militants during clashes in the Andankulam and Puttankulam areas of Vavuniya district.
April 21
The troops in a pre-dawn attack captured the LTTE main operation base in Mannar, codenamed "Lima-3", located east of Kathankulam. A stretch of about 1,300 meters also came under the troops’ control while seven militants were killed in the operation. Four soldiers were wounded in the incident.
Six LTTE cadres, including two female militants, were killed during clashes with the troops in the Palampiddi, Kathankulam and Mantota areas of Mannar district.
The troops attacked an LTTE bunker in the Janakapura area of Vavuniya district and killed two militants while injuring two others.
The troops attacked a LTTE bunker in the Janakapura area of Vavuniya district, killing one militant and injuring two others.
April 22
The SFs killed six LTTE militants at different places in the Welioya area of Vavuniya district. Over 20 militants and five soldiers were injured in these clashes.
April 23
169 militants and 43 soldiers are reported to have died in a fierce gun-battle between the SFs and the LTTE cadres in and around Muhamalai FDL in the Jaffna district. While 120 soldiers were wounded in the encounter, 33 soldiers were reported missing. "LTTE terrorists came and attacked our forward line this morning, we have retaliated and captured about 400 to 500-metres of LTTE area in Muhamalai," said military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara.
At least 16 LTTE militants were killed and more than 31 others injured during encounters in the area north of Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa in the Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while five others sustained injuries during the incidents.
Five LTTE militants were killed during separate encounters in the Navakkulam, Thachchanamarudamadu, Kirichchuddan and Palampiddi areas of Vavuniya and Mannar districts.
Nine militants were killed and three others were wounded during encounters in the Veddayamurippu, Mantota, Mankadu and Pullekyarkulam areas of Mannar district.
April 24
At least 27 militants were killed and 12 others injured as heavy fighting erupted between the LTTE and the troops in the Malikaittidal area of Mannar district when the troops attacked and captured outfit’s fortified bunker line and a trench line. Three soldiers were killed and seven more injured in the clashes.
At Parayanakulam in the Mannar district, the SFs attacked a LTTE bunker with small arms and killed four militants.
Three LTTE militants were killed and 12 others wounded during clashes with the troops in the area north of Kiriibbanwewa and Andankulam in the Vavuniya district. Three soldiers were injured in these incidents.
Aril 25
26 civilians, including seven women, were killed and 40 others injured when the LTTE detonated a bomb inside a Ceylon Transport Board bus parked at the public bus stand in Piliyandala suburb of Colombo, at around 7:00 pm.
At least 19 LTTE militants were killed and several others wounded when the troops attacked several LTTE hideouts and captured their trench lines at different places in the Mannar and Vavuniya districts.
April 26
21 militants and seven soldiers were killed when the troops retaliated to an LTTE attempt to storm the SFs defence lines in the area north of Janakapura in Vavuniya district.
At least 25 militants were killed when clashes erupted between the troops and the LTTE militants at several places in the Vavuniya and Mannar districts. 11 soldiers were wounded in the clashes.
The troops killed four LTTE militants who were moving ahead of the security forces FDLs in the areas south of Muhamalai and Nagarkovil in Jaffna district.
The troops attacked a group of LTTE militants in the area north of Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district and killed three of them.
April 27
An LTTE light aircraft bombed military FDLs in Welioya, the military said. Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said three bombs were dropped by the LTTE at the military FDLs in Welioya but caused no damages to property or personnel. "At about 1:35 a.m. they came and dropped three bombs on the Welioya Forward Defence line. Nobody was hurt, and no damage to any property," he stated.
At least 14 LTTE militants were killed during clashes between the troops and militants at several places in the Vavuniya and Mannar districts. Two soldiers were also killed while four of them sustained injuries.
Security forces killed five militants in the area north of Janakapura, Kiriibbanwewa and Andankulam in the Vavuniya district area and recovered a large number of anti-personnel mines and improvised explosive devices. 12 soldiers were injured in these clashes.
Five LTTE militants, identified as Yavili, Malarini, Wellappan, Malarmadhi and Manalan, were killed by the troops in the Veddayamurippu area of Mannar district.
The troops in an ambush in the Palampiddi area of Mannar district killed four LTTE militants.
April 28
Three LTTE militants were killed by the in the Kaddupulan and Kattikulam areas of Mannar district.
April 29
Seven LTTE militants, including six senior cadres, were killed when the troops neutralised two of the outfit’s bunkers in the Manipullaukulam area of Mannar district.
The SFs attacked an LTTE camp in the Muttlamadittakulam area of Vavuniya district and killed six militants while injuring four others.
The troops clashed with a group of LTTE militants in the Muttlamadittakulam area of Vavuniya district and killed four of them. One soldier was also killed while another sustained injuries in the exchange of fire.
At Navathkulama in the Vavuniya district, the troops neutralized an LTTE bunker and killed three militants.
London's Metropolitan Police arrested three suspects in London and Wales for allegedly supporting the LTTE in Sri Lanka as a part of an investigation into the funding of the terrorist group.
April 30
At least 40 LTTE militants, including a leader, were killed and several others wounded as the troops captured the outfit’s 18-Base in the Veppankulam and Kallikulam areas of Mannar district. Six soldiers were injured in the operation. Subsequently, two MI-24 fighter crafts of the Sri Lanka Air Force providing aerial cover to the advancing ground troops bombed two LTTE camps in the Karukkakulam and Chalampaikulam areas.
11 militants were killed and 21 soldiers were injured in fighting between the two sides in the LTTE-held areas of Periyakulam, Karukkakulam and Kathankulam in the Mannar district.
May 1
Troops captured the LTTE-held Karukkakulam town in the Mannar district, killing at least 15 militants. One soldier was also killed in the incident.
The SFs neutralized four LTTE bunkers and killed 11 militants while injuring an equal number of them during attacks in the Navathkulama, Muttiramadittakulam and Palampiddi areas of Vavuniya district.
During an encounter in the area north of Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa, the SFs killed five militants.
At Veddayamurippu in the Mannar district, the troops destroyed a LTTE bunker line killing five militants and injuring at least seven others.
Three LTTE militants were killed by the troops in the Karukkakulam, Nedunkandal and Veddayamurippu areas of the Vavuniya and Mannar districts.
President Mahinda Rajapakse said that the LTTE domination in the northern part of the country would end soon. "The security forces are advancing step by step in the northern theatre too. Soon the people there too would be liberated," Rajapakse said in his May Day rally at Dehiattakandiya in Ampara district of eastern Sri Lanka.
May 2
An unspecified number of LTTE bunkers in the Veddayamurippu, Allikulam, Palamoddai, Manthai and Malikaittidal areas of Vavuniya and Mannar districts were captured by the troops during clashes in which 19 militants were killed and 15 others were injured. Two soldiers were killed while three others sustained injuries in the clashes.
May 3
At least 15 LTTE militants, most of whom were from the "Imran Pandian regiment" – said to be LTTE’s most acclaimed regiment - were killed in an offensive launched by the troops in the Chettiyarkattaiadampan area of Mannar district.
12 LTTE militants were killed and 10 others were injured during clashes with the troops in the Palampiddi, Adampan and Nedunkandal areas of the Mannar and Vavuniya districts. One soldier was also killed while six others sustained injuries in the clashes.
The troops captured about 1.5 sq km stretch of land in the LTTE-held territory of Periyakulam in the Mannar district killing 10 militants while injuring 10 others. Two soldiers were wounded during the clashes.
During an encounter between the two sides in the area north of Janakapura in Vavuniya district, the SFs killed seven militants while more than 20 others were injured. Two soldiers were killed and four others sustained injuries in the incident.
The SFs clashed with several groups of LTTE militants in the Ethawatunuwewa, Kokkuthuduvai, north of Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa areas of Vavuniya district and killed four of them. Five soldiers were also killed in the incidents while three others were wounded.
May 4
During clashes between the SFs and LTTE militants in the Navakkulam and Palampiddi areas of Vavuniya district, the SFs killed three militants.
The military said that approximately 245 soldiers were killed in clashes with the LTTE in 2007 while over 240 lost their lives in the four months of this year, military spokesman Udaya Nanayakara. He added that 2500 LTTE cadres were killed during 2007. According to the military, over 3300 LTTE militants and over 240 soldiers have been killed in fighting till April this year.
Despite the Sri Lankan Navy's claim that it had destroyed all 10 arms ships of the LTTE, the country's intelligence agencies have revealed that the outfit has unloaded at least three shiploads of military hardware in the last two months.
May 5
10 LTTE militants, including two area leaders, were killed and 52 others injured by the SFs in an encounter at the Muhamalai FDL of Jaffna district. Two soldiers were killed and 14 others sustained injuries in the LTTE attack. One soldier, meanwhile, was reported missing.
At least nine LTTE militants were killed and 10 others injured in intermittent clashes between the two sides in the Navakkulam, Palampiddi and Maruthamadu areas of Vavuniya district.
The troops clashed with LTTE militants and killed five of them while injuring 12 others in Welioya area of Vavuniya district. Two soldiers were reportedly injured in the clash.
The SFs in Mannar killed five LTTE militants when they launched an operation and captured one square kilometer of land in the Chalampaikkulam area.
May 6
The troops captured about 400-600 square metres stretch of land in the LTTE-held territory of Alankulam in the Mannar district and killed seven militants while injuring 10 others. Five soldiers were also injured in the operation. Also, the troops foiled an LTTE attempt to re-enter into the same area later and during the ensuing encounter killed six more militants.
The troops opened fire towards a tractor carrying LTTE militants through a jungle path in the area north of Periyamadu in Vavuniya district killing six militants aboard the vehicle.
The SFs attacked a line of LTTE bunkers in the Palampiddi area and neutralised six bunkers. Six militants were killed and a soldier injured during the incident.
The SFs in the Manthotam area of Mannar district in two separate attacks destroyed three LTTE bunkers killing five militants. 10 militants and two soldiers were reported wounded in the confrontation.
In the area north of Janakapura in the Vavuniya district, SFs opened fire towards a tractor carrying three militants and killed all of them. One LTTE bunker was also neutralised in the area.
The troops captured the Palampiddi Bridge in the LTTE-held area of Palampiddi in the Vavuniya district following a fierce gun-battle. Providing support to the ground troops the Sri Lanka Air Force fighter jets bombed an LTTE target located one-km north of Palampiddi junction in the same area. Citing intercepted LTTE communication, defence sources said the outfit suffered heavy casualties though the details are yet to be ascertained.
Arunachalam Chrishanthakumar alias A. C. Shanthan (51), the de-facto leader of the LTTE in the United Kingdom, was re-arrested in connection with terrorist funding and procurement activities.
The RCMP counterterrorism investigators in Toronto have seized a letter signed by the LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran directing Canadian Tamils to send him Canadian $3-million, according to police files released on May 6 by the Federal Court.
Speaking in the Parliament, Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake said 120 SF personnel from the Army, Navy and the Air force were killed and another 945 were injured in clashes during April 2008. He also said 56 civilians were also killed while 145 others were injured.
President Mahinda Rajapakse challenged the LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran to 'clash with him directly' and declared that his Government would continue in its bid to flush rebels out of their stronghold in the north.
May 7
During intermittent clashes between the two sides in the areas north of Parappakandal, Kathankulam, Alankulam, Chalampaikkulam, Nedunkandal and Adampampekkulam in the Mannar district, the SFs killed 12 militants. Six soldiers sustained injuries in the clashes.
Three LTTE militants were killed by the SFs in the Palampiddi area of Vavuniya district.
May 8
10 LTTE militants were killed as the Army captured a two square kilometer stretch of land in the LTTE-held territory, about 5-6 km south of Adampan town in the Mannar district. One soldier was also killed while another was wounded in the incident.
During clashes with the LTTE militants in the Vedamakilam, Alkaddivalikulam, Palampiddi, Villiyakulam and Palamoddai areas of Vavuniya district, the troops killed three militants while injuring five others.
Three LTTE militants were killed and nine others wounded by the troops in the Janakapura, Andankulam and Kiriibbanwewa areas of Vavuniya district.
The British police have charged four men with conspiring to support the LTTE, Scotland Yard said. The four were arrested under anti-terrorism laws and are accused of owning computers, radio equipment and high-power magnets for terrorist purposes, AFP reported from London. The four men were identified as Arunachalam Chrishanthakumar alias AC Shanthan, 51; Jegatheswaran Muraleetharan alias Muralee Tharan, 46; Jeyatheswaran Vythyatharan alias Vithy Tharan, 39; and Murugesu Jegatheeswaran alias M Jegan, 33.
May 9
Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said that the SFs captured one square km. area in Alankulam of Mannar. "33 LTTE cadres were killed and 40 injured in the confrontation", Nanayakkara stated. One soldier was killed and five others wounded in the clashes. Five soldiers were reported missing in action.
The troops captured the strategic Adampan town in Mannar district. "At least 15 LTTE cadres were killed and many others injured when troops marched forward and confronted the Tiger cadres resulting in the capture of the Adampan junction and it’s liberation from the LTTE’s grip at around 8.30 a.m.", military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said. Two soldiers were killed and seven others injured in the incident.
14 LTTE militants were killed in the general (area under Government control) of Vavuniya district.
11 persons, including two women, were killed and 29 others injured in a bomb blast at the City Cafe Hotel near the Ampara Clock tower in Ampara town.
During an encounter between the two sides in the areas north of Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa, the SFs killed 12 militants. Three soldiers were reportedly injured in the clashes.
In Mannar, clashes erupted between the two sides in the Manipullkulam, Nedunkandal and Mantota areas in which 11 militants were killed and five wounded. Troops also captured two bunkers connected to LTTE trenches during clearing operations in the Manipullkulam.
Vinayagamoorthy Muraleetharan alias Karuna Amman, founder of the TMVP, a break way faction of the LTTE, was released following his imprisonment for possessing false documents, contrary to Section 25 of the Control of Identification Documents (offences) Act 2005. He now remains under immigration detention powers, a British High Commission statement said.
May 10
18 LTTE militants were killed when the troops attacked the outfit’s hideouts in the areas north of Palampiddi, Vedamakilam, Kurukkandai, north of Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa in the Vavuniya district.
Voting in the elections for the Eastern Provincial Council in Sri Lanka ended at 4.00pm (local time) amid accusations of violence, attacks and rigging. Elections officials said the estimated voter turnout was approximately 65% in Ampara, 55% in Batticaloa and 60% in Trincomalee.
May 11
10 LTTE militants were killed and more than five others injured during clashes with the troops in the Palamoddai, Palampiddi and Periyamadu areas of Vavuniya district.
Four LTTE militants were killed by the troops during encounters in the Kiriibbanwewa and Janakapura areas of Vavuniya district. One soldier sustained injuries during the clash in Janakapura.
The UPFA won the first ever Provincial Council Election in the East, securing 20 (18+02 bonus seats) out of 37 seats on offer, while polling 52.21 per cent of the total votes. The UNP which obtained 42.38 per cent of the total valid votes got 15 seats while the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna and the Tamil Democratic National Alliance secured one seat each. The UPFA won two out of the three districts, - Batticaloa and Ampara while the Trincomalee district was won by the UNP. A total number of 591,676 (65.78 per cent) voters exercised their franchise out of a total of 982,721. However, the number of rejected votes was quite high with 54,780 (8.47 per cent) getting annulled.
May 12
Five militants were killed in the Palampiddi area of Vavuniya district as the troops destroyed four LTTE bunkers.
SFs killed five LTTE militants in the Periyamadu area of Vavuniya district.
May 13
Four LTTE militants were killed and 11 others injured during clashes with the troops in the Andankulam, Vadukkanari and Janakapura areas of the Vavuniya district. Five soldiers were reportedly injured during these clashes.
Four militants, including a female cadre, are reported to have died and five soldiers were wounded during clashes in the Sivarayankulam, Mundumrippu, Navvi, Chinnavahayankaddu, Nedunkandal and Palamoddai areas of the Vavuniya and Mannar districts.
A senior leader of the EPDP, Maheshwari Velyanthan, was shot dead by the LTTE militants at her residence at Karaweddi in the Nelliadi area of Jaffna district.
President Mahinda Rajapakse said that his Government was ready for talks with the LTTE, provided the latter is ready to give up arms and demonstrate "genuine intent" to evolve a political solution. Speaking at the Oxford Union, Rajapakse referred to the recently-concluded elections for the Eastern Provincial Council and said though many observers said the LTTE was invincible, the Government had freed the province from "terror".
The Government will not enter into any kind of cease-fire agreement or temporary pacts with the LTTE in the future under any circumstances, Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake said.
May 14
14 LTTE militants were killed by the troops during clashes in the areas north of Janakapura, Kiriibbanwewa and Welioya in Vavuniya district.
The SFs attacked two LTTE bunkers in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district and killed at least six militants.
During an encounter in the Periyamadu area of Vavuniya district, the SFs killed four militants while one soldier died during the clash.
Troops ambushed a group of LTTE militants killing three of them while injuring three others in the Periyamadu area of Vavuniya district. While four soldiers were wounded in the incident, one soldier reportedly went missing.
Sri Lanka Army spokesperson Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara revealed that the LTTE have started to conscript children in the Mullaitivu and Kilinochchi districts who failed the GCE ordinary level examinations in 2007. Citing military intelligence sources, he said the outfit has banned all children in areas still under its control from sitting for the examination for a second time.
May 15
18 LTTE militants were killed by the troops during clashes in the Vairapuliyankulam, Vilakkavatti Kulam, Palampiddi, Periyamadu and Palamoddai areas of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while three others sustained injuries in these clashes.
Nine LTTE militants were killed in encounters with the troops in the Alankulam and Nedunkandal areas of Mannar district. One soldier was injured in the clashes.
During a series of clashes with the LTTE militants in the areas north of Janakapura, Andankulam and Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district, the troops killed seven militants. One soldier who was injured in the explosion of an LTTE laid improvised explosive device in the area died later.
The Government spokesman Minister Keheliya Rambukwella has said that the law of the land will be applied to Vinayagamoorthy Muraleetharan alias ‘Colonel’ Karuna Amman, founder of the TMVP if he returns to Sri Lanka.
May 16
10 persons, including seven police personnel, were killed and 95 others were injured as a LTTE suicide bomber on a motorcycle laden with explosives rammed into a bus carrying police officers around 12.05 pm at the Colombo Fort.
The troops killed seven militants, including six women, were killed by the troops during clearing operations in the Periyamadu area of the Vavuniya district.
During an encounter between the two sides in the Periyamadu, Palampiddi and Palamoddai areas, the troops killed five militants.
President Mahinda Rajapakse appointed S. Chandrakanthan a.k.a. Pillayan as the first Chief Minister of the EPC.
May 17
The troops captured Palampiddi junction in the Mannar district, killing 13 LTTE militants. The junction is strategically important as it connects Vedithalthivu in northwest, Madhu in south, Mullikulam in southeast and Nedunkandal in northeast.
The troops killed seven LTTE militants and injured 10 others in clashes at Palamoddai in the Vavuniya district and areas north of Murunkan, Devolkandan, Veddayamurippu, north of Uyilankulam and Periyakulam in the Mannar district. Two soldiers were injured during the clash in the north of Uyilankulam. Two soldiers were wounded in LTTE-triggered APM explosions at Devolkandan. The troops also recovered 25 APMs during subsequent clearing operations.
Six LTTE militants were killed and three others wounded by the security forces during clashes at Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa in the Vavuniya district.
India has "too many problems" of its own and cannot bear the "extra burden" from backing a separate Tamil State to be carved out from Sri Lanka, said Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake.
The ruling UPFA named two TMVP members who contested from the Batticaloa and Trincomalee districts in the EPC polls and were unable to secure any seats, for the two bonus seats awarded to the party. Former Batticaloa Government Agent R. Maunagurusami who contested in the Batticaloa district and Priyantha Premakumara who contested in the Trincomalee district had been named for the bonus seats.
May 18
26 LTTE militants and five soldiers were killed while three soldiers sustained injuries as the troops foiled two attempts by the militants to capture SFs defence line at Nedunkandal in the Mannar district.
The SFs captured a LTTE bunker line at Kurukkandai in the Mannar district killing seven militants. Four soldiers were also killed in the clash while three others sustained injuries in the incident. Three more soldiers went missing during the clash.
During clashes between the two sides in the Navakkulam, Marudhakulam, Palamoddai, Mundipurippu and Kallikulam areas of Vavuniya district, troops killed 10 militants while injuring six others.
Seven militants were killed while more than 12 others were injured in clashes with the troops in the Alankulam and Nedunkandal areas of Mannar district. One soldier was killed while another was wounded in the clashes.
At Ampaddankulam in the Vavuniya district, the SFs killed six militants.
Three militants were killed while 13 others sustained injuries during clashes between the two sides in the areas north of Janakapura, Kokkuthuduvai, Andankulam and Kiriibbanwewa in the Vavuniya district. Three soldiers sustained injuries in these clashes.
The Army has extended an amnesty deadline for its deserters by two more weeks, as nearly 4,000 deserters had reported back during the first two weeks, the military said. The army headquarters said that some 3,709 army deserters had reported back for duty since May 2 under the amnesty period ended May 16 which was extended later. The decision was reportedly taken following requests from several sections, including the deserters urging more time to rejoin the force.
May 19
Four LTTE militants were killed and 20 others injured by the troops during separate incidents in the Kokkuthuduvai, Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa areas of Vavuniya district on May 19, reports SLA.
During an encounter in the Palampiddi area of Vavuniya district, the troops killed two militants. One soldier was also killed while another sustained injuries in the incident.
The SFs clashed with a group of LTTE militants in the Periyamadu area of the Vavuniya district and killed three of them.
The TMVP insisted that its leader Pillayan would remain the Chief Minister of the Eastern Province even if Karuna Amman is deported to Sri Lanka, despite the leadership title still being held by Karuna.
May 20
At least 14 LTTE militants were killed and five others injured during an encounter with the troops in the Periyamadu area of Vavuniya district.
Five LTTE militants were killed and 15 others sustained injuries during clashes with the troops in the Palaiandankulam, Kokkuthuduvai, Kiriibbanwewa, Thunukkakulam and Pattankulam areas of the same district.
A senior ‘commander’ of the LTTE, identified as "Brigadier Balraj", who had led several attacks against the Sri Lankan military died of a heart attack in Kilinochchi, the LTTE announced. Balraj was the "first commander of the LTTE's conventional fighting formation, Charles Antony Brigade, established in 1991."
The French police detained two LTTE leaders who evaded arrest in 2007 and fled the country when police closed in on them during the major round up of top outfit’s leaders operating in Paris. The Sous-Directorate Anti-Terrorism of France announced that the duo, Subramanium Muhundan and Yogarasa Sivarasan, were arrested in Paris on May 13 after investigations lasting several months.
May 21
17 LTTE militants were killed and 26 others injured during clashes with the troops in the areas north of Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa in the Vavuniya district.
SFs killed three LTTE militants during encounters in the Mundipurippu and Palamoddai areas of the Mannar and Vavuniya districts.
May 22
11 LTTE militants were killed and 12 others injured during clashes with the troops in the Janakapura, Kokkuthuduvai, Kiriibbanwewa and surrounding areas of Welioya in the Vavuniya district.
Two TMPVP members and three civilians were killed and four persons were wounded by unidentified assailants in two separate incidents. "Two TMVP cadres, including the party's chief organiser for Katankudi, were shot dead by unidentified gunmen around 11.15 a.m. In a separate incident, also at Arayampathi in Katankudi area, three Muslim civilians were killed by unidentified gunmen around 12.45 p.m.," said military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara.
At Periyamadu in the Vavuniya district, troops neutralised an LTTE bunker line and killed five militants while injuring four others.
Five LTTE militants were killed during an encounter with the troops in the Parappakandattan area of Mannar district.
May 23
16 civilians, including six children, were killed in a SLA Deep Penetration Unit (DPU)-triggered claymore mine explosion targeting a Hiace van returning from Muzhangkaavil hospital to Kilinochchi on the Murikandi - Akkaraayan Road at around 2:15pm, claimed the pro-LTTE Website Tamil Net. Earlier, Assistant Director of Fisheries in Mannar, J.G.Jujin, and another civilian were killed when a DPU triggered claymore mine explosion targeted an ambulance of the Kilinochchi hospital at Muzhangkaavil at around at 8:00 am. The SLA, however, denying its involvement and said that the areas alleged lie about 100-km away from the northern most Omanthai Entry/Exit point and defence lines under the Government control in Vavuniya.
Four LTTE militants were killed and more than a dozen injured by the troops during separate encounters in the Periyamadu, Navathkulama, Nedunkandal, Wedimurippu and Kurukkandai areas of Mannar and Vavuniya districts.
May 24
Five LTTE militants were killed and 14 others wounded by the troops during clashes in the Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa areas of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while five others sustained injuries in the clashes.
During encounters between the two sides in the Mundipurippu, Veddayamurippu, Malikaittidal and Nedunkandal areas of Mannar and Vavuniya districts, the troops killed two LTTE militants and injured eight others. One soldier was reportedly killed in the incident.
May 25
10 LTTE cadres were killed by the troops during an encounter in the Mundipurippu area of the Vavuniya district.
10 militants were killed and a dozen others injured during clashes with the troops in the Kurukkandai, Paleipperumalkadu, Pediyaarippu, Nedunkandal, Maravitikannadi and Welioya north areas of the Mannar and Vavuniya districts.
In clashes between the two sides in the Palampiddi, Arsamadu and Periyamadu areas of the Vavuniya district, the troops killed six militants and injured three others.
The SFs killed three LTTE militants in the area north of Palampiddi in the Vavuniya district.
The US has asked the LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran to give up the demand for a separate Tamil State saying the community wanted a solution to the over two-decade-old ethnic conflict within a "united" Sri Lanka. US Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Robert Blake, said that giving up the idea of a separate State, would give Prabhakaran "lots of credibility to respond to lots of scepticism here in the South (Sri Lanka) that the LTTE would never negotiate with the government."
May 26
Eight passengers, including four women, were killed when a LTTE parcel bomb with a timer exploded in a crowded train near Dehiwala, a suburb of capital Colombo, at around 4.50pm (SLT). More than 70 persons were injured in the explosion which occurred in the fifth compartment of the Kalutara district-bound train, Senior Superintendent of Police R. Gunasekara said.
The IED expert of the LTTE in Mannar, identified as Dhora, was killed in an air strike carried out by the SLAF MI-24 fighter craft in the area north of Adampan in the Mannar. An explosive dump of the LTTE was also destroyed in the attack.
The TMVP leader and Eastern Province Chief Minister Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan admitted that members of his organisation were responsible for the recent abductions at Eravur in Batticaloa.
13 LTTE militants were killed and a dozen others were injured in clashes between the militants and troops in the Mannar and Vavuniya districts.
Five LTTE militants were killed by the troops in the area north of Janakapura and Andankulam jungle areas in the Vavuniya district.
May 27
SFs killed seven LTTE militants and wounded 14 others during encounters in the Janakapura, Andankulam, Punnankulam and Palaiandankulam areas of the Vavuniya district.
The troops clashed with two groups of LTTE militants in the Nelukkulama and Mundipurippu areas of Vavuniya district and killed four of them.
Four LTTE militants were killed and 20 others sustained injuries during encounters with the troops in the Kuddeadi, Alankulam, Karankuddi, Piriyanweli, Veddayamurippu, Minnukandi and Mankadu areas of Mannar district.
President Mahinda Rajapakse declared that his Government will not stop the drive against terrorism under any circumstances. He said "There will be no room for terrorism. We will not stop the campaign against terror…This is a war against terrorism, not against the Tamil people. I will not stop until terrorism is defeated."
May 28
11 militants were killed and seven others injured during clashes with the SFs in the Olumaduwai, Periyamadu, Sinnamalayankaddu and Kappankulam areas of the Mannar and Vavuniya districts.
During a clash between the two sides in the Nedunkandal area of Mannar district, the SFs killed four more militants while injuring three others.
Four LTTE militants were killed and 10 others were injured in clashes with the troops in the Janakapura, Kiriibbanwewa and Andankulam areas of Vavuniya district.
Paramarupasingham Devakumar, the Jaffna area correspondent for SIRASA, MTV and SHAKTHI TV channels, and his associate Mahendran Varathan, employee at the Jaffna District Secretariat, were hacked to death by suspected LTTE militants in the Navali area of Jaffna district.
The LTTE has targeted civilians on 21 occasions killing 149 persons and injuring 560 others so far in 2008, according to military figures. Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara informed the media on May 28 that from January 1, 2008 to date, the LTTE has staged 21 attacks on civilians in the form of claymore mine explosions, suicide attacks, parcel bombs and shooting incidents. Since March 2007, the 57 division of the Sri Lanka Army has been successful in capturing 600 square kilometres of LTTE-held territory in the North, he revealed. The LTTE has shifted their defence lines to Mallavi and Tharukkui areas 45-km behind the Army Defence Lines in Mannar, he added.
The Eastern Province Chief Minister Sivanesathurai Chandrakanthan agreed to remove the TMVP camp at Puthukudirippu, a village in the border area between the Tamil and Muslim sectors at Eravur in Batticaloa district, as a measure towards restoring normalcy in the East.
May 29
The SFs foiled a pre-dawn sea attack by the LTTE sinking three Sea Tiger boats and killing at least 15 militants. One soldier was killed while two others sustained injuries during the clash between the LTTE and troops at the Chiraththivu islet of Jaffna district.
14 LTTE militants were killed and 42 others injured as SFs captured one of the outfit’s major strategic bases known as "Munnagam" in the Janakapura area of Vavuniya district.
LTTE militants opened artillery fire towards Jaffna town centre from their bases in Pooneryn which struck 18 people sleeping in their houses. While six of the civilians died in the attack, 12 others were injured.
Six LTTE militants were killed as the SLN launched an attack on two Sea Tiger boats transporting fuel barrels to un-cleared areas (area not under Government control) via the seas off Uddimukkanthurai in the Mannar.
Six militants were killed and more than 20 others wounded as the troops launched attacks in the jungle areas of Periyamadu Kulam, Palamoddai, Andankulam, Kiriibbanwewa and Janakapura areas of Vavuniya district. Two soldiers sustained injuries in the incident at Andankulam.
Three persons, including a woman, were killed by the militants at the Zone 18 village in Anuradhapura district.
May 30
19 LTTE militants were killed and more than 15 others injured during clashes with the troops in the Kodikamam, Nedunkandal and Pullekyarkulam areas of Mannar district. Three soldiers were also killed while 10 others sustained injuries in these clashes.
Three LTTE militants were killed and four others injured by the troops during encounters in the Navathkulama, Periyamadu Kulam, Periyamadu and Mundipurippu areas of Vavuniya district.
The troops clashed with the LTTE militants in the Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa areas of Vavuniya district and killed three militants and wounded two others.
May 31
Three soldiers and two LTTE militants were killed during clashes in the area north of Janakapura and Andankulam in the Vavuniya district. Two soldiers and an equal number of militants were injured in the clashes.
Five militants were killed and two others injured during clashes with the SFs in the Andankulam, Chandamandankulam, Panikkaneru, Periyamandankulam, Olumaduwai and west of Navavi areas of the Vavuniya and Mannar districts. Five soldiers sustained injuries in these clashes.
Three LTTE militants were killed in encounters with the SFs in the Kilaly, Nagarkovil and Muhamalai areas of Jaffna district.
June 1
Eight LTTE militants were killed by the security forces during encounters in the Periyamadu and Mundipurippu areas of Vavuniya district.
At least three militants were killed by the troops near Nagarkovil and Muhamalai FDLs of Jaffna district.
A negotiated end to the conflict is still possible but not before the LTTE is "verifiably demilitarised and democratised," said Dayan Jayatilleka, Sri Lanka's Permanent Representative to the UN.
June 2
The TMVP Eravurpattu Pradeshiya Sabha Deputy Chairman, Aiyathurai Pushpanadan alias Kattan, and his bodyguard, Arsakoon Pullai Mohandas alias Amburaj, were shot dead by suspected ‘pistol gang’ militants of the LTTE at Eruvur in the Kalawanchikudi area of Batticaloa district.
Seevaratnam Prabaharan alias Pulidevan, chief of the LTTE Peace Secretariat, has been placed under arrest on the direct orders of the outfit’s leader Velupillai Prabhakaran, the Defence Ministry said. "The arrest has been made as a result of a worsening internal dispute among key LTTE… An armed gang led by LTTE's intelligence wing leader Pottu Amman had made the arrest few days back," the statement said.
The Government has said that the LTTE has shown no indication to enter into a dialogue in order to end the conflict. "We are looking for a negotiated end to this conflict... so far they have shown no inclination to enter into any constructive dialogue with a view to ending this conflict," Foreign Ministry Secretary Palitha Kohona said. "The LTTE is free to come back to the negotiating table but... must do so genuinely with a commitment to negotiating a sustainable peace and for that it must also leave aside its weaponry," he added.
At least seven LTTE militants were killed and 17 others injured during clashes with the troops in the Chunnikadukulam, Koddeikulam, Mullikannady, Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa areas of Vavuniya district. While two soldiers were killed and two others injured in the fighting at Janakapura, two more soldiers were reported wounded elsewhere.
June 3
16 LTTE militants were killed and at least 10 others injured as the troops attacked several LTTE camps and bunkers in the Navathkulama, Periyamadu Kulam, Kowitkuchdu, Udaiyadi and Nedunkandal areas of the Vavuniya and Mannar districts.
The LTTE has said that the national question cannot be resolved by killing innocent civilians or political leaders. In an interview with BBC Sandeshaya, head of the outfit’s political wing, Balasingham Nadesan, said, "You cannot resolve the Tamil ethnic issue by killing the president or innocent civilians." He also denied any knowledge of killing civilians in the south and said that many other elements are operating in the south. Stating that it is the responsibility of the Government to initiate a fresh dialogue he accused the Government of launching military offensives against the LTTE and denied that the outfit is being defeated by the military in the north.
He also denied media reports that head of organisation’s peace secretariat, Seevarathnam Pulidevan, has been arrested by the outfit’s leadership. Separately, denying media reports of his arrest Pulidevan himself accused the Sri Lanka military of ‘fabricating stories when they cannot achieve military victories’. He also dismissed reports of an internal dispute within the LTTE, insisting that the organization continued to function as usual. Pulidevan also ruled out the possibility of having peace talks with the Government without the participation of Norwegian facilitators and added, "The LTTE has no problems. Our only intention is to receive the Norwegians in Kilinochchi as they are the official facilitators. Till then we will not discuss anything."
Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama said that India’s maritime surveillance has helped Sri Lanka in a big way in facing the challenge from the LTTE. He said, "The navies of India and Sri Lanka are cooperating to the extent at which the interests of both countries are safeguarded vis-à-vis the threat that can emanate from the [maritime] movement of terrorists led by the LTTE."
June 4
The SFs confronted with the LTTE militants in the Villattikulam and Navavi areas of Vavuniya district killing 11 militants while injuring at least 15 others. Three soldiers also received injuries in action.
11 more LTTE militants were killed in confrontations with the troops in the Kaddupulan, Kurukkandai, Nedunkandal and Parappakandattan areas of Mannar district. Seven more militants and a soldier were reportedly received injuries during the clashes.
As clashes erupted between the two sides in the Kokkutoduvai, Andankulam, Janakapura and Welioya areas of Vavuniya district the SFs killed five LTTE militants and wounded an equal number of them.
At Periyamadu in the Vavuniya district, the troops shot dead at least six militants and injured three others in two separate clashes.
The SFs at Periyamadu in the Vavuniya district opened fire towards a tractor with LTTE militants on board and killed three militants while others managed to escape.
At least 17 persons were injured in a bomb blast along the coastal railway track at Dehiwala, a suburb of capital Colombo, police said. Police spokesman Ranjith Gunasekera said that an unidentified assailant attempted to lob a parcel at the Colombo bound train from Panadura, but failed as civilians in the area prevented it by screaming. "After noticing that the people had seen him, the suspect had thrown the parcel towards the railway track and ran away from the scene," he added. The railway track was slightly damaged due to the blast. The security forces later arrested the prime suspect, identified as Jatheesan Balasubramaniyam, who was behind the bomb blast. He was arrested near Irattaperiyakulama road block while he was attempting to pass through towards Vavuniya.
June 5
30 LTTE militants were killed as the troops captured one kilometre stretch of the main defence line of the LTTE covering the Mannar 'Rice Bowl' by reaching the edge of the 'Rice Bowl' north of Adampan on June 4-evening, military sources said. "This was the first time the troops in Mannar front captured a stretch of LTTE main defence line stretching from Pappamoddai in the north of Manthai from the seaside towards Parappakandattan in the north of Giant Tank for more than 11 Kilometres covering the Mannar 'Rice Bowl'," an unnamed senior military official said. The LTTE constructed this defence line with a six to eight feet high earth bund, a water canal and a trench line forcibly using the civilians living in the un-cleared areas (area not under Government control) a few months back to face the advancing troops.
Four LTTE militants were killed and eight others inured during separate clashes with the troops in the Periyamadu, Periyamandankulam, Kopilkurunala and Villamadukulam areas of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while eight others received injuries during these confrontations.
The SFs confronted the LTTE militants in the area north of Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district and killed four more militants. One soldier was also killed while two others sustained injuries in the incident.
The Sri Lanka Parliament extended the emergency law that comes in to force under the Public Security Ordnance for another one month.
June 6
21 persons were killed and 40 others injured in a LTTE-triggered a powerful explosion on a public bus near Katubedda Shailabimbaramaya temple on the Katubedda – Piliyandala main road in Colombo. Eight women and 13 men were among the dead in the explosion in the bus which was proceeding to Mt. Lavinia from Kottawa.
At least seven LTTE militants were killed and 21 others injured by the troops as clashes erupted between the two sides in the Ichchalankai, Nedunkandal, Periyamadu, Kovitkanchikulam, Itkanchikulam, Palamoddai, Alankulam and Kurukkallimotai areas of Mannar and Vavuniya districts. Nine soldiers were also reported wounded in the incidents.
Troops conducting search and clear operations in the Janakapura, north of Kiriibbanwewa and Andankulam areas of Vavuniya district killed four LTTE militants and injured at least 13 others.
The LTTE in the latest release by its Hero’s department has claimed that the outfit has lost 21,051 carders in the quest for a separate state for the Tamils in Sri Lanka. The 21,051 cadres include 16,516 males and 4,535 females. The period cited for the deaths cover 26 years from November 27, 1982 to May 31, 2008. Since the current pace of the war intensified in 2006 the outfit has lost 1004 carders, of which 745 males and 259 and in 2007 they had lost 1196 carders including 1037 males and 159 females. The Hero’s Department also claimed they never hide the deaths of the LTTE cadres, announcing the heroes name over the radio broadcast, and updating figures on a monthly basis.
The Sri Lanka's Defence Ministry has recently formulated guidelines for media on war news coverage in the form of an advisory that is posted on its website,, under the heading, "Deriding the war heroes for a living — the ugly face of 'defence analysts' in Sri Lanka". The guidelines address four main issues the Defence Ministry is most concerned over. Criticism of military operations, promotion schemes, procurement and unethical methods used to obtain sensitive information are the issues of main concern and they are classified as acts of ‘treason’.
June 7
The SFs clashed with the LTTE militants in the Navakkulam, Periyamadu, Cheddiyankulam and Periyapallemullkaduu areas of Vavuniya district and killed seven militants while injured two others. Five soldiers were also injured while the SFs recovered the dead body of one female LTTE cadre after clashes in Periyamadu.
In similar confrontations that erupted between the two sides in the Welioya area of Vavuniya district, the troops killed five militants and injured at least 19 others.
Three more LTTE militants were killed and two others wounded by the troops destroyed an LTTE bunker in the area north of Ethawatunuwewa in Vavuniya district.
June 8
At least 17 LTTE militants and six soldiers were killed as the troops stormed the outfit’s One-Four base at five places and captured 500-600 meters stretch of land in the Ethawatunuwewa area of Vavuniya district. 35 militants and 18 soldiers also sustained injuries during the fighting which lasted for eight hours.
The SFs confronted with the LTTE militants in the Muhamalai, Mankumban, Ponnar and Nagarkovil areas of Jaffna district and killed an unspecified number of militants. Three soldiers were also killed during the clashes. Six soldiers and an equal number of militants were reported injured in the incidents. Some of the soldiers were injured in LTTE triggered remote-controlled blasts in the area.
Five LTTE militants were killed and another five wounded by the troops during an encounter in the area east of Periyamadu in the Vavuniya district. One soldier also sustained injuries during the clash.
Three more LTTE militants were killed by SFs in another confrontation in the area east of Periyamadu in the Vavuniya district.
Acknowledging the contribution of Sri Lanka's armed forces in fighting international terrorism, President Mahinda Rajapakse has said giving democratic rights to the Tamils in the LTTE strongholds was vital for ending militancy in the region. He said it was not possible to win a war with weapons alone. For this it is necessary for the soldier who goes into battle to have trust and confidence in his leadership, he said. "We have the need to give the Tamil people in (the rebel stronghold) of Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu their democratic rights, as we did for the people in the East," the President said.
At least seven LTTE militants were killed and 33 others injured by the SFs as clashes erupted between the two sides in the Manipullkulam, Alankulam and Nedunkandal areas of Mannar district and Janakapura, Kiriibbanwewa, Wedimurippu, Thalaweddi and Palampiddi areas of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while about 19 others received injuries during these clashes.
June 9
At least nine LTTE militants were killed as the troops stormed the outfit’s FDL in the Alankulam area, about 2-km north to the north bund of the Giant Tank, of Mannar district. Two soldiers were also killed while 15 others sustained injuries during the clash that lasted nearly for four hours. Troops later recovered the dead bodies of three female militants from the area.
Sri Lankan Minister for Community Development and Social Inequity Eradication P. Chandrasekaran has said he had received positive signals from the LTTE to indicate that it would be open to talks. Claiming to be on a mission to meet political leaders in Tamil Nadu and New Delhi to create an atmosphere conducive for Indian intervention he said that India should play the role of a mediator to end the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka. He also that the LTTE had also evinced interest in Indian intervention and favourable signals had emanated from the outfit in this regard.
June 10
At least four LTTE militants were killed by the troops during confrontations in the Periyamadu, Janakapura and Welioya areas of Vavuniya district. Two soldiers were also injured during these clashes.
Three ‘pistol gang’ militants of the LTTE were gunned down during a Police and Army combined cordon and search operation at Pallikudiruppu in the Akkaraipattu area of Ampara district. Reports said that a group of three militants had opened fire and lobbed a hand grenade at the SF personnel engaged in the search operation. The SF personnel had retaliated killing two militants on the spot while the other who had managed to escape was chased and shot dead later.
A little known Sri Lankan rebel group, Ellalan Force claimed responsibility for recent bomb attacks on transport vehicles as revenge for what it said were Government attacks and aerial bombings on Tamil civilians. The military said that the outfit is a LTTE-linked group.
Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake said that the State intelligence sleuths have uncovered a LTTE plot to assassinate VIPs in the South by infiltrating public functions attended by them. The terrorist plan was to get their cadres to attend such functions unarmed as normal civilians and assassinate VIPs attending them after grabbing weapons from the SF personnel detailed to cover such events.
Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama, delivering a lecture at the Carlton Club (London), said that the military victories can provide the space for political and economic solutions to be found and without military power the result can be more bloodshed.
The LTTE has vowed to attack government troops if they enter the outfit’s-controlled area. In an interview with a news agency, the LTTE Peace Secretariat Head, S. Puleedevan, has said, "Sri Lanka armed forces are losing a lot of soldiers. If they enter into LTTE area the losses will be much more. The heavy fighting is going on at the forward defence line and we have managed to inflict considerable damages to Sri Lankan armed forces. They are unable to gain any new territory." Puleedevan also blamed that the Government is not willing to have peace talks and is evident by denying access to international mediators.
June 11
At least seven LTTE militants were killed in the Nedunkandal and the west of Navvi areas in Mannar district. Two LTTE bunkers were also neutralised in the Nedunkandal area.
Five more LTTE militants were killed and more than 15 others injured during clashes with the troops in the north of Janakapura, Kiriibbanwewa and Welioya areas of Vavuniya district. While two soldiers were killed and four others sustained injuries, the troops captured one bunker in the fighting in Janakapura area.
At least four LTTE militants and three sailors were killed as the SLN personnel foiled an LTTE attack on a SLN outpost at Erukkalampiddi in the Mannar Island. According to the defence sources, a group of outfit’s cadres who had come in six boats launched the attack at around 2.15 am (SLST). The SLN personnel defended the post effectively destroying a Sea Tiger boat in a counter-attack killing four militants, including their leader Sirimaran, sources added. However, the pro-LTTE Website Tamil Net admitting their loss said the outfit destroyed the camp and captured key weapons and radar equipment.
The security forces are attacking Mullaitivu, the LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran’s hideout, from several directions, said Army Commander Sarath Fonseka. Commander Fonseka said the Army's aim is to capture Prabhakaran, who is holed up in a bunker, alive. He said the 56, 57, 58 and 59 divisions are taking part in the operations and Task Force 2 will also be inducted to expedite the operation. Troops are presently attacking the LTTE's 1-4 Base complex in a preliminary bid to reach Mullaitivu. Forces have already regained several hundred square kilometres previously under the control of the LTTE and they still need to march forward another 21 kilometers to achieve the final goals, he said.
Foreign Secretary Palitha Kohona called upon the EU to list the TRO and other LTTE front organisations, which have been clearly identified, including by the US Government, as raising funds for the LTTE. He said a request to this effect has recently been made by the Government to the European Union. French Ambassador in Sri Lanka Michel Lummaux representing the current EU Presidency held by Slovenia, who led the EU delegation, categorically expressed the opposition of the EU to a separate State for Tamils in Sri Lanka. He said the EU does not consider the LTTE to be the sole representative of Sri Lankan Tamils.
June 12
The SFs killed five LTTE militants and injured six others during separate encounters in the Janakapura and Andankulam areas of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while six others received injuries during the clashes.
At Kiraddikulam in Vavuniya district, the SFs confronted a group of LTTE militants and killed three of them on the spot. Two more militants and one soldier received injuries in the incident.
Secretary General of the SCOPP, Prof. Rajiva Wijesinha, responding to a statement made by the LTTE’s ‘Peace’ Secretariat chief, Seewaratnam Pulidevan, that he wishes to meet with Norwegian peace-brokers, said that the team headed by Norway's Special Peace Envoy John Hansen Bauer, would, for now, not be allowed to visit the Wanni. Prof. Wijesinha dismissed the LTTE request as a meaningless propaganda exercise in the absence of a roadmap to ending the 25-year conflict.
President Mahinda Rajapakse has asserted that in spite of the cost in lives and damage inflicted to Sri Lanka's tourist trade he would not resume peace talks with the LTTE until the organisation agreed to disarm. "When they are weak they call on the international community to arrange a ceasefire. During this period they train and rearm and then fight back. This time if they want to talk, they should disarm first," he said. Commenting on concluding a peace deal with Velupillai Prabhakaran, the LTTE chief, he said, "This man and the three or four henchmen around him are blood-thirsty killers. They have no feelings. It is very difficult to deal with them."
India cannot make 'any healthy, fruitful contribution' to resolving Sri Lanka's ethnic conflict until it changes its mind on the LTTE’s struggle for an independent State, K.V. Balakumaran, a senior leader of the outfit told an Australian Tamil radio. "Our regret is that the Indian policy makers are viewing (the) Tamil people's struggle through the lens of their country's political warfare. Until the Indian central government approaches this intellectually and recognises that ours is a struggle for survival by an oppressed people in the land of their birth, India cannot make any healthy, fruitful contribution," the pro-LTTE Website Tamil Net quoted Balakumaran as saying.
June 13
At least seven LTTE militants and four soldiers were killed during confrontations that erupted in the north of Janakapura, Kokkuthuduvai and Kiriibbanwewa areas of Vavuniya district. At least 15 militants and five soldiers were injured during these confrontations.
During another confrontation between the two sides in the Periyamandankulam, Palampiddi, Kovitakunchu, Nedunkandal, Alankulam and Vaddakkandal areas of Vavuniya and Mannar districts the troops killed five militants while injured eight others. Three soldiers were also reported killed and four others got injured. 500 T-56 ammunitions were recovered by the troops in the Palampiddi area.
The LTTE had released 27 more child soldiers, and contested a United Nations estimate that over 1,000 child soldiers were still in their ranks. The outfit said that they were also working to discharge 30 or so children who are still with them.
June 14
At least eight LTTE militants were killed and eight others injured as the troops in a fierce offensive operation captured a strategically important LTTE-held area in the Mannar district and brought the whole tank area under their control, the military said. Seven soldiers got injured in the confrontations. Capture of the entire perimeter of this strategically important tank area is a major setback to the LTTE, defence officials said.
The troops confronted with the LTTE militants in the Komankulam, Mundipurippu, Keevelikulam, Minukkal, Nedunkandal and Irathawelliyakulam areas of Vavuniya and Mannar districts and killed four militants while injured four others. Two soldiers were also killed and five others received injuries during the clashes.
June 15
At least 17 LTTE militants were killed and more than 15 others injured by the SFs as confrontations occurred between the sides in the Janakapura, Kiriibbanwewa, Ranabapura and Kokkutoduvai areas of Vavuniya district. Three SF personnel were killed while four others sustained injuries during the clashes. The SFs also recovered one hand grenade from the area north of Kiriibbanwewa.
Six more LTTE militants were killed in clashes with the troops in the Navathkulama, north of Periyamadu and Nedunkandal areas of Vavuniya and Mannar districts. One soldier was killed while four others were injured in LTTE fire.
The troops confronted with a group of LTTE militants and killed five of them in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was injured in action.
Three LTTE militants were eliminated by the SFs during two separate confrontations in the Kovitkanchikulam area of Vavuniya district. The SFs later recovered the dead bodies of the three slain militants along with two T-56 weapons.
June 16
A suspected LTTE suicide bomber on a motorbike blew himself up in front of a Police building in Vavuniya, killing 12 police personnel, including three female Police officers and wounding 23 others, the military said,. The suicide bomber blew himself up in front of the SSP office complex in Vavuniya targeting the Police personnel leaving the SSP office for their duties at around 7:10am (SLST).
The Canadian Cabinet has outlawed the Toronto-based front organization of the LTTE, the WTM, under the Anti-Terrorism Act. "The Anti-Terrorism Act, passed in the wake of the 9/11 attacks, allows federal Cabinet to prepare a list of ‘entities’ whose activities are proscribed by Canadian law due to their involvement in terrorist violence," the report added. The directive issued by the Office of the Superintendent of Financial Institutions advised banks and insurance companies to notify the Royal Canadian Mountain Police or Canadian Security Intelligence Service if they held any accounts linked to the WTM.
At least eight LTTE militants were killed and more than 10 others injured when clashes erupted between the two sides in the Echchalarakkai, Vannakulam, Pandiyankulam Periyamadu, Mullikkandy, Parappakandal, Palamoddai and south of Kovitkuchchikulam areas in Vavuniya district. Four soldiers were injured in these clashes.
Three LTTE militants were killed and at least 24 others injured by the troops during encounters in the areas north of Janakapura and north of Kiriibbanwewa in Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while three others were injured in the LTTE mortar fire.
June 17
14 LTTE militants were killed and three others injured during clashes with the troops in the Palamoddai, Karukkakulam, Kovitkanchikulam and south of Navavi areas in the Vavuniya and Mannar districts.
During an encounter between the two sides in the areas north of Janakapura, Andankulam and Ethawatunuwewa areas of Vavuniya district, the SFs killed seven LTTE militants and wounded at least six others. Three soldiers were injured in the clashes.
Three soldiers were killed in a LTTE attack in the Kayamodai Wanni area of Vavuniya district.
Sri Lanka is planning to establish an all party Security Council under the directions of President Mahinda Rajapakse to prevent LTTE attacks on the civilians in the country, the Government said. The council is based on a proposal put forward by the members of the newly formed breakaway Marxist party, the National Freedom Front.
June 18
Seven militants were killed as troops attacked LTTE camps in the Kiraddikulam and Vaddakkandal areas of Vavuniya district.
The LTTE has rejected the Government's request to lay down their weapons before peace talks. "Any approach that disturbs the balance of power and parity of status (between the government and rebels) are counter-productive to the peace process," said the group’s political head B. Nadesan.
June 19
17 LTTE militants were killed and 14 others wounded during clashes with the troops in the Vedamakilam, Periyamadu, Kayamunai, Nedunkandal, Eachalarakkai, Kuranchatalav and Andankulam areas of Mannar and Vavuniya districts. Three soldiers were also killed while nine others sustained injuries.
Six soldiers were killed and 20 others were injured in encounters with the LTTE in the Mankindamulai, Janakapura, Kiriibbanwewa and Andankulam areas of Vavuniya district.
Basil Rajapakse, the presidential advisor of President Mahinda Rajapakse, admitted that the LTTE represented a ‘fair number of Tamils’ but ruled out any quick truce with the outfit.
June 21
Seven LTTE militants were killed and nine others injured during encounters with the SFs in the Janakapura, Andankulam and Weddakulam areas of Vavuniya district. Two soldiers sustained injuries in these clashes.
SFs captured three LTTE bunkers killing four militants while injuring two others in the Nedunkandal area of Mannar district. Three soldiers were injured in the incident.
Four LTTE militants were killed as the Army troops serving in the Poovarasankulam area of Vavuniya district observed these militants, two males and two females, busy constructing a hut near a bunker.
June 22
10 LTTE militants were killed and 30 others injured as the troops captured an LTTE line of six bunkers built in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district. Four solders were killed while seven others were injured in the clashes. One more soldier was reported missing in action.
10 LTTE militants were killed by the SFs as clashes erupted between the two sides in the Chalampan, Veddayamurippu, Kiraddikulam and Kovitakunchu area of Mannar district. Two soldiers were also killed while another was wounded in these clashes.
The SFs confronted LTTE militants in the Muppankulam area of Vavuniya district on June 21-night and June 22-morning killing six militants and injuring a few others.
During an encounter between the two sides in the areas north of Janakapura, Mani Kindamalai and Veddankerni, the SFs killed three militants while injuring 30 others. Nine soldiers were reported injured in the explosions of improvised explosive devices and LTTE attacks.
June 23
Three policemen were killed and another injured when suspected LTTE militants carried out a bomb explosion near the Aiyththamalai Police post in the Batticaloa district.
President Mahinda Rajapakse stated that his Government would seek to establish ‘Peace Zones’ not only in the precincts of sacred sites, but also in the whole country.
At least 12 LTTE militants and two soldiers were killed during separate clashes in the Kiriibbanwewa area of Vavuniya district. 11 more militants and four soldiers sustained injuries during these clashes.
At least 10 more LTTE militants were killed and six others wounded during separate confrontations with the SFs in the Periyamadu, Nedunkandal, Andankulam, Palamoddai and Werapiliyathura areas of Mannar district. Troops also recovered ammunition and explosives from the possession of the slain and injured persons.
June 24
The troops operating in the Mannar front captured several key locations in the North and North East of Adampan securing Mavilakkandi, Minnanirachchan and Marattikannaddi areas, Military sources said. At least 10 LTTE militants were killed in the confrontation that erupted from early hours of the day. Five soldiers also sustained injuries during these confrontations.
The SFs killed six LTTE militants and injured three others in the Periyamadu area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while three others got injured in the incident.
At least five LTTE militants were killed and 24 others injured during confrontation with the troops in the Janakapura area of Vavuniya district. One soldier also died in an anti personnel mine explosion during the clash.
The troops neutralised an LTTE bunker in the Mullikandal area of Mannar district killing three militants. One soldier was also killed in action.
President Mahinda Rajapakse reiterated that the LTTE should lay down arms if they expect to negotiate with the Government for a political solution to the crisis, according to Ministry of Defence Website. "The Government would not hesitate to work with the LTTE if the Tigers were ready to lay down arms," the President said. The President assured that he was not at all prepared to compromise the security of the country and the safety of the people and was not ready to hand over the country to a terrorist organisation. The President further said, "I don’t wish at all to wage war against the people of the country. My determination is to defeat terrorism. If the LTTE lay down arms at any moment I am ready to work with them to achieve peace," adds Colombo Page.
June 25
The troops killed five LTTE militants and injured more than 20 others in the Kiriibbanwewa area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed and seven others got injured. Troops captured three trenches and recovered 3500 rounds of ammunition.
Four more LTTE militants were killed and five soldiers received injuries during confrontations in the Sirumollakandi and Navavi areas of Vavuniya district.
The troops captured an LTTE camp with 120-mm gun positions at Kattikulam in the Vavuniya district killing three militants and injuring three others. LTTE transmissions later confirmed that one area leader was among the injured. One soldier also sustained injuries in action.
June 26
Troops operating on the Mannar front captured two and half square kilometres of land between Chalampan and Marattikannaddi on the Andankulam-Vedithalthivu road in Mannar district. "Twelve Tiger cadres were killed during the confrontation between 8 am to 3 pm yesterday to capture this terrain," Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara said, adding, "With the capture of this key location all supply routes from Mannar Northwards to the Pooneryn road has been totally cut off to the LTTE."
Six LTTE militants were killed during confrontations with the troops at Pandayan, according to Sri Lanka Army. Four soldiers were also injured during the clash.
The troops also eliminated five LTTE militants and injured eight others in the Morathandaman area of Mannar district. One soldier was also wounded in the incident.
The troops captured one more LTTE bunker in the Kanapputtukulam area of Mannar district and killed five militants while injuring six others. One T-56 weapon was also recovered from the incident site.
Four more LTTE militants were killed and nine others injured in an encounter with the troops in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district. Four soldiers also sustained injuries in action.
Troops of the 57 Division who entered the Periyamadu village in Vavuniya district on June 24 and consolidated its position by capturing seven square kilometres surrounding the village by June 26-noon.
June 27
At least 25 LTTE militants were killed and an unspecified number of them injured as security forces captured the outfit’s strategic "54-Base", said Military spokesman Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara.
25 more LTTE militants were killed and two soldiers sustained injuries as the SFs engaged in operation ‘Rice Bowl’ on the Mannar Front fully captured the Andankulam area and 13 square kilometres surrounding it, an unnamed senior military official said.
At least 20 LTTE militants were killed more than 40 others injured as clashes erupted between the two sides in the Andankulam, north of Janakapura and Kiriibbanwewa areas of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while two more sustained injuries in the confrontations.
June 28
At least 20 LTTE militants were killed and 13 others injured when troops opened fire on their positions in Ambaddankulam, Naddankulam, Navatkulam, Panichchanmadu, Naouarampu and Palamoddai areas of Vavuniya district. Two soldiers were also killed and two others injured in the fight.
June 29
The 58 Division of the Sri Lanka Army operating on the Mannar successfully completed operation ‘Rice Bowl’ after capturing over 120 square kilometres, including 105 square kilometres of the most fertile land in the country.
10 militants were killed and 32 others injured when the troops attacked LTTE camps north of Kiriibbanwewa and Janakapura in the Vavuniya district.
Six more LTTE militants were killed and eight others injured during a confrontation with the troops in the area north of Navavi area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while three others got injured. One more soldier was reportedly missing in the confrontation.
During separate clashes between the two sides in the Pandiyankulam, Palamoddai and Periyamadu areas of Vavuniya district, the SFs killed seven LTTE militants and injured four others.
The troops captured one LTTE bunker ahead of the Muhamalai FDL in the Jaffna district killing four militants.
President Mahinda Rajapakse expressed no interest in easing off his military's offensive against the LTTE. "There are calls for a cease-fire when the terrorists face defeat. I will not allow anyone to curtail the forward march of the troops," Rajapakse said.
Amid claims of major advances into the LTTE- controlled territory in the Mannar district in the north, the Sri Lankan military reported influx of civilians from LTTE-held areas into the government-controlled side. In a statement in Colombo, the Defence Ministry said, "It is observed that Tamil civilians fleeing LTTE-held areas continuously reaching towards security forces seeing protection for their lives as they are living under severe life risk in LTTE areas. As the troops captured almost all the terror strongholds in Mannar front, an escalation of civilian movement towards government-controlled areas can be observed".
The troops killed three LTTE militants and injured four others near the Navakkulam FDL in the Vavuniya district. Three soldiers were also injured in the LTTE fire.
June 30
The security forces engaged in the Wanni liberation operation, entered a decisive phase as the troops created the biggest ever military front to the LTTE in the western flank of Wanni with two Army divisions that independently operated in Mannar and Vavuniya linking together from southeast of Periyamadu.
The LTTE has "lost their capability of fighting as a conventional army" because of the offensive the military is waging against them, Army Chief Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka said.
Five LTTE militants were killed while 11 others injured during confrontations with the troops in the areas north of Janakapura and north of Kiriibbanwewa in the Vavuniya district.
Three soldiers were killed and two others injured in LTTE-triggered IED explosions at Palamoddai and Kovitkanchikulam in Vavuniya district.

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