Saturday 30 May 2020

Sri Lanka Timeline - Year 2007

Sri Lanka Timeline - Year 2007


January 1
A civilian, identified as M. Bandara and his wife P.J Mallika, are shot dead by cadres of the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) at Mantotta in the Ampara district. Similarly, LTTE cadres shot dead another civilian, Sudubanda Rathnayaka and his wife Somawathi Rathnayaka, along the 3rd canal road in the Bakmitiyawa area.
Troops recover the dead bodies of three Tamil youths, believed to be supporters of the LTTE breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel Karuna, from the Kiran area of Batticaloa district. Civilians informed the troops that three dead bodies were found lying close to a church in the area, apparently killed by the LTTE cadres on December 31. The victims were identified as Sivanesvaram Puwanesvaram, Senthurai and Yoganadan Mayuran.
A Police jeep is caught up in an LTTE claymore mine explosion at Settikulam in the Vavuniya district. Two Police constables in the jeep are killed and one more sustained injuries in the incident.
The LTTE has begun issuing ID cards to civilians living in territories under their control. The Commissioner of the Tamil Eelam Department of Registration of Persons, S. Jeyenthiran, issues the first high-tech identity card with a Social Security Number, by which a person is identified in a computer network, to LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran.
January 2
The Sri Lankan Government said that it would take legal action against any institution or organization that is issuing bogus identity cards.
Defence spokesperson, Minister Keheliya Rambukwella, said that the pullout of the truce monitors from the Northeast has paved the way for the LTTE to engage in large-scale child recruitment freely in the East.
The Government states that it is not ready to negotiate with the LTTE to seek the release of the Jordanian vessel ‘Farah lll’ which remained in the outfit’s custody in Mullaitivu but warned it would take suitable action at the appropriate time.
Three Sri Lankan Military officers have been taken into custody and will face a court-martial for helping the LTTE, the Defense Ministry said.
January 3
Unidentified assailants shot dead a young woman, identified as Kamalini Kanapathippillai, at Point Pedro in the Jaffna district.
The U.N. calls on the Sri Lankan Government and LTTE to stop fighting, protect the innocent, and resume peace talks.
Sri Lanka Army Commander Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka has reportedly vowed to liberate the Eastern Province from the LTTE's hold and then to proceed to liberating the Northern Province. The Army Commander said the LTTE would be eradicated from the East within the next two to three months.
January 4
Troops kill one LTTE cadre in a retaliatory fire when the outfit’s cadres, hidden in surrounding jungle areas near an Army point in the Kalyanapura area of Polonnaruwa district, opened fire on the Army point. One soldier is also killed in the incident.
The Media Centre for National Security states that the LTTE is facing a severe recruitment problem to fill their numbers as 'fighters' due to heavy losses they sustained in Mavil Aru, Muhamalai, Thoppur, Sampur, Muttur jetty and Vakarai.
January 5
At least six passengers are killed and 63 are wounded in a bomb blast inside a bus bound for Giriulla from Nittambuwa in the Gampaha district. The Government blames the LTTE for the attack.
January 6
At least 16 persons are killed and 40 injured as a second explosion occurred in a bus in a span of less than 24 hours in the Galle district, over 80 km from the national capital Colombo. The Government blamed the LTTE for the attack.
The dead bodies of two civilians are recovered from Allesgarden and another one from Chelvanayakapuram in the Trincomalee district. The three were shot dead by unidentified assailants a day earlier.
At least three soldiers of the Sri Lanka Army and a civilian are killed as suspected LTTE cadres detonated a claymore mine targeting a truck at Pattamkulam in the Vavuniya district.
January 7
Four dead bodies, at least two of which appeared to have been executed, are recovered from the Vavuniya town.
President Mahinda Rajapakse accused the LTTE of stoking an ethnic backlash by majority Sinhalese on the minority Tamil community.
January 9
LTTE cadres storm the office of the Thamil Makkal Viduthalai Pullikal (TMVP) at Valachchenai in the Batticaloa district and completely destroyed it. Troops conducted an immediate search in the area where they confronted a group of LTTE cadres and killed at least four of them.
Armed men ambushed two camps belonging to the breakaway faction of the LTTE led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna at Valachchenai in the Batticaloa district, killing several cadres of the Karuna faction. The LTTE claims that unidentified assailants killed at least 10 members of the breakaway Karuna faction and wounded four more in the ambush. An official at the Defence Ministry in Colombo confirmed the attacks, but said only two Karuna group cadres died and that two were wounded.
Indian External Affairs Minister Pranab Mukherjee told President Mahinda Rajapakse that India is of the firm view that a solution to the ethnic conflict in the island nation could be achieved only through dialogue.
The Sri Lankan Parliament passes the proposal to extend the Emergency Regulations for another month.
January 10
Troops confront a concentration of the LTTE cadres in the Kondagalchena area of Batticaloa district and killed at least 10 cadres of the outfit after overpowering them.
Indonesian police deports a Sri Lankan wanted by the US for smuggling military equipment to the LTTE.
Troops kill eight LTTE cadres in the Korakallimadu area of Batticaloa district.
Troops kill a LTTE cadre who tried to infiltrate the FDL at Vempotukerni in the Jaffna district. Subsequently, troops retaliate when LTTE cadres directed mortar fire towards them, killing three of them and injuring three others. One soldier also sustained injuries in the incident.
January 11
STF personnel capture the ‘Janath’ Camp, stronghold for the LTTE artillery and mortar gun position, and seven other sub camps of the LTTE, which lies west of Kanchkudichchiaru in the Ampara district. During subsequent search operations, STF personnel recovered four dead bodies of the LTTE cadres, large number of warlike items and equipment. Four STF personnel and an unspecified number of LTTE cadres are injured in the incident.
Two civilians, later identified as Rajasankar and his brother Theivendran, are shot dead by unidentified assailants in the Vavuniya district.
Defence spokesperson and Minister Keheliya Rambukwella states that the Government has no intention to launch an offensive to capture areas under the LTTE.
Sri Lanka is investigating a number of foreign and local aid groups it suspects may be helping the LTTE, and may banish a Dutch organisation from the island.
January 12
The LTTE cadres kill two police constables in Vavuniya while detonating a claymore mine targeting a security convoy carrying drinking water to a nearby police post along the Mannar-Vavuniya road, according to defence ministry sources. One police constable sustains injuries during the explosion.
The STF took control of the LTTE’s eight bases, including Janak camp near Kanchkudichchiaru, in the Ampara district.
January 13
Four soldiers are killed and two others sustain injuries when the LTTE rebels fired artillery and mortar shells at the SLA detachment at Mankerni in the Batticaloa district.
January 14
Troops shot dead five cadres of the LTTE, including Dileep of Intelligence Wing and ‘Major’ Shankar of Military Wing, who confronted them while on a foot patrol in the Vandaramoolai area of Batticaloa district.
Two LTTE deserters, who had escaped the outfit recently, identified as Sinnathambi Danapalasingham and Krishanapille Rajaram, are shot dead by suspected LTTE cadres at Kannagipuram in the Akkariapathtuwa area of Batticaloa district.
January 15
Two civilians, Mohammed Kaninil Hameed and Hamindi Sriyam, died in an accidental explosion of the LTTE-planted pressure mine in the Allanagar of the Vavuniya district.
The Military urges the deserting LTTE cadres in the East to surrender, as operations against the insurgents' camps intensified.
Torture chambers allegedly used by the LTTE to punish escaping rebels and informers, including women fighters, have been found at guerrilla camps in eastern Sri Lanka
January 16
In Panichchankerny, south of Ichchalanpatthu and its suburbs, in the Batticaloa district, troops after overrunning the 3rd defence line of the LTTE cleared the village areas, killing at least 30 of its cadres despite heavy LTTE resistance. However, the pro-LTTE Website Tamil Net said 40 Sri Lankan soldiers are killed and that the outfit lost only seven cadres.
Troops confront a group of LTTE cadres in the Vakare area of Batticaloa district. During subsequent search operations, troops recover seven dead bodies of LTTE cadres from the incident site which was later handed over to the International Committee of the Red Cross.
At least six civilians, including a woman, are shot dead by unidentified assailants in the Vavuniya town.
Five soldiers are killed and two others sustain injuries in a LTTE-triggered claymore mine explosion targeting the troops in the Puthukulam area of Vavuniya district.
‘Colonel’ Karuna faction is attempting to consolidate power in Batticaloa and surrounding areas according to independent reports from the Eastern Province.
The role of the SLMM is to undergo some amendments at the end of the ongoing workshop of the ceasefire monitors, said SLMM spokesman Thorfinur Omarsson.
January 17
Military spokesman Brig Prasad Samarasinghe said that 561 LTTE cadres have surrendered to the Sri Lankan Armed Forces in the East since July 25, 2006. "The majority of them are children," he added.
Defence spokesperson Keheliya Rambukwella stated that the LTTE is growing cannabis to make big money. The LTTE, however, denies the allegations and claimed that cannabis were grown in a Sinhala village called Bakkimiddiya and alleged that the Army video was taken in that village.
January 18
Four LTTE cadres are killed as troops advanced into the outfit-held territory in Batticaloa district.
Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera stated in New Delhi that a political process is underway in the country to share power with ethnic Tamils but made it clear that the campaign against the LTTE will continue until the rebels stop bloodshed.
The SLMM spokesman Thorfinur Omarsson said that ten of Sri Lanka's nearly three dozen truce monitors will be back at their posts next week in the North and East after an absence of more than two weeks.
The United Nations humanitarian affairs office said that the ongoing violence in Sri Lanka has resulted in 213,000 new refugees, asking donors for U.S. $66 million in aid to carry out support programs in coming months.
January 19
Sri Lankan security forces capture the only LTTE stronghold in the eastern Sri Lanka - Vakarai - as thousands of civilians fled the area amidst heavy fighting between the two sides.
An elite guerilla unit of the LTTE in Ampara district carried out an ambush on Sri Lankan Special Task Force convoy, killing at least 11 Sri Lankan commandos and wounding more than 11 at Bakmitiyawa, claims outfit’s military spokesman Irasiah Ilanthirayan.
At least nine LTTE cadres are killed and twelve others sustain injuries in confrontations with the SFs in the Batticaloa district.
Three soldiers are killed and four others sustain injuries when LTTE cadres open fire towards troops in the Vakarai area of Batticaloa district.
The bodies of three civilians are recovered near Gnanavairavar temple along Mathakuvaithakulam road in the Thavasikkulam area of Vavuniya district. All of them were strangled to death and there were gun shot injuries on two of them.
The LTTE claims that it had "decided to pull back" from its Pannichchankerni position, which is on the access route to Vaharai.
The Sri Lanka Army, which has now consolidated power in new territory earlier controlled by the LTTE, has offered a general amnesty to deserters to return to the Army.
January 20
At least four soldiers of the SLA are killed and three others injured at Eechalanpattu in a LTTE mortar in the Trincomalee district.
Sri Lanka Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera stated in New Delhi that the LTTE is much more brutal than the al-Qaeda.
The SLA claims to have gained Komathalamadu, Verugal, Kadiraveli and Batticaloa-Trincomalee road, a day after it captured Vaharai from the LTTE. Providing further details of the Vaharai battle, military sources claimed that since the beginning of October 2006, 331 LTTE cadres had been killed.
January 21
Troops advancing further captured the area from Verugal to Mavil Aru and Sinhapura, west of Vakarai and capture a number of LTTE camps in the area. Troops also found 22 dead bodies of the outfit’s cadres scattered in the area.
SFs confronted a group of about 75 LTTE cadres who were attempting to escape towards Toppigala from the Vakarai area in Batticaloa district. Official sources confirm that at least 18 LTTE cadres are killed and a large number sustain injuries in the incident.
A fierce sea clash broke out after about 20 LTTE boats attack a cargo ship. Navy ships backed by air fire destroyed three of the LTTE boats, killing at least six of the outfit’s cadres.
The Sri Lanka military states that it has taken control of the Trincomalee – Batticaloa A-15 road chasing the LTTE cadres to the Thoppigala jungles. "Ninety five percent of the civilians in the Eastern Province are now under the government controlled areas and the Tigers are now confined to limited areas in Thoppigala jungles," the military stated.
January 21-22
Army hands over dead bodies of four LTTE cadres to the LTTE through the facilitation of International Committee of the Red Cross on January 22. These cadres were killed in the retaliatory fire by troops in the Punani area of Batticaloa district on January 21.
January 22
A Manager of the Vavuniya Central Transport Board depot is shot by LTTE cadres in the Poonthottam area.
Government promises to wipe out the LTTE from Thoppigala jungles in the Batticaloa district after capturing the outfit’s stronghold in Vakarai.
Speaking to Daily News General Officer Commanding of the Sri Lanka Army 23 Division in Welikanda, Brigadier Daya Ratnayaka terms the defeat of the LTTE in Vakarai as the biggest defeat the LTTE have ever faced in the recent history.
Sri Lanka's major opposition UNP has reportedly proposed that a solution to the ethnic problem should be sought through power devolution based on the Tokyo Agreement. The UNP hands over its proposals to the All Party Representative Committee chairman Tissa Vitarana.
January 23
The bullet-riddled dead bodies of two civilians, identified as Selliah Janachchandran and Selvarajah Sriskantharajah, are recovered from the Eravur area of Batticaloa district.
Defence sources said that around 37 underage children have been abducted by the LTTE during the last two weeks in Arippu, Karanadi and Madukkarai uncleared areas (area not under Government control) north of Mannar.
The LTTE dismisses the Government’s invitation to stop fighting and resume talks, claiming that there was no sincerity in the offer.
January 24
Troops open fire at two LTTE cadres who attempted to infiltrate the SFs FDL at Kachchai in the Jaffna district, killing one of them. Later, another LTTE cadre committed suicide by detonating a hand grenade on seeing the arrival of troops.
January 25
Three LTTE cadres are killed and another injured in an encounter that followed an attack by the LTTE cadres on SFs at the Janakapura – Kokuthduwai FDL in the Welioya area of the Moneragala district.
Sri Lanka vows to attack and destroy LTTE military assets, including those in the outfit’s northern stronghold.
‘Colonel’ Karuna has said that the LTTE chief Prabhakaran cannot win the war in Sri Lanka.
The Resettlement Minister Rishad Badiudeen said 64,250 ethnic minority Tamils have been displaced in eastern Batticaloa district, including 12,500 people who fled from Vaharai.
January 26
A civilian and two security personnel are killed when LTTE cadres attack a combined route clearing patrol in the general area of Murunkan in Mannar. Another police personnel and three civilians sustain injuries during the attack.
SF personnel arrest 38 people during a crackdown against LTTE rebels in the President's home constituency of Hambantota, a day after he vowed to crush "terrorism.
January 27
Troops recover two unidentified dead bodies from the general area (area under Government control) of Weppankulam in the Vavuniya district.
January 28
Defence Ministry warns that following a severe setback in the East, the LTTE is planning a major offensive against the SFs in Wanni to retain control of their cadres.
The LTTE political head, S. P. Thamilchelvan, states that the passive stance adopted by the International Community, which he characterized as "unconstructive engagement," is encouraging Colombo to pursue its power-centric politics and aggressive military agenda.
Due to harassment by LTTE terrorists who have now fled to Thoppigala area, civilians in Thoppigala and surrounding villages of Ittamalai and Iluppadichenai have started crossing over to cleared areas (area under Government control).
January 29
International donors warn Sri Lanka against escalating its ethnic conflict and demand a power-sharing deal with the LTTE to end violence and salvage the economy. World Bank's Vice President for South Asia, Praful Patel said that Sri Lanka must commit to peace and restore investor confidence if it is to develop its potential.
January 30
Sri Lanka donors agree to provide "new development assistance" of $4.5 billion over 2007-2009.
The Interpol Headquarters in France has issued a world wide arrest warrant LTTE Sea-Tiger leader, Thillayampalam Sivanesan alias Soosai, identifying him as a fugitive wanted for prosecution consequent to the facts forwarded by the Central Investigation Department to Court.
January 31
Eleven security personnel and a civilian were killed and 13 others are injured when cadres of the LTTE detonate a claymore mine at Vandaramoolai in the Batticaloa district.
SLMM chief Lars Johan Solvberg meets LTTE representative Seevaratnam Puleedevan to discuss security and cooperation in the cease-fire monitoring process. The meeting is the first contact between the LTTE leadership and the monitors since November 2006.
Sri Lankan Government asked the LTTE to engage in sincere peace talks to end escalating bloodshed. Chief government spokesman Keheliya Rambukwella said that the government was ready for peace talks with the rebels. "We want the talks to be sincere," he said.
February 1
The STF personnel marching ahead in their operation Niyathai Jaya (Definite Victory) seizes LTTE ‘Jeewananda Base’ located inside the Kangikadaichi Aru jungle of Ampara district. STF sources said that this camp had been used by the LTTE to train child soldiers. Radio conversation among the terrorists has revealed that at least 16 LTTE cadres suffered injuries in the STF attack.
The Norwegian Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Hans Brattskar, meets the political leader of the LTTE S.P. Thamilchelvan in Kilinochchi and discusses the ways to resume peace talks.
The Armed Forces consolidating their positions in the East after flushing the LTTE cadres out of Vakarai town, announces that the troops are now in the process of removing landmines ahead of their operation's final phase of resettling the displaced. They have removed 4,000 landmines from several locations in Vakarai, Palachchenai, Kadiraveli and Verugal.
February 5
At least two civilians were killed and another wounded in an encounter between the LTTE cadres and the Karuna faction in Kaluthavalai in the Batticaloa district.
February 6
Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama said that the Government will mobilise all its resources to bring to an end all acts of terrorism while evolving a political solution for the North East issue, Addressing the diplomatic corps on his first day in office, the Minister said Government will be able to present a political solution that is currently being worked out to all stakeholders within a short period of time.
February 7
LTTE cadres killed the Head Priest of a Hindu temple at Sandiveli Pullair Kovil in Batticaloa. Commander of the Sri Lanka Army (SLA), Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka, said that "desperate terrorists chased away from Verugal and Vakare areas after their infiltration into Thoppigala jungle patches are directly responsible for this heinous crime."
February 9
Troops killed two LTTE cadres at Periyakattukulam in Welioya.
February 11
Police recovered dead bodies of two civilians, identified as Chelliah Mylvaganam and Navaratnam Arultheepan, with gunshot wounds and bearing torture marks in Valikamam East along Puttur-Chunnakam road close to Nilaavarai junction in the Jaffna district.
February 12
The Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) successfully repulsed an LTTE attack on a naval patrol and killed over eight LTTE cadres in the South coast off Poduwakkattu at Trincomalee. The SLN also completely destroyed one LTTE boat and damaged another in the attack. Navy Spokesman Commander D.P.K. Dassanayake said that the Navy recovered a 12.7 mm machine gun, 7.62mm Multi Purpose Machine Gun (MPMG), a T-56 assault riffle, four life jackets and a communication set in the damaged boat. "The boats were equipped with machine guns and 85 horsepower out board motors," he added.
Three soldiers were killed in an LTTE mortar attack at the Kilali Forward Defence Lines of Jaffna district.
President Mahinda Rajapakse, in an interview with the BBC, said that the Government's peace pact with the LTTE was a mistake. "Today we realise we have made a mistake. Through the peace pact, we've demarcated areas called LTTE controlled areas, and they have taken over the rights of the people through this pact. In the LTTE controlled areas, no political parties can function, people cannot walk anywhere in freedom, and the children are being forced to join the armed forces of the LTTE. These rights should be given back to the people," he said.
February 13
The Indian Coast Guard intercepted a LTTE ship carrying a suicide bomb jacket packed with explosive substances weighing seven kilograms, five detonators, and arrested five persons. The ship was seized by the Coast Guard in the Palk Bay, 20 nautical miles from Point Calimere in south Tamil Nadu.
February 14
Two security force personnel were killed when the LTTE attacked the Kohambagasthalawa Home Guards post on the Ampara-Mahaoya Road in the Ampara district. Three LTTE cadres were killed and several others injured when the Special Task Force personnel retaliated.
February 17
SLN personnel killed four LTTE cadres and destroyed two of the outfit’s boats hauling a large quantity of steel balls, which are normally used for bombs, off the coast of Kalpitiya in the Puttalam area. According to defence sources, the SLN recovered one million steel balls from the boats.
February 17-18
A civilian is killed and six other persons including five army personnel were wounded when suspected cadres of the LTTE set off a fragmentation mine in the Jaffna town. The death toll rises to three a day later.
February 18
According to LTTE sources, a determined effort is being made by its campaigners to obtain signatures from British parliamentarians criticising the Sri Lankan Government handling the present crisis in the island.  
February 20
Three unidentified dead bodies are found at an unspecified place in the Vavuniya district. The defence ministry blamed the deaths on the LTTE.
Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickramanayake rejects the allegations that the Government had a pact with the LTTE. 
February 21
Two civilians and a Police officer are killed and 16 others, including ten civilians, four Police and two Army personnel, sustained injuries when the LTTE cadres detonated a claymore mine fixed to a motorcycle on the wayside of Ottamavadi town in the Batticaloa district targeting a Police cab.
February 22
SLN destroys two LTTE boats off the Kalpitiya coast, killing nine Sea-Tigers in the process.
The bullet-riddled bodies of three civilians are found at three different locations in the Vavuniya town.
February 23
European cease-fire monitors said that nearly 4,000 people were killed in Sri Lanka over the past 15 months — compared to 130 deaths in the previous three years.
Unidentified assailants shot dead a Tamil civilian at Koolamarathady in the Trincomalee district.
Unidentified assailants shot dead a member of paramilitary ‘Colonel’ Karuna group, identified as Ravichandran Ashok, in the Kaluvanchikudy area of Batticaloa district.
February 24
Sri Lankan troops captured three LTTE bases in the north-eastern region, forcing the outfit’s cadres to flee into the jungles.
February 25
Sri Lankan security forces reportedly captured four LTTE bases in the Peraru area of Trincomalee district forcing the Tigers to withdraw into the jungles in further north.
February 26
Unidentified armed men shot dead two police constables, identified as Vickremasinghe and Seniveratne, at Muthalikkulam in Vavuniya district. However, police claimed that LTTE pistol group cadres were involved in the killing of the constables.
February 27
SLN personnel sank two LTTE boats in the North off Pulmoddai coast and killed at least 16 LTTE cadres on February 27. Two SLN personnel were injured in the confrontation.
Three LTTE cadres were killed in a counter-attack by anti-insurgency commandos in Mannar district.
A civilian, identified as Naina Lebbe Casim, was found dead at Akkaraipattu in Amparai district with injuries on the body.
Another civilian, identified as Selvarasa Sivanathan, was found dead on Thalavai-Punnaicholai road in the Batticaloa district.
SLN patrol units foiled an LTTE attempt to smuggle a cache of arms and explosives in the seas 185 nautical miles, off 'Dondra Point' at Matara.
The Ambassador of Italy Pio Miriani and the USA Ambassador Robert Blake were injured in the LTTE’s mortar firing, targeting an air movement carrying Disaster Management Minister Mahinda Samarasinghe along with few foreign diplomats in Batticaloa. Defence sources said that the mortars were launched as the two helicopters landed at the Webber stadium in the Batticaloa town. Sources further said that Minister suffered no injuries in the attack.
February 28
SLN blew up an unidentified arms-smuggling ship and killed about 12 of its crew off southern Sri Lanka.
Anti-insurgency commandos in Mannar district killed three LTTE cadres in a counter-attack.
Two civilians were shot dead by unidentified armed men at Ilupakadaivai in Thiriyai of Trincomalee district.
March 1
STF troops, after intercepting a movement of LTTE cadres in the general area of Kallady in Batticaloa district, opened fire and killed three of them.
Dead bodies of two civilians, identified as Mohamad Mansil and Mohamad Ikram, were recovered from the general area of Illuppukulam in Uppuweli area of Trincomalee district.
March 2
Unidentified persons shot dead two civilians, identified as Abdul Razak and Priyantha, at Salaipaiaru in the Trincomalee district.
Two SLA soldiers were killed when unidentified persons threw a grenade on a SLA patrol unit at Namalwatte in the Morawewa division in the Trincomalee district.
March 3
Sri Lankan police found five bodies in a marsh at Kandana near Colombo and suspect that they are victims in a renewed civil war with LTTE.
Two civilians identified as Maduraiveeran Mahendran and Premajeevan Ranjan, were killed by unknown assailants in the Karupanjankulam area of Vavuniya district.
March 4
Two SLA personnel and an officer of the intelligence unit were killed in a claymore mine attack targeting the vehicle carrying them, near Kothiyaladi between Maruthanamadam junction and Chunnakam in the Jaffna district.
Unidentified armed men abducted two civilians, identified as Thambyaiyah Mohan and Kurukulasingam Srikumaran, from their house for interrogation and shot them dead subsequently at Kendayankerny in Karuvakerny area of the Batticaloa district.
Two civilians were shot dead by unidentified gunmen in the Batticaloa district.
LTTE cadres shot dead two deserters from their ranks identified as T. Mohan and K. Srikumaran after storming their residence at Kondayankerni junction in Valachchenai in the Batticaloa district.
March 5
Three soldiers, identified as, Sergeant K.G. Priyantha Pathirana, Lance Corporal W.M. Anura Shantha and K.M. Sumeda Dammika were killed in the Jaffna district, when troops traded fire with rebels of the LTTE.
March 6
Police recovered charred remains of five security personnel in Nachchaduwa near Thirappane in the Anuradhapura district.
March 7
Three persons were killed on the spot and two others were injured when a parcel floating in the Uma Oya (river) in Uva-Paranagama area of Badulla district. On seeing the mystery parcel floating in the river, the victims had recovered the parcel, and attempted to open it when it exploded.
Sri Lanka's Human Rights Commission said that nearly 100 abductions and disappearances took place in the country in the past two months of 2007. The majority of these abductions have taken place in Colombo, Batticaloa and Jaffna. More than thousand cases of abductions were reported in 2006. Sri Lanka Government said that it suspects some state security service personnel have been involved in abductions and murders that have mushroomed amid renewed civil war.
The LTTE warned civilians not to board any Sri Lankan vessels traveling between Trincomalee and Jaffna as it has decided to attack such vessels. It also accused the armed forces of using civilian vessels to transport troops and military hardware.
Sri Lanka Parliament agreed to extend the Emergency Regulations by one month.
March 8
During confrontations between SFs and LTTE cadres, ten outfit cadres were reported killed and seventeen others sustained injuries in the Thoppigala region of Batticaloa district.
The activities of the LTTE are no longer confined to Sri Lanka as the IISS publication Military Balance 2007 has pointed out there are now emerging commercial links between the LTTE and the al-Qaeda movement, said Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama in London.
An international arms dealer from Indonesia pleaded guilty in federal court to conspiring to export guns, surface-to-air missiles and other military hardware to LTTE.
UNICEF said as at January 2007 they have recorded 6,241 child abductions in the North and East provinces and blamed the LTTE for having recruited 6,006 of them for war. The UNICEF also blamed the breakaway Karuna group for abducting 235 out of the recorded 6,241. The UN agency said 1,879 children are still being held by both groups out of which 1,710 are still being kept by the LTTE while the Karuna group uses 169 of them.
March 9
Anti-insurgency commandos overran a LTTE base in the Ampara district, killing at least 20 outfit cadres. Three commandos were killed and 12 others sustained injuries during the operation.
Eight persons, including two senior Army officers, two soldiers, warden for Wilpattu National Park, three wildlife rangers were ambushed and killed by LTTE cadres in the Anuradhapura district.
SFs completed a 48-hour humanitarian operation capturing four major LTTE bases in Peraru jungles North of Trincomalee. Later, Brigadier Samarasinghe said, "… We believe that there are no more Tiger bases in the North of Trincomalee and the area is now free of LTTE threats…"
The Sri Lanka Government accused the LTTE and its allies of involvement in abductions and killings across the island to defame the Government. The charge came in the wake of confirmation by the Police that the five persons killed in execution style and dumped in a village close to Colombo three days ago were members of the Karuna faction.
Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa called for increased support from the United States to prevent the LTTE from obtaining fresh consignments of armaments. Outlining the Government's two-track strategy to defeat the LTTE, he emphasised the need to prevent the outfit from replenishing their depleted arsenal. He reiterated his determination to militarily defeat the LTTE.
March 10
Troops retaliated when LTTE cadres opened fire towards them in the Nagar Kovil area of Jaffna district and killed four outfit cadres.
During a confrontation at Periyathampanai in the Vavuniya district, troops killed three LTTE terrorists and injured a few more.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa assured that the ruling Sri Lanka Freedom Party's proposals to find a political solution to the country's ethnic problem will be submitted to the All Party Representative Committee by March 14.
March 11
During an encounter between soldiers on route clearing duties and LTTE cadres at Unnichchi, area between Chenkalady and Mahaoya in the Batticaloa district troops killed nearly twenty LTTE cadres and injured a large number of them.
Troops launched an attack on a LTTE movement in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district and killed three outfit cadres and injured many others during the attack.
STF personnel on foot patrol along Kalmunai - Batticaloa road in the Pandiruppu area of Ampara district were caught in an LTTE claymore explosion. Two STF personnel were killed and another sustained injuries in the explosion.
The leader of the LTTE breakaway faction Vinayagamurthy Muralitharan alias Karuna, also known as 'Colonel' Karuna, has accepted that he has areas under his control. He claimed that his group is " involved in civil administration" in the Eastern Province of Sri Lanka.
According to ICRC, nearly 40,000 civilians have left LTTE-controlled areas in eastern Sri Lanka over the last three days.
March 12
The Government SCOPP said that the latest LTTE threat to attack vessels carrying civilians proves outfit's complete disregard for human life and the fundamental rights of the Tamil people by restricting their movements. "This warning is a yet another blow to the CFA, and a direct act of aggression against the sovereignty of the nation," the SCOPP said in a statement with reference to the outfit's earlier warning that the civilians travelling by boats between the North and East would become a legitimate military target if they were suspected of carrying Sri Lankan troops.
March 13
Two top level LTTE intelligence wing cadres, identified as Vendran and Illakkian, were among eleven outfit cadres killed during SLAF air strikes in the Thoppigala area of Batticaloa district.
President Mahinda Rajapakse reiterated his commitment to a negotiated political settlement for the present conflict, saying the Government had to resort to military offensives after the LTTE rejected all political proposals
Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama who met with UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon at the UN Headquarters in New York called on the international community including the UN to support Sri Lanka’s efforts to deal with LTTE as a terrorist organization and assist in curbing LTTE fund raising and arms procurement.
March 14
Human rights group Amnesty International cited unidentified individuals as saying that armed men, some in the uniforms of a breakaway Tamil Tiger rebel faction, have been carrying out various activities in refugee camps, including abducting young people. Purna Sen, Amnesty's Asia Pacific Director, was referring to the LTTE breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna. However, a spokesman for the Karuna group acknowledged that its members were helping authorities in camps where there are shortages of workers, but denied that they were involved in abductions. Meanwhile, denying the Amnesty report, Defense Ministry spokesman Samarasinghe said that no armed personnel other than the government-commanded security forces are allowed in the refugee camps and added, "This is absolute untrue."
Assuring Britain’s support in achieving peace in Sri Lanka, British Prime Minister Tony Blair has said that the only realistic way to solve Sri Lanka's national question is to fully implement the Cease Fire Agreement. Speaking at British Parliament, he said "We have said to them (Sri Lanka) that we will do all we can to help but my right honourable friend is right to say that the only realistic way to get a solution is to come back to the 2002 agreement and make sure that it is implemented." He was responding to question raised by Keith Vaz, Labour MP representing Leicester East constituency on ‘tragic situation unfolding in Sri Lanka’.
March 16
Counter fire launched by SFs in response to LTTE sporadic mortar and artillery fire at the Omanthai defence line in the Vavuniya district neutralized their fire and forced them to withdraw towards Mullikulam and areas north of Kirisudan. Intelligence reports confirmed that LTTE has lost a number of their cadres and that seven dead bodies of the outfit cadres were seen lying ahead of the FDL. Five soldiers were also killed and twelve others sustained injuries in the incident.
FDLs of SFs at Nagarkovil and Muhamale in the Jaffna district were attacked by LTTE cadres, reports SLA. These sporadic artillery and mortar fire killed one soldier and injured another on duty at Muhamale FDL.
Government urged the U.S. to extend a crackdown on the LTTE’s overseas groups that help raise funds for the outfit. Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama said Sri Lanka had sought "greater vigilance and greater action by the U.S. law enforcement authorities in terms of the ones who are responsible for collection of funds for the LTTE, adding, "U.S. authorities in Boston and Baltimore had helped halt fund-raising by LTTE "front groups" who funneled cash to rebels fighting the government under guise of charities."
March 17
Three LTTE cadres were killed in an encounter in the Kanthirathan – Killali area of Jaffna.
The LTTE strongly denied two sacked Government ministers' claim that there was a secret deal between the outfit and President Mahinda Rajapaksa. "This is all false propaganda. This is how politicians in the south play political games. When they have differences among themselves, they bring the LTTE into the picture," a local newspaper quoted LTTE spokesperson Rasiah Ilanthiriyan as saying. He said they had not made any deal with any party in the south other than the 2002 CFA. Earlier, Ministers Mangala Samaraweera and Sripathi Sooriyarachchi, urged that the alleged deal with the LTTE be investigated as soon as possible.
March 18
Troops opened fire after observing a gathering of LTTE cadres in the Peraru area of Trincomalee district, killing two outfit’s cadres and injuring few others. One soldier was also killed in the incident.
Troops killed two LTTE cadres in the Sempimalai area of Trincomalee district. One soldier, identified as Private C.T. Chandrasekara, was killed and another sustained injuries during the exchange of fire.
LTTE cadres ambushed a group of soldiers killing two of them and wounding 12 others in the Batticaloa district.
One suspected LTTE vessel that was carrying a consignment of armaments to their organization across the seas about 195 nautical miles away from Arugam Bay in the Ampara was district was destroyed by the naval troops on duty. More details about the contents in the vessel and the fate of the LTTE men abroad the vessel are awaited.
The LTTE blamed that SFs were attacking territory held by them and the outfit cadres were retaliating in kind, reported AFP. "Sporadic artillery exchange is reported at Mannar, Vavuniya, Manalaru and along the northern forward defence line of Vanni," LTTE spokesman Rasiah Ilanthiriyan said in a statement.
Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama called on the US Government to prevent the LTTE from engaging in fund-raising activities through numerous front organisations in the US.
The Sri Lankan Government has said the on-going action against the LTTE is only a defensive military operation. ‘‘The defensive military operation by the Government of Sri Lanka was started only after the LTTE’s abortive attempt to kill the command of the Lankan Army last year,’’ said the Sri Lankan Deputy High Commission in India in a communique. He added that from the time the CFA in February 2002, the outfit had violated it more than 3,800 times compared to 346 times by the Lankan security forces.
March 19
STF personnel killed four LTTE cadres in the Vellaveli area of Batticaloa district.
Troops on routine patrol confronted a group of LTTE cadres in the Periyathampanai area of the Vavuniya district and killed three outfit cadres.
Four LTTE boats that entered the restricted sea off Kilaly in the Jaffna district were completely destroyed by the Army using artillery fire. Entry of the four boats to the restricted sea from the direction of Kalmunai Point and Sangupitty Jetty was confirmed before artillery was fired destroying all four boats.
The LTTE have stolen Norwegian passports and sold them to the al-Qaeda organisation to earn money, said Norwegians Against Terrorism Organisation chief spokesman Falk Rovik. "The LTTE has sold these passports to the highest bidders including an Algerian al-Qaeda group," Rovik said.
University Teachers for Human Rights, Jaffna, an independent union of Tamil academics, in their latest bulletin has accused the LTTE of continued conscription of children, as young as six years and even the disabled.
Two cadres of the LTTE women's front including its leader Ankayartkanny and Seevaratnam Ambihai were detained by the British Police inside the premises of House Of Commons at the British Parliament in London for taking pictures of participants in a Parliamentary seminar on the theme 'A way forward to peace and reconciliation in Sri Lanka' organised by the Campaign for Peace and Unity in Sri Lanka.
March 20
Four LTTE cadres were killed in a retaliatory fire by troops in the Chamalankulam area of Vavuniya district.
March 21
More than 30 LTTE cadres are believed to be dead and four SFs were killed, when a fierce battle erupted between troops and the outfit cadres in the Batticaloa district, said Military officials. The outfit cadres continued to fire artillery and mortars at the Kumburumalai, Siththandi, Black Bridge, Mavedivembu and Chenkaladi Army camps, while at the same time a group of 300 outfit cadres attempted to infiltrate the camps in small groups. The indiscriminate shelling injured many civilians and severely damaged their houses. SFs retaliated with mortar and small arms fire, which killed more than 30 outfit cadres and injured many others. During the mortar attack four soldiers were killed and 14 were injured.
SFs killed five LTTE cadres who attempted to infiltrate the Muhamalai Forward Defence Line in the Jaffna district.
Sri Lanka claimed that India has agreed with it in `principle to work out a joint mechanism' to safeguard the interests of the fisher folk community in the Pak Straits/Bay as well as tackle `activities related to terrorism'.
Highly placed Government sources told The Hindu that India has received a proposal from Sri Lanka for "coordinated patrolling" of their maritime waters, but no decision has been taken on the issue. Making a clear distinction between "coordinated patrolling" and "joint patrolling," the sources stated that the proposal was only for patrolling that would be coordinated in advance. There was no proposal for the two navies to patrol the seas together, they added.
The LTTE is reported to be carrying out a very effective extortion campaign within Colombo targeting the relatives of the expatriate Tamils.
March 22
Thirteen LTTE cadres were killed in three separate confrontations with the security forces in the Northern Province, the defence ministry said. Troops observed two motorcycles moving near the forward defence lines at Omanthai in the Vavuniya district and opened fire on them, killing four outfit cadres. Another seven cadres who arrived at the scene on a tractor were also shot dead by troops. In the Jaffna district, troops shot dead two LTTE cadres who tried to break into the Military line at Nagarkovil.
Two businessmen were shot dead by the LTTE cadres in the Vavuniya district for failing to pay ransom to the outfit, defence sources said. "It is believed that the victims have already paid around Rs.375, 000, a couple of months ago to the LTTE extortionists," the sources added.
LTTE gang in Paris has ransacked a residential apartment and removed scores of recorded video, audio cassettes and DVDs from the apartment of Luxmy, the editor of a Tamil literary journal and a leading Tamil feminist. She is also an organizer of the literary meetings, Ilakkiya Chanthippus and seminars in Europe.
March 23
At least twenty LTTE cadres and nine soldiers were killed in a clash between SFs and outfit cadres in the Mannar district near Vavuniya border. The battle marked the opening of a new front in escalating hostilities between soldiers and the outfit cadres in the Northwest, as fighting had previously been concentrated in Northern and Eastern districts.
SFs and LTTE cadres clashed in the Batticaloa district, after which troops recovered the dead bodies of six outfit cadres.
March 24
Two persons were killed when a suspected LTTE suicide bomber blew himself up at a military check point in Jaffna. The man was killed along with the soldier who tried to search him near a Hindu temple.
LTTE cadres from Thoppigala jungles opened indiscriminate fire towards populated Kommanthurai and Chenkalady villages in the Batticaloa district, killing a 6-year-old girl and injuring two other civilians.
LTTE cadres fired mortars on troops in the Parayanakulam area of Mannar district, killing one soldier and injuring three others.
Soldiers on sentry duties along the Muhamalai FDL in Jaffna district killed one LTTE cadre who was attempted to infiltrate the FDL.
Two LTTE cadres surrendered to the Army detachment in the Unnichchiya area in the Batticaloa district.
March 25
Three Tamil civilians, identified as Soosaithaas Thanaraaj, Arulraaj Jeyantharoopan and Yoakalingkam Chaarangkan, were shot dead by suspected LTTE ‘pistol gang’ cadres near the Hatton National Bank in Jaffna town, the military said. The men were in a tea boutique when two suspected LTTE cadres on a motorcycle fired at them.
A prominent social worker and a People Alliance organizer, Kandapudi Subharathnam, was shot dead by suspected LTTE ‘pistol gang’ cadres opposite his residence at Eruvil in the Batticaloa Town.
The LTTE supplied forged passports to Ramzi Yousef who bombed the World Trade Center, counter terrorism expert Aaron Mannes said. He was commenting on the report about the outfit stealing Norwegian passports and selling them to Al Qaeda affiliates in the Daily News of March 20. Mannes in his commentary, published in the Counterterrorism Blog quoting Rohan Gunaratne, said the Sri Lankan terrorist group not only supplied forged passports to Yousef, it also smuggled weapons from Pakistan’s militants to their counterparts in Philippines.
Government has conceded that the number of refugees in the East crossed 1.3 lakh. The Government has a set a deadline of March 31 for re-settlement of the people displaced from Vaharai. Given the volatile situation, it might be an ambitious target.
March 26
The LTTE carried out their first ever air attack on the main Sri Lankan Air Force base in Katunayake, killing three air force personnel and injuring another seventeen at 12:45 am on, the military said. A light wing aircraft manned by the outfit dropped two bombs near the engineering section of the base. There were no damages to the fighter jets. The Bandaranaike International Airport was closed temporarily as a precaution and few commercials flights were diverted to destinations in India.
The Government classified the LTTE as the only terror organisation equipped with air capabilities in the world adding that it has posed threats not only to Sri Lanka but also to the entire region. Addressing the media in the aftermath of the first air attack by the LTTE on Sri Lanka Air Force Katunayake, Highways Minister Jeyaraj Fernandopulle said that no other terror organisation in the world is equipped with air capabilities.
March 27
The LTTE carried out a suicide attack targeting the Army main base at Chenkalady in the Batticaloa district against. Three members of the Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP), identified as Carthic, Chandru and Vicky, a 12-year-old boy Navarathnam two security force (SF) personnel were killed in the explosion. Five civilians, two Army soldiers and two Policemen were injured. SFs retaliated and shot dead two LTTE cadres when they were attacked by the outfit’s cadres in Mannar.
Sri Lanka Government said it was ready to hold peace talks anytime with the LTTE. "We must try to bring a comprehensive and substantial peace,'' Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogolagama told reporters, adding, "Our government believes that we need to talk, we need to explore all avenues,'' he said, adding that if the rebels agreed to negotiation, "we can have it tomorrow.''
Prime Minister Rathnasiri Wickramanayaka said that the Government would not agree to a negotiated settlement with the LTTE and assured that the victories the Government achieved would be taken forward and the State would not let to be shattered. The Prime Minister further said that there is no perpetual war in the country but retaliation to the attacks against the government security forces.

March 28
At least three LTTE boats with Sea-Tiger cadres aboard were completely destroyed in a naval confrontation in the seas off Alampil in the Mullaittivu district. Naval authorities are of the view at least 12-15 Sea-Tiger cadres were killed in the incident. One sailor was also injured.
Troops killed at least three LTTE cadres and injured eight others when they attempted to infiltrate into the forward defence line at Nagarkovil in the Jaffna district.
Sri Lanka has declared portions of Sampur in Trincomalee district in the East, captured from the LTTE in September 2006, as a High Security Zone.
Sri Lanka has set up a hot line to seek information about the aircrafts operated by the LTTE. "The Sri Lanka Air Force has installed Telephone Number 116 with immediate effect to enable the general public to inform any suspicious movements of air crafts or flying objects so that the authorities can take necessary action," the Media Center for National Center said.
An estimated 3,000 civilians have been killed since hostilities between the Sri Lankan Government and the LTTE resumed in 2006, Amnesty International, quoting the United Nations, has said in a report. The report, "Sri Lanka: Time to play by the rules," said more than 2, 15, 000 persons were displaced internally since April 2006.
March 29
At least ten civilians were killed and seven others were injured in two separate mortar attacks by the LTTE on Sittandi, Sandiliveli and Morakottanchchena villages in the Batticaloa district.
Unidentified assailants shot dead an elderly couple, identified as Vairamuthu Sivaganeshathasan and his wife Sarojini Sivaganeshathasan, at their house near Urumpirai Katpahapillayar temple in the Palaly area of Jaffna district.
Troops confronted a group of LTTE cadres in the Thambalagamuwa area of Trincomalee district, killing two cadres.
March 30
Five SF personnel were killed and one sustained injuries in a LTTE-triggered remote–controlled claymore mine explosion in the Parayanakulam area of Vavuniya district.
Troops recovered two LTTE dead bodies from the Innorvillu area of Batticaloa district.
The LTTE political head S.P. Thamilchelvan, stating that the air strike by the outfit on the SLAF main base in Katunayake was "a one hundred percent successful mission," told media that the "precision air strike" by the outfit on the SLAF was a "clear message" to the Sri Lankan State, to end the sustained bombardment of the Tamil homeland.
April 1
Six Sinhalese aid workers who attended construction work at the "Village of Hope", a housing scheme built for orphan children in the Eravur area of Batticaloa district, were shot dead by the LTTE at Mailambaveli. Two other aid workers were injured in the incident.
Unidentified assailants shot dead two civilians, identified as Kulasekaranathan Soumian and Yogarajan Baheerathan, and dumped their dead bodies in the Thirunavatkulam area of Vavuniya district.
17 suspected LTTE cadres were detained in Paris during an investigation into terrorist financing activities. The suspects are alleged to be involved in extortion, violence and detentions as part of fundraising activities for the outfit.
The LTTE said that there was no chance of resuming peace talks to end the civil war if the State refused to base talks on the 2002 truce pact.
The LTTE acquired two light aircraft from Indonesia in early 2005, intelligence sources in Colombo told Sunday Times. According to these sources, the outfit procured three light aircraft through intermediaries. Two of them, in knocked-down condition and packed in two containers, were to be shipped from the port of Jakarta.
April 2
Troops killed at least 23 LTTE cadres during clashes in the Batticaloa district. The battle erupted while the soldiers were on an operation in the Unnichchai village. Reports confirmed the recovery of 10 dead bodies of LTTE cadres from different spots.
At least 15 civilians, including three children, and a soldier were killed in a LTTE-triggered bomb blast inside a bus. 25 persons, including two soldiers, were also injured in the blast that occurred at Konduwatuawana in the northwest of Ampara district, on a civilian transportation bus bound for Bibile in the Badulla district from Ampara.
Troops retaliated when LTTE cadres launched a small arms attack on an Army foot patrol in the Pudukulam area of Vavuniya district and subsequently recovered two dead bodies of LTTE cadres from the incident site.
Sri Lanka Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama said that his Government will involve the LTTE as a stakeholder in the stalled peace talks and urged the SAARC nations and the international community to force the outfit to come for negotiations by restricting their flow of funds.
April 3
Troops killed two LTTE ‘pistol gang’ cadres who fired towards STF personnel, injuring one STF Sergeant, who later succumbed to his injuries, in the Kalmunai area of Ampara district.
LTTE cadres opened fire towards a group of soldiers guarding a defence line in the Jaffna district. Troops retaliated and killed three LTTE cadres.
Several areas to the northwest of the newly captured Kokadicholai in the Batticaloa district were captured by troops, including one LTTE 120-mm mortar launching base and the Navarathnam base.
President Mahinda Rajapakse emphasized that no country could sustain itself and flourish without addressing the need to maintain security and no country could afford to limit their resolve to the eradication of terrorism to a mere subset of national security.
Government Defence Spokesman Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said that the arrest of six LTTE activists in Paris was a clear indication that the EU is turning the outfit’s proscription into action without confining it into mere words. He said that at least six of the arrested 17 LTTE cadres are leading activists and they have been identified. The French Counter Terrorism Sub Directorate conducted a series of raids on three LTTE organisations in Paris, Comite' de Coordination Tamoul France, the Tamil Rehabilitation Organisation and Makkal Kadai, and arrested 17 cadres on April 1.
April 4
Three LTTE cadres who attempted to infiltrate the Muhamalai FDL in the Jaffna district were shot dead by the SFs, who also recovered a T-56 assault rifle and a magazine, two anti- personnel mines, an anti- tank mine and a global positioning system machine.
SLAF jets attacked the Sea-Tigers Headquarter of the LTTE in the Pudukudyirippu area of Mullaitivu district and destroyed it completely.
Troops consolidating their positions in and around south and west of Kokkadicholai in the Batticaloa district after flushing out LTTE cadres wrested control of Mahaoya - Pullumale road (A-5) up to Rukamputtur by April 4. A day earlier, troops captured area adjoining Rukam tank, Rukamputtur and Urukamam. Reports said that LTTE’s Vellaveli, Ambalanthurai camps and a few other bases were also captured by the advancing troops.
‘Colonel’ Karuna said that the LTTE used peace talks as a cover to rearm and prepare for a return to war in Sri Lanka and Velupillai Prabhakaran, the LTTE chief, was never serious about the peace process. He stated, "What we were told by [Prabhakaran] was, 'Drag these talks out for about five years, somehow let the time pass by. Meanwhile I will purchase arms and we will be ready for the next stage of fighting.' That was his order."
April 5
Four farmers were killed and two others sustained injuries when the LTTE cadres opened indiscriminate fire towards six farmers, harvesting their paddy fields, after infiltrating Nidhanwala in the Aralaganwila area of Polonnaruwa district.
The latest opinion poll conducted by the Colombo-based Centre for Policy Alternatives has found that there is great support for a military solution to the ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka among the majority Sinhala community, and that such support has risen dramatically since the last opinion poll in November 2006.
A 55- year old Singapore national, Haniffa Bin Osman, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to provide material support to the LTTE, said US Attorney for the District of Maryland.
A Court in Paris remanded 15 LTTE cadres and released four of them out of a total 19 arrested on charges of illegal fund-raising.
The Sri Lanka Parliament passed the proposal for extending the emergency regulations for another month.
April 6
A naval Inshore Patrol Craft (IPC) on patrol off Baththalangunduwa in the Kalpitiya area of Puttalam district detected five Sea-Tiger boats carrying arms from the Silawathura area heading towards South. The IPC intercepted the boats North of Baththalangunduwa and destroyed a suicide boat with its crew on board, while the other four managed to escape. One sailor sustained injuries and the IPC was also damaged.
Unidentified assailants shot dead two brothers, identified as Rasiah Uthayaseelan and Rasiah Chandran, at Koomankulam in the Vavuniya district.
US authorities said they, following a three year undercover operation’ busted an arms-trafficking gang, arresting six Asians from the eastern port of Baltimore to the South Pacific US territory of Guam, who had been trying to smuggle weapons from the US to the LTTE. "The disruption of the supply chain of this organisation should reassure the public that the US Government is committed to dismantling terrorist groups worldwide," said Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) special agent William Chase.
The leader of the LTTE’s France branch since 2003, Nadarajah Mathinthiran alias ‘Parathi’ and Thuraisamy Jeyamorthy alias ‘Jeya’, who are in charge of the money collections in France, were among those 17 LTTE suspects arrested by the French authorities on April 1. Investigations have revealed a vast network of local representatives with whom they were working to collect money. The LTTE had deployed ‘collectors’ under the supervision of local leaders whose only activity is to extort money and who were allowed 20 per cent of the sums collected as their ‘salary’. The arrested LTTE activists are charged with running for several years a vast operation of financial extortion among the Tamil Diaspora in France. During 2006, the LTTE has collected more than six million euros where each Tamil family was forced to pay 2000 euros per year and shopkeepers were made to pay 6000 euros. The transfer of the funds collected in France is sometimes physically carried in cash by ‘suitcase carriers’ usually to Switzerland to avoid bank records.
April 7
At least five persons, including an Army soldier, were killed and twenty-eight others were seriously wounded when the LTTE cadres triggered a claymore mine on a passenger bus in the Periyamanayankulam area of Mannar district at 7.30 a.m. The bus with 50 passengers was traveling from Mannar town to Vavuniya. Three civilians later succumbed to their injuries.
LTTE cadres opened fire targeting SFs on foot patrol in the Iruna Iruppaikulam area of Vavuniya district. SFs retaliated and during subsequent search operation recovered three dead bodies of LTTE cadres along with three weapons from the incident site. One soldier was also killed while three others sustained injuries in the incident.
SFs were fired upon by the LTTE cadres in hiding in the Rukam area of Batticaloa district. Security force personnel retaliated LTTE fire and subsequently recovered three LTTE dead bodies and five T-56 weapons from the incident site. One soldier was also injured in the incident.
April 8
Three LTTE cadres were killed and an unspecified number of them injured as troops repulsed an attempt by the outfit to enter the SFs held areas in the Mullikulam region of Vavuniya district.
LTTE cadres activated a claymore mine explosion targeting troops on foot patrol at Pandatirippu in the Jaffna district, killing one soldier.
In a firm crackdown on LTTE activities, French Police has cancelled the permission granted earlier to hold a protest rally in Paris condemning Police arrest of outfit cadres on April 1. The protest rally was scheduled for April 9 from 2 pm to 5 pm at Trocadéro in Paris. The LTTE-controlled business chamber, youth organization and women front of the outfit were involved in organizing the proposed protest rally.
April 9
Sri Lanka Foreign Secretary Palitha Kohona, who is in Australia to seek the latter's support to ban the LTTE in Australia, stated that about one-sixth of the estimated US$ 10 million (A$ 12.8 million) to US$ 30 million the LTTE raised internationally came from Australia. "Australia is one of their biggest sources of funding, and of course these funds do not go to any charitable or other purpose; they are used essentially for procuring weapons on the international weapons black market," said Kohona to the Australian media.
April 10
Sri Lankan troops killed at least 20 LTTE cadres after a mortar attack in the Vavuniya district killed seven soldiers and injured four others. The LTTE, however, denied any losses in the clash and instead claimed to have killed 10 soldiers in a separate clash overnight in the same region.
April 11
The Army gained full control of the 41-km A-5 Badulla - Maha Oya – Chenkaladdy road, controlled by the LTTE since 1994, on April 11-morning confining the LTTE to around 150-square kilometers in the Thoppigala jungle.
April 12
At least seven civilians, including six women, were shot dead by suspected LTTE cadres in the Vavuniya district. Defence officials said that the cadres raided a Sinhala community village of Avaranthalawa at around 4:30 p.m. and executed two families in two houses. The victims, six females, all above 50 years of age and one male, were dragged out of their homes and shot.
Sri Lanka's cease-fire has "no meaning" and that it was only being left in place to satisfy the international community, said Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse. He said the military must build on the victories it has scored against the LTTE in Eastern Sri Lanka over recent months and press on toward outfit’s strongholds in the North.
April 13
LTTE cadres shot dead five members of a family, including a three year old child, at Chenkalady in the Batticaloa district. Three of them died on the spot while two others succumbed to injuries at the hospital subsequently.
April 16
The Military said the LTTE had demanded youths living in the Tamil villages in the Government-controlled areas in Vanni to join the outfit with immediate effect, adding, "However, the order rarely had any affect due to dwindling LTTE influence in the area."
Unidentified assailants shot dead an editor of a Vavuniya-based Tamil monthly, Nilam, identified as Subash Chandraboas, said Free Media Movement.
April 17
The LTTE cadres shot dead two Tamil civilians, including a woman, in the Kovilkudieruppu area of Batticaloa district. The victims were identified as Muttaiyah Paskaran and Suppan Rasamani.
April 18
The Defence Ministry stated that a SLAF attack on a LTTE training base at Vattappalai village in the Mullaitivu district on April 17 may have killed or wounded as many as 70 LTTE cadres. Lt. Col. Upali Rajapakse of the Defence Ministry's information centre, citing visuals taken from the air said, "The base of the LTTE suffered major damage due to our bombing," and added, "Generally 60 to 70 (guerrillas) live in such bases and we believe that they have died or (been) wounded due to the bombing and resulting explosions." However, LTTE spokesperson Rasiah Ilanthirayan denied the Government report, saying "no training camp was hit" and there were no casualties.
April 19
Three LTTE cadres committed suicide blowing themselves up after being rounded up by the SFs when they were trying to infiltrate the Forward Defence Lines at Thannankilappu in the Jaffna district.
The LTTE is reported to have threatened to unleash their full capacity if Government forces try to take their northern strongholds.
The Greek Government assured Sri Lanka that action would be taken to ban the LTTE in Greece and expressed its fullest support to curb terrorism in the country.
The leader of the TMVP, political wing of the LTTE breakaway faction, ‘Colonel’ Karuna, disclaimed any knowledge of or any action against the editor of the newspaper.
The Government rejected accusations leveled against Defense Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapakse by certain media organisations that he had threatened an editor of Daily Mirror.
April 20
Four LTTE cadres were killed in a retaliatory fire by troops at Vilachchikulam in the Vavuniya district.
Two soldiers were killed and an equal number of them were injured when a tractor carrying soldiers was hit by a landmine laid by the LTTE at Thrikonamadu in the Welikanda area of Polonnaruwa district.
Sri Lanka military said that a senior LTTE cadre, identified as Sivapalasuntheram Gunaseelan alias Kalaiyalaagam, the LTTE International Communications Coordinator, was killed in the air raid that targeted a vital communication centre of the outfit in the Puthukudiyirippu area of Mullaitivu district on April 18th.
The LTTE said that as long as the Government is going for a military solution, there is no chance in the near future for a negotiated settlement.
Falk Rovik, Founder of the Norwegians Against Terrorism in Colombo, claimed that Norway is one of the key facilitators funding the LTTE terrorists directly and indirectly through agencies
The Defence Ministry said that the Eelam Revolutionary Organisation, a main stream Tamil political party, which remained silenced since 1990, receiving continuous death threats from the LTTE, has decided to actively re-function as a democratic Tamil Front.
April 21
Five LTTE cadres were killed during clashes with the troops in the general area (area under Government control) of Vavuniya district.
LTTE cadres exploded a claymore mine at Kaatankudi in the Batticaloa, killing one civilian and injuring three others.
The Defense Ministry, in a report posted on its Website, said that the World Alliance for Peace in Sri Lanka (WAPS) along with associate organisations, NAT and Sansadaya, had taken many steps to expose the "LTTE-friendly activities of Norway and Norwegian Foreign Ministry cabal" led by Erik Solheim.
April 22
Sri Lankan authorities accused the LTTE of masterminding a credit card scam, which has hit around 200 petrol stations in Britain, to fund attacks in their home country. According to the report, Police began investigating when thousands of motorists reported money disappearing from their accounts after using their cards at independently run petrol stations in Leeds, Hull, Edinburgh, Norwich, Bury St Edmunds, Peterborough, Bristol and Nottingham.
The leader of the LTTE breakaway faction, ‘Colonel’ Karuna, is preparing to embark on a European tour covering Britain, Germany and France. The purpose of the visit is said to be aimed at popularizing his movement among his supporters in the three countries and organizing propaganda events.
A group of Tamil political parties in Sri Lanka have jointly proposed a political solution to Sri Lanka's national question. The three political parties, PLOTE, EPRLF and TULF, which do not recognise LTTE as the main representative of Sri Lanka's Tamil people say the solution should be based upon a Indian-style devolution.
April 23
A bomb blast was reported in the Colombo bound passenger bus on Vavuniya - Mannar road in the Vavuniya district. According to initial reports, three civilians were killed and 35 others wounded in the explosion triggered by the LTTE.
Norwegian Ambassador Hans Brattskar's planned visit to Kilinochchi was cancelled due to security reasons, official sources said. A bomb blast occurred on a Colombo bound passenger bus on the Vavuniya - Mannar road between Settikulam and Parayanakulam, in the Vavuniya district. Five civilians were killed and 33 others sustained injuries in the explosion.
Troops launched an attack after observing movement of some LTTE cadres, killing three of them in the Palaimoddai area of Vavuniya district.
LTTE cadres opened fire towards civilians collecting firewood inside Kankuveli jungle in the Trincomalee district, killing one of them.
Troops arrested one female cadre of the LTTE while she was entering the cleared areas (area under Government control) of Eravur in Batticaloa district.
A 15-year-old female child soldier surrendered to the troops at Siththandy in the Batticaloa district. She had been given training by the LTTE at Panchchimarchani female training camp in the Thoppigala area.
April 24
SFs foiled a LTTE attempt to carry out an aerial attack at the Palaly Air Base in Jaffna. According to the Jaffna Security Forces Commander, Major General G. A. Chandrasiri, troops detected an aircraft arriving from the South of Jaffna peninsula towards Palaly Air Base at 1.20 am. "The aircraft took the path along the marshy lands in Jaffna where lesser number of troops on duty", he said, adding, troops stationed at the Palaly HSZ opened fire towards the aircraft compelling it to change its path towards Thondamanaru area near the sea. The light aircraft dropped three bombs at Milady area killing six soldiers, he informed. Earlier, the LTTE claimed they carried out their second aerial attack against Government forces targeting the main military complex in Jaffna peninsula using two light aircrafts.
Four LTTE cadres while trying to fire small arms on a group of troops on foot patrol were killed after confronting them in the Nawatkulam area of Vavuniya district.
April 25
At least 21 LTTE cadres were killed and 26 others injured during a five-hour long clash between troops and the outfit’s cadres near the coastal town of Mannar. Two soldiers were killed and about 15 others wounded in the incident. However, the LTTE claimed that around 10 soldiers were killed and 50 others wounded on the government side while the outfit suffered no casualties.
Troops retaliated to a LTTE mortar attack in the Vilattikulam area of Vavuniya district, killing at least 15 of the outfit’s cadres and injuring several others. Two soldiers were killed and an unspecified number of them sustained injuries in the incident.
At least three LTTE cadres were killed when troops launched an attack on a group of LTTE cadres moving along the river bank in the Palampiddi area of Vavuniya district.
Two STF personnel were killed and four others injured when LTTE cadres triggered a claymore mine explosion from a hideout close to Damana in the Bakimitiyawa area of Ampara district targeting a combined foot patrol of the STF.
The ‘director’ of LTTE in New York, Karunakaran Kandasamy, was arrested by the FBI in Queens. He was arrested on federal charges of providing material support to a foreign terrorist organization, prosecutors said.
Intelsat has shut down a satellite transponder used illegally by the LTTE to broadcast propaganda radio and Television programmes. The U.S.-based satellite company has terminated the unauthorised use of one of its satellites, Intelsat 12, by the LTTE for its TV and radio transmissions to Europe and Asia over the April 21/22 weekend, shuting down the transponder which the LTTE had used for its transmissions.
April 26
One civilian was killed and one more civilian and a soldier were injured during a clash between security forces and the LTTE cadres in the Sittandy area of Batticaloa district. The injured soldier succumbed to his injuries later.
Two LTTE cadres were killed when troops opened fire on a LTTE cab in the Madu area ahead of the SFs Mannar-Vavuniya FDL (forward defense line).
SLAF troops activated the Air Defence System and defended the areas surrounding the SLAF base at Katunayaka in the Negombo area following information that an unidentified aircraft was reportedly hovering in the area at about 11.00 p.m. As a precautionary measure, airport activities were suspended for a while. However, all services in the airport resumed by midnight, according to military spokesperson Brigadier Prasad Samarasinghe.
April 27
Three SLN personnel were killed and one sustained injuries during a clash with the LTTE cadres at Kuchchiweli, north of Trincomalee.
Buththala Police in the Moneragala district arrested a Sinhalese man allegedly spying for the LTTE. The Police claimed that he was also commissioned by the outfit for certain murders to be committed in future. According to information revealed by the arrestee, several female Sinhala cadres had undergone LTTE training in places yet to be disclosed, the Police informed, adding, 19 Sinhala LTTE cadres had been arrested so far.
April 28
Six Sri Lankans, including the prime accused Satrubarajah Shanamugarajah alias Ruby, connected to the LTTE were convicted for organized crime in Norway. More than 5.3 million Norwegian Kroner have reportedly been stolen in Norway's largest credit card scam. The credit card fraud case in Oslo has links to LTTE cells in Canada, England, Germany and Sweden, sources added.
April 29
An LTTE aircraft bombed oil and gas storage facilities in and around capital Colombo at 1.45 am. Confirming the strike by the LTTE, the defence ministry said the outfit dropped two bombs at the Muthurajawela gas storage facility of Shell and dropped two more bombs at the main oil storage depot at Kolonnawa.
Two top LTTE leaders, identified as Eelamaran, leader in charge of Jaffna, and his deputy Udayan, were among five cadres killed inside Amman Kovil (Amman Temple) in the Kayts Island area of Jaffna district. The incumbent of the Kovil was also killed in the crossfire.
Three LTTE cadres, including two teenagers, who were trying to infiltrate the cleared areas (area under Government control), were fired upon by troops in a clash at Kokkutoduvai in the Welioya region of Moneragala district. During subsequent search operations in the area, troops recovered the dead bodies of three female LTTE cadres.
Troops on route clearing operation in the same area after observing a terrorist movement opened fire on them and subsequently recovered the dead bodies of the three LTTE cadres.
A journalist, Selvarajah Rajivarman, working for the Udayan newspaper was shot dead by unidentified gunmen on the Naavalar Road at Rasaavin Thoaddam junction of Jaffna district.
April 30
The LTTE warned the government of more air strikes on military installations. Its spokesperson Rasiah Ilanthirayan told Reuters, "The Sri Lankan military, especially the air force, are adamantly trying to prove they will always seek a military solution. So we have no other way than to take our own measures. There will definitely be more. We have no choice other than striking back."
May 1
Troops on foot patrol in the general area (area under Government control) of Mannar district confronted with several groups of LTTE cadres. Ten LTTE cadres were reportedly killed during the clashes.
Three more LTTE cadres were killed in a retaliatory action by troops in the Welioya area of Moneragala district.
Three farmers engaged in agricultural activities in the Thiliveddi area of Batticaloa district were shot dead by the LTTE. The victims reportedly had continuously refused to supply diesel, petrol and batteries to the outfit.
The SLFP led by President Mahinda Rajapakse has put forward its proposals with the objective of realising a lasting and honourable solution to the ethnic issue in the country. Abolition of the executive presidency; replacing it with the cabinet system of government led by the Prime Minister subject to consensus; the district as the unit for devolution of powers; and the creation of a bi-cameral legislature — are the other features of the proposal to be placed before the All Party Representative Committee.
Sri Lanka's Secretary of Foreign Affairs, Palitha Kohona, informed that according to government estimates, the LTTE raised US $10-30 million a month throughout the world, adding, "Approximately 20-30 per cent of that comes from Australia."
Many LTTE innovations, such as explosive belts, vests, and bras; using female suicide bombers and waterborne suicide attacks against ships, have been copied by other terrorist groups; said an annual US report on worldwide terrorism. The report said that in 2006 the LTTE financed itself with contributions from the Tamil Diaspora in North America, Europe and Australia and by imposing local ‘taxes’ on businesses operating in the areas of Sri Lanka under its control.
May 2
Troops retaliated and killed two LTTE cadres in the Palaimoddai area of Vavuniya district.
The Navy has reportedly recovered a suicide device which has not been previously used by the LTTE. "It is a small device packed with steel balls to carry out an individual assassination," said an unnamed Navy official.
The Australian Foreign Minister Alexander Downer acknowledged that some funds were being raised in his country to finance the operations of the LTTE.
Sri Lanka's Honorary Consul in Melbourne, Rodney Arambewela, said that there were a large number of complaints from the Sri Lankan community of being intimidated into donating funds to the LTTE.
The British government has warned of widespread fraud scams across the country, which it says could be funding terrorist acts in Sri Lanka.
Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva said that the ruling SLFP proposals to be submitted to the APRC are not the government’s final proposals to solve the ethnic problem.
The TMVP, political wing of the LTTE breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna, said that it will present its power devolution proposals to the APRC soon. TMVP spokesperson Asad Moulana said their proposals focus primarily on establishing a provincial council for the East with greater powers, resettlement of displaced people in the East and deciding whether the Eastern people want to re-merge with the North through a referendum.
May 3
Sri Lanka's civil aviation authorities announced that they would suspend night operations at the Bandaranaike International Airport with effect from May 9, after recent LTTE air raids in the area.
May 4
SLN personnel destroyed eight LTTE boats off the coast of Mullaittivu killing 12 of the outfit’s cadres (known as Sea-Tigers) and injuring 15 others when Naval patrol crafts detected a cluster of 26 Sea-Tiger boats consisting of ten large boats, four suicide boats and twelve smaller boats, including four suicide boats, heading towards Pulmudai from Nayaru in Mullaittivu. Two sailors were also injured in the incident.
LTTE cadres infiltrated a Sinhalese dominated village in the Nidhanwala area of Polonnaruwa district and fired indiscriminately on a group of farmers at work in their paddy fields, killing four farmers and injuring two others.
Troops after observing a movement of armed LTTE cadres ahead of FDL in the Vavuniya district killed three LTTE cadres.
May 5
Five LTTE cadres were killed and an unspecified number of them sustained injuries as SFs retaliated to an attack by the LTTE in the area northeast of Madhu in Mannar district.
Five more LTTE cadres were killed during a confrontation with the SFs in the Talaivankulam area of Vavuniya district.
Two bullet riddled dead bodies of LTTE cadres were recovered by troops from the Veppawadduwan area of Batticaloa district along with two cyanide capsules lying beside the dead bodies.
The Eastern Province has been fully liberated from LTTE influence and anyone is now free to travel in Trincomalee, Ampara and Batticaloa districts without fear, said Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama.
May 6
LTTE cadres carried out an explosion targeting a tractor carrying STF personnel in the Kokadycholai area of Batticaloa district, killing three STF personnel and injuring four others.
The LTTE breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna has reportedly split, with Karuna and his deputy, Pillaiyan, falling out over money and the command structure. Quoting military sources, The Nation reported that Pillaiyan had fled to Trincomalee from Batticaloa with 150 of his followers and that the infighting had led to the killing of Sindujan, a Pillaiyan loyalist who was the head of the Karuna group in Ampara district. Sindujan and the group's intelligence chief, Seelan, were called for a meeting where a Karuna loyalist, Iniyabharathi, killed Sindujan, while Seelan managed to escape, the weekly added. The clash within the group reportedly had erupted over the distribution of money.
A Hindu temple in south London, which reportedly raises nearly £500,000 each year, may have possible links to the LTTE in Sri Lanka. A BBC report said that the Armulmihu Hindu temple in Tooting "has had its assets frozen pending an investigation into alleged links with the UK banned Tamil Tigers."
May 7
Defense spokesman Minister Keheliya Rambukkwella said that SLAF is now developing interception and neutralizing capabilities to shoot down the LTTE air crafts.
Former head of the LTTE International Secretariat, Valummylum Manoharan alias Mano, has reportedly been granted French nationality status. His application for nationality was pending for many years due to his involvement with the LTTE.
The air wing of LTTE poses a threat to India's nuclear installations, warned the Sri Lanka government. "There is an air threat which has a range of 200-300 nautical miles, and this range brings within it not only cities within Sri Lanka, shipping in the Indian Ocean, but also the nuclear installations of India," Sri Lankan Foreign Secretary Palitha Kohona told a media briefing in Colombo.

Two LTTE cadres, identified as S. Rajindran alias Ashok, the leader for Kokkodicholai, and K. Ragunathan, from the LTTE medical team, were killed in a retaliatory action by the SFs following a clash at Angodavillvu in the Welikanda area of Pollonnaruwa district.
May 8
Aruran Vinayagamoorthy, a suspected LTTE cadre who was arrested along with another cadre, Sivarajah Yathavan, after raids in Sydney and Melbourne on the charges of providing material support and funneling money collected from donors in the garb of a Tsunami charity to the outfit on May 1, reportedly had access to $5, 26,000 in two bank accounts between August 2001 and December while he was unemployed, a Melbourne court was informed.
May 9
The Sri Lanka Police arrested 13 members of the Revolutionary Liberation Front (RLF), a pro- LTTE group of Sinhalese. It also informed that many Sinhalese RLF members have fled to the LTTE-held areas. RLF has launched a rebel movement quietly preparing for an insurrection to topple the government of Sri Lanka.
May 10
Thirunavukarasu Varatharasa, a Sri Lankan citizen, pleaded guilty to conspiracy to provide material support to the LTTE and attempted exportation of arms and ammunition.
The Eastern Commander Major General Parakrama Pannipitiya addressing media personnel in Vakarai claimed that only five per cent of Thoppigala is in the hands of the LTTE and said that the LTTE was planning to flee the area amidst the impending military operations.
May 11
Military intelligence has gathered information that there is a secret location within the Wilpattu National Park in the Anuradhapura district where a LTTE light aircraft could land and take off. The location adjoining the Milewilla, Periyawillu and Periyakatti irrigation tanks, facing Mannar, has been used to hide the aircraft. According to information received, the LTTE aircraft, after landing, is ferried across a specially built canal to this secret location.
May 12
Four LTTE cadres were reportedly killed by SF personnel who confronted a group of the outfit’s cadres in the Periyathampanai area of the Mannar district.
May 13
Seven cadres of the LTTE were killed by SFs during clashes with the outfit in the areas closer to the Madu FDL in Mannar district.
One soldier and a LTTE cadre were killed during clashes between SFs and LTTE cadres in the area west of Vavuniya.
The chief priest of the Pabbatharamaya Temple at Mahadivulwewa in the Morawewa area of Trincomalee district, Ven. Nandarathana Thera, was shot dead by three LTTE gunmen. Thera was a prominent social worker, sources added.
The LTTE is reportedly planning to beam a second television channel called Tharishanam (Revelation). The new transmission will be a pay channel and will run as a client of Globecast of France and is to be up linked on to the Israeli Satlink platform in the Hotbird 8 satellite, the report said.
May 14
TMVP, the breakaway faction of the LTTE led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna, claimed that it has resolved a recent crisis that had almost split the party. The TMVP spokesperson, Asad Moulana, admitted that the party was recently split between groups led by the top leader Karuna and the leader of the militant wing, 'Commandant' Pillaiyan. He, however, said that it was a clash of opinions between a two groups than a split.
One LTTE cadre was killed and another sustained injuries when troops confronted a group of LTTE cadres who were trying to infiltrate the Army defence line at Muhamalai in the Jaffna district.
The ruling SLFP central committee unanimously approved its proposals to solve the ethnic problem. The proposals were presented to the central committee with slight amendments regarding the State religion and the name of the State. The article related to State religion in the original set of proposals was amended replacing the apt status to Buddhism with prominent status to Buddhism, SLFP sources said. The name of the State was changed from Union of States to Sri Lanka Democratic Socialist Republic. The SLFP proposals are to be submitted to the All Party Representative Committee this week.

May 16
At least 20 LTTE cadres were killed and an unspecified number of them sustained injuries during clashes with the troops in the area east of Madhu in Mannar district. One soldier who was injured in the incident succumbed to his injuries later.
A London Court was told that Senthuraj Thavapalasingham alias "Psycho" of Romford is the enforcer leading a gang of LTTE extortionists called "East Side Boys". Newham Council and Metropolitan Police told Stratford Magistrates Court that this gang has been working in Newham for two years.
May 17
Troops killed five LTTE cadres during another clash in the Batticaloa district.
Maldives coast guard opened fire on and sank a small vessel carrying suspected LTTE cadres after a 12-hour standoff at sea in southern territorial waters of Maldives. According to reports, four of the nine-member crew were killed, four others were arrested and one surrendered.
In a Quebec Court testimony, Kathiravelupillai Sithamparanathan, President of the World Tamil Movement's Montreal office, an organization that is suspected of funding the LTTE, testified that he considers the LTTE as freedom fighters and he supports their activities that would benefit the people. But he denied that his organization has sent money to the outfit.
Sri Lankan Ambassador to USA, Bernard Goonetileke, alleged that the LTTE has stolen 130,000 Norwegian passports and sold them to the "highest bidders" including operatives of the al Qaeda. He disclosed, "One of them [LTTE cadre] surfaced with 700 of the stolen passports in Thailand and got caught to the police."
May 18
Troops in retaliation killed two LTTE cadres after they attacked a navy foot patrol in the Kayts area of Jaffna district.
Sri Lankan Navy spokesperson Com. D.K.P. Dassanayake said that the a trawler which the Maldivian Coast Guard sunk on May 17, on suspicion that it was a LTTE gun-runner, was registered in Kerala (in southern India), adding, the vessel bearing the name Sri Krishna (registration number KFO 7339 ALP 2749) had set sail from Kollam in Kerala on March 7. He added that the man who surrendered was Simon Soza, the vessel's engineer and the others were apparently Tamils.
May 19
Three LTTE cadres attempting to infiltrate the Muhamalai FDL in Jaffna district were killed by troops.
Two cadres of the LTTE and a soldier were killed in continuing clashes between the LTTE and the military in the area near Madu village in the Trincomalee district.
May 20
Eight LTTE cadres were killed by troops in an ambush at Palampiddi in the Vavuniya district.
SFs killed two LTTE cadres in the area north of Parappakandal in Mannar district.
Nearly 600 combatants have been killed in military operations against the LTTE in the north in the past four months, said military spokesman Brig. Prasad Samarasinghe. At least 541 LTTE cadres and 44 soldiers have been killed in battles in the Mannar and Vavuniya districts, he added, saying the aim of the operation is to destroy LTTE mortar positions and to free thousands of civilians held as ''human shields'' in the outfit-held territory.
The LTTE have vowed never to return to peace negotiations unless the government halts a military campaign against them and said that attacks by government forces would not force them to compromise.
May 21
Two SF personnel were killed and three others sustained injuries in a LTTE-triggered claymore mine explosion, targeting a tractor transporting troops, at Iranai Iruppai Kulam.
Two soldiers were killed in a LTTE attack in the Welioya area of Moneragala district.
Troops in retaliation killed two LTTE cadres when they were fired upon by the outfit cadres in the Omanthai area of Vavuniya district.
  LTTE cadres fired towards SF’s bunker in the Salambakulam area of the Vavuniya district, injuring an unspecified number of SF personnel.
May 22
Three LTTE cadres were killed during two separate clashes in the Vavuniya district, said military spokesperson Brig. Prasad Samarasinghe.
Two more LTTE cadres were killed by troops in the Batticaloa district.
The Sri Lankan government unveiled separate flags for the Northern and Eastern provinces. "We have unveiled two separate flags for the Northern and Eastern provinces in terms of the Supreme Court ruling separating the two provinces," said the Minister of Local Government, Janaka Bandara Tennakoon, adding, that unveiling of flags took place in the Trincomalee town.
Norway disputed media reports and denied Sri Lanka’s claims that the LTTE had stolen a large number of Norwegian passports and sold them to al-Qaeda operatives. "The Norwegian authorities have no information suggesting that 700 passports have been confiscated in Thailand and neither are 700 blank passports missing." The statement, however, said that the Norwegian police confirmed that a policeman has sold nine blank passports to a Norwegian national of Sri Lankan origin. Norway said over the last 10 years, it has reported 130,000 lost or stolen passports to Interpol.
May 23
One LTTE cadre hiding inside a house opened fire towards SFs conducting search operations at Kannankadu in the Eravur area of Batticaloa district, injuring one soldier who succumbed to his injuries later. In retaliation, troops killed the LTTE cadre. During further search operations, SF personnel recovered the dead bodies of six LTTE cadres from Thalayaya in the same area.
Troops killed two LTTE cadres in the Thoppigala area of Batticaloa district.
May 24
The SLN foiled an attack by the Sea Tiger, naval wing of the LTTE, on the SLN’s Delft Island base in Jaffna district. According to the LTTE communications intercepts, more than 18 Sea Tiger cadres, including four leaders, were killed. Four sailors were also killed and an equal number of them sustained injuries in the incident. The Navy also destroyed four LTTE suicide boats out of the 18 and severely damaged another two. However, the LTTE claimed that 30 sailors were killed in the incident.
LTTE cadres shot dead three home guards in the Kirivegam area of Vavuniya district, according to Sri Lana Army.
A suspected LTTE suicide bomber on an explosive laden motor bicycle rammed a bus carrying army personnel on the first cross street in capital Colombo at around 9:00 am, the military said. Two soldiers were killed and five other persons sustained injuries in the attack.
Troops killed two LTTE cadres in a retaliatory fire when they were attacked a by a group of LTTE cadres at Navundaiyambu in the Batticaloa district.
May 25
SFs shot dead 12 LTTE cadres in separate encounters in the Vavuniya district. The Defense Ministry said in a statement that "Initially 10 LTTE cadres were killed in a successful assault launched by the army… Subsequently, two more tiger cadre were killed in a separate incident."
Troops killed two armed LTTE, who had entered into the government-held territory in Muhamalai on the Jaffna peninsula.
May 27
The LTTE triggered a bomb blast targeting a truck, killing three civilians at Thirukkovil in Ampara district. The vehicle had earlier reportedly been used by the security forces.
Sri Lanka Navy sailors killed three cadres of the LTTE during a ground operation in a jungle area north of the eastern port town of Trincomalee.
Unidentified gunmen shot dead two people in the Vavuniya district.
May 28
Seven civilians were killed and 42 persons, including 36 civilians and six STF personnel, sustained injuries in a LTTE-triggered remote-controlled claymore mine explosion targeting STF vehicle at Belekkade Junction in the Rathmalana area of Colombo district. The STF vehicle moving towards Colombo was slightly damaged with its windscreen completely smashed.
LTTE cadres opened fire towards a group of soldiers at Ethawetunu Wewa in the Welioya area of Moneragala district, injuring one soldier. Troops retaliated and killed two of the outfit’s cadres. Two LTTE cadres sustained injuries in the incident.
The Sri Lankan Army's game plan is to drive the LTTE out of the Eastern districts completely and weaken it in the Northern districts to pave the way for talks to find a permanent political solution to the Tamil question, said Army Commander Lt. Gen. Sarath Fonseka. Gen. Fonseka said that the LTTE now held only a small part of the Thoppigala jungle in the East, barely 10 square kilometres out of a total area of 50 sq. km. There are only about 300 LTTE fighting cadres left in the East and they are holed up in the Thoppigala jungle, he estimated.
Three suspected LTTE cadres were killed when the bomb they were carrying exploded accidentally at one of the victim’s houses in the Poonthottam area of Vavuniya district.
The TMVP, political wing of the LTTE breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna, has recommended, in a set of proposals submitted to the APRC, a permanent resolution within a united Sri Lanka. A significant part of the proposals is that it recognizes a de-merged North and East.
May 29
At least nine LTTE cadres were killed by troops in a fierce gun battle in the Welioya area of Vavuniya district.
LTTE cadres opened fire towards SFs at Sarambakulam in the Vavuniya district, injuring one SF personnel who succumbed to his injuries later.
May 30
Four LTTE cadres were shot dead by SFs during clashes in the area west of Omanthai in the Vavuniya district.
Troops confronted a group of LTTE cadres in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district and killed two of them. Two soldiers and an unspecified number of LTTE cadres sustained injuries in the incident.
May 31
SFs foiled a LTTE attempt to infiltrate into the government controlled areas of Vavuniya district, causing heavy casualties to the outfit reports. However, the number of LTTE fatalities is yet to be ascertained. Five SF personnel were reported killed in the incident.
LTTE cadres opened fire towards troops in the Batticaloa district. In retaliation, troops killed three LTTE cadres, including a member of the LTTE intelligence wing.
Defence spokesperson and Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said the CFA, which now holds only on paper after breaking down on the ground last year, no longer reflected reality.
President Mahinda Rajapakse declared that a political solution remains his only aim to the current conflict while stressing on the need for weakening the LTTE militarily.
The LTTE is soon to be listed as a terrorist organisation in Australia. The move would rank the outfit alongside 19 other proscribed groups, including al Qaeda, Jemmah Islamiah and the Pakistan-based LeT.
Sri Lanka has warned Australia that LTTE activists are using credit-card fraud overseas to raise funds. In a written warning to the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, the Sri Lankan High Commission in Canberra said Australians could be ripped off by consumer scams perpetrated by the LTTE.
June 1
One soldier and a home guard were shot dead by the LTTE at Kiruvegama in the Kabithigollawa area of Anuradhapura district.
President Mahinda Rajapakse offered to open peace talks with the LTTE. The President would enter negotiations with the LTTE if they agreed to resume where they left off in October 2006, his spokesman Chandrapala Liyanage said.
The Singapore government assured that it will work closely with the Sri Lankan authorities to curb any possible use of Singaporean territory by the LTTE for its operations.
Pillayan, the former supreme commander of the TMVP, a LTTE breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna allayed fears of the LTTE ever recapturing the East liberated by the military.
Police in Colombo asked Tamils from north and east, who are staying in various lodges without jobs, to go back to their homes in view of the security situation.
June 2
At least 52 LTTE cadres and 30 soldiers were killed in heavy fighting between troops and the LTTE cadres ahead of the Omanthai FDL in the Vavuniya district. The LTTE cadres reportedly launched an attack using artillery and mortars on troops in the area. Troops countered the LTTE fire and successfully repulsed the attack. An unspecified number of soldiers and LTTE cadres also sustained injuries in the incident.
Three LTTE cadres were reportedly killed by troops during confrontation in the area west of Omanthai in the Vavuniya district. One soldier sustained injuries in the incident.
Two Sri Lanka Red Cross members, identified as S. Shanmugalingam and K. Chandramohan, who were abducted earlier by unidentified persons from the Fort railway station were found shot dead in the Kiriella area of Ratnapura district, police said.
Troops reportedly shot dead two LTTE cadres in the area closer to the Muhamalai FDL of Jaffna district.
Troops killed two LTTE cadres in the general area (area under government control) of Mannar district.
June 3
Troops confronted a group of LTTE cadres in the Periyathampanai area of Vavuniya district, killing two of them.
June 4
Three civilians were shot dead by the LTTE cadres at Nallur in the Jaffna district.
The Sri Lanka Army chief Lt. General Sarath Finseka demanded a new CFA with imposition of strict conditions on the LTTE.
June 5
Cadres of the LTTE detonated a claymore mine targeting STF personnel on search operation personnel along the Ambalanthure – Thikodai road in the Ampara district, killing one STF officer and injuring another.
The LTTE is increasingly resorting to the use of places of Hindu worship in the North to carry out its subversive plans and in the process bringing disaffection to the SFs among the Tamil community when search operations are conducted on these premises, a report said. The report also said that SFs recovered large caches of weapons from at least five Hindu temples in the North in the recent past with shootouts occurring inside one such temple when troops entered the premises following a tip-off that weapons were hidden in its sanctum. Some arms and ammunition, including grenades, were also found in a bag hidden behind the altar at the St. Mary’s Cathedral in Jaffna.
The TMVP, political wing of the Karuna faction, will contest elections in the future to have their representation in Parliament to attend to the eastern people’s grievances, said TMVP Ampara district political leader Iniya Bharathi. Bharathi, adding, they are expanding their activities in the Eastern province to contest future elections. He said they will not lay down arms till the LTTE threat is removed.
June 6
Five LTTE cadres were killed and an unspecified number of them sustained injuries in a clash with troops in the Narakamulla area of Batticaloa district. Four soldiers were also injured.
One soldier was killed and another sustained injuries in a LTTE-triggered claymore mine explosion targeting an Army tractor at Ambawatta in the Puwarasakulam area of Vavuniya district.
The Chairman of the CBE (Pvt) Ltd., Tiran Alles, was arrested by the CID to question him on the transfer of a vast amount of funds to LTTE through the TNJ Company registered under the name of leading LTTE activist Emil Kanthan, who was arrested on several occasions on terrorism charges and who led the gang which assaulted Minister Douglas Devananda at the Kalutara prison in 2002, for the past several years, said Information and Media Minister Anura Priyadarshana Yapa.
June 7
Police started eviction of Tamils from the capital Colombo as part of a crackdown against LTTE suspects. The Defence Ministry confirmed the eviction, but said it was done to stop the LTTE using the cover of lodges to hatch bomb plots against the capital, adding, 376 people were evicted in seven buses and would be taken to Jaffna, Vavuniya, Trincomalee and Batticaloa. However, Minister Keheliya Rambukwella said that the government provided transport facilities to 260 persons who voluntarily submitted themselves to be returned to their native places in the North-East.
The government tightened restrictions on Tamils leaving the North-East and traveling to the rest of the country.
June 8
Police found nine highly decomposed bodies in a garbage dump at Dumaladeniya in the Wennappuwa area of Puttalam district. These persons were killed in an execution style with their hands tied behind their backs and blindfolded.
Troops on foot patrol confronted a group of LTTE cadres in the Omanthai area of Vavuniya district and killed two of the outfit’s cadres.
A three bench panel of the Sri Lanka Supreme Court issued an injunction to the police to stop the evacuation of residents of Colombo lodges who are from the north and eastern provinces of Sri Lanka. The Court scheduled a hearing on the case on June 22 and restrained the IGP Victor Perera from carrying out any more evacuations of Tamils.
President Mahinda Rajapakse asked the IGP to submit an immediate report on the manner exercised to transport Tamil persons who were living in lodges in Colombo to North and East. Inviting the evicted people back to Colombo and promising disciplinary action against any wrongdoing, a statement issued by the President’s Office said that the President has called for an immediate inquiry to be initiated to ascertain the basis for this security related operation. Police said that they were trying to undo the damage by arranging five buses to bring back to Colombo the Tamils who were forcibly removed from low-budget hostels. "Out of 272 held at the Vavuniya centre, we are bringing back 186 in the next few hours," said a police official in Vavuniya.
June 8-9
Sri Lankan troops captured four camps of the LTTE in the Batticaloa district after two days of fighting that left at least 30 LTTE cadres and one soldier dead.
June 9
LTTE cadres detonated an explosion of a claymore mine targeting a police team in the Dutuwewa area of Vavuniya district, injuring one home guard. The dead bodies of two civilians were recovered during a subsequent search operation in the area.
SLN personnel confronted a group of LTTE cadres during a search operation at Puliyankandal in the Kayts Island area of Jaffna district. Four LTTE cadres were killed while three others sustained injuries during the clash. A sailor who was wounded succumbed to his injuries later.
Prime Minister Rathnasiri Wickramanayaka disclosed that the LTTE had sent another truck with over 1,000 kilograms of explosives. He also regretted the eviction of 376 "jobless Tamils" living temporarily in lodges in Colombo and suburbs to their places of permanent residence in the north and east on June 7, adding, his government accepted responsibility for what happened and said such incidents would not recur.
June 10
LTTE cadres shot dead an activist of its breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna, identified as Manoraj, while he was in his residence at Mawadivembu in the Batticaloa district.
June 11
The Healthcare and Nutrition Minister and leader of the government's peace delegation, Nimal Siripala De Silva, reportedly informed the Japanese special peace envoy Yasushi Akashi that the LTTE collects ransom and taxes from doctors serving in the North.
The SLMM, in its May 28-June 3 situation report, accused the army or police of being involved in some of the abductions in the East, apart from those carried out by the TMVP) the political wing of the LTTE breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna, and the LTTE. Military spokesperson, Brigadier Prasad Samarasingha, however, refuted the SLMM claims, saying that the army has never been involved in any abduction in any part of the country.
Police arrested 172 persons, the majority of them Tamils, under suspicion from the Manampitiya area of Pollonnaruwa district. The arrested persons are from the Batticaloa and Valachchenai areas, police said.
Troops shot dead two LTTE cadres during another confrontation in the area west of Omanthai in the Vavuniya district.
June 12
Four LTTE cadres were killed during clashes with troops at Pulipanchikulam in the Sittandy area of Batticaloa district.
Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa said that the LTTE has infiltrated and misled UN agencies. Reacting to the demand of UN agencies in Sri Lanka to halt rights abuses by the government, he stated: "For 30 years or so, this LTTE planned this, they infiltrated the U.N."
British minister Kim Howells said that there was no likelihood of de-proscribing the LTTE which still continues to use terrorism as a mode for securing their demands.
June 13
Three LTTE cadres were killed and several others sustained injuries when troops confronted a group of the outfit’s cadres at Kappathivu in the Jaffna district.
Sri Lanka's Chief Government Whip and the senior Minister, Jeyaraj Fernandopulle, addressing a media briefing said that there is no need to express regret over the eviction of ethnic Tamils from lodges in Colombo, adding, the move had its pros and cons and security force personnel should not be blamed as it was not a 100% wrong act.
June 14
Sri Lanka's intelligence services have warned that the LTTE, in the face of the recent setbacks in the eastern battlefront, were planning a major terrorist attack to create a bloodbath in the capital Colombo. According to intelligence reports, the LTTE was awaiting a huge explosion using nearly 1000-kg explosives to fully destabilise security in Colombo.
June 15
Two LTTE cadres were killed in a clash with soldiers in the Muhamalai and Nagarkovil villages along a defence line separating the government-held and LTTE-held territories of Jaffna district.
June 17
Army officials said that hundreds of LTTE cadres entrapped in the Thoppigala jungles commenced fleeing the area amidst a major assault by the SFs on their Beirut base, cutting off all supply routes. Officials said that over 75 LTTE cadres had fled the Thoppigala jungles towards the Wanni. SFs launched a major assault on the fleeing terrorists and alerted the troops and home guards in settlements close to Habarana and other areas in Trincomalee fearing desperate attacks by the fleeing outfit’s cadres. So far, nearly 100 Tiger cadres have surrendered to the SFs while 270 cadres have been killed during confrontations in the battle to capture Thoppigala.
The LTTE, according to its surrendered cadres, has made an announcement allowing married and newly-recruited cadres to leave the organization as they are sure of their defeat in the final battle. However, the LTTE has given strict orders to experienced cadres to remain with the outfit and has taken special security measures to prevent them from fleeing.
Troops on duty in the Periyathampanai area of Vavuniya district were fired upon by LTTE cadres. In the retaliatory fire, troops killed three LTTE cadres.
June 18
The LTTE made a fresh pledge to rid their ranks of child soldiers by the end of the year 2007. The LTTE made the same promise in 1998 but have since been accused by the United Nations of recruiting more than they actually freed. The LTTE in a statement said that its "Child Protection Agency (CPA)" had freed 135 males and females below the age of 17 who were found within their guerrilla army in the past six months. Meanwhile, the UNICEF said that there were 1,591 outstanding cases of underage recruitment by the LTTE as of the end of May 2007.
June 19
The SLN destroyed five LTTE boats and severely damaged nine others in a clash off the Vettilaikerni coast in the Jaffna district. 40 Sea Tigers were reportedly killed in the confrontation that erupted when SLN Fast Attack Craft engaged around 20 LTTE boats which had tried to attack naval craft off Point Pedro.
Troops engaged in the battle at Thoppigala in Batticaloa district captured more than 42 square kilometers of area between Akkaraththaviai and Kattuvelikulam, killing more than 30 LTTE cadres. Five SF personnel were injured due to anti-personnel mines and mortar attacks by the LTTE. Reports added that a huge ammunition dump of the outfit in the Narakamulla area caught fire due to army artillery and mortar fire.
An army foot patrol confronted a group of LTTE cadres crossing Trikonamadu in the Welikanda area of Pollonnaruwa district and killed three of the outfit’s cadres.
SFs foiled a LTTE attempt to infiltrate the civilian-inhabited Kalkudah village in the Batticaloa district. During a subsequent search operation, SFs recovered the dead bodies of three LTTE cadres.
The pro-LTTE Website Tamil Net has reportedly been inaccessible in the island for a number of days. The Website said that the Sri Lankan government had asked local service providers to block it. It quoted unnamed Sri Lankan service providers as saying that they had had directives from "higher authorities" in this regard.
The LTTE chief Veluppillai Prabhakaran’s son Charles Anthony, may have been trained by Mossad, the Israeli intelligence agency, is now on the watch list of the Indian agencies after reports that he heads the air wing of the proscribed outfit. Reports indicate that the LTTE air wing is a complement of nine pilots and seven light single-engine aircrafts. They also have strength of about 60 airmen to maintain and service the planes mostly operating from secret airfields around Jaffna in northern Sri Lanka. The air wing is useful for carrying out suicide strikes on Sri Lanka security forces and for reconnaissance missions before an attack. Investigations by agencies indicate that apart from Mossad, senior LTTE cadre is also trained by Pakistan’s Inter Services Intelligence operatives. The LTTE owns a fleet of sea-going ships to transport their supplies and arms since 1986.
Sri Lanka Army reported that as of June 20-afternoon, troops killed 188 LTTE cadres and wounded 133 others during their operations to wrest control of Thoppigala. Nine soldiers were killed and 78 others sustained injuries during these operations. The report added that the number of surrendered LTTE cadres since the February 22, 2002 CFA has risen to 656.
The SLMM has decided that they are no longer prepared to give determinations but will entertain complaints about CFA violations.
June 20
Troops on duty in the Ampaddailuppaikulam general area (area under government control) of Vavuniya district were fired upon by cadres of the LTTE from their hideouts in un-cleared areas (area not under government control). Troops retaliated, killing six LTTE cadres and injuring an unspecified number of them.
LTTE cadres opened fire towards three police constables who went for a bath at a public well on the Medawachchiya road in the Bou-Oya area of Mannar district, killing one of them while wounding two others. One civilian was also killed in the incident.
June 21
Three soldiers were killed and another sustained injuries in a LTTE-triggered claymore mine explosion targeting an army vehicle transporting food items at Chundikkulam in the Jaffna district.
British police reportedly arrested two key LTTE agents, identified as A.C. Shanthan and G. Lambert. "UK Metropolitan Police from the counter Terrorism Command arrested A. C. Shanthan (51 yrs), the LTTE leader in the UK who operates under the title of President of the British Tamil Association (BAT) and Goldan Lambert (29yrs), Head of Finance of the BAT yesterday (21) around 3:45 p.m," stated reports. The latter was arrested on arrival from Dubai at the Heathrow Airport. The arrests are in connection with the Black July rally they organized in conjunction with the Tamil Youth Organization in Hyde Park London on July 25, 2006, which has been under investigation for sometime.
The Sri Lankan government denied any hand in the move to block the pro-LTTE Website Tamil Net. However, Sri Lanka's leading mobile operator Dialog Telekom, a unit of Telekom Malaysia which also offers internet services, said that it had blocked access to the site on the orders of the government.
June 22
SFs engaged in clearing operations in the Thoppigala area of Batticaloa district confronted a group of LTTE cadres and subsequently recovered 15 dead bodies of the LTTE cadres.
A suspected LTTE boat exploded off the Nilaweli coast in the Trincomalee district, killing at least three of the outfit’s cadres. The boat exploded as SLN vessels upon observing a suspicious boat among the fishing boats fired warning shots.
Troops on a foot patrol in the Muhamale area of Jaffna district confronted a group of LTTE cadres and killed two of them.
Troops retaliated and foiled a LTTE attempt to infiltrate the security points at Katkolam in the Point Pedro area of Jaffna district. During subsequent search operations, troops recovered the dead bodies of two LTTE cadres.
June 23
13 LTTE cadres were killed during a clash with the Army troops in the Murunthankulam area of Vavuniya district. The confrontation began as the LTTE cadres attempted to breach the forward defences in the west of Omantahi.
June 25
Police sources informed that the number of unidentified corpses found within the first six months of 2007 is now close to 100. Most of the unidentified bodies were found with gunshot injuries in skulls and were dumped in places other than where they were killed, police said, adding, nine such bodies were found from a jungle area in Wennappuwa on June 8. In 2006, police found 147 unidentified bodies including 27 corpses of women, sources added further, disclosing that in the past five years, 770 corpses, including those of 153 women, have been found.
The Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission reported in its weekly situation report for June 11-17 that 34 people, including a 16-year-old, were reported abducted in the Eastern Province within a span of one week.
June 26
Security forces foiled a LTTE attempt to infiltrate FDLs in the Jaffna district. "They have tried to infiltrate the defense lines, so we have fired some mortars," said military spokesman Brigadier Prasad Samarasinghe, adding "Ground troops and intelligence suspect 12 cadres were killed or injured."
June 27
Four soldiers were killed and three others sustained injuries in a pre-dawn gun battle that occurred near the SFs bunkers at Aluthgama, Avaranthulawa and Settikulam between SFs and a group of LTTE infiltrators.
President Mahinda Rajapakse has reportedly instructed to establish a center to gather information on the abductions in Colombo and suburbs, revealed Media Minister Lakshman Yapa Abeywardena.
June 28
Troops killed at least 11 LTTE cadres in the Thoppigala area of Batticaloa district.
Two army personnel were killed in a LTTE-triggered claymore mine explosion in the Nawaththurai area of Jaffna district.
LTTE cadres killed Thillainadan Udayakumar, the chairman of Thirukkovil Pradeshiya Sabha (Local Administrative Council) in the Batticaloa district. He belonged to the pro-LTTE Tamil National Alliance party. However, Asian Tribune blamed the LTTE breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna for the killing.
430 persons were killed between September 2006 and February 2007, informed the Special Presidential Commission on Disappearances. "A majority of the cases relate to (ethnic minority) Tamils," said probe chairman Mahanama Tillakaratne, adding, many of the victims have been executed with their hands tied behind their backs and shot through the head. During the period, 2,020 people were either abducted or disappeared and 1,134 were later found alive and reunited with their families.
Arunachalam Chrishanthakumar alias Shanthan, president of the British Tamil Association, the high-ranking agent of the LTTE, and head of finance, Goldan Lambert, were charged by Scotland Yard under the Terrorism Act 2000 with providing support to the LTTE, which is a proscribed organization in the United Kingdom. Shanthan of Norbury town in South London faced five charges under the. Lambert, of South Croydon, was charged with assisting in the management of the Hyde Park event, knowing it was for the purposes of supporting LTTE, a proscribed organisation.
June 29
Four civilians who had gone inside the jungles off Mavilaru in search of their missing cattle in the Serunuwara area of Trincomalee district were shot dead by the LTTE cadres.
Two civilians, Singarwel Yogendran and Subramanium Ambige, were killed by two ‘pistol gang’ cadres of the LTTE at Temple Road in the Vannaparanai area of Jaffna district.
June 30
The Government of Sri Lanka and SLMM have agreed on the need for fresh approaches in order to generate greater confidence in the monitoring of the CAF and to enhance the prospects for peace in Sri Lanka. According to the SCOPP, the proposed approach may include new ways to monitor the CFA and reforms will be within the framework and the mandate of the SLMM, as provided in the CFA.
July 1
Norway accepted the Sri Lanka’s government request to help the latter to resume the stalled peace talks. "We are ready to resume (mediation efforts) if the government wants us to," said Norway's special envoy for Sri Lanka, Jon Hanssen-Bauer.
July 2
The government said that it was ready for peace talks anytime if the LTTE would agree for unconditional talks.
Troops foiled an attempt by LTTE cadres to infiltrate into the government controlled area at Muhamale in the Jaffna district, killing four of them.
July 3
At least 12 LTTE cadres were killed during clashes between troops and the outfit’s cadres at Umayaratuvarankulam, west of Omanthai, in the Vanni region.
Three soldiers were killed in a LTTE-triggered remote controlled claymore mine explosion at Kandapuram in the Vavuniya district.
July 4
An army foot patrol confronted a group of LTTE cadres and killed two of them in the area west of Omanthai in Vavuniya district.
Government defense spokesperson, Keheliya Rambukwella, denied media reports that the government was embarking on fresh initiatives to commence peace talks with the LTTE saying there was no need for any such move.
July 5
At least 10 LTTE cadres were killed during confrontation with SFs in the Periyathampanei area of Vavuniya district. Two soldiers were also killed and eight others sustained injuries in the incident.
‘Colonel’ Karuna, has declared war on the Tamils from Jaffna, sources said, adding that this new move sharpens the regional differences among Tamils and brings a new element of Tamils fighting Tamils on a regional basis to the ongoing war.
LTTE commemorated the 20th anniversary of the first attack by their elite Black Tiger, a suicide wing of the outfit, and remembered the 322 Black Tigers, up from 273 commemorated in 2006.
July 6
Six soldiers were killed when LTTE cadres opened mortar fire towards troops at Narakamulla north in the Thoppigala area of Batticaloa district.
Troops on duty in the areas west of Omanthai in the Vavuniya district were fired upon by LTTE cadres from the Palaimoddai area. During retaliatory fire, troops killed two LTTE cadres.
July 7
Fifteen dead bodies of LTTE cadres were recovered from the Thoppigala West area of Batticaloa district. Earlier, SFs had opened fire at two tractors carrying the outfit’s cadres in the Thoppigala West area on July 6.
Naval troops on foot patrol confronted a group of LTTE cadres in the Kuchchaveli area of Trincomalee district and killed three of the outfit’s cadres.
July 8
11 Sea-Tigers, including a top Sea-Tiger intelligence leader, Neelan - bearing LTTE ID card no: 0018, were killed in a clash which erupted between the SLN personnel and Sea-Tigers in the seas off Pulmodai in the Trincomalee district.
Troops have reportedly cleared a total of nearly 800 square kilometers in an area of nearly 860 square kilometers, including vacated positions, in the Thoppigala region.
President Mahinda Rajapakse vowed to "wipe out" the LTTE from the Northern Province like the way his government did the "job" in the Eastern Province. Speaking at a function in Trincomalee town, he said blunting the military prowess of the LTTE was the only way to achieve permanent peace in the country.
Sri Lanka’s Special Projects Minister Mahinda Wijesekara said that the government should allow Tamil people to govern Northern Province for an interim period under a special representative council.
July 9
Two LTTE cadres were killed by security forces in the Pokkaravani area of Vavuniya district.
July 10
At least five cadres of the LTTE were killed by SFs along the FDL at Muhamalai in the Jaffna district.
An alleged member of the LTTE, Arumugam Rajeevan, was arrested in Sydney (Australia) and charged with supporting a terrorist organization.
The most outstanding achievement of the government through clearing the East is ensuring the democratic rights of the people to elect their leaders according to their wishes, said government defence affairs spokesman Keheliya Rambukwella. He rejected the claims that east has no tactical importance, saying, "There is no truth in this since the LTTE orchestrated all their atrocities to exert pressure on whatever the Government in power and create fear psychosis among people using the East as their base. I don’t think Prabhakaran cares for an Eelam sans the East with its rich resources."
July 11
President Mahinda Rajapakse declared that the military had captured Thoppigala, the last remaining pocket of influence of the LTTE in the East that has been under its effective control since 1994. Earlier, the military made an announcement that its commandos and soldiers have reached the Baron’s Camp of the LTTE in Thoppigala and said, "With this victory, troops have captured the ‘nerve centre’ of the LTTE terrorists in their last stronghold in the Eastern province."
Hours after losing Thoppigala, the LTTE while acknowledging the capture by government troops, said that it will not be easy to hold the area in the future. The outfit’s spokesman Rasiah Ilanthirayan said, "They (government forces) may have captured the area, but the question is whether they can hold it." He also warned that the LTTE would not give in easily if the government attacks the north, saying, "If they are coming into our territory, they will find stiff resistance from our people. We will deploy the necessary tactics and the necessary tools to protect our people from the opposing force." Top LTTE leader S. Puleedevan as saying, "The modus operandi may have changed, but the fighting will continue."
The Social Services and Social Welfare Minister, Lionel Premasiri, instructed relevant authorities to investigate the incident where eight life jackets belonging to an NGO were found on LTTE boats seized by the Navy recently.
July 12
The LTTE warned that it is aiming to cripple the country’s economy with major attacks on military and economic targets.
July 13
The Media Center for National Security informed that the number of surrenders after the 2002 cease-fire agreement has now reached 707.
July 14
10 soldiers were killed and 34 others injured when cadres of the LTTE opened mortar fire towards SFs at the Perithampane FDL in Vavuniya district. Troops in the retaliatory fire completely destroyed a LTTE mortar base which was reportedly used to attack their FDL at Perithampane. A large number of outfit’s cadres were confirmed killed.
July 15
Four civilians were killed by suspected LTTE cadres in the Vavuniya district. Police recovered the four bullet-ridden dead bodies with their hands tied behind and eyes blindfolded at Thavasikulam.
Senior Presidential Advisor Basil Rajapaksa has said that the government would fast track what he termed as a three-pronged strategy to restore normalcy in the Eastern Province and asserted that security would be critical. Implementation of a development plan and resumption of political work in the province, too, would be part of the plan, he said.
Troops have found a major LTTE burial ground in Thoppigala. "In the burial ground, which covered a vast area, tombs of hundreds of dead LTTE cadres can be seen. On the tombs were written the names of terrorists and the year in which they died in Tamil language. Also a monument in memory of the dead cadres has also been built," an unnamed senior military official said, adding, a large number of newly built tombs were found, confirming that a large number of cadres had been killed in the recent clashes.
July 16
The Chief Secretary to the Eastern Province, Herath Abeyweera, was shot dead by cadres of the LTTE. Sources said that the LTTE cadres fired at the Chief Secretary while he was in his office located at Inner Harbour Road in Trincomalee at 6.00 p.m. Abeyweera earlier served for more than 15 years as the District Secretary, Ampara.
Troops retaliated when LTTE cadres of the LTTE opened fire towards them in the Nawakkulam area of Vavuniya district and killed one outfit’s cadre.
July 17
Fighting that broke out between security forces and LTTE at Thampanai and Periyathampanai, east of Madhu area in the Mannar district since July 14 resulted in the total destruction of two 120-mm mortars of the outfit. Four LTTE cadres, including their regional leader Semmalani, were also killed during the clash.
July 18
A group of LTTE cadres operating in the Periyathampanai area, east of Madu, in the Vavuniya district launched small arms fire towards the troops. Troops retaliated and forced them to withdraw. Subsequently, the LTTE cadres launched a mortar attack on the troops injuring three soldiers. Intercepted LTTE communication later confirmed that at least three of the outfit’s cadres were killed in retaliatory fire.
President Mahinda Rajapaksa declared that it was now up to the LTTE to decide between war and peace. "War or peace, we are ready. It is in their hands. It is now up to the Tigers to decide which path they want to tread on," he said.
The London-based Jane’s Intelligence Review said the LTTE has not only created one of the most sophisticated insurgencies in the world but also has an annual ‘profit margin’ of $200 to $300 million. The report details two overarching financial and procurement bodies that provide the main source of LTTE money, manpower and weapons: the Aiyanna Group and the Office of Overseas Purchases (nicknamed the KP Department). The Aiyanna Group functions as the group’s intelligence and operations body, likely to be responsible for monitoring and ensuring the organisation’s financial support and revenue streams, while the KP Department is most probably the procurement arm.
July 19
Troops confronted a group of LTTE cadres in the area west of Omanthai in the Vavuniya district killing five of them.
The Sea-Tiger (sea wing of the LTTE) leader Soosai was reported to have been critically injured in a boat explosion off the Mullaitivu seas.
July 20
The LTTE launched a pre-dawn attack on an army detachment in the Nelachchena area of Mannar district. In the ensuing encounter, nine LTTE cadres and three soldiers were killed while 24 LTTE cadres and four soldiers sustained injuries.
A group of LTTE cadres was fired upon by troops closer to the FDL at Eluthumadduval in the Jaffna district. Troops later confirmed that five of the outfit’s cadres were killed in the incident.
Troops opened fire towards a group of fleeing LTTE cadres in the area south of Narakamulla in the Batticaloa district. During a subsequent search operation in the area, troops recovered the dead bodies of three LTTE cadres.
July 21
Six LTTE cadres, including one area leader identified as Ravindran, were killed by STF personnel during the final phase of Operation Niyathai Jaya (Definite Victory) launched by the STF at Kanchikudiaru in the Ampara district.
‘Colonel’ Karuna, the leader of the LTTE breakaway faction, declared that he is not planning to disarm his fighters. "If we disarm now, it will be dangerous for us. We want to carry arms for self-protection," said Karuna. He also said that LTTE intelligence personnel were still operating in the East of the island, even though it had been taken by government forces, and added, "The killing of the top bureaucrat in the eastern province earlier this week was proof of this."
July 22
A time-bomb was found at Delkanda Market along a road leading to a conference venue in Maharagama, near capital Colombo, where President Mahinda Rajapakse was addressing the 17th General Assembly of the SLFP.
July 23
Four LTTE cadres trying to infiltrate the FDL at Muhamale in the Jaffna district were shot dead by troops.
A local employee of the Danish Refugees Council, an International Non-Governmental Organization, identified as Mariyanayagam Aloysius, was shot dead by a LTTE ‘pistol gang’ cadre in the Annaikottai area of the Jaffna district.
According to reports, the LTTE is still getting weapons smuggled from Cambodia. Cambodia’s Interior ministry spokesman Khieu Sopheak acknowledged that some weapons might still be getting to the LTTE, but said any smuggling would be small-scale.
July 24
Suspected LTTE cadres launched a pre-dawn attack on a Sinhalese border village at Thiruwegama in the Vavuniya district, killing four home guards.
12 soldiers were killed and 13 persons, including six civilians, sustained injuries when cadres of the LTTE detonated a claymore mine targeting an army bus at Settikulama on the Mannar-Madawachchiya road in the Vavuniya district. The bus was carrying unarmed soldiers who were on leave.
Five LTTE cadres were killed by troops in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district.
July 25
Troops killed two LTTE cadres during clashes with a group of the outfit’s cadres at Periyathampanai in the Vavuniya district.
Leader of the EPDP and Minister of Social Services and Social Welfare, Douglas Devananda, said that that no group in the East should be allowed to carry arms or hold on to lethal weapons. He said only the Government forces should have weapons to protect the sovereignty and independence of the country. He demanded that the Karuna group be disarmed immediately and they should be brought under the safety-net of the Sri Lanka security forces.
Denying a Jane's Intelligence Review report that Cambodia was a source of weapons for the LTTE, the Cambodian Minister of Defence, Tea Banh, told the Cambodian media that the report is entirely baseless and there is no authentic evidence to prove it. "The weapons which belong to the Cambodian government are all in the country and nobody will export them to foreign countries," a news report quoted the Minister as saying.
July 26
Troops ambushed a group of LTTE cadres in the Periyathampanai area of Vavuniya district and killed two of them.
July 27
Troops killed two LTTE cadres in the Navathkulam area of Jaffna district.
The Sri Lanka Supreme Court has granted leave to proceed to a petition calling for the abolition of the CFA signed on February 22, 2002, by the Sri Lanka government and the LTTE. Chief Justice Sarath Nanda Silva said that a Prime Minister cannot sign important agreements "according to his will". The then Prime Minister, Ranil Wickramasinghe, had signed the CFA on behalf the Sri Lanka government, while the then President, Chandrika Kumaratunga, accused him of not informing her before signing the CFA. According to Sri Lanka's Constitution, the President holds executive powers while the Prime Minister is only a ceremonial post.
The SLMM told the SCOPP that it had initiated an inquiry into allegations that the LTTE has demanded that every family living in areas controlled by it contributes at least one member to its activities.
July 28
The SLN destroyed two Sea-Tiger [sea wing of the LTTE] boats which were trying to pass off as part of a cluster of Indian trawlers in the Vidattaltivu area of Mannar district killing six LTTE cadres.
July 29
The TMVP, a breakaway faction of the LTTE led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna, will not be allowed to contest the forthcoming Eastern Province election scheduled to be held before the end of 2007. The TMVP which has some 20 political offices in the Eastern Province and one in Colombo has not been recognised as a political party by the Commissioner of Elections Dayananda Dissanayake as of July 10, 2007.
July 30
Troops foiled an attempt by the LTTE cadres to infiltrate into the security forces FDL at Muhamale in the Jaffna district and killed two of them.
July 31
A claymore mine explosion triggered by suspected LTTE cadres killed three soldiers in the area south of Maseri in the Jaffna district. Military sources said the claymore mine had been placed in close proximity to a well used by the army troops to obtain water.
Troops, during retaliatory action, killed three more LTTE cadres in the Ampaddailluppai Kulam area of Vavuniya district. An unspecified number of LTTE cadres were reported wounded in the incident.
August 1
20 LTTE cadres were killed and five others injured in heavy fighting between the Sri Lanka Army and LTTE cadres who were attempting to breach the forward defenses at Periya Panchan and Thampanai in the Mannar district of Wanni.
A group of LTTE cadres fleeing from the Thoppigala area across Galmitiyawa in the Trincomalee district were confronted by troops on the Trincomalee-Habarana main road. Three of them were killed and an unspecified number of them wounded in the incident.
A 22-year-old Tamil journalist, Nilakshan Sahapavan, of the Media Resource Training Centre in Jaffna University and a part-time reporter, was shot dead by unidentified assailants.
While responding to a statement made by former Australian Minister Gareth Evans, head of the ICG, which categorised Sri Lanka as a possible case for international intervention on the basis of R2P - "right to protection", the new term coined by ICG for international intervention, the chief of the Sri Lanka government’s SCOPP, Rajiva Wijesinha, stated that there is no case for a Darfur-style international intervention in Sri Lanka.
Highways Minister Jeyaraj Fernandopulle said the Karuna faction should be allowed to contest the elections if they wish to do so. "We want all of them to enter the fray. We would not mind even the LTTE contesting the election through what ever party, TNA or otherwise," he said adding that this will prove the Government’s commitment for upholding democracy.
August 2
Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama told a news conference in Manila that the government is willing to resume peace talks with the LTTE as long as they end violence.
August 4
The Special Task Force (STF) personnel launched an attack on a group of armed LTTE cadres hiding in the jungle area of Kanchikudichchiaru in the Ampara district and killed six of them. One STF officer was injured in the incident.
Troops confronted a group of LTTE cadres in the Periyathampanai area of Vavuniya district and killed three of them.
August 6
Security forces shot dead two LTTE cadres in the Jaffna peninsula.
  Army troops confronted two groups of LTTE cadres in the general areas (area under government control) of Kuduruvitankulam and Periyathampanai in the Vavuniya district. Seven LTTE cadres were confirmed killed during the clashes.
August 7
A senior LTTE leader for the Pandarikulam area in Vavuniya district, identified as Ayyanna alias Neeshan, blew himself up detonating a suicide belt when the troops swooped on a group of LTTE cadres moving in the Koomankulam junction area. Two soldiers were injured in the incident.
Troops confronted a group of LTTE cadres in the Pankulama area of Trincomalee district and killed two of them.
Three hand grenades were lobbed at troops on duty in the Pumankulam area when troops attempted to search two persons on suspicion. In the retaliatory fire, troops killed one of them, while the other detonated a suicide belt and killed himself.
August 8
10 LTTE cadres were killed and 17 others wounded injured during a clash with SF personnel in the Madu area of Mannar district.
Troops foiled an LTTE attempt to attack two Civil Defence Forces' points in the Mamailankulam area of Vavuniya district and killed two of the outfit’s cadres. A soldier and a home guard were also killed in the incident while three home guards and two soldiers sustained injuries.
The LTTE is said to be pressurizing International Non-Governmental Organisations operating in the outfit’s controlled areas of Wanni to channel funds to be used for development purposes in the area through the TRO.
The Karuna group stated that it would dissolve its military wing once its security was ensured, the first such offer since it was set up three years ago. "We are compelled to have a military unit for our self- defense. Once our security is ensured we are ready to dissolve that unit," it said in a statement.
August 9
The UN urged Sri Lanka to disarm the Karuna group operating in the east of the island to ensure safety and security for aid workers and residents. "It is important that the disarmament of the Karuna faction should happen as soon as possible," said John Holmes, the UN Under-Secretary General for Humanitarian Affairs and Emergency Relief Coordinator in Colombo.
August 11
LTTE cadres who were laying anti-personnel mines west of Nilplokunawewa in the Welioya region of Vavuniya district were chased away by troops after directing a small arms attack on them. Four cadres were killed in the incident.
August 12
Four soldiers were killed and thirteen others injured in a LTTE-triggered IED blast targeting an army truck in the Kachchanthoppu area of Jaffna district.
Three LTTE cadres and a soldier were killed and 10 LTTE cadres sustained injuries during an encounter in the Pulmodai area of Trincomalee district.
The government has announced an amnesty period starting from September 1 for the LTTE cadres trapped in Eastern jungles to lay down their weapons and surrender to the security forces.
The activities of the LTTE outside Sri Lanka - including extortion, narcotics trafficking and credit card fraud - have a negative impact on the countries and societies that host its presence, said Jane’s Intelligence Review. The geographical distribution of Tamil communities enables the LTTE to use them as networked operations centres, it pointed out.
August 13
The SLN foiled a LTTE attempt to rescue its cadres trapped in the East killing six Sea-Tigers and injuring 10 others in the sea off Pulmodai in Trincomalee district. A LTTE boat was also completely destroyed in the attack launched after a Navy patrol detected two of the outfit’s boats in the sea off Pulmodai. Three sailors were injured in the clash.
August 14
Six LTTE cadres and a solider were killed during an encounter that ensued after LTTE cadres fired at the troops in the Northern Vavuniya area.
Three LTTE cadres were killed after troops repulsed an attack by the outfit in the Kalyanapura area of Vavuniya district.
Three top LTTE suspects who were under detention in Thailand for attempting to smuggle weapons to Sri Lanka in 2003 were deported to Sri Lanka. Sujit Gunapala (aged 27), Sasiljaran Teverajah (aged 27) and Satiepawan Arseawatap (aged 34) were arrested from the Ranong province in Thailand on May 12, 2003, along with 10 Glock pistols and three HK Mark 23 pistols. They pleaded guilty and in November 2003 received a five-year jail sentence. Following their arrest, 14 nationals of Thailand, including eight security force personnel, were also detained. They were believed to be part of the same smuggling network.
August 15
Two claymore mines (weighing about 9-kg and 5-kg), three hand grenades and one detonator were recovered by the troops from the Ideal Guest Inn at Sinasabha Road in the Wellawatta area of Colombo district.
The government is working on the arrest of the LTTE-linked Singapore based businessman Charles Gnanakone with the help of the Interpol, said Highways Minister Jeyaraj Fernandopulle. He said Gnanakone had openly admitted he had direct links with the LTTE.
August 16
A court in France has decided to extend the period of detention of all 14 LTTE suspects who were arrested on April 1, 2007, for a further period of four months till the first week of December 2007.
August 17
The SLN prevented a small LTTE boat from infiltrating the Jaffna peninsula from sea off the coast of Point Pedro. Two LTTE cadres on board opened fire at the naval personnel who retaliated killing one of the outfit’s cadres while the other jumped overboard.
The Japan International Corporation Agency which was due to donate medical equipment worth millions of rupees to hospitals in the North called off their mission due to protection money demanded by the LTTE, said a spokesperson of the Sri Lanka Healthcare and Nutrition Ministry.
August 19
At least seven LTTE cadres and a soldier were killed and eight soldiers injured during an encounter in the area west of Omanthai in Vavuniya district.
The SLAF is ready to face any air threat from the LTTE with more than 80 percent of the Air Defence System completed with India’s support, said SLAF Commander Air Vice Marshal Roshan Goonetilleke.
The government over the weekend stated a mass recruitment drive of Tamils and Muslims to the police force in the Batticaloa district with more than 500 applications being received. A police official said the government expected to open more than 50 police stations in the newly captured areas including Thoppigala, Vakarai and Verugal.
August 20
A group of LTTE cadres, disguised as police officials, fired indiscriminately towards a police post in the Ulukkulam area of Vavuniya district killing four home guards and a civilian and injuring one police personnel.
Two local employees working for the Danish Halo Trust De-mining Non-Governmental Organization in Jaffna were killed by suspected LTTE cadres along the Kasthuri road in Jaffna.
Thambipillai Thiyagachandran, the elder brother of Batticaloa district Member of Parliament from the TNA, Jeyananda Moorthi, was shot dead by a suspected ‘pistol gang’ cadre of the LTTE at Oddamavadi in the Valaichchenai area of Batticaloa district.
August 21
LTTE cadres opened mortar fire towards troops in the Kuduruvitankulam area of Vavuniya district. Three LTTE cadres were killed and several others injured in the retaliatory fire by troops. Nine soldiers were also injured during the exchange of fire.
Three SF personnel were killed and several others injured when LTTE cadres fired mortars towards troops at Thampanai in the Vavuniya district.
August 22
Three LTTE cadres were killed during a confrontation with the SFs in the Kachchudankulam are of Mannar district.
August 23
Citing Royal Canadian Mounted Police sources, the Jane's Intelligence Review stated that the LTTE controls portion of US $ one billion drug market in the Canadian city of Montreal.
August 24
The ICRC has agreed to extend its presence at Omanthai crossing point in the Vavuniya district to five days a week. On the request of the Sri Lankan government and the LTTE, ICRC had agreed to extend its presence at Omanthai from August 27, the ICRC head of delegation Toon Vandenhove announced in Colombo.
August 25
The Defence Ministry claimed that the LTTE’s "plot to utilise chemical weapons in their future battlefields" has been tracked by intelligence sources. In a report attributed to a news website operated out of the nation, the Ministry said there was enough evidence to prove that the LTTE "already has built up stocks of cyanide and potassium during the ceasefire period". The Ministry also said the LTTE had an underground laboratory in the Adampan area bordering Mannar-Kilinochchi districts.
August 26
Troops reportedly clashed with LTTE cadres in the northwestern district of Mannar and on the border of neighbouring Vavuniya. "Our troops confronted two batches of LTTE cadres coming towards their front line… Nine of their cadres were killed. Five soldiers were injured," disclosed military spokesperson Brigadier Prasad Samarasinghe.
Secretary to the Ministry of Defence, Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, said that the operations to liberate the Northern Province areas from the LTTE control will begin shortly.
August 28
Civilian sources in Wanni revealed that eight LTTE tax collectors had been executed publicly by the supporters of the outfit’s intelligence leader, Pottu Amman, at Vattakachchi in Kilinochchi two weeks ago. Pottu Amman later informed the public that the eight cadres had to be executed because they had misappropriated funds of the terror outfit. However, a civilian who had managed to escape to government controlled areas recently told the Website that the actual reason for the killing was because they criticized the LTTE leaders who used funds for personal ends.
The Government launched an investigation into reports that the LTTE cadres received ‘police’ training in the UK after the 2002 CFA.
August 28
Troops foiled an attempt by six LTTE cadres to infiltrate the SF’s FDL at Muhamalai in the Jaffna district and killed three of them.
The STF personnel rescued seven LTTE child combatants, between the ages 14 and 16 years, along with another 20-year old cadre of the outfit who had been forced to engage in a terrorist attack against the security forces in the Kangikaidichchi Aru area of Ampara district.
August 29
Seven LTTE cadres were killed and several others wounded when troops foiled an attempt by a group of the outfit’s cadres to infiltrate the SF’s Muhamalai FDL in the Jaffna district.
Three LTTE cadres were killed and an unspecified number of them injured when troops retaliated an attack by the outfit in the Kandapurumakulam area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was injured in the incident.
At least 547 civilians have been killed and 396 reported missing in the government-controlled areas of Sri Lanka in 2007, a report compiled by three civil society organizations has revealed. The report jointly compiled by The Law and Society Trust, the Civil Monitoring Commission and the Free Media Movement includes the names, locations and other details of civilians either killed or reported missing in the first half of 2007.
Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama said that the government has no plans for a major offensive on LTTE-held territory in the Northern Province.
A US Senate Foreign Relations Committee report reveals that the government of Eritrea is providing direct military assistance to the LTTE. The Committee came to this conclusion after a study during 2006 in 20 countries of Asia, Africa, Middle East and Latin America on American military assistance to combat terrorism.
The government announced that a committee has been appointed to inquire into allegations of abduction and recruitment of children for use in armed conflict. The committee will comprise nine senior officials.
The government has decided to exclude references like nationality, ethnic origin, religion and language in all future registration of households by the police. The new directive is an attempt to ensure that there would be a uniform system of registration throughout the country.
August 30
Three LTTE cadres were killed as troops foiled an attempt by a group of outfit’s cadres to infiltrate the Muhamale FDL in the Jaffna district.
Two members of the EPDP, Sinnathambi Siriniwasan and Mitharawel Wasandan, were shot dead by LTTE ‘pistol gang’ cadres at Iyankerni in the Eravur area of Batticaloa district.
August 31
11 LTTE cadres, including a provincial leader, were killed and nine soldiers injured during a clash between the SFs and outfit’s cadres at Omanthai in the Vavuniya district. The army also destroyed several bunkers of the outfit.
September 1
Five LTTE cadres were killed during clashes with the SFs at Kuduruvitankulam and Periyathampanai in the Vavuniya district and Parappakandal in the Mannar district.
September 3
The dead bodies of 12 civilians, including eight women and three children, killed during the clashes between troops and the LTTE at Silavaturai in the Mannar district on September 1 were handed over to the ICRC.
September 4
Troops foiled an attempt by LTTE cadres to set up a bunker in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district. Three of them were killed and several others injured in the incident.
Troops retaliated and killed three LTTE cadres in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district when they tried to launch an attack towards troops conducting search operations in the area.
Two LTTE cadres were killed by troops in a retaliatory fire at the Muhamalai FDL in the Jaffna district.
Two LTTE cadres were killed in a retaliatory fire by troops when they were fired upon by the outfit’s cadres at Kolankerni in the Sittandy area of Batticaloa district.
The LTTE is planning to use chemical weapons against government troops, Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickramanayaka told Parliament. "We have evidence that the LTTE has plans to use chemical weapons against the security forces. During the past several weeks the security forces have detected them transporting large quantities of acid," Wickramanayake said, adding, the timely action by the defence authorities had foiled LTTE plans to use chemical weapons to create mass destruction.
Emergency regulations, imposed since August 13, 2005 after the assassination of the then Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar, were extended for another month on September 4.
September 5
Two LTTE cadres were killed when troops confronted a group of the outfit’s cadres in the Kaduruvitankulam area of Vavuniya district.
September 6
Nine LTTE cadres, attempting to infiltrate the FDL in the Wanni area, were killed in clashes with troops in three separate incidents. In the first incident, five LTTE cadres were killed when troops fired upon a group of the outfit’s cadres moving towards the FDL in the Navatkulam area of Vavuniya district. Two more cadres were killed in another clash at Kuduruvitankulam. Troops confronted another group of LTTE cadres in the same area in which two more of them were killed. One soldier was injured.
September 7
Five LTTE cadres were killed as troops foiled their attempt to infiltrate into the Kuduruvitankulam, Thampanai and Umayarathuvarankulam areas of Vavuniya district. Three soldiers were also killed during the incident.
Three civilians were killed in the Wantharamulai area of Batticaloa district when their tractor accidentally hit a LTTE planted pressure mine.
Leaflets were distributed in Batticaloa allegedly in the name of Chennan Force, armed wing of the TMVP, threatening people not to support the TNA, TULF, EPDP, PLOTE and EPRLF political parties. "If this warning is neglected, they will be killed", the leaflet stated. However, rejecting the allegation, a leader of the Karuna group's political wing, Padminee, in an interview said the group was not involved in such a campaign.
September 8
Five LTTE cadres were killed when troops launched an attack towards a group of armed cadres of the outfit close to the security forces FDL in the Nagarkovil area of Jaffna district.
September 9
Six LTTE cadres were killed in two separate clashes between troops and outfit’s cadres in the Jaffna and Vavuniya districts. The army retaliated when two groups of LTTE terrorists attempted to launch attacks at the Vempathukerni FDL in Jaffna and at Appadi-Illuppaikulam FDL in Vavunia. Four cadres were killed near Jaffna FDL and two more were killed near Vavuniya FDL at about the same time.
September 10
The LTTE’s procurement and finance chief Shanmugan Kumaran Pathmanadan, also known as KP, was reportedly arrested in Thailand. KP who has obtained Thai citizenship runs the global network of LTTE offices and its weapons procurement, logistics and money laundering operations. He has been on Interpol's Most Wanted list for a number of years.
The LTTE alleged that nearly 2000 Tamils have been killed since President Mahinda Rajapakse came to power in 2005. It claimed that at least 1,974 Tamils were killed, including 842 civilians who were either arrested or abducted and then "disappeared," since Rajapakse won the November 2005 presidential elections. It also said that more than 45 aid workers, 11 media workers and four Tamil politicians were among the victims. The figure includes 17 employees of the French charity Action Against Hunger who were shot dead in Muttur in August 2006.
Troops in the Navathkulam area of Mannar district confronted a group of LTTE cadres and killed one of them. Further, troops retaliated and chased away another group of the outfit’s cadres who offered assistance to their fellow-cadres around the same time. One more cadre was killed during the counter-fire.
September 11
The SLN claimed that it had virtually wiped out the LTTE’s ability to smuggle arms into the country after sinking three gun-running vessels - Mayoshi, Seishin, and Koshi, as indicated in the LTTE Naval registry - and killing up to 45 of the outfit’s cadres during the past 24-hours. The SLN chief Admiral Wasantha Karannagoda said the LTTE was bringing three light aircraft, artillery and a bullet proof vehicle in the ships sunk some 600-kilomtres off the island's south-eastern coast in Matara district. He also said that the LTTE’s smuggling operations will be severely affected as they are left with just one ship. The navy has so far destroyed a total of nine LTTE ships, he informed.
Seven LTTE cadres attempting to infiltrate into the FDL at Muhamalai in the Jaffna district were killed by SFs in two separate incidents. SF personnel confronted a group of LTTE cadres at Kaththiriththan Muhamalai at around 8.15 am and killed three of them. Similarly, four more LTTE cadres were killed in another encounter in the same area at around 10 am.
September 12
Troops confronted a group of outfit’s cadres at Periyathampani of Vavuniya district and killed at least five of them. One soldier was killed during the confrontation.
September 13
Two LTTE cadres were killed as troops launched an artillery fire attack on a suspected hide-out of the outfit in the Palamoddai area of Mannar district.
September 14
10 LTTE cadres were killed as troops foiled attempt by cadres of the outfit to infiltrate into the SF’s FDL at Muhamalai in the Jaffna district. Two soldiers were also injured in the incident.
Troops in the Kallikulam area confronted LTTE cadres on two occasions when they attempted to infiltrate into the government controlled areas killing eight of them. In the first incident at around 8.40 am troops directed a small arms attack on a group of infiltrating outfit’s cadres killing at least six of them. Similarly, two more outfit’s cadres were killed when troops observed another group of outfit’s cadres at the same location at about 12.45 pm and opened fire towards them.
Troops retaliated and killed six LTTE cadres in the Kadeperuma Kulam area of Vavuniya district when cadres of the outfit opened fire towards SF personnel killing three of them.
The LTTE cadres triggered a powerful claymore explosion mine targeting a convoy of troops moving from Palaly to Point Pedro in the Jaffna district killing two of them and inuring seven others.
The Defense Secretary Gothabaya Rajapaksa told a group of business leaders that the government was committed to curbing terrorism within a stipulated time period and it would undoubtedly open new doors of opportunity to the business community.
September 15
Three LTTE cadres were killed in an attack by the troops at a camp located in Navathkulam in the Vavuniya district.
September 16
Five LTTE cadres were killed during confrontation between the troops and outfit’s cadres in the Kuduruvitankulam area of Vavuniya district.
Two LTTE cadres were killed and several others injured when troops confronted a group of outfit’s cadres in the Umayarathuwamkulam area of Vavuniya district. One soldier who sustained injuries in the incident died later.
Troops confronted different groups of LTTE cadres in the Periyathampane area of Vavuniya district and killed at least two outfit’s cadres.
September 17
The country can achieve permanent peace only through defeating terrorism 100 per cent militarily, Defense Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa said in Trincomalee.
The President Mahinda Rajapakse, who had earlier favoured the district as the unit of devolution, is now understood to favour the province as the unit, to accord with the wishes of the minority Tamils and the international community, particularly India.
The JVP reportedly said that the government should hold elections to the provincial council in the East as soon as possible, under the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, to consolidate the recent gains made by the military against the LTTE.
September 18
Unidentified assailants shot dead two Tamil civilians, identified as Kathiravelu and Suntharam, at Pankulam in the Trincomalee district.
September 19
Troops confronted a group of LTTE cadres in the Maradamadu area of Vavuniya district and killed three of them.
The government has spent over Rupees 50 billon to procure arms and ammunition for the present military exercise during this year alone, Deputy Finance Minister Ranjith Siyambalapitiya told the Parliament.
The LTTE confirmed that the Sea-Tiger leader Soosai was injured in an accidental explosion off the Mullaitivu seas recently while his son was killed. In comments over the Voice of Tiger radio, a LTTE ‘official’ Radha said Soosai had now fully recovered. According to the radio report, Soosai was injured during a Sea-Tiger training exercise.
September 20
Troops on duty at Kuduruvitankulam FDL in the Vavuniya district foiled an infiltration attempt by cadres of the LTTE killing five of them and inuring several others. Two soldiers were injured in the incident.
September 21
Troops foiled an attempt by the LTTE to infiltrate the FDL in the Nagarkovil area of Jaffna district, killing two of its cadres.
September 22
Two LTTE cadres were killed and several others injured when clashes erupted between SFs and the outfit’s cadres at Tampane in the Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed while eight others sustained injuries during the confrontation.
Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa said that the government would not continue its military offensive against the LTTE if it resumed negotiations.
September 23
Three LTTE cadres were killed and one soldier was injured during an encounter in the Giant Tank area of Mannar district.
September 24
At least 20 LTTE cadres were killed and several others injured in a pre-dawn exchange of fire between SFs and the outfit’s cadres when the latter tried to infiltrate the SF’s Kilaly FDL in the Jaffna district. While one soldier was killed and five others wounded during the confrontation, more than 10 LTTE bunkers were also destroyed.
Latest intelligence obtained by the SFs following the aerial shelling on LTTE’s Vishwamadhu ‘Imbran Pandyan’ military complex during the weekend on September 21-22 confirmed that four top ranking LTTE leaders were among those feared dead. The intelligence also re-affirmed that one of those dead cadres has been posthumously promoted to the rank of a ‘Lieutenant Colonel’ by the LTTE hierarchy.
12 LTTE cadres were killed and 36 others injured during clashes between the security forces and outfit’s cadres near Giant Tank in the Mannar district. Three soldiers were killed and four others injured during the clash.
September 25
At least 10 LTTE cadres were killed and an unspecified number of them injured when troops confronted the outfit’s cadres, attempting to infiltrate the SF’s FDL on two occasions in the Vilattikulam area of Vavuniya district. Four soldiers were also injured in the incident.
Four LTTE cadres were killed and several others injured when troops in the Ponnar area of the same district confronted a group of the outfit’s cadres.
Troops foiled an attempt by LTTE cadres to infiltrate the SF held areas in Pokkaravani, west of Omanthai in the Vavuniya district and killed three of them. Five soldiers were also injured.
A female lecturer in Jaffna University, Sharadha Maransodhi, and a government technical officer, Kandan Nishandan, were killed and three soldiers wounded in a LTTE-triggered claymore blast in Jaffna. The attack was reportedly directed towards an army route clearing patrol at Sithankerni junction along the Manippay - Karainagar main road.
September 26
Seven LTTE cadres were killed and an unspecified number of them injured when troops confronted three different groups of the outfit’s cadres at different places in the Pokkaravani area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed and another wounded in the incident.
Four LTTE cadres were killed by troops when they made a pre-dawn attempt to breach the Muhamalai FDL in the Jaffna district. An LTTE leader, identified as Ravi, was among those killed.
September 27
18 Sea–Tigers, including a self-styled ‘Lieutenant Colonel’ Nishanthan, were killed and three of their boats destroyed during a sea battle off Pulmodai, north of Kuchchaveli and Trincomalee.
SFs confronted a group of LTTE cadres at the Elutthumadduval FDL in Jaffna district and killed six of them. Two soldiers sustained injuries in the incident.
Troops foiled an infiltration attempt by LTTE cadres at the Nagarkovil FDL in the Jaffna district and killed five of them.
Three civilians were killed and 17 others, including six women, sustained injuries in a LTTE-triggered claymore mine explosion at Chunnakam market in Jaffna. One of the civilians, identified as Kanekarasa, died of his injuries later.
Troops killed three LTTE cadres during a encounter at Periyathampane area of Vavuniya district.
September 28
Troops retaliated and killed six LTTE cadres when the latter opened fire towards them in the Narikkulam area north of Mannar district.
Three LTTE cadres were killed by the troops when a group of the outfit’s cadres attempted to breach the SF’s FDL at Navathkulam in the Vavuniya district.
The Army Commander, Lieutenant General Sarath Fonseka, said that the aim of the operations in Wanni is to free the 350,000 residents who are under the rule of the LTTE and to prevent the attacks on border areas. He said that the outfit’s fighting cadre has dropped about 50 percent and the Army has restricted their territory by 70 percent. 3,000 LTTE cadres were killed and around 1,000 injured in the recent past, he informed, adding, that the outfit has also lost a huge coastal area restricting the Sea-Tigers influence.
A large number of LTTE cadres have begun surrendering to the Human Rights Commission in Jaffna as they are fast losing faith among the Tamil community, said military spokesperson Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara., adding, there is a rapid decrease in the number of youth joining the LTTE.
September 29
At least six LTTE cadres were killed when troops launched a defensive battle against the outfit’s cadres who tried to storm the military held areas in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district.

September 30
At least 10 cadres of the LTTE were killed and 20 others wounded when troops manning the FDL in Nagarkovil of Jaffna opened fire at the LTTE cadres. One soldier was killed and seven others injured in the incident.
Troops confronted a group of LTTE cadres in the Kallikulam area of Mannar district and killed at least five of them.
At Pallaikkuli in the Mannar district troops killed two more LTTE cadres who tried to infiltrate the security forces-held areas.
October 1
Four LTTE cadres were killed and several others injured when troops confronted a group of the outfit’s cadres in the Kurunchankulam area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed in the incident.
Thee LTTE cadres were killed by troops in the Manthai area of Mannar district.
Two LTTE cadres were killed during an encounter that occurred in the Thampanai area of Vavuniya district.
At Vilattikulam in the Vavuniya district, troops confronted a group of LTTE cadres aboard a tractor and killed two of them.
October 2
Troops on duty in the Kuduruvittankulam area were fired upon by LTTE cadres in which one soldier was killed and three more injured. Troops in retaliatory fire killed two cadres.
October 3
Troops deployed in the Vilachchikulam, Periyathampani, Pokkaravani and Navathkulam areas West of Omanthai in the Vavuniya district were continuously attacked by cadres of the LTTE using small arms, mortars and artillery. At least 12 cadres were killed and 24 others injured during clashes between the troops and LTTE cadres. Three soldiers were also killed while five others sustained injuries in the incident.
A pre-dawn attempt by LTTE cadres to breach the FDLs in the Kilaly area of Jaffna district was foiled by troops injuring or killing at least two of them. Two soldiers sustained injuries during the confrontation.
The government disclosed that the LTTE was conspiring to unilaterally declare an independent State in the North on January 18, 2008.
October 4
16 LTTE cadres were killed and one of their vehicles seized during three separate clashes between SFs and the outfit’s cadres in the Thampanai and Vilachchikulam areas of Vavuniya district.
October 5
LTTE communications confirmed that four of their cadres were killed during clashes with troops in the Vaiyattankulam area of Vavuniya district.
Troops killed four LTTE cadres and injured two others during a confrontation at an identified LTTE location north west of Giant's Tank in Vavuniya district.
Three LTTE cadres, including a leader identified as Kalivanan, were killed during an encounter with the troops on at Ethawetunuwewa in the Welioya region of Vavuniya district.
Military spokesman, Brigadier Udaya Nanayakkara, stated that 70 LTTE cadres have died and many injured in military operations conducted in the North and the East last week.
October 6
At least six cadres of the LTTE were killed or seriously wounded when troops repulsed a LTTE offensive on the FDLs north of Uyilankulam in the Mannar district.
Troops deployed at Adampan south in the Vavuniya district retaliated and killed six LTTE cadres when the outfit’s cadres launched an attack on troops.
October 7
The central committee of the TMVP, a breakaway faction of the LTTE led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna, which met on October 7-night, decided to suspend its founder-leader ‘Colonel’ Karuna Amman from the organization and formally appointed its former ‘supreme commander’ Pillayan as leader. Earlier, Karuna had appointed Iniyabarathy - one of the suspects in the killing of journalist Dharmaratnam Sivaram - as the TMVP’s new political head.
The SLN destroyed another arms carrying ship of the LTTE in the seas 1,700-km off Dondra Head, the southern extremity of Sri Lanka. The LTTE vessel identified as MV "Matshusima", a 70-m long vessel with displacement of 3,000 tons, was intercepted and destroyed by the SLN Task units after a long hot pursuit, security sources said. "The ship caught fire and sank. There were about 12 to 15 (people on board) and no one survived," said SLN spokesperson Commander D.K.P Dassanayake.
Troops killed two LTTE cadres during an encounter in the Janaka Pura area of Vavuniya district.
October 8
Four LTTE cadres were killed during a clash between the SFs and outfit’s cadres in the Taladi area of Mannar district.
Two LTTE cadres were killed and three bunkers of the outfit were destroyed by troops in the Kilali area of Jaffna district.
October 9
According to latest intelligence reports of the security forces, an estimated total of 69 LTTE cadres were confirmed killed following two separate aerial and artillery attacks at Chempankundu in the Poonaryn area of Kilinochchi district on September 25 while a rehearsal of a LTTE "Passing out Parade" was in progress. Reports added that several LTTE leaders were in attendance at the occasion.
At least 10 LTTE cadres were killed by troops when a group of militants attempted to breach the security forces FDL in the Eluththumaduwal area of Jaffna district.
The Finance and State Revenue Minister Ranjith Siyambalapitiya told Parliament that the former UNP government had given millions of rupees to the LTTE Peace Secretariat and the TRO without seeking approval from Parliament.
The Victorian government in Australia has reportedly given thousands of dollars to an organisation accused of being a front of the LTTE movement. The Government awarded $2000 in two separate grants to the Eelam Tamil Association of Victoria (ETAV) to fund a dinner dance and to help with administrative expenses.
The United States reiterated that despite recent military victories both the Sri Lankan government and the LTTE must realize there can be no military solution to Sri Lanka's conflict. Ambassador Robert Blake said in Colombo that the Sri Lankan military has achieved important victories in the past year, adding that "such victories and U.S. support for Sri Lanka should demonstrate to the LTTE that they cannot hope to win this conflict".
October 10
The military reiterated that it will continue to crush terrorism to convince the terrorists that the conflict cannot be resolved through military means. "The Army will crush terrorism to convince the terrorists that their problems could not be solved through terrorist acts," Army Chief Sarath Fonseka said.
October 11
A group of armed LTTE cadres advancing towards the Muhamalai FDL in the Jaffna district were fired upon by army troops. Two LTTE cadres were killed in the incident.
Two LTTE boats carrying a six and half feet-long remote controlled aircraft, one toy-type helicopter, four communication sets, 15 Hydraulic oil cans, four satellite mobile phones, 45 antennas, 10 global positioning systems and 100 printed circuit boards were seized by naval troops about 5-km north of Talaimannar in the Mannar district. The Navy spokesperson Commander D.K.P Dassanayaka said, "This is the first time in the history of the military operations against the LTTE, Sri Lanka Navy has been able to capture an aircraft in the possession of the enemy."
October 12
SFs killed three LTTE cadres and injured seven others when an armed clash erupted between army troops and the outfit’s cadres in the Narikkulam area of Vavuniya district. Three soldiers were also injured.
Troops repulsed an attempt by the LTTE to infiltrate the SF’s FDL at Vannakulam in the Vavuniya district and killed three militants.
Three LTTE cadres were killed and another injured by troops when they attempted to infiltrate into SF’s FDL in the Giant Tank area of Vavuniya district.
Three LTTE cadres were shot dead by troops ahead of the Thirukethiswaram FDL in the Mannar district.
October 13
Three cadres of the LTTE were killed and three others injured during an encounter at Gurunagar in Jaffna. Sri Lanka Army sources said that the encounter occurred after several sea Tiger boats operating beyond restricted sea areas deceptively entered the general fishing areas and confronted troops providing security to fishermen. One of the LTTE boats was destroyed.
Five cadres of the LTTE were killed and a soldier sustained injuries during clashes between SFs and the militants who attempted to breach the SF’s FDL in the Periyathampani area of Mannar district.
Troops at Villattikulam, West of Omanthai, in the Vavuniya district confronted a group of LTTE cadres and killed four of them.
Troops killed two LTTE cadres in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district.
President Mahinda Rajapakse said that his government was open to talk to the LTTE if they opted for "genuine negotiations". He said: "If those who carry arms against the state are willing to enter a process of genuine negotiations towards a peaceful and democratic solution, the government and the people (of Sri Lanka) will reciprocate." He further said that Colombo was meeting the "terrorist challenge" from the LTTE "with increasing success today."
October 14
Troops killed two LTTE cadres in the Ponnar area of the Vavuniya district when they were trying to enter cleared areas (area under government control).
Three soldiers were inured when LTTE cadres opened fire towards troops in the Thampane area of Vavuniya district. Troops killed two LTTE cadres in the retaliatory fire.
Troops foiled an attempt by LTTE cadres to enter the Muhamalai FDL in Jaffna district killing two of them.
October 15
At least 20 LTTE cadres were killed and several others wounded during clashes with the SFs in the Mullikulam area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed and seven others injured in the incident.
Four LTTE cadres were killed by troops when a group of militants attempted to breach the SF’s Muhamalai FDL in the Jaffna district.
Two police personnel were shot at and injured dead by the ‘pistol gang’ cadres of the LTTE in the Koddaveli area of Mannar district. The injured police personnel died of their injuries later.
Two police personnel were shot at and injured by ‘pistol gang’ cadres of the LTTE at Bandarukulam, about 2-km west of Vavuniya.
Two soldiers were injured when LTTE cadres opened fire towards them in the Veerapuram area of Vavuniya district.
The perception of an increased threat from the LTTE has forced the NTPC Ltd, India's largest power generation company, to relocate its proposed 500 MW coal-based thermal power plant in Sri Lanka.
The military killed 137 LTTE cadres but lost 10 soldiers during the past 12 days of fighting, military sources said, adding, there have been no civilian casualties during the period of the latest military casualties.
  Troops foiled an attempt by the LTTE to overrun the Thalgasmankada army detachment, south of Panama, about 40-km north of Kataragama in the Hanbantota district. Six soldiers were killed and another injured in the incident. Further, on October 16, an army vehicle which was on a rescue in the area hit a landmine laid by the outfit. One soldier was killed in the explosion.
Six LTTE cadres were killed when troops opened fire towards another group of militants while they were trying to breach the FDL in the Vavuniya district.
Four LTTE cadres were killed by troops in the Villattikulam area of the Vavuniya district.
October 16
According to latest reports from ground troops in the Mullikulam area of Vavuniya district, 30 LTTE cadres were killed during the clashes that erupted on October 15. Earlier, it was reported that 20 cadres and a soldier was killed in the incident.
Troops foiled two abortive infiltration attempts by cadres of the LTTE into the FDL at Muhamalai in the Jaffna district killing at least six cadres.
The Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama said that it is time to stop a "piecemeal" approach against the LTTE and tackle the situation militarily for a "comprehensive" solution. He, however, added that getting back to the negotiating table is still a possibility and said, "The LTTE is getting pushed to the wall and should get a pragmatic realisation that political negotiations are the only way to get out of it."
October 17
Troops in the Navatkulam and Karampikulam areas of Vavuniya district confronted LTTE cadres at about 9.40 am and 4.30 pm when they attempted to breach the SF’s FDL and killed at least three of them.
October 18
At least 13 LTTE cadres were killed in a clash between the SLA and the LTTE cadres when the militants tried to storm the security lines in the general area of Periyathampani in the Vavuniya district. Six soldiers of the SLA were wounded in the fighting.
Four persons were killed and three others wounded when their boat was caught in a cross fire between the LTTE militants and the Sri Lanka Navy off the north-western coast near Pesalai in Mannar district. They were reportedly fleeing the LTTE-controlled Kilinochchi district to seek refuge in India.
Naval Inshore Patrol Crafts (IPC) detected and attacked a cluster of the LTTE boats making-way towards Pesalai north from Vidattalitivu in the Mannar district. The naval spokesperson D.K.P Dassanayake said that suspicious LTTE boats fired at IPCs which retaliated and forced the outfit’s boats to retreat. However, a boat with the dead bodies of four cadres and three survivors was seized.
October 19
The LTTE is linked to outfits like al Qaeda, the ULFA in India, the Afghan Mujahideens and the Kurdish Workers Party, said Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama.
After a survey of the civil administration of the East, Karu Jayasuriya, Minister of Public Administration and Home Affaires disclosed that by January 1, 2008 civil administration of East will be almost completely established.
October 20
Eight LTTE cadres were killed when troops retaliated to intermittent fire by the outfit’s cadre at Periyathampanai in the Vavuniya district. Four soldiers were also injured in the incident.
Troops observed a movement of LTTE cadres in the Uyilankulam area of Mannar district and opened fire towards them, killing eight cadres.
October 21
Troops in the Periyathampanai area of Vavuniya district foiled an LTTE attempt to breach the FDL, killing three cadres. Three soldiers were also killed and an equal number of them injured in the clash.
At least six LTTE cadres were reported killed in an accidental explosion in the Thampanai area of Vavuniya district. Reports said that a LTTE artillery round triggered the explosion at Weerawendan 81-mm mortar base of the outfit.
Civil society organizations said that the recently slain Mannar Diocesan Priest Nicholaspillai Packiaranjith is the fourth religious leader to be killed or subjected to enforced disappearance since August 2006 in the North and East of Sri Lanka. He is also the 58th humanitarian worker to be killed or subjected to enforced disappearance during the period.
October 22
Elite army troops of the Special Forces confronted LTTE cadres who infiltrated and carried out a suicide attack on the SLAF base at Anuradhapura and evicted them from the premises killing 20 militants. Nine SF personnel, including two officers, were killed and 20 others wounded in the encounter. Subsequently the LTTE carried out an aerial attack dropping two shells damaging two MI 24 helicopters parked in the hangar. One more BELL-212 helicopter that was to reinforce SLAF fighter craft resisting LTTE air movement had to crash-land at Doramadalawa area, closer to Mihintale, due to a technical fault, killing both pilots and two gunners. This was the first time the outfit had carried out a combined air and ground attack.
At least 15 cadres of the LTTE who had infiltrated into the cleared areas (area under government control) of Kaduruvitankulam in the Vavuniya district were killed by the troops.
At least 10 LTTE cadres were killed by the troops at Narikulam in the Vavuniya district.
After observing a group of LTTE cadres at Parappakandal in the Mannar district troops opened fire towards them, killing five militants.
October 23
Nine LTTE cadres were killed during an encounter between the troops and outfit’s cadres in the Thampanai and Villattikulam areas of Vavuniya district.
Sri Lankan Parliament passed a legislation to enable parties like the LTTE and TMVP to register and contest elections in the country. The Local Government (Special Provisions) Act incorporating an amendment to this effect was passed.
October 24
Three LTTE cadres were killed when a group of militants attempted to infiltrate the Kilali FDL in the Jaffna district.
Troops killed three LTTE cadres in an encounter at Giant Tank in the Mannar district.
SLAF fighter crafts carried out two air strikes on identified LTTE targets at Pannichchankulam, north of Mankulam in the Mullaitivu district. One LTTE training center where the outfit used to train Black-Tigers (suicide cadres) was completely destroyed in the attack.
Investigations conducted on the LTTE attack on Anuradhapura SLAF base have revealed that a total number of eight aircrafts were damaged in addition to the BELL 212 helicopter that perished at Doramadalawa in Mihinthale. Three PT 6 basic trainer craft, one K8 advanced trainer craft, one MI 24, one MI 17, one BELL 206 and one beach craft that had been parked inside the camp had been irreparably damaged. One MI 24 helicopter that was earlier declared damaged can be made operational after repair.
October 26
Six soldiers were killed in an accidental explosion caused by a mine that was unearthed from a FDL in the Irana junction area of Vavuniya district.
Three LTTE cadres were killed when troops confronted a group of militants in the Kaduruvitankulam area of Vavuniya district.
Troops killed three LTTE cadres during an encounter at Palamoddai in the Vavuniya district.
The LTTE attack on the Anuradhapura Air Force Base on October 22 has in no way reduced the attack capability of the SLAF, said the SLAF Commander Air Vice Marshal Roshan Gunatilleke. He added that an air defence system which would enable the SLAF to face any terrorist air attack will be completed within one year. Around 70 per cent of the system is already in place covering vital areas in the country though certain other areas could still be vulnerable to aerial attacks, he informed.
The UNHCR office in Sri Lanka stated that 190,669 individuals of 51,908 families have been displaced in 2007 due to the ethnic conflict. The highest number of displacements was reported from Kilinochchi district - 48,512 persons. Another 38,230 individuals were displaced in the Batticaloa district while 32,323 individuals have been displaced in Mullaitivu district.
October 27
Troops killed four LTTE cadres in the Parappakandal area of Vavuniya district.
Three LTTE cadres were killed by troops in the Mullikulam area of Vavuniya district.
At Palamoddai in the Vavuniya district, troops repulsed a LTTE infiltration attempt by killing three cadres.
October 28
Six LTTE cadres were killed as army soldiers destroyed a LTTE bunker ahead of the FDL at Narikkulama, west of Adampan, in the Vavuniya district.
At least six LTTE cadres were killed when troops confronted a group of the outfit’s cadres near FDLs in the Mannar district.
Four LTTE cadres were killed during an encounter with the troops at the Muhamalai FDL in the Jaffna district.
Four LTTE cadres were killed when troops opened fire on a group of militants who tried to infiltrate the Muhamalai FDL, north of A-9 road, in the Jaffna district.
Troops killed three LTTE cadres in the Murukkankulam area of Mannar district.
There are over 1.3 million illegal weapons in use in Sri Lanka, a South Asian watch group on the use of small arms said. The availability of illegal small arms has led to the escalation of the rate of crime in the island, it added.
The Defence Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa said that terrorism should be wiped out militarily as it was clearly evident that the LTTE was never in search of a politically negotiated peaceful solution to the ethnic crisis.
Some 16 political parties allied to the government led by President Mahinda Rajapakse are supporting the government's action to eliminate terrorism, said a statement.
October 29
The SLAF fighter jets pounded the gathering point of LTTE intelligence wing leaders North of Puthukkudiyiruppu in the Mullaitivu district, said the SLAF Group Captain Ajantha Silva.
Troops launched an attack on a group of LTTE cadres who were advancing towards the SF’s FDL at Muhamalai in the Jaffna district. In the ensuing confrontation, troops killed eight cadres, while one soldier also sustained injuries. Artillery, mortar and multi purpose machine gun rounds fell on four LTTE bunkers raising them to the ground.
Three LTTE cadres were killed during another encounter between troops and the outfit’s cadres in the Karampaikkulam area of Vavuniya district.
October 30
Clashes erupted between troops and LTTE cadres at Muhamalai FDLs in which four LTTE bunkers were raised to ground. Six cadres of the outfit were killed in the incident.
LTTE cadres shot dead two Tamil civilians, identified as Irridiyam Vedarasa alias Ranjan and Sittambaram Pillai Selvaraja, at Muruganur in the Sittambarampuram area of Vavuniya district. The victims were former PLO TE members.
Troops killed two LTTE cadres and destroyed two bunkers of the outfit at the Nagarkovil FDL in Jaffna.
President Mahinda Rajapakse said that the government will soon bring about a political solution through the APRC. He reiterated that said that the commitment of the government to bring lasting peace to the country was neither capricious nor wayward. Though the government makes every effort to bring about lasting peace through a political solution, it will never sacrifice the victories achieved by the security forces in safeguarding the motherland to reach that objective, he pointed out, adding further that a political solution will be based on the policies adopted by the government.
The UNP, the major opposition party said that the only solution to the present conflict in Sri Lanka is to go for a cessation of hostilities and finding a political solution. The UNP media chief Lakshman Kiriella said that every survey conducted by government and non-government institutes have pointed to the fact that 98 percent people wish a peaceful solution to the ethnic problem.
Condemning the LTTE attack on the Anuradhapura airbase, the TULF leader V. Anandasangaree urged the LTTE chief, Velupillai Prabhakaran, to give up violence and come to the negotiating table. In an open letter addressed to Prabhakaran, Anandasangaree charged him with pursuing an elusive goal of Eelam to "safeguard" his prestige and said even now, it was not too late for him to settle for a reasonable solution to the ethnic conflict.
The government urged the LTTE to renounce terrorism and enter into a political dialogue even as the APRC was yet to put forward the final solution to the long standing North – East conflict. Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama said that although the APRC, was still formulating a political solution to the conflict, the government would continue to support the agenda of countering terrorism of all aspects.
October 31
Six LTTE cadres, including two female cadres, were killed by the troops during a spate of confrontations which occurred in the Kaduruvitankulam area of Vavuniya district.
At Umayaratuvarankulam in the Vavuniya district, troops killed four LTTE cadres and injured at least five others when they attempted to launch attacks on the troops conducting search operations in the area.
The Sri Lankan Government announced imposition of censorship on war reporting and revoked it within hours at a Cabinet meeting presided over by President Mahinda Rajapakse. The Director General of the Media Centre for National Security Lakshman Hulugalle said that the gazette notification imposing the censorship was issued on October 29 but the government had not acted on it. "The October 29 notification was essentially a fallout of the false reporting by the Asia Broadcasting Ltd. [The] President, who is a firm believer of freedom of the press, was of the view that rest of the media in the country has behaved responsibly and censorship was not warranted on account of the conduct of one media organisation," said Hulugalle.
President Mahinda Rajapakse denied allegations that five persons are killed every hour in Sri Lanka due to conflict and said that government has taken all measures to protect human rights, reports Colombo Page.
November 1
22 LTTE cadres and two soldiers were killed during clashes between the troops and LTTE cadres in the Giant Tank area of Mannar district. 10 soldiers sustained injuries during the clashes. Troops also captured several of the outfit’s bunker lines in the area. However, the LTTE claimed that at least 25 SLA soldiers were killed and more than 60 wounded during the clashes in which the outfit lost only seven cadres.
Troops on duty in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district at around 3.00am overran bunker lines of the LTTE and killed eight cadres destroying four of their bunkers in response to a string of heavy LTTE fire. Five soldiers sustained injuries in the incident.
One soldier was injured in a LTTE attack in the Welioya area of Vavuniya district. He succumbed to his injuries later.
November 2
S. P. Thamilselvan, the political wing leader of the LTTE and its de-facto number two, was killed in a SLAF air strike at Thiruvaiaru, a location three kilometres South of Kilinochchi around 6am on ‘very reliable information’, identifying the location as a meeting place of LTTE leaders. Simultaneously the fighter jets also pounded a Black Tiger camp in the East of Iranamadu. Five other leaders ‘Lt. Col.’ Anpumani alias Alex, ‘Major’ Mihuthan, ‘Major’ Nethagy, ‘Lieutenant’ Adchgivel and ‘Lieutenant’ Vahakai Kumaran were also killed in the air strike. Their meeting place has now been confirmed as an international communications centre run by ‘Lt. Col’ Alex. It was also a centre for logistics, arms procurement, fund raising and operational matters.
The LTTE posthumously promoted Thamilchelvan to the self styled rank of ‘Brigadier’ after his death. According to sources this is the first occasion the outfit has promoted one of their leaders to the rank of a ‘Brigadier’. It has also declared three days of mourning in areas they dominate.
The LTTE chief Prabhakaran has appointed P. Nadesan as the new Political Head. The LTTE’s military spokesman Irasiah Ilanthirayan said that Nadesan, who is currently in charge of Tamil Eelam Police, will be in charge of the two departments from now on.
Defence Secretary Gotabaya Rajapaksa, said the military would target the rest of the outfit’s leaders. "This is just a message, that we know where their leaders are. I know the locations of all the leaders, that if we want we can take them one by one, so they must change their hideouts," he told Reuters, adding, "When the time comes only, we take them one by one."
Four LTTE bunkers were destroyed and 14 cadres were killed by the SFs when a group of LTTE cadres attempted to advance the Muhamalai FDLs in the Jaffna district, military sources said.
Two LTTE cadres were killed by troops in the Manthali area of Mannar district.
Leader of the TMVP, Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan alias ‘Colonel’ Karuna was arrested in London. He was arrested for travelling on a forged passport, Home Office sources said.
November 4
Troops killed four LTTE cadres at the Muhamalai FDL in the Jaffna district when they were attacked by outfit cadres. One soldier was killed and another sustained injuries in the incident.
Three female LTTE cadres were killed by troops in a retaliatory fire when they destroyed a LTTE bunker at the Thampanai FDL in the Vavuniya district from where the outfit cadres were attacking the security forces. One soldier was killed and another injured due to LTTE mortar attack.
Five dead bodies with gunshot and cut injuries were recovered by the Police from the Thavasikulam area of Vavuniya district.
Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake said that the Air Force will continue to track down the hiding places of LTTE leaders and launch air attacks. "Our Security Forces are targeting the hiding places and safe houses of terrorist leaders to deal a mortal blow to the Tigers. They will not stop the relentless pursuit of terrorists," he stated. The Prime Minister said the Government did not want to go in for a fresh ceasefire, however, it was ready for unconditional talks, as it has always been, and added, "It is the not the Government that left the negotiating table. It is the LTTE which spurned the peace drive. Nevertheless, the Government will be ready if they want to negotiate. But we will not stop retaliating terror attacks even while discussions are going on. Our aim is to eliminate LTTE terrorism and bring peace to the country."
Velupillai Prabhakaran, the leader of the LTTE, meanwhile, threatened the killing of the group's political chief by the Sri Lankan military has set alight a ‘deep yearning for the goal'’ of a separate homeland, and added, "In a new form, he joins our liberation struggle which is moving on like a lengthy river of blaze. He has nourished that yearning. Strengthened by his nourishment we will continue to travel on our path toward the goal with renewed determination.''
Two boxes packed with anti aircraft ammunition, ready to be taken to un-cleared areas for LTTE use, were recovered from the general area of Kondachchikudah, at Silavathurai of Mannar district by the naval troops.
November 5
Troops in their retaliatory fire killed four LTTE cadres at the Nagarkovil FDL in the Jaffna district.
Four LTTE cadres were killed in a confrontation with the security forces in the general area of Vilaththikulam in Vavuniya district.
Suspected LTTE cadres killed three farmers at Thambaraweva village in the Hambanthota district. The three victims have been identified as W.K. Pemananda, Nupe Hewage Piyadasa and Kodithuwakku Kankanamge Piyasena. According to sources, an armed group of LTTE cadres came to their farm huts, took them away for an investigation and killed them a short distance away. Another farmer, who went to look for the abducted people, was injured by an anti-personnel mine.
Two LTTE cadres were killed and five others were injured in clashes with troops in the general area of Narikkulam in Mannar district.
In Villattikulam of Vavuniya district, troops confronted a group of LTTE rebels who tried to breach the security lines. During the gun battle, troops killed three terrorists and seriously injured another four who escaped into jungles.
In Vavuniya, a group of LTTE terrorists hiding in the jungles in Pokkaravani launched a small arms attack on troops who were clearing the area. One soldier, who was wounded seriously, later succumbed to the injuries.
A LTTE cadre, who tried to infiltrate the FDL in Nagarkovil of Jaffna district, was shot dead by the troops.
Security forces, in Katupalliya area in the Mannar district, detected 200 iron rods and a 15 horse power outboard motor, set to be transported to the terrorists in un-cleared areas.
Police recovered around 2600 litres diesel in 20 cans from a terrorist hide-out in Mannar area.
Similarly, troops in Vilattikulam area in the Vavuniya district recovered fifty anti personnel mines during day time searches.
Security forces closed down the Omanthai entry/exit point in Vavuniya district till further notice after a series of LTTE artillery attacks on it.
November 6
Troops in Batticaloa recovered one 60 mm mortar barrel, one 60 mm bipod, six arul mortar bombs and three hundred of live ammunition rounds from Napatthuvillu in the Batticaloa district.
The Omanthai Entry/Exit point, which was closed on November 5 because of the LTTE artillery attacks, was reopened for the public.
November 7
A fierce fighting broke out between the security forces and the LTTE along the front lines at Muhamale in the Jaffna district. According to army sources, around 58 LTTE cadres and 11 security force (SF) personnel were killed in the clash. SFs advanced up to about 5 km further towards the interior and destroyed over 20 bunkers of the LTTE. 41 soldiers were injured in the incident.
Troops killed two LTTE cadres when they were confronted with a group of terrorists trying to infiltrate into the military held areas at Periyathampane in the Vavuniya district.
Investigations have reportedly revealed that the Government of Sri Lanka had smuggled rebel LTTE commander ‘Colonel’ Karuna to the United Kingdom on a forged diplomatic passport where he was arrested on November 2. It has been revealed that the forged diplomatic passport was issued by the Immigration Department on the orders of higher authorities in the name of one Kokila Gunawardena on August 30, 2007.
November 8
Dead bodies of two farmers, R.M. Abeywardhena and G.M. Padmasiri, were recovered from Tissamaharama village in the Hambantota district. Police suspected involvement of the LTTE in their killing.
The number of LTTE cadres killed in the Muhamalai attack in the Jaffna district increased to 60.
In the Thampanai area of Vavuniya district, troops killed at least four LTTE cadres who tried to breach the security lines several times during the day. Four soldiers were injured in the incident.
Three LTTE militants were killed by troops in the Umayatarthuwankulam area of the same district.
November 9
Two home guards were killed in an LTTE-detonated claymore mine blast in Kambiliwewa area of Trincomalee district.
Six LTTE cadres and a soldier were killed in an encounter in the Vavuniya district.
Troops attacked two LTTE bunkers along the front line separating government-controlled areas from the Vavuniya district killing six militants.
In the Mannar district, five LTTE cadres were killed in artillery strikes.
November 10
Security forces in the Wanni area confronted LTTE militants in several locations and killed at least 13 of them.
In the Cheddikulam area in Mannar district, troops killed nine LTTE cadres.
At Umayarathuwankulam in the Vavuniya district, troops attacked a group of LTTE militants and killed at least two of them. Three of them escaped in an injured condition.
Troops launched an artillery attack on a suspected LTTE location in Villattikulam of Vavuniya district and killed one female cadre of the outfit.
November 11
Troops destroyed LTTE bunkers at Periyathampani in the Vavuniya district and killed six female cadres of the outfit. One soldier was also killed in the clash.
Counter fire by the army killed four militants and destroyed one LTTE bunker at Parappakandal FDL in the Mannar district.
Troops at Palampiddy in the Mannar district pursued an LTTE vehicle and killed four militants, including, Pullavan Annan, in-charge of the special weapon section of the LTTE.
Security forces killed three LTTE cadres and completely destroyed two of their bunkers in a retaliatory attack at Muhamalai FDL in the Jaffna district.
Two LTTE cadres were killed by the security forces in a clash at Sirunavatkulam FDL in the Mannar district.
Two LTTE cadres were killed in a counter-fire by the Army in the general area of Sirinathakulam in the Vavuniya district.
Troops confronted a group of armed LTTE cadres in the Manthai area in the Mannar district and killed two of them.
November 12
The deputy of the LTTE intelligence unit in Trincomalee, identified as Kumudan, and two other militants were killed by the security forces during an encounter in the area south of Welgamvehera, northwest of Trincomalee town.
Kadiralan Neelawan, an LTTE leader, was among the five militants killed at Muhamale in the Jaffna district where three LTTE bunkers on their defence line were destroyed by the troops.

November 14
Security forces killed eight militants, including one female area leader, and destroyed six LTTE bunkers in the Narikkulam area of Vavuniya district.
Five LTTE cadres were killed and another injured in retaliation by the army at Palaikulai and Parappakandal in the Mannar district.
Troops observed the presence of some LTTE cadres close to the FDL at Vilattikulam in the Vavuniya district and in the retaliatory action, five cadres were killed.
One militant was killed and few others were injured when troops confronted a group of LTTE cadres in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed in the exchange of fire.

November 15
Four LTTE cadres were killed by the troops at Muhamale in Jaffna when the LTTE bunkers were attacked by the security forces.
One soldier and one LTTE cadre were killed and many others injured during an encounter at Pallanakulam in the Vavuniya district.
Troops killed two LTTE cadres and wounded four others who were trying to infiltrate into Kattaiadamapan area in the Mannar district.

November 16
Nine militants were killed in two separate clashes between troops and the LTTE cadres in the general area of Pokkaravani Vaiyattankulam in the Vavuniya district and Karakamune in Trincomalee district.
November 17
Troops at the Nagarkovil FDL killed five LTTE cadres and destroyed five bunkers.
Troops at Kallikulam in the Vavuniya district retaliated to an LTTE attack and killed five LTTE cadres.
Three militants were killed during encounters in the general areas of Periyanthikulam and Parappakandal in Vavuniya.

November 18
Troops fired RPG and mortars on a tractor carrying armed LTTE cadres closer to the Kilaly defence line in the Jaffna district and killed eight militants.
Troops killed four militants in a retaliatory attack in the area north of Periyathampane in the Vavuniya district.
Two militants were killed while advancing towards the troops in the Umayaratuvarankulam area of Vavuniya district.
In the general area of Navatkulam in Vavuniya district, troops killed two LTTE cadres who attempted to enter the military held areas.

November 19
Security forces shot dead six LTTE cadres in the Nawathkulam area of Vavuniya district when the militants attempted to enter cleared areas close to the FDL.
Four militants were killed by the troops in the general area south of Palampiddi in the Vavuniya district. One soldier was also killed in the incident.
Troops confronted a group of LTTE cadres near the FDL south of Vellankulam area in the Mannar district and killed three of them.
November 20
Security forces attacked a line of LTTE bunkers at Kilaly FDL in the Jaffna district and killed at least five militants. According to army sources, the troops also completely destroyed three bunkers of the outfit.
Security forces killed four LTTE cadres, including a leader identified as Ilamaran, at Mulikulam in the Vavuniya district.
Security forces personnel killed two more LTTE cadres and destroyed one of their bunkers at Pahala Kokkothuduvai in the Vavuniya district.
November 21
A fierce clash reportedly broke out between the troops and the LTTE cadres in Kandaperumkulam area of Vavuniya district after the troops observed the presence of a group of militants in that area. According to army sources, four LTTE cadres were killed and the troops also recovered four T-56 weapons and one walkie-talkie set from the incident site.
Three LTTE militants were killed by the security forces while trying to infiltrate into the military held areas across the Muhamale FDL in the Jaffna district.
Two more LTTE cadres who tried to enter the FDL north of Muhamalai in the Jaffna district were killed by the troops.
November 22
Armed LTTE cadres entered into the Adamppan area of Mannar district and launched an assault on the troops. Five militants were shot dead in the retaliatory action by the troops.
Troops shot dead three LTTE cadres in the north of Giant Tank in the Mannar district.
Troops at the FDL towards the northern most point of the A-9 highway at Muhamalai in the Jaffna district confronted a group of LTTE militants and killed two of them when they tried to fire at the troops. One soldier was injured in the clash.
Troops killed two militants, including a provincial leader identified as Wallawan, who opened fire on SFs on a foot patrol at Palathoppur area of Trincomalee district.
The Government of Sri Lanka, which had earlier frozen the accounts of the TRO, proscribed the organisation.
November 23
The Navy foiled an attempt by a cluster of LTTE boats to target a police station at Pesalai in the Mannar district and killed over 17 LTTE cadres. Six LTTE boats deployed from Vedithaltivu had launched an attack targeting the Pesalai police station. Naval troops from the ground and sea along with the Pesalai police successfully repulsed the sea Tigers attack.
At least 12 LTTE cadres were killed and six others injured as troops razed the outfit’s bunker line at Karaiththanmodai in the Mannar district. Three soldiers were injured in the incident.
Four LTTE cadres were killed and three others injured by the security forces when they were attempting to infiltrate into the FDL south of Muhamalai in the Jaffna district. The troops also successfully attacked the LTTE bunker line and destroyed two bunkers and inflicted heavy damage to the rest of the bunkers on the line.
Three LTTE cadres were killed in an encounter with the troops at Vilayatikulam in the Vavuniya district.
Troops confronted a group of LTTE cadres in the Chettiyamakan area killed two of them.
The UNICEF decided to withdraw some of its local and foreign staff after the Sri Lankan government accused them of overstepping their functions and contravening the mandate of the organisation. The government has also ordered a probe into the allegations that the UNICEF had provided funds to the Tamil Rehabilitation Organisation, a LTTE front organisation.
November 24
Seven LTTE militants were killed in various clashes in the Vavuniya district.
Six LTTE cadres were killed as troops razed the outfit’s bunker line at Karampaikkulam in the Vavuniya district.
Troops retaliated and killed five LTTE cadres in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district when they were attacked by the militants. Two soldiers were injured in the incident.
Two police personnel were killed when their motorbike hit a Claymore mine in the northern town of Kalawanchikudi in the Batticaloa district.
The LTTE prepared to commemorate nearly 20,000 of their cadres killed in ethnic violence so far. Documents released by the outfit informed that 19,887 of their members have been killed since November 1982 when the first loss was recorded. Among the dead were 343 suicide bombers, including 93 women. The LTTE said 950 of their cadres have been killed in 2007. The LTTE’s "Heroes' Week" commemoration will end on November 27 with an annual policy statement by chief Velupillai Prabhakaran.
November 25
A fierce gun battle erupted between troops and cadres of the LTTE at Kurisuddakulam in the Mannar district. At least seven LTTE cadres were killed in the incident. Four soldiers were injured due to an APM explosion during the subsequent clearing operations conducted by the troops.
Four LTTE cadres were killed by troops when they confronted a group of militants who attempted to enter the Adampan area in Mannar district.
Two LTTE cadres were killed by troops in the Pallankulam area of Mannar district.
November 26
Four civilians, including one woman, were killed when a group of armed LTTE cadres stormed Mahawilachchiya, a Sinhalese farming village east of Wilpattu sanctuary, in the Anuradhapura district and opened indiscriminate fire towards them.
Troops retaliated and killed three LTTE cadres at Velankulam, west of Omanthe in the Vavuniya district when they were fired upon by the militants.
Troops killed two LTTE cadres during an encounter in the areas north of Periyathampne in the Vavuniya district.
Two LTTE cadres were killed when troops confronted a group of militants attempting to breach the front lines in the area north of Nawathkulam in Vavuniya district.
Four LTTE cadres were killed in retaliatory fire by troops in the Valiyakulam area of Vavuniya district.
November 27
Six LTTE cadres were killed by troops when a group of militants attempted to breach the SF’s FDL at Periyathampane in the Vavuniya district.
Troops killed four LTTE cadres and destroyed one bunker south of A-9 road in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district.
Unidentified assailants shot dead two Sinhalese civilians, identified as Ratnasiri Gunatillake and Dilruk Fonseka, at Iyangkeani in the Earaavoor area of Batticaloa district.
The Sri Lanka Air Force completely destroyed the clandestine LTTE radio station, VOT, at Thiruviyar in the Kilinochchi district.
The LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran declared in his annual ‘Hero’s Day’ speech that peace with the ‘genocidal’ government was impossible. "The Sinhala nation is... trying to destroy the Tamil nation. It is unleashing unthinkable violence against another people. It only desires to find a solution to the Tamil question through military might and oppression." He said, "The current government is never going to realize that the Tamil national question cannot be resolved by military oppression. All the Sinhala political parties are essentially chauvinistic and anti- Tamil. To expect a political solution from any of these Southern parties is political naivety." He declared, "Those who plan to destroy the Tamil nation will in the end be forced to face their own destruction." Making a appeal to the international community to change its approach to the Sri Lankan government, he claimed that the world today is making the same mistake India made vis-à-vis Colombo several years ago.
November 28
The EPDP leader and Minister for Social Welfare, Douglas Devananda, escaped unhurt when a polio affected woman suicide cadre of the LTTE blew herself up at his office at Isipathana road in the Narahenpita area of Colombo. Police later identified her as Saruwanan Sujantha of Anandapuliyanakulam in the Vavuniya district. The Police stated that at least 200-gm of explosives wrapped around her breasts triggered the explosion.
At least 19 civilians were killed and 35 others injured as a suspected parcel bomb exploded near a popular fashion store at Nugegoda junction near Colombo around 5.55 pm. Police believe that the bomb had been placed in one of the parcel counters at the No Limit clothing store by a suspected LTTE militant who had left the incident site.
Troops foiling an attempt by cadres of the LTTE to infiltrate the Kaduruwittankulam area in the Vavuniya district killed five cadres.
Troops confronted a group of LTTE cadres in the Kandeperumankulam jungle area of Vavuniya district and killed three cadres.
November 29
Troops on a foot patrol confronted a group of LTTE cadres in the Manthottam area of Vavuniya district and killed eight militants.
Troops killed eight LTTE cadres during clashes in the Vilaththikulam, Peryiathampane and Thampane areas of the Vavuniya district.
Four LTTE cadres were killed when troops stormed the outfit’s bunkers ahead of Kilaly FDL in the Jaffna district.
Four LTTE militants were killed during an encounter with troops at Kandaperumakulam in the Janakapura area of Vavuniya district.
Four LTTE cadres, including two female cadres, were killed in the Parappakandal area of the Vavuniya district.
Three more LTTE cadres were killed when troops launched a pre-dawn attack on to the outfit’s bunker line in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district.
November 30
Soldiers destroyed a LTTE bunker in northern Vavuniya district and killed six cadres of the outfit.
Troops confronted a group of LTTE cadres at Thampane in the Vavuniya district and killed three of them.
The Sri Lankan government said that it was not contemplating banning the LTTE despite the outfit being blamed for two bomb attacks in the capital Colombo. Keheliya Rambukwella, the minister of foreign employment and the government's defence spokesman, told reporters, "We are not contemplating a ban and we want to keep doors open for peace."
December 1
At least 23 LTTE cadres were killed and 57 others injured during encounters between troops and the militants in the area south of Adampan in the Mannar district. Three soldiers were also killed while 20 others were wounded in the clashes.
20 LTTE cadres were killed and 25 others injured by the troops in the Periyapantichurichchan area of Vavuniya district. Six soldiers were injured due to LTTE mortar fire and three more soldiers were injured in explosion of anti-personnel mines during the clash.
Six LTTE militants were killed during clashes with the troops in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district.
LTTE cadres attacked soldiers guarding a defense line at Umayaratakulam in the Muhamalai area of the Jaffna peninsula. Retaliatory fire by the troops killed six LTTE cadres.
Troops at Muhamalai FDL in the Jaffna district launched an attack on a LTTE bunker line, killing four cadres and destroying two of their bunkers.
Troops killed three LTTE militants in the Periyathampane area of Vavuniya district.
The LTTE is said to be extorting huge sums of money from civilians in the government controlled Jaffna peninsula. Despite the heavy military presence in the peninsula, LTTE agents were believed to be carrying out the extortion from shop owners and civilians with family members residing overseas, warning at times of dire consequences if the demands for money were not met.
December 2
Troops deployed at the Muhamalai FDL in the Jaffna district killed two LTTE cadres during their retaliation. Two LTTE bunkers were also destroyed.
December 3
In an encounter that ensued after LTTE militants attacked the areas south of Adampan in the Mannar district, 35 LTTE cadres were killed by the troops and an equal number of them injured. Six Army personnel were also killed and 20 others received injuries in the clash.
Four LTTE militants were killed in heavy clashes in the Muhamalai area at the north of A-9 highway in the Jaffna district. Troops also destroyed one of their bunkers in the attack.
Two LTTE cadres were killed during a pre-dawn confrontation between troops and the outfit’s cadres in the Alakaluppoddukulam area of Vavuniya district.
  Troops in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district launched an attack on two LTTE bunkers killing at least five militants. The two bunkers were completely destroyed.
December 4
At least 10 LTTE cadres were killed and an unspecified number of them injured during clashes between troops and the outfit’s cadres at the Kilali FDL in Jaffna district. Two soldiers were killed and three others wounded during the clashes.
Seven LTTE cadres were killed and an unspecified number of them injured during clashes between troops and the militants at Nagarkovil in the Jaffna district. Four soldiers who were wounded during the exchange of fire succumbed to their injuries later.
11 LTTE cadres were killed when troops confronted a group of the outfit’s cadres in the Mullikulam area of Vavuniya district.
10 LTTE cadres were killed during another encounter between troops and the militants at Parappakandal in the Vavuniya district.
At Manthai in the Vavuniya district, troops razed a LTTE bunker and killed at least seven cadres. One soldier was injured in the incident.
At the Nagarkovil FDL in Jaffna district, troops killed three LTTE cadres and injured two others. One soldier was injured in the incident.
The chief government whip Minister Jeyaraj Fernandopulle told Parliament that of the 2,184 persons arrested by the security forces over the weekend, over 1,800 persons have already been released after questioning. The Minister said only 360 persons are now in the custody. They will also be released when the investigations are completed.
December 5
15 civilians were killed and 23 others injured in a LTTE-triggered remote controlled claymore mine explosion targeting a Ceylon Transport Board passenger bus at Abimanpura in the Padaviya area of Anuradhapura district.
Troops killed five LTTE cadres engaged in the construction of a bunker at Muhamalai FDL in the Jaffna district.
Five LTTE cadres were killed during clashes with the troops in the Muhamalai and Nagarkovil areas, while three of their bunkers were destroyed.
Four LTTE militants were killed during another clash between troops and the outfit’s cadres in the Umayaratuvarankulam area of Vavuniya district.
At Addaikkalamoddai in the Mannar district, troops killed four cadres of the LTTE.
Four soldiers aboard a tractor were killed and two others injured when the tractor hit a LTTE pressure mine in the Sinnasettikulam area of Vavuniya district.
A group of LTTE militants who were hiding in the jungles of Chinnacippikulam launched an attack on a regular route clearing patrol of the Army, killing three soldiers.
Four LTTE cadres were killed during clashes that occurred at Periyakuriyittakulam in the Vavuniya district.
Three LTTE cadres were killed by troops in the Adampan area of Vavuniya district.
Three LTTE cadres were killed when troops confronted a group of militants at Adampan in the Mannar district.
December 6
Five LTTE cadres were killed during clashes between Army personnel and the militants in the Kallikulam, Parappakandal, Periyaumayadukulam and Pudakkadu areas of Vavuniya district.
Five LTTE cadres, including Muhamalai area leader identified as Gnanasundaram alias Mani, were shot dead by the troops deployed at the Muhamalai FDL in the Jaffna district.
A group of LTTE cadres fired towards troops before they attempted to infiltrate the Muhamalai FDL. Troops in retaliation killed four militants and also destroyed two of the outfit’s bunkers.
Troops foiled an infiltration attempt by LTTE cadres in the Omanthe area of Vavuniya district, killing three of them.
The LTTE claimed that at least 10 soldiers were killed when the outfit’s cadres repulsed army attacks on a LTTE-held area in the Mannar district on December 5 and December 6. The military, however, denied the clashes had taken place.
The Parliament approved the extension of the state of emergency for another month. Sri Lanka has been in a state of emergency since the assassination of the then Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar in August 2005 and under the Constitution of Sri Lanka, it comes up for review every month.
December 7
17 LTTE militants, including six female cadres, were killed and 18 others injured in pre-emptive strikes launched by the Army in the Narrikkulam area of Mannar district. The troops also destroyed five LTTE bunkers.
Troops in the Palamoddai area of Vavuniya district attacked a LTTE bunker and killed four cadres. Three cadres were also injured in the incident.
December 8
Troops retaliated and repulsed an attempt by the LTTE cadres to infiltrate into the Periyathampane area of Vavuniya district, killing at least 10 cadres while injuring several others. Two soldiers were injured during the clash.
Troops confronted a group of LTTE militants in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district and killed four of them.
Four LTTE cadres were killed by troops in the Kilaly area of Jaffna district.
The dead bodies of three LTTE militants were recovered from Mannar and Thampanai areas along with seven T-56 weapons.
December 9
At least six LTTE cadres were killed when troops confronted a group of militants in the north of Narrikkulam in Vavuniya district on December 9. One soldier was also killed in the incident.
Troops recovered eight dead bodies of the LTTE cadres along with five T-56 weapons, one Light Machine Gun, one T-81 riffle and two radio sets from the Periyathampane area in the Vavuniya district.
December 10
Six LTTE cadres were killed by troops in the Kokkuthuduvai area of Mullaitivu district.
Four LTTE militants were killed when troops laid an ambush in the Navathkulama area of Vavuniya district.
At Navathkulama in the Vavuniya district, troops retaliated and killed four LTTE cadres when the outfit’s cadres emerging from a wayside jungle tried to strike a foot patrol of the Army.
Three LTTE cadres were killed in the Welioya area of Vavuniya district during another confrontation between the two sides.
Troops repulsed a LTTE small arms and mortar attack at the Muhamalai FDL in the Jaffna district, killing three militants.
December 11
At least 20 LTTE militants were killed and over 30 injured when three separate clashes between troops and the outfit’s cadres occurred within a span of four hours commencing at about 11.30 am in the southwest region of Adampan in the Mannar district. Three soldiers were also killed during these clashes.
LTTE cadres fired mortars towards troops deployed at the Muhamalai in the Jaffna district. Troops in retaliation killed five militants and destroyed one LTTE bunker.
Three LTTE cadres and a soldier were killed by troops during an encounter at Kilaly FDL in the Jaffna district.
Four LTTE cadres were killed when troops confronted a group of militants in the Nagarkovil area of Jaffna district.
Troops killed three LTTE cadres and injured two others during an encounter at Kandaperiyakulam in the Vavuniya district.
12 of the over 2000 Tamils arrested in Colombo and its suburbs on December 1 and 2 in one of the largest security crackdown are confirmed hardcore LTTE militants.
Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama said that the government is unwilling to observe a truce ahead of any peace talks with the LTTE.
December 12
Five LTTE militants were killed during clashes between troops and the outfit’s cadres in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district.
Two LTTE cadres were killed when troops opened fire towards a group of the outfit’s cadres near the Kilaly FDL in Jaffna district.
Two LTTE cadres were killed when troops confronted another group of militants near the Nagarkovil FDL in the Jaffna district.
Investigations have revealed that one person arrested during the recent search operation in Colombo had received training in a foreign flying school and have direct connections with the LTTE.
President Mahinda Rajapakse said that Sri Lanka's military offensive against the LTTE is aimed at attempting to force the outfit to come to peace talks. The operations in the east and north in recent months are trying to put pressure on the LTTE as well as freeing civilians from "the clutches of LTTE terror,'' Rajapakse said.
December 13
11 LTTE cadres were killed when troops countered a small arms attack launched by the outfit in the area north of Parayanakulam in Vavuniya district.
Troops confronted a group of LTTE militants at Kandaperiyakulam, northwest of Poovarasankulam, in the Vavuniya district and killed four of them.
The number of LTTE cadres killed during three separate clashes between troops and the militants within a span of four hours commencing at about 11.30 am in the southwest region of Adampan in the Mannar district on December 11 has increased to 33.
The Sri Lanka government expressed deep displeasure to the British High Commissioner Dominic Chilcott in Colombo over his reported remarks that political aspirations for carving out a separate Tamil state was not illegal. Chilcott on December 10 had warned Sri Lanka to clean up its human rights record or risk international sanctions.
December 14
10 LTTE cadres were killed when troops repulsed small arms attacks launched by the outfit in the area North West of Adampan in Mannar district. One soldier was also injured.
Six LTTE cadres were killed and an unspecified number of them injured by troops in the Kaduruvitankulam area of Vavuniya district.
During an encounter between the LTTE militants and troops at Parappakandal in the Vavuniya district, troops killed five militants.
At Umayarathuwankulam in the Vavuniya district, four LTTE cadres were killed by the troops.
Troops deployed north of A-9 at Muhamalai in the Jaffna district confronted a group of LTTE cadres and killed two of them while injuring a large number of others when they attempted to infiltrate into the security force’s FDL. One soldier was injured during the clashes.
December 16
Troops in the forward defence positions in the Vilayathikulam area of Vavuniya district repulsed two infiltration attempts of the LTTE and killed at least seven militants. One LTTE bunker was also destroyed by the troops.
Five LTTE cadres were killed and an equal number of them injured at Uyilankulam in the Mannar district.
Troops engaged in a search and clear operation in the Narrikkulam area of Mannar district confronted a group of LTTE cadres and killed five of them.
Three LTTE cadres were killed when troops deployed in the Muhamalai area, south of A-9 road, of Jaffna district launched a small arms attack on the LTTE defence line.
The dead bodies of two civilians hacked to death by the LTTE cadres were recovered in the Kaithady area of Jaffna district.
The Nation reported that LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran received minor injuries in an aerial attack carried out by the Sri Lanka Air Force. The report added that he has fully recovered from the incident and is now moving about without any problem.
December 17
Five LTTE cadres were killed and four others injured during clashes between troops and the outfit’s cadres in Manthai, north of Narrikkulam, in the Mannar district. Two soldiers also received injuries in the incident.
At least five LTTE cadres were killed and four others injured when troops opened fire towards a group of the outfit’s cadres moving in the Chepidkkulam area of Mannar district. Two soldiers sustained injuries in the incident.
Troops in the area west of Adampan in the Mannar district confronted a group of LTTE cadres and killed five of them.
Four LTTE militants were killed in a retaliatory fire by troops in the area north of Uyilankulam in the Mannar district.
Four LTTE cadres were killed when troops destroyed two LTTE bunkers in the Kilaly area of Jaffna district.
Troops launched an attack on the LTTE bunker line at Muhamalai in Jaffna district and destroyed two LTTE bunkers. Three LTTE cadres were killed while three soldiers were wounded in the incident.
December 18
Army troops directed fire towards the LTTE bunker line at Nagarkovil in the Jaffna district, killing three militants. One bunker was also destroyed.
Suspected LTTE cadres triggered a claymore mine explosion targeting a passenger train carrying around 300 civilians at Kantale in the Trincomalee district. The explosion hit the engine compartment of the Colombo bound night mail train from Trincomalee. However, no casualties were reported.
The LTTE claimed that its militants overran a military outpost at Weerapuram in the Vavuniya district, killing at least five soldiers.
A public opinion survey by the CPA, a Colombo-based think-tank, the 27th in the series of such surveys conducted by it since 2001, shows that 48.5 per cent of the Sinhalese community feel that the war can be ended and peace restored only by the government defeating the LTTE. However, in the other three communities (Tamils - 62.3 per cent, Upcountry Tamils - 96.7 per cent, Muslims - 85.2 per cent) the option chosen was to stop the war and conduct peace negotiations.
December 19
Troops destroyed a line of LTTE bunkers, killing eleven militants in the Narrikkulam area of Mannar district.
Troops retaliated after an LTTE attack and shot dead three militants in the Umayaratuvarankulam area of Vavuniya district.
The government confirmed that the LTTE leader Velupillai Prabhakaran was injured in an aerial strike by the SLAF on a hideout in Kilinochchi on November 26.
December 20
Four LTTE cadres were killed during a clash between troops and the outfit’s cadres in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district. Two soldiers were injured and two bunkers destroyed in the incident.
‘Colonel’ Karuna, leader of the LTTE breakaway faction TMVP, who is living in the UK now, is to be investigated for possible war crimes. Karuna, who was arrested in London on November 2 for traveling on a forged passport, has requested for political asylum in Britain.
December 22
Troops in the Mannar district launched an attack on the LTTE entry/exit point on Uyilankulam-Andankulam road around 10.00 am, killing at least 22 cadres and injuring 12 others. Seven LTTE bunkers were also destroyed by the Army. During the exchange of fire, one solider was killed and six others were injured.
Troops captured a LTTE base known as ‘Vietnam Base’ at Periyapanchankulam in the Vavuniya district. The Defense Ministry in a statement said the LTTE cadres fled abandoning the base stretching approximately 400m and 300m in breadth. The base accommodated 18 to 20 overhead bunkers, eight to 10 cadjan (braided coconut leaf for thatching) roofed huts and a kitchen. Troops also located a 150m long tunnel (2 m width and 2 m height) forming a clandestine exit route from the camp.
December 23
Troops launched an attack on a LTTE bunker line in the Nagarkovil area of Jaffna district and destroyed four LTTE bunkers killing at least eight cadres.
Five LTTE cadres were killed when soldiers opened fire at a group of outfit’s cadres in the Narrikkulam area of Mannar district.
Troops in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district opened fire towards a group of LTTE cadres and killed four cadres.
Three LTTE cadres were killed when a confrontation erupted between the two sides at Villattikulam in the Vavuniya district. One soldier was killed and nine others injured in the incident.
During a confrontation between the LTTE cadres and troops at Mullikulam in the Mannar district, troops destroyed three LTTE bunkers and killed three cadres. Three soldiers sustained injuries in the incident.
Troops killed three LTTE cadres in the Kaduruvitankulam area of Vavuniya district.
The LTTE denied that its leader Velupillai Prabhakaran was injured in a Sri Lankan Air Force attack in Kilinochchi on November 26.
  LTTE activists destroyed the flag pole and the national flag at the Sri Lanka Embassy in Paris and caused some damage to the Embassy premises. The attack occurred hours before Foreign Minister Rohitha Bogollagama arrived in Paris at the start of an official visit to Europe where he would engage in talks in Paris, Brussels and Frankfurt.
December 24
The security forces continued to advance in the Vavuniya-Mannar sector, taking full control of Thampanai town on the Madhu road as the LTTE cadres in the area withdrew amid heavy fire.
Troops opened fire towards a group of LTTE cadres in the Kandaperiyakulam area of Vavuniya district on and killed four of them.
The LTTE cadres fired heavy volume of artillery and mortar targeting troops in the Pokkaravani area of Mannar district. Troops retaliated and in the ensuing battle two LTTE cadres were killed while two soldiers sustained injuries.
December 25
Troops confronted a group of LTTE militants along the front lines in the Villattikulam area of Vavuniya district, killing five of them.
Three LTTE militants were killed during another clash between the two sides in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district.
Troops shot dead three LTTE militants who were hiding inside a house and lobbed a hand grenade towards the soldiers at Maniarkulam in the Vavuniya district.
December 26
Naval troops supported by the Air Force foiled a LTTE boat movement comprising 16 Sea-Tiger boats from Vedithalthivu in the north of Mannar to Delft Islands destroying six of the outfit’s boats, including two suicide boats, and killed at least 40 militants on board, the Navy said. One of the 12 FAC of the Navy that were engaged in the operation too sustained heavy damage during the sea battle. At least 12 sailors on board the FAC were reported missing after the incident.
At least 15 LTTE militants were killed and 19 others injured during an encounter between troops and the outfit’s cadres in the Adampan area of Mannar district. Two soldiers were also killed while 12 others sustained injuries during the clash. Troops later neutralised six LTTE bunkers.
Troops at Chettukulam in the Mannar district killed six LTTE militants and captured the area earlier occupied by the LTTE.
Troops confronted a group LTTE cadres moving towards the Muhamalai FDL in Jaffna district and killed four militants.
President Mahinda Rajapakse reiterated that there is no point of discussing a political solution to the North East problem unilaterally without pushing the LTTE too to seek a political solution.
December 27
At least 10 LTTE militants, including a women area leader Savithri, were killed by troops during a clash at Periyakurittakulam in the Mannar district.
Seven LTTE militants were killed in the Kallikulam area of Vavuniya district when troops clashed with a group of the outfit’s cadres. Three soldiers were also reported injured in the incident.
Six LTTE cadres were killed by troops during an encounter at Kaduruvitankulam in the Vavuniya district.
Four civilians, including a 12 year old boy, were killed and six others wounded in a LTTE-triggered claymore mine explosion in the Kurumankadu area of Vavuniya district.
Troops advancing further towards north of Chettukulam in the Mannar district captured another LTTE stronghold, killing at least five militants.
Troops after monitoring movement of LTTE militants in the Kilaly area of Jaffna district launched an attack killing two militants. One soldier was killed while two others sustained injuries in the incident.
Troops destroyed three LTTE bunkers and killed three militants south of A-9 road in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district.
December 28
Troops killed four militants during clashes between the twos sides in the north of A-9 road at Muhamalai of Jaffna district.
Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake stated that the nation could celebrate 2008 as the year in which the terrorists would be comprehensively defeated and totally eliminated.
Defense Secretary Gotabhaya Rajapaksa stated that the Government can make a fresh start to address Tamil grievances once it officially bans the LTTE and abolishes the CFA signed with the LTTE. He also hinted that Prabhakaran might have been killed in the air raid on his bunker in Kilinochchi on November 26.
December 29
33 LTTE militants were killed and 38 others inured during confrontation between the militants and the troops at Parappakandal in the Mannar district. Six soldiers were also injured as troops extended their line towards further north in the area west of Parappakandal.
Four LTTE militants were killed by troops during an encounter in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district.
Troops killed three LTTE militants and injured three others at Kilaly in the Jaffna district. Five soldiers were also injured in the incident.
The Security Forces are occupying the LTTE’s FDLs and have surrounded the LTTE bases in Wanni from all directions, said Army Chief General Sarath Fonseka.
December 30
Four LTTE militants and a soldier were killed during a clash at Pokkaravani in the Vavuniya district.
At Umayaratuvarankulam in the Vavuniya district, four LTTE militants were killed by the troops.
December 31
Two LTTE militants were killed when troops launched an attack after observing a movement of armed militants, south of A9 road at Muhamalai in the Jaffna district.
Troops attacked a LTTE bunker at Kilaly in the Jaffna district. Two LTTE militants were killed and the bunker was destroyed in the incident.