Saturday 30 May 2020

Sri Lanka Timeline - Year 2006

இலங்கை 2006

Sri Lanka Timeline - Year 2006
January 2
Five people are killed and two others sustain injuries in a bomb blast in Trincomalee.
January 3
Vavuniya West Area political head of the LTTE, ‘Major’ Jeyanthan, and a civilian, Vinotharan Thevarasa, are killed in a claymore mine explosion in the LTTE-controlled area of Valaiyankattu in Mannar town.
Unidentified assailants shot dead a Hindu priest, Selvathamby Vishagaratnam, in the Kiran area of Batticaloa district.
A woman, identified as Sepamalai Victoria, is killed and her husband sustained injuries in an attack by unidentified assailants in the Sethukkuda area of Batticaloa district.
A civilian, Nadaraja Balendran, is shot dead by unidentified assailants in the Wellawatte area of Colombo district.
January 5
A civilian, Kunam Thanus, is killed and three others sustain injuries when unidentified assailants lobbed a grenade and subsequently opened fire in the Valaichenai area of Batticaloa district.
Unidentified assailants abduct a civilian, Thabendran Mathan, and subsequently stab him to death in the Vadamaradchy area of Jaffna district.
A LTTE cadre, Rajasanthram alias Wannan, is killed in retaliatory fire by the security forces (SFs) when he tried to lob two hand grenades at them, in the Kiran area of Batticaloa district.
January 7
15 Sri Lankan Navy personnel are killed in a suspected suicide attack by the LTTE on a navy gunboat outside the Trincomalee naval harbor in Trincomalee district.
A senior PLOTE member, identified as Kennedy, is shot dead by unidentified assailants in the Jaffna district.
January 8
SFs kill a LTTE cadre in retaliatory fire in the Sittandy area of Batticaloa district.
A civilian, identified as Sinnarasa Rasaiah, is shot dead by unidentified assailants in the Point Pedro area of Jaffna district.
January 9
A soldier and two LTTE cadres were killed following a gun-battle between the LTTE and a military patrol in Muttur near Trincomalee.
President Mahinda Rajapakse, during a meeting with Ambassadors of the Co-chairs of the international donors said that his Government "will continue to act with restraint" but would take "all necessary measures" to check "further terrorist attacks."
January 10
Security forces recover four claymore mines, planted by the LTTE, in Mannar and Batticaloa.
US Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Jeffrey Lunstead, at a meeting with the American Chamber of Commerce warned the LTTE against re-igniting a civil war.
January 11
LTTE ‘Pistol Group’ cadres abducted a 31-year old woman, Pavalarani Kanapathipillai, from her house in Mattuvil and later shot her dead in the Jaffna area.
Addressing villagers in Batticaloa at a rural self-defence training and drill programme, the LTTE’s 'special commander for Ampara-Batticaloa', Bhanu, warned that its Air Force is ready to launch attacks on the Sri Lanka Government's armed forces if war breaks out.
January 12
Nine Sri Lankan Navy personnel were killed and eight injured in a suspected LTTE triggered claymore mine blast in Chettikulam on the Mannar-Medawachchiya road.
Issuing a statement on January 12, the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) condemned the latest attack on Navy personnel in Chettikulam and found LTTE's explanation unacceptable.
January 13
A powerful bomb blast damaged a car belonging to the SLMM in Batticaloa town.
January 15
Three women relatives of a LTTE cadre were shot dead by unidentified assailants in Manipay, close to the Manipay Hindu College in Jaffna district.
Suspected terrorists shot dead a former EPDP member, Navaratnarajah Jegatheeswaran, near Nelliady-Kodikamam road in Jaffna.
January 16
A Sri Lankan Army soldier was killed when suspected LTTE cadres lobbed a grenade at a sentry located in the premises of Mannar General Hospital, in Mannar district.
January 17
Suspected LTTE cadres trigger a claymore mine explosion on the Nilaveli-Trincomalee road, injuring 12 sailors travelling by bus to Trincomalee. Two unidentified civilians are killed and another injured in the crossfire, which ensued after the blast, when the LTTE cadres opened fire at the bus and retaliated by naval troops.
One soldier is killed and another one injured when the LTTE detonated a claymore mine at Sarasalai in the Jaffna district.
Another batch of 10 Sri Lankan Tamil refugees from Selvanayakapuram in Talaimannar district arrives at Rameswaram in the Indian State of Tamil Nadu raising their total number to 48.
The SLMM decides to temporarily suspend their monitoring activities in Trincomalee due to the recent escalation of violence in the district.
January 18
The SLMM will continue operational activities in the seas off Trincomalee despite its earlier decision to suspend operations in the entire district.
Norwegian Ambassador, Hans Brattskar, after a meeting with the LTTE political head, S.P. Thamilselvam, said, "Tamil Tigers will [not] go to war and [we are] optimistic that the LTTE wants to come to the negotiation table."
January 19
Three police personnel and a civilian are killed in a suspected LTTE triggered claymore mine blast in the Thandavanveli area of Batticaloa district. Seven army personnel, 13 police personnel and three civilians are injured in the blast.
In another claymore mine blast along the Trincomalee-Kandy Road, two Navy personnel, one Police constable and 16 civilians are injured.
January 21
27 LTTE cadres are killed in an explosion that occurred in the Adampan area of Mannar district.
The police shot dead two suspected LTTE cadres who attempted to attack them with a grenade at Chettikulam.
A home guard and a civilian are shot dead in Seruwila by unidentified gunmen.
January 22
A 21-year-old youth is shot dead by unidentified assailants, suspected to be from the 'Colonel' Karuna group, near the Mamangam Kovil in Batticaloa.
President Mahinda Rajapakse calls for immediate talks with the LTTE to halt the increasing violence and warns that the wish for peace is not a sign that the Government was unable to counter the LTTE.
Geneva is likely to emerge as a compromise venue for the first round of talks between the Government and LTTE.
January 23
Suspected LTTE cadres attack an army patrol near the Batticaloa town, detonating a claymore mine, killing three soldiers and wounding two others.
The Intelligence Division of Fort Police arrests a woman, suspected to be a member of the LTTE suicide bomb squad, near the Fort Railway Station in Colombo.
U.S. Under-Secretary of State Nicholas Burns describes the LTTE as a "reprehensive terrorist group," which was "keeping the country on the edge of war" and said while the Tamils had "legitimate grievances," the LTTE bore the "full responsibility" to either choose peace or to continue with its "repugnant policies of the past decade and a half."
January 24
A journalist, identified as S. Rajan, attached to a Tamil language newspaper Sudar Oli, is shot dead by an unidentified gunman at Trincomalee.
January 25
The Government of Sri Lanka and LTTE will meet in Switzerland for talks on implementing their strained 2002 truce, said Norwegian Minister for International Development and key facilitator, Erik Solheim.
LTTE leader, Anton Balasingham, assures that outfit will not attack the army.
January 26
At least 10 LTTE cadres are killed and an unspecified number are injured when ‘Colonel’ Karuna faction cadres attacked a vehicle carrying LTTE cadres in the Vadamunai area of Batticaloa district. The attack followed the killing of a senior LTTE cadre, identified as ‘Major’ Kavilan, in the same area.
Switzerland announces that it is ready to host the forthcoming peace talks between the Sri Lankan Government and LTTE in February 2006.
77 SF personnel are killed by the LTTE either by firing at them or in explosions after December 1, 2005 to-date, informs a statement of the Ministry of Defence.
January 28
A civilian, identified as Thambiah Jeyarajah, is shot dead by unidentified assailants in the Lingapuram village of Trincomalee district.
LTTE accuses the Government forces of harassing civilians despite this week’s breakthrough in their stalled peace process.
January 29
‘Colonel’ Karuna has welcomed the proposed cease-fire talks to be held in Geneva and said his group would unilaterally stop all “self-defence military campaigns” to give an opportunity to President Mahinda Rajapakse to continue with his peace effort.
SLMM spokesperson, Helen Olafsdottir, in an interview with an Indian magazine states that ceasefire monitors have no evidence that the Sri Lanka Army is supporting the LTTE’s breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna.
January 30
Five TRO members are abducted from the Welikanda check-point area of Polunnaruwa district.
January 31
The LTTE threatens that they will pull out of the upcoming peace talks in Switzerland unless the Government takes greater steps to protect Tamils against abductions.
Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse states that representatives from the Muslim community will be included in the future peace talks.
February 2
The Sri Lankan Government announces that senior Minister, Nimal Siripala de Silva, would head the Government team at the forthcoming peace talks with the LTTE, led by Anton Balasingham.
February 3
The February 3-meeting between chiefs of Sri Lanka’s International Donors and the LTTE in Kilinochchi is cancelled after the donors decided "it was not proper for the chiefs of the organizations to have talks with leadership of the Wanni Tiger organization until the forthcoming discussions in Geneva are over."
February 5
LTTE rejects the Government plans for peace talks in Geneva on February 15 because of reported abductions of pro-LTTE aid workers, and demanded talks in late February instead.
February 6
Peace facilitator Norway announces that the Government and LTTE will meet in Geneva on February 22 and 23 for a dialogue.
February 7
The LTTE confirms its participation in peace talks scheduled to be held in Geneva on February 22-23.
The Tamileela Makkal Viduthalai Pulikal (TMVP), the LTTE breakaway-faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna, warns that it would be forced to withdraw from its unilateral cease-fire against the LTTE.
February 8
The LTTE says that it is not ready to talk to the Sri Lankan Government if another party - a Muslim delegation - also sits at the negotiation table, but adds that a representative from the Muslim community could join the talks as a member of the Government peace delegation or as a representative of the Tamil-speaking people in the Northeast. The outfit also ruled out the possibility of any "modifications" to the CFA as well as discussions on a political solution to the conflict at the talks to be held on February 22 and 23 in Geneva.
February 9
The Sri Lanka Information Minister, Anura Priyadharshana Yapa, reveals that there had been 5,464 cases of cease-fire violations committed by the LTTE from February 22, 2002 to February 4, 2006 civilians. The number of extortion cases reported within this period is 106.
The Sri Lanka Government appoints a Steering Committee on Peace Building (SCPB), headed by Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera. The SCPB will consist of six Cabinet Ministers, a Deputy Minister, Members of Parliament, alliance partners of the Government, six Permanent Secretaries and senior officials of the Foreign Ministry and the Peace Secretariat.
February 10
The Sri Lanka Muslim Congress leader, Rauf Hakeem, stated that there should be a separate Muslim delegation at the peace talks as per the Oslo agreement and also condemned the LTTE stand that no separate Muslim representation should take part in the talks.
February 11
One of four suspected LTTE Sea Tigers aboard on a speeding trawler blew himself up in mid-sea off Talaimannar in the Mannar district after being intercepted by SLN personnel, killing four sea Tigers on board and injuring a SLN personnel, who succumbed to his injuries later. SF personnel recovered a LTTE travel document during a search operation in the area following the explosion.
February 13
Military spokesperson, Brigadier S.A.P.P. Samarasinghe, informs that a combined Police and Army search operation recently has confirmed that no paramilitary groups were operating in areas under Government control.
February 14
Sri Lanka's Parliament extends the state of emergency that gives wide-ranging powers to the armed forces, for one month. It was imposed on August 13, 2005.
The UNICEF has called on the LTTE to cease the recruitment of children for military purposes and to release all children within its ranks and has recorded 5,368 cases of reported child recruitment in Sri Lanka since January 2002.
February 16
The LTTE says that the forthcoming talks in Geneva would decide "if there is peace or war." Thamilselvam, political wing leader of the outfit, told Reuters that the future was "totally dependent on the outcome of this meeting. He added, "Any solution to the Tamil national problem should involve the concept of a Tamil homeland, nationhood and the right of self-determination and provide the people with a dignified solution."
February 17
Government releases four ‘naval wing’ cadres of the LTTE, also known as ‘Sea Tigers’, who were arrested in October 2005 for videotaping the Trincomalee Harbour, as a goodwill gesture ahead of Geneva talks. Soon after the release of four LTTE cadres, the outfit’s spokesperson, Daya Master, announced that they would release one of the two Police personnel in their custody since mid-2005 for entering uncleared areas (areas not under the Government control) in pursuit of an absconding British pedophile.
February 19
President Mahinda Rajapakse states during an all-party meeting that the Government has decided to approach the Geneva peace talks on a multi-party basis, though the two main parties that will participate in the discussions are the Government and LTTE. He added that all earlier discussions were conducted as bi-party affairs and all of them were unsuccessful and that’s why a new approach for the talks was necessary.
The political wing leader of the LTTE, S.P Thamilselvan, demands that the Government hand over cadres of breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna to the outfit.
February 20
The LTTE threatens to kill Rajan Sivarajah, leader of the Liberal Democratic Tamils in Norway, unless he stops his "anti-LTTE activities immediately." Rajan is one of the two Tamil leaders who addressed the first Conference of the World Alliance for Peace in Sri Lanka held in Oslo in 2004.
‘Colonel’ Karuna says that his forces would only disarm if the main group does. He said, "If Sri Lanka forces disarm all the armed groups and us ... it will only give legitimacy for the LTTE to extend its writ to kill us… Any hand over of arms must be part of (a) conflict resolution process at a stage when normalcy and trust is established."
February 21
The LTTE rules out the possibility of discussing an expansion in the mandate of the SLMM at the Geneva talks to be held on February 22-23.
The Norwegian Government appoints Brigadier Henricsson, a Swede, as chief of the SLMM with effect from April 1, 2006 succeeding Hagrup Haukland, who is a Norwegian.
Sidonia Gabriel, Programme Officer, Human Security and Peace Policy of the Swiss Foreign Ministry, tells Daily News that the Swiss Government would not allow the LTTE to carry out fundraising campaigns in the country.
February 22
The Sri Lanka Government and LTTE commenced their two-day direct talks on implementation issues of the four-year old cease-fire agreement CFA in Geneva.
Six unidentified assailants shot dead a LTTE 'National Auxiliary Force' cadre, identified as Shanthakumar Narayanapillai, in the Pulipaynthakal area of Batticaloa district. The ‘Colonel’ Karuna faction reportedly claimed responsibility for the killing.
A former cadre of the LTTE, Navarasan, is shot dead in the Valaichenai area of the same district by suspected members of a paramilitary group.
A Muslim supporter of the Sri Lanka’s main opposition United National Party, Mohamathu Muhaideen Jarool, is shot dead, allegedly by a Muslim armed group at Meerakerny in the Eravur area of Batticaloa district.
February 23
Peace talks between the Government and LTTE concludes in Geneva with both sides agreeing to meet again on April 19-21 at the same venue for another round. The Joint Statement at the end of the meeting said, "The LTTE is committed to taking all necessary measures to ensure that there will be no acts of violence against the Security Forces and the Police… The Government of Sri Lanka is also committed to take all necessary measures in accordance with the cease-fire agreement (CFA) to ensure that no armed group other than Government security forces will carry arms.”
February 26
Government sources say that the CFA of 2002 has been "amended" at the talks held in Geneva on February 22 and 23. Nimal Sripala de Silva, Government chief negotiator, told a media briefing in Colombo that the "new obligations" mentioned in the ‘Geneva Agreement’ of February 23 could be "construed as amendments to the CFA."
The LTTE asks the Government to implement the Geneva agreement within two months and expressed its intention to talk to the Muslims and discuss the issue of separate Muslim representation in future rounds of talks and the Muslim concerns in the multi-ethnic eastern province.
‘Colonel’ Karuna, leader of the LTTE breakaway faction, vows to resist any attempt by the Government to disarm his group and threatened to end a unilateral cease-fire.
February 27
Intelligence sources have stated that a large-scale LTTE war drill was in progress in the Kanjikudichcharu area of Ampara district, almost immediately after the talks between the Government and LTTE concluded in Geneva.
The LTTE accuses Government of not honoring commitments given at the Geneva talks by failing to crack down on an armed member of a rival Tamil group in the north.
Anton Balasingham, chief negotiator of the LTTE, rejects the Government's claim that the joint statement at the end of the Geneva talks amounted to an amendment to the original CFA.
March 1
LTTE releases 20 cadres who had lied about their ages in order to join the insurgency.
President Mahinda Rajapakse says that the future discussions with the LTTE would be held with 'transparency.'
March 3
The LTTE delegation which took part in the Geneva talks with the Government will meet Norway’s Foreign Minister Jonas Gahr Støere in Oslo to discuss the outcome of the talks on the implementation of the CFA.
March 4
The LTTE accuses the army of killing two of their cadres in an attack, the first significant incident of violence since talks in February, but the military denies involvement.
March 5
Unidentified assailants shot dead a former soldier, identified as Mohamed Navas, in the Valaichenai area of Batticaloa district.
Presidential Advisor, Nivard Ajith Cabraal, said that the next round of peace talks between the Government and LTTE, to be held at Geneva in April 2006, will focus on humanitarian issues to provide relief to the people in the Northeast before attention is focused on issues such as power-sharing.
March 6
A Muslim businessman, identified as M. Jawfar, is shot dead by unidentified assailants in the Eravur area of Batticaloa district.
President Mahinda Rajapakse describes the Geneva talks as a "victory for the entire nation," and promises to continue with his peace efforts despite opposition from his unitary and hard-line electoral allies. He describes the current situation as an opportune moment to end the separatist conflict.
The LTTE chief negotiator, Anton Balasingham, describes the Geneva talks as a "victory" for the LTTE.
March 7
Sri Lanka clears more than half of the country's estimated one-million land mines, planted during two decades of civil war, and should be able to complete the task within two years.
Customs officials at the Bandaranaike International Airport in Colombo detains some LTTE delegates, including its Peace Secretariat head Pulidevan, who returned from Oslo, along with several catalogues containing weapons and number of powerful searchlights.
The Marxist JVP states that the party does not like the double role of the Norwegian facilitator and said, "We should not continue to keep Norway as the facilitator."
March 8
EPRLF General Secretary, T. Sritharan, demands that LTTE’s chief negotiator, Anton Balasingham, should be charged for glorifying suicide bombers and issuing death threats from London.
March 9
Unidentified assailants shot dead a civilian, identified as Govinda Vijayarasa, in the Iruthayapuram area of Batticaloa district.
Sri Lanka’s chief Muslim party, the SLMC, accuses the LTTE of carrying out a ‘sinister operation’ to link Sri Lankan Muslims with extremist Muslim groups such as Al Qaeda and vehemently denies accusations by the outfit that a Muslim ‘Jihadi’ group was operating in the east of the country.
March 10
UNICEF has informed that the LTTE still holds as many as 1,358 child soldiers, despite its pledges to free all underage combatants.
The LTTE has reportedly promulgated a "Tamil Eelam Lands Act" covering land administration in the areas under its control in the northeast.
March 11
Thuiyavan, a ‘political leader’ of the ‘Colonel’ Karuna faction, tells Lankadeepa that his group is not a gang but an organisation. He stated, "Nobody can disarm us. We have our own arms. They are not given by the government or anybody else. We will hand over our arms on the day Prabhakaran hands over his. Until then we will not put down arms." He also said that they fear the Sri Lanka Army and Police, but bear arms to protect themselves from the LTTE.
March 13
Anton Balasingham, the LTTE’s chief negotiator, said, “The Geneva peace talks will face grave danger if the Sri Lanka government refuses to disarm Tamil paramilitary organisations and continues allowing them to launch offensive military operations against our military positions in Batticaloa district.” He adds that the LTTE leadership would be compelled to review its decision to participate in the next round of talks, scheduled to be held in Geneva on April 19, if Colombo fails to fulfill the pledges agreed in the joint statement issued after the first session of talks in Geneva.
March 15
A Danish Social Democrat member of the Herning City Council, Arul Thilainadarasa, is expelled from his party after he admitted to his affiliation with the LTTE.
According to the latest Human Rights Watch report, members of Canada's Tamil community are being aggressively pursued and extorted by the LTTE. The HRW report said Canada's Tamil population are pressurized to lend money, re-mortgage their homes or even skip meals to help fund the fight for a separate Tamil state.
March 16
Norwegian peace facilitator, Erik Solheim, announces that he will step down from the facilitator’s role and will appoint a new special envoy to Sri Lanka.
The British Government agrees to curb illegal fund raising from the Sri Lankan Tamil Diaspora in the UK by the LTTE.
March 20
Unidentified assailants shot dead a civilian in the capital city of Colombo.
Unidentified assailants shot dead a civilian, identified as Siththiravel Selvam, in the Eravur area of Batticaloa district.
March 21
Parliament extends the state of emergency, first imposed after the assassination of Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar on August 13, 2005, by one month.
LTTE chief negotiator Anton Balasingham has said that the outfit will view any further attacks by ‘military-backed renegades’ as an act of war and may postpone peace talks unless the State disarms them. He further said, "Unless Rajapakse... accepts the demand of the Tamils for regional autonomy, there won't be any prospect for a political solution. If internal self-determination is rejected, then only we will invoke the right to external self-determination - that is the right to form an independent state."
March 22
Unidentified assailants shot dead two civilians, identified as M. Gunaratnam and Jude, in the Kurumankadu area of Vavuniya district.
The LTTE rejects 'new preconditions' for the re-entry of their political cadres into Government-controlled areas in the Northeast.
March 23
A LTTE cadre is killed and two others are injured in an attack on the outfit’s ‘Forward Defense Line sentry point’ located in the Poonagar area of Trincomalee district.
Cabinet spokesperson, Anura Priyadarshana Yapa, stated that the LTTE has violated the cease-fire agreement on 31 occasions following the February 22-23 Geneva talks.
The Karuna faction along with other Sinhala and Tamil groups form a new organization called the Alliance for Protection of Rights of the People in the East with the aim of separating the North and East Provinces, which have been merged since the signing of the India-Sri Lanka Accord in 1987.
The UNICEF has recorded 1,280 cases of children being kidnapped by the outfit in 2003, falling to 675 in 2005, 155 in July only. In January 2006, it logged 29 cases and 14 were reported for February.
March 24
Unidentified assailants shot dead a civilian, identified as Ponniah Murugesu, and injured another in the Sasthrikulankulam area of Vavuniya district.
The LTTE Peace Secretariat announced that to honour the Government's condition made at the recently concluded Geneva talks, it has decided to stop the opening of all political offices in Government-controlled areas and added, "We hope the government too will respond [to] us positively."
March 25
Six LTTE cadres and eight sailors are feared killed, when a boat heading to northern Sri Lanka and carrying LTTE cadres exploded off the northwest coast near a naval craft. However, the LTTE denied any involvement in the incident.
March 26
The Government has laid down 28 conditions for the LTTE to re-open its political offices in Government-controlled areas, forcing the outfit to indefinitely postpone the idea.
The SLMM condemning the attack on SLN vessel on March 25, in which eight Navy personnel and six LTTE cadres were reportedly killed, said in a statement that it is hard to rule out LTTE involvement in the incident.
March 27
Unidentified assailants shot dead M.L. Dharmasiri, personal secretary of Sri Lanka's Minister of Agriculture, Environment, Irrigation and Mahaweli Development Maithripala Sirisena, in the Aranangawila area of Polannaruwa district
A suspected LTTE front, Upsurging Peoples Brigade, claims responsibility for attacks on the military that killed dozens of SF personnel in December 2005 and January 2006 and also threatened that they would resume attacks.
The SLN has reimposed fishing restrictions in the sea "around the Jaffna peninsula up to a distance of 12 nautical miles from land up to International Maritime Boundary between India and Sri Lanka” to stop the LTTE from smuggling weapons in the guise of fishermen.
March 29
The Sri Lanka Government said that it would continue peace talks with the LTTE despite the deaths of eight sailors in a suicide blast on March 25.
The LTTE chief negotiator, Anton Balasingham, assures the outfit’s participation in the peace talks scheduled to be held at Geneva on April 19, if safe passage through Colombo is provided for their negotiating team.
March 30
The LTTE chief negotiator, Anton Balasingham, assures the outfit’s participation in the peace talks scheduled to be held at Geneva on April 19, if safe passage through Colombo is provided for their negotiating team.
April 3
The ‘Colonel’ Karuna faction has vowed to kill the Eelam LTTE cadres unless they return thousands of homes and businesses appropriated from Muslims in the 1990s. The breakaway faction also stated that it would ‘hunt down’ three top LTTE leaders and hand them to the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission.
April 4
UNICEF has stated that the number of people affected by landmines in Sri Lanka has fallen 75 percent since the signing of the 2002 cease-fire agreement between the Government and LTTE.
April 5
A cadre of the LTTE, identified as ‘lieutenant’ Arulanantham, is allegedly killed in an artillery fire from a Sri Lankan Army position in the Mankerni area of Trincomalee district.
The LTTE political wing leader, S.P. Thamilselvan, in his meeting with the Norwegian peace envoy, Jon Hanssen-Bauer, demands the Sri Lanka Government to disarm paramilitary groups before the next round of peace talks at Geneva, scheduled to be held on April 19-21.
The spokesperson of the SLMM, Helen Olafsdottir, has stated that there is a marked increase in the recruitment of children in the East for combat training presumably by the LTTE.
April 6
Norway's International Development Minister Erik Solheim after his meeting with the Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapakse informs that the President has assured safe passage to the LTTE delegation traveling to Switzerland for peace talks scheduled to be held on April 19-21 at Geneva.
Police chief Chandra Fernando has said that he has not clearly identified who the paramilitary armed groups are, but said the Special Task Force is operating under Police as a paramilitary. He adds that Police would take legal action against those who carry unauthorised arms and also criminals.
April 7
Unidentified assailants shot the President of Trincomalee District Tamil Peoples' Forum, Vanniasingham Vigneswaran, inside a bank premises in the town. The TNA was to nominate Vigneswaran as the national list Parliamentarian to fill the position left vacant by the slain TNA Member of Parliament, Joseph Pararajasingham, who was killed on December 25, 2005.
Suspected LTTE cadres shot dead two Muslim home guards, identified as B.A. Bawa and V. Tahibu, in the Welikanda area of Pollonnaruwa district.
April 8
Suspected cadres of the LTTE kill one soldier and injure other.
Another soldier and civilian are wounded in a fragmentation mine attack on an army lorry in the north.
April 10
Five soldiers and two civilians are killed and two other civilians are injured in a claymore mine explosion triggered by suspected cadres of the LTTE in the Mirusuvil area of Jaffna district.
Canada formally proscribes the LTTE as a terrorist group.
April 11
Ten Sri Lankan Navy sailors and a civilian driver are killed, while nine others injured when a Navy convoy was targeted by a LTTE triggered claymore mine explosion, at Thampalagamuwa on the Trincomalee-Habarana road.
April 12
At least 13 persons are killed and 40 others injured in a series of bomb blasts and arson in the Trincomalee district. In one of the incidents LTTE cadres set off an improvised explosive device outside a vegetable market, killing at least five people. Six more persons are killed in the subsequent mob violence in which shops, including those belonging to Tamils and Muslims, are set ablaze. 38 persons are injured in the two incidents.
April 13
Two civilians, Panchadcharam Kirupakaran Mattuvil and Chinniah Thaya, are shot dead by suspected paramilitary cadres in two separate incidents in the Jaffna district.
April 14
The Sri Lanka Government agrees on a new date for peace talks with the LTTE at Geneva. The head of the Government peace secretariat, Palitha Kohona, told Reuters, “The dates decided upon are the 24th and 25th of April.”
April 15
At least four soldiers are killed and several others wounded in a claymore mine explosion in the Vavuniya district.
Three Sri Lankan Air Force personnel are killed in a LTTE triggered claymore mine explosion in the Kappalthurai area of Trincomalee district.
April 16
The LTTE announces suspending participation in the second round of Geneva peace talks “until hurdles” placed before it by the Government were removed and “a more conducive environment” was created for the negotiations.
Canadian Police raids the office of the World Tamil Movement in Montreal, the first raid after the Canadian Government proscribed the LTTE as a terrorist group and seized computers, files, LTTE flags and other political documents.
April 17
Five SF personnel are killed and seven others sustain injuries in a LTTE triggered claymore mine explosion in the Veppankulam area of Vavuniya district.
Army sources reports that the total number of members of the SFs injured due to attacks in the North and East since February 22-23 Geneva peace talks had risen to 45 with the attacks on April 17-morning. They comprise 25 Sri Lanka Army officers, 13 Navy officers, five SLAF officers and two Police officers. The number of civilians injured since the Geneva peace talks were 61.
The Government agrees to permit Norwegian facilitators to engage a private helicopter operating in Sri Lanka to transport the LTTE eastern leaders to Kilinochchi for consultation in preparation for the peace talks, scheduled to be held at Geneva on April 24-25.
April 18
The LTTE announces that they had killed three paramilitary cadres and captured another in the LTTE-controlled area of Pendukalsenai, west of Kiran in the Batticaloa district.
The pro-LTTE website Tamilnet claimed that the Sri Lanka Army soldiers killed five Tamil civilians on April 18-night near the SLA 51-1 Division camp located at Vatharavathai, 13 km north-east of Jaffna.
LTTE states that they would not attend the Geneva peace talks “unless violence against ethnic Tamils stops.” In an interview, LTTE Peace Secretariat chief S. Puleedevan claimed, “While our people are being killed and our shops are being looted, we are not going to Geneva.”
April 19
Unidentified assailants shot dead a civilian, identified as Ambikaipahan Thambapillai, in the Kondavil junction area of Jaffna town.
Sri Lanka Plan Implementation Minister, Keheliya Rambukwella, told the media that the helicopter ride offered to the LTTE through the SLMM was not a blank cheque but restricted to a maximum 72-hours and the outfit should use it before the Geneva talks scheduled to be held on April 24-25.
General Secretary of Akhila Ilankai Tamil United Front, K. Vigneswaran, states that by not providing adequate relief to the Tamils hit by the recent ethnic riots in Trincomalee, the Sri Lankan Government is driving them into the waiting arms of the LTTE.
April 20
Two bodies are found in the Kuttinagar area of Vavuniya district.
April 21
Two soldiers were killed and another sustained injuries when LTTE cadres blew up their vehicle with a claymore mine in the Thanganagar area of Trincomalee district.
Troops in Jaffna recovered 12 claymore mines, 39 hand grenades of different types, 50 detonators, 10 anti-personnel mines, 8 rocket propelled grenades, 110 TNT explosives sticks, 50 fuses, 5 pouches, 250 9-mm pistol rounds, 10 rounds of .38 ammunition, 5 T-56 magazines, 1400 T-56 bullets, 10 camouflage uniform sets, several other warlike items and explosives weighing 75-kgs along with some appliances from the compound of a house abandoned by an LTTE Mahaveerar's (brave warrior) family in the Maduvil area. According to reports, this is the biggest ever recovery of LTTE claymore mines in a single instance after cease-fire agreement in 2002.
April 22
An army officer was killed and six soldiers sustained injuries when an anti-personnel mine exploded near their car at Welikanda in the Polonnaruwa district, 216 kilometers northeast of the capital Colombo.
Two civilians, Thambiah Gunanayagam and Loganathan Chandra Perumal, were killed in the LTTE-controlled area in Mannar district, when their motorbike hit a claymore mine fixed on a tree. Two more civilians were shot dead by unidentified assailants in the Nelliady area of Jaffna district.
April 23
According to the pro-Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) website Tamil Net, eight civilians were killed in separate incidents on April 22-23.
LTTE cadres shot dead six Sinhalese farmers, including a home guard, who were in their paddy fields at Kallanpattu in the Gomarankadawala area of Trincomalee district.
April 24
Two home guards are shot dead by suspected LTTE cadres while they were proceeding from their duty post towards the Dutuwewa base in the Vavuniya district.
LTTE cadres kill a three-year-old infant while he was with his mother at Muslim Colony in the Kaduruwela area of Polonnaruwa district.
April 25
Army Commander Lt. General Sarath Fonseka is critically injured while at least eight persons were killed when a female suicide cadre of the LTTE, disguised as a pregnant woman, blew herself up in front of the military hospital inside the Colombo Army headquarters. 27 persons were wounded in the explosion.
Following the attack, the Air Force launched a series of strikes on the LTTE-held Sampoor area in the Trincomalee district. The pro-LTTE website Tamil Net claimed that at least 12 civilians were killed in the aerial strike.
April 26
At least four civilians are killed and 12 others, including two sailors, were injured when the LTTE directed mortar fire towards the naval jetty in Muttur.
Associated Press reports that close to 40,000 civilians have left their homes in northeastern Sri Lanka to escape Government air strikes on LTTE bases.
The LTTE's Trincomalee district political head S. Elilan said, "we are in a state of readiness and are awaiting for the instruction from our leadership to respond with a force that will be catastrophically disabling and devastating to the enemy."
April 27
Three SF personnel are killed and three others sustained injuries in a LTTE triggered remote controlled claymore mine attack at Naravilkulam in the Mannar district.
Two sailors of Sri Lanka navy are killed in another claymore mine attack by the LTTE in the Kayts area of Jaffna district.
The Sri Lanka Government halts its "deterrent strikes" in the LTTE-controlled areas.
Foreign Affairs Minister Mangala Samaraweera calls for "tangible and specific international actions against the LTTE and its front organisations if it continues to persist with suicide attacks and other terrorist acts against security forces and civilians."
April 28
Two Tamil youths are shot dead by unidentified assailants in the Valaichenai area of Batticaloa district
Chief of the SLMM, Major General Ulf Henricsson, confirms that the Sri Lanka Air Force and Navy had definitely targeted military positions and offices of the LTTE. He said that 10-12 people may have died and added that the report relating to a mass exodus of people from the Sampur area was grossly exaggerated.
April 29
Two LTTE 'auxiliary force' cadres are killed in a claymore mine attack allegedly carried out by the Sri Lankan Army in the LTTE-held area of Manalaru in the Mullaitivu district.
The Sri Lankan Government said that it is prepared to travel to Switzerland any time to resume peace talks with the LTTE.
April 30
The LTTE raids camps belonging to 'Colonel' Karuna faction in the Welikanda area of Polannaruwa district, killing 20 of its cadres.
The UN has informed that up to 21,000 people have fled their homes following the latest increase in violence in Sri Lanka's northeastern district of Trincomalee. The office of the UN Humanitarian Coordinator in Sri Lanka said in a statement, "Altogether there is an established recent case load of some 6,000 families or about 21,000 people."
May 1
The LTTE triggers an improvised explosive device (IED) blast targeting SLN personnel near Shanmugam Vidyalaya in the Trincomlaee town. However, the blast missed its intended target, killing four civilians and one SLN personnel. One more SLN personnel sustained injuries in the blast.
Two civilians are killed and three others were injured by the LTTE in the Welioya area of Batticaloa district. Five more civilians have reportedly gone missing from the area.
The LTTE's commando unit that returned to its FDL on April 30 after completing the attack on three paramilitary camps in the Welikanda area of Pollonaruwa district, has claimed that five SF personnel, including a Captain rank officer, who took part in a paramilitary rescue operation, were killed in confrontation with the outfit.
May 2
Cadres of the 'Colonel' Karuna faction attack the LTTE camp in Batticaloa, killing eight of the outfit's cadres.
nidentified assailants attack the Udayan newspaper office at Kasthuriar Road in the Jaffna town, killing two employees of the daily and injuring an unspecified number of others.
Troops allegedly kill a woman, identified as Sivagnanasundaram Kalarani, and wounded two others in the Chinnavalayankattu area of Mannar district.
The LTTE 'Sea-Tiger' leader, Soosai, told that the outfit would use its own vessels and armed escort to transport eastern leaders to the North. He also said that they already used their vessels to transport cadres from Mullativu to Trincomalee with armed escort on April 30.
May 3
The SCOPP chief, Palitha Kohona, states that the Government has been offering seaplanes for the last one week "but we have still not received a definite response from the LTTE. We are also engaged with the Government delegation's pre-talks preparation."
The main opposition UNP has said that the ongoing peace process is the only way to a lasting peace, but added that the party will back the Government if it opts for war.
May 4
Troops kill seven LTTE cadres in a retaliatory fire when they attacked SFs with hand grenades at Nelliady in the Jaffna town, injuring two soldiers.
'Ravana Force', an LTTE front outfit, warn Tamil media personnel working at the State print and electronic media institutions to refrain from supporting the Government's propaganda against the LTTE.
May 5
One police personnel is killed and four others sustain injuries in a LTTE-triggered claymore mine explosion at Mandan in the Nelliady area of Jaffna district.
Cadres of the LTTE shot dead a soldier and injured another at Adikovil in the same district.
The Minister of Policy Development and Implementation, Keheliya Rambukwella, said that the Government has asserted that it will not provide the LTTE with aircraft belonging to the armed forces for any reason.
May 7
At least eight civilians, who went missing from a temple, are feared killed in the Thenmarachchi area of Jaffna district.
The 'Colonel' Karuna faction cadres kill 12 cadres of the LTTE in an attack at the outfit's camp in the Sampoor and Ravulkulee areas of Trincomalee district.
The LTTE vows to raid Government territory to kill cadres of the 'Colonel' Karuna faction, who according to the outfit, are attacking their cadres with the help of the military and has warned that peace talks are off until those renegade attacks stop.
The Colonel Karuna faction is reported to have said that no one can disarm them, be it the Government, Norwegian facilitators or the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission, as the Sri Lankan Government did not arm them.
May 8
The Sri Lanka Government chief negotiator, Health Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva, urges Japanese special peace envoy, Yasushi Akashi, to enlighten the Co-Chairs about the LTTE attitudes and violations of the cease-fire agreement and to put pressure on the outfit to return to the peace process.
May 9
Sri Lankan Foreign Minister, Mangala Samaraweera, during an official visit to India, said that his country needs foreign help to pressure the LTTE to come back to peace talks.
The Sri Lankan Government is reported to have allocated Rupees 38 billion for a number of economic development projects, including activities to uplift the lives of displaced persons, in the Northern and Eastern provinces.
The Japanese peace envoy Yasushi Akashi met the 'chief' of the LTTE's political division, S.P. Thamilselvan at Kilinochchi and held discussions with him.
May 10
A home guard is shot dead by unidentified assailants in the Padaviya Police station area of Batticaloa district.
According to the Netherlands Minister of Justice, Donner, and Minister of Immigration, Verdonk, there are signs that the Tamil community is being intimidated by the LTTE to raise funds. The Netherlands would like to put the LTTE on the European list of illegal and terrorist organizations, added Donner.
The National Memorial Institute for the Prevention of Terrorism, sponsored by the United States Department of Homeland Security, has designated Sihala Urumaya - the precusor to the Jathika Hela Urumaya (JHU) - as a terrorist organization.
The Japanese special peace envoy, Yashushi Akashi, stated in Colombo that relations between the Government and LTTE are at their worst since he began his role as the peace envoy in 2002. Yakushi also said that Japan has invited India to join the co-chairs of the Tokyo Donors' Conference, which includes the United States, European Union, Japan and Norway. On the response from India to the invitation, he said that the "indications were positive."
The LTTE political wing leader, S.P. Thamilselvan, tells Reuters that the country is moving to the fringes of a new civil war.
May 11
At least 17 Sri Lanka Navy (SLN) sailors and 50 LTTE cadres are killed as the SLN successfully repulsed an attempt by a cluster of the outfit's suicide boats to destroy a heavy troop-carrying vessel - the 'Pearl Cruiser' - with 710 troops on board off the coast of Vettilaikerni. In the firefight, Navy ensured the safety of the passenger craft and suffered the loss of one Dvora (P 418) with two officers and 15 sailors onboard. The Navy in a retaliatory attack with the assistance of the Air Force destroyed five LTTE boats completely and disabled four others, killing 50 'Sea Tigers' and forcing the fleet to withdraw.
The Government Defence Affairs spokesperson, Minister Keheliya Rambukwella, told Daily News that defence authorities have decided to launch limited operations to deter further LTTE attacks.

President Mahinda Rajapakse urges the LTTE to cease violence and resume peace negotiations with the Government.
The SLMM in a press release following the LTTE attack on naval vessel, with two SLMM monitors on board, in the sea off Vettilaikerni stated that the outfit has no rights at sea.

The LTTE political wing leader, S.P. Thamilselvan, strongly rejects the SLMM claim that the outfit had no rights at sea. He said in a letter to the SLMM that the outfit had a right to naval movements as part of the balance of power.
May 12
Unidentified assailants shot dead a civilian, identified as Balakumar, and injured another in the Muttur area of Trincomalee district.
A civilian, Gnanam, is shot dead by unidentified gunmen in the Atchuveli area of Jaffna district.

The LTTE political wing leader, S.P. Tamilselvan, told the SLMM chief, Maj Gen Ulf Ericsson, "Nobody has the right to pass judgment on the sovereign rights of our access to the adjacent sea and airspace of our homelands." He also said that the LTTE is not a "non-state actor" and added that the outfit did not enter the peace process to be described as a "non-state actor" and the Sri Lankan government as the "state actor".
May 13
At least 13 civilians, including a four-month and a four-year old child, are killed by suspected LTTE cadres in two incidents in the Kayts Island of Jaffna district.
A soldier is shot dead by unidentified assailants near Main Street in Jaffna.
The head of the Nordic truce monitors said that the Government and LTTE have returned to a 'low-intensity war' despite a cease-fire that still technically holds on paper. He stated, "You could in some definition say we already have a war. We don't have a peace agreement, we have a ceasefire agreement. So there is a war ongoing. It is a low-intensity war. You can say that."
May 14
The LTTE dismisses calls by SLMM to stop outfit navy missions and have threatened "war" to keep their men at sea. LTTE's 'naval wing' chief, 'Colonel' Soosai, said that the outfit was "not prepared to relinquish sovereign rights to the seas which we have won with the sacrifice of our people." He further said LTTE's 'Sea Tigers' had lost 1,200 cadres in the past 15 years and they would not give up operations in the Indian Ocean adjacent to areas they control in the island's north and east.

The SLMM said in a statement that it was "reviewing" its own practice of putting monitors on Government vessels.
17 refugees from Sri Lanka arrived at Dhanushkodi in the Rameswaram district of the Indian state of Tamil Nadu, taking the total number of refugees coming to India to approximately 800 since January 2006.
May 15
A civilian, identified as Aham Razul, is hacked to death by suspected LTTE cadres in the Thopur area of Trincomalee district.
'Pistol gang' cadres of the LTTE shot dead a civilian, identified as Geetha Ponkalan Selvakumar, inside a hospital in the Batticaloa town.
The Sri Lankan Government has said that no one can claim sovereignty over Sri Lankan territorial waters, as claimed by the LTTE.
President Mahinda Rajapakse invites the LTTE to rejoin the peace talks and added that he is not in favor of further internationalization of the conflict.
May 16
LTTE cadres detonate two claymore mines in the Thambalagamuwa area of Trincomalee district, killing one home guard and injuring two others.

A woman cadre of the LTTE, identified as Yalisai, is killed when SFs who allegedly moved beyond the no-man zone at Palamodai, north of Vavuniya, attacked an LTTE FDL.
May 17
LTTE snipers killed a Sri Lankan soldier at Muhamalai in Jaffna district.
May 19
Five LTTE cadres are killed by cadres of the 'Colonel' Karuna group in the Sampur area of Trincomalee district.

Suspected LTTE cadres in the Vavuniya district kill two soldiers.
May 20
LTTE 'pistol gang' cadres shot dead a 12-year old boy, S. Sathyam, in the Mavadiodai area of Batticaloa district as he rejected the outfit's demand to join the organization as a child soldier.
May 21
A 15-year old student and his companion, identified as Chandran Linton and Rasarathinam Mohan, are allegedly killed in a claymore attack by the SLA in the LTTE controlled area in the Mannar district.
Cadres of the breakaway 'Colonel' Karuna faction in the Batticaloa district kill a top 'commander' of the LTTE, identified as Ramanan. A spokesperson for the Karuna group, T. Thuyavan, claims they killed Ramanan who was deputy head of the LTTE 'Military wing' of the Batticaloa district. He also claims that their cadres attacked an LTTE camp near Trincomalee, killing at least 10 cadres of the outfit.
May 22
A civilian is shot dead by unidentified assailants in the Kopay North area of Jaffna district.
Unidentified assailants shot dead a civilian, Iknesias Rasman Lanthilad, at Gnanasooriaym Square in the Batticaloa town.
SLA soldiers shot dead a suspected LTTE cadre, identified as Arunachalam Suresh Gunapalan, at Vidathalpallai.
The head of LTTE Peace Secretariat, S. Puleedevan, told Reuters that the military was pushing the island towards a "high intensity war" and also accused the army for the death their senior commander, 'Colonel' Ramanan, on May 21.
May 23
The LTTE kills a soldier on duty near the FDL at Iramperiyakulam in the Vavuniya district.
SFs shot dead a LTTE cadre at Thoppur in the Trincomalee district as he tried to escape after hurling a grenade towards troops.
May 24
Three SF personnel are killed in an LTTE-triggered claymore mine attack in the Thandikulam area of Vavuniya district.
A LTTE cadre, Oppilamany Sankaran, is killed when SF personnel launched an artillery attack in the Upparu area.
India on May 14 extended the existing ban on the LTTE for a further period of two years, which was confirmed by Government of Indian state of Tamil Nadu on May 20. It is for the sixth time that India has extended the ban.
140 Tamil refugees arrive at Dhanushkodi in the Rameswaram district of Tamil Nadu in southern India. With this, the number of refugees reaching the Indian coast since January 2006 has reached 1,779, officials said.
May 25
Four police personnel are killed in an LTTE-triggered claymore mine attack in the Kattankudy area of Batticaloa district.
One civilian and a soldier are killed in a LTTE claymore mine attack in the Kovukil area of Jaffna district.
A LTTE top leader, identified as Veeramani, the former 'commander' of the 'Charles Anthony Brigade', is killed in an accidental explosion near the Nagarkovil Forward Defence Line of the outfit in the Jaffna district.
The Government urges Gulf Arab states to ban the LTTE in their countries in view to block the funds to the outfit.

The SLMM has decided to increase its ranks by at least 15 more monitors and to bring in flak jackets and helmets.
May 26
The Deputy Director of Irrigation in Batticaloa district, Nava Rathnarajah, is shot dead and his driver wounded by cadres of the LTTE in the Kalliyankadu area.
A counter-ambush commando unit of the LTTE kill three 'Colonel' Karuna faction cadres and captured two others, when it allegedly launched an attack on the infiltrating five-member Karuna group from the Sri Lanka Army camp located in the Pattiaddy area of Trincomalee district.
LTTE cadres open fire towards troops in the Kopay area of Jaffna district, injuring one soldier. In retaliatory action, the troops kill two LTTE cadres.
The SLMC leader, Rauff Hakeem, during his meetings with the Norwegian Special Peace Envoy Jon Hanssen-Bauer told that that his party was ready to have unofficial discussions with the LTTE to solve issues that affect the Muslims in the North and East.
May 27
Six local tourists and their guide are killed in a suspected LTTE landmine explosion near the Wilpattu National Wild Park, 200-kilometers north of capital Colombo.
Two boys are killed and three others injured when Sri Lankan Army soldiers, who had allegedly moved into the Thikiliveddai area, an LTTE controlled border area of Batticaloa district, ambushed a tractor with farmers.
The LTTE agrees to participate in the talks with the Government over the SLMM security measures in Oslo on June 8-9.
Norway's top peace envoy to Sri Lanka, Eric Solheim, said that a major crisis was brewing in the country and that it could be headed back to full-scale civil war.
May 28
A civilian, identified as K. Sawikaran, is shot dead by cadres of the LTTE in the Dimbulagala area of Polonnaruwa district.
May 29
The Makkal Eela Viduthalai Munnawar (Eelam People's Liberation Alliance-EPLA), a front organization of the LTTE, threatens the entire Muslim population in Muttur to leave the area within 72 hours or face death.
The LTTE, which agreed to participate in talks on June 8-9 in Oslo, has demanded for transport and security for its leaders. The LTTE's political wing head, S.P. Tamilselvan, stresses that the dialogue would be separate to the peace talks with the Government, which began in February. He also said that the outfit wouldn't surrender their weapons after a reported demand by the EU.
May 30
The LTTE cadres kill 12 Sinhalese villagers working at an irrigation canal construction site in Omadiyamadu, close to the uncleared areas of Welikanda in Pollonaruwa district.
The Sri Lanka co-chairs warn the LTTE that it would face "deeper isolation" if it failed to change itself. They also wanted the Government to "protect the rights and security of Tamils" and make the required political changes "to bring about a new system of governance."
May 31
The LTTE cadres LTTE kill a soldier and wounded two others in the Point-Pedro area of Jaffna district.
The EU officially adds the LTTE to its terrorist blacklist, effectively freezing the outfit's assets across the 25-nation bloc and hindering its ability to raise money for its armed movement.
Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera informs that the LTTE funnel contributions through Malaysia and Singapore to buy weapons in Thailand and Cambodia.
June 1
'Pistol gang' cadres of the LTTE shot dead two members of the EPDP, Sebastian Irayappan and Arumugam Loganathan, in the Pandarikulam area of Vavuniya district.
The LTTE confirms that they will attend the talks scheduled to be held on June 8-9 in Oslo.
June 2
A civilian, identified as Rasiah Kanesan, is killed when unidentified assailants lobbed a hand grenade inside a house in the Puthur area of Batticaloa district.
Police investigators probing the Omadiyamadu massacres of May 30 in which 12 civilians were killed have revealed that the killings had been part of the LTTE training for their child recruits.
The All Party Conference (APC) endorses a proposal by President Mahinda Rajapakse to appoint a constitutional committee to evolve a political settlement ideally suited for Sri Lanka.

The Government assures security guarantee to the LTTE, allowing them to attend talks in Oslo aimed at strengthening the monitoring of the cease-fire.

The LTTE accepts an invitation by peace broker Norway for talks in Oslo on June 8-9 regarding the security of Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission personnel, but stressed that these would not be peace talks.
June 3
Two civilians, E. Sittaravel and Nalliah Wimalendran, are shot dead by the LTTE for their refusal to pay ransom in the outfit-controlled area at Kaluwankerni in the Batticaloa district.
The Government delegation led by head of the Secretariat for Co-ordinating the Peace Process (SCOPP), Palitha Kohona, left for Oslo for talks along with the LTTE team led by its political wing leader, S. P. Tamilselvan.
June 5
LTTE cadres triggered an IED explosion targeting troops in the Batticaloa district. In the retaliatory fire, troops killed two LTTE cadres.
One soldier is killed when LTTE cadres opened fire targeting the troops in the Nanattan area of Mannar district.
June 6
Two Police personnel and a civilian are killed in an LTTE-triggered remote controlled claymore mine attack in the Bandarikulam area of Vavuniya district. A 12-year old boy and two police personnel were injured in the attack.
'Pistol gang' cadres of the LTTE kill two civilians in the Serunuwara area of Trincomalee district.
A former member of the EPDP, identified as Keshaman Anandan, and his female cousin, Rathnasingham Podini, are shot dead by 'pistol gang' cadres of the LTTE in the Kayts area of Jaffna district.
June 7
At least 15 cadres of the LTTE are killed in an attack by the breakaway faction of 'Colonel' Karuna in the Muttur area of Trincomalee district.
At least six civilians and a LTTE cadre are killed in an explosion of a pressure mine at Vadumunai in Batticaloa district. While the LTTE blames the Sri Lankan Army for the explosion, the Army denies the accusation.
Japan said that it would not reduce or stop economic and humanitarian aid to Sri Lanka, despite the escalation in violence.
June 8
An entire family of four persons, including a nine-year old girl and a seven-year old boy, are hacked to death in the Vankalai area of Mannar district. The Government accuses the LTTE for the killing as the family was helping Government forces. However, the outfit's spokesperson, Daya Master, denies the allegation and accused the military for the killing.
Two civilians are killed in a claymore mine attack allegedly carried out by the SLA personnel in the Periayamadu-Pallamadu area of Mannar district.
The Sri Lanka Government in a statement issued in Colombo states that the LTTE who traveled to Oslo on June 5 for the two-day meeting scheduled to start on June 8 refused to meet with the Government delegation. The Sri Lankan Government has asked its delegation to come home after the LTTE refusal to meet the delegation.
Erik Solheim, Norway's Minister for International Development, urges the LTTE to reconsider its rejection of European Union citizens as monitors.
The SLMM spokesperson has stressed that the LTTE has no rights in the sea or in Sri Lanka's air space according to international law.
June 9
The Norwegian Government said it would reconsider its role as a facilitator in the Sri Lankan peace process after failing in an attempt to arrange a meeting between the Government and LTTE.

The LTTE political wing leader, S.P. Tamilselvan, said that the LTTE were firm in their decision that the EU members of a five-nation Nordic cease-fire monitoring mission should leave the Indian Ocean Island. He further added the countries sending monitors "must be seen to be neutral."
Norway's Minister for International Development, Erik Solheim, told media that the scheduled talks between the Sri Lankan Government and the LTTE to be held on June 8-9 were a "failure" and accused the LTTE for the breakdown.

The Sri Lanka Government in a statement blames the SLMM and also accused its chief, Swedish Army Major General, Ulf Henricsson, of inciting violence.
June 10
A top 'commander' of the LTTE, 'Lt Col' Mahenthi, and three of his associates are killed in a anti-personnel mine blast in the Mannar district.
A gunman boarded a passenger bus and shot dead an ethnic Tamil man and a 10-year-old boy in the Muttur area of Trincomalee district.
June 11
Two civilians are killed in a claymore mine attack allegedly carried out by the Sri Lanka Army inside the LTTE-controlled territory at Palaipani in the Vavuniya district.

LTTE cadres shot dead a soldier, Lance Corporal H.B.S. Kumararathne, in the Vavunathivu area of Batticaloa district.

The Norwegian Minister for International Development, Erik Solheim, told BBC Sandesaya that it is the responsibility of both the Government and LTTE to avoid a possible war situation in the country.
June 12
LTTE cadres shot dead a former cadre of the outfit, identified as J. Podi Pulendran, in the Eravur of Batticaloa district area as he threatened to desert the outfit.
The President Mahinda Rajapakse has appointed a committee to serve in an advisory capacity to the committee of representatives, from all parties to be appointed to work out the formalities for a lasting solution to the ethnic conflict. The Advisory Committee, headed by H. L. De Silva, an eminent civil and constitutional lawyer, comprises 12 members selected from various fields of discipline.
June 13
Two cadres of the LTTE and a soldier are killed in an encounter between the outfit's cadres and the SLA personnel, who were allegedly planting claymore mine in the outfit's-controlled Nedunkerni area of Jaffna district.
Unidentified assailants shot dead a home guard in the Kanugahawewa area of Anuradhapura district.
June 14
Air Force authorities detain the LTTE delegation that went to Oslo at the Colombo airport as undeclared items were found in their possession.
The LTTE stated that the outfit wants fair treatment in the country's peace process and would not give in to pressure tactics such as the EU declaring it a terrorist organization.

The National Peace Council warns that if either the Government or LTTE seeks to defy the international consensus on peace in Sri Lanka, not only they but the whole country would be called upon to "pay a very heavy price". Sri Lanka is through a revival of the peace process."
The United Nations refugee agency stated that almost 3,000 people have fled Sri Lanka for India since the start of 2006.
June 15
At least 64 civilians, including 15 children, are killed and eighty-six others are injured when a state-run passenger bus carrying 150 passengers was destroyed in a twin side-charger claymore mine explosion in the Anuradhapura district. The Government's spokesperson on security issues, Keheliya Rambukwella, blames the LTTE for the attack saying, "There is no iota of doubt that it is the LTTE." Meanwhile, the LTTE denies its involvement and blamed the Government for the attack.
LTTE cadres kill a civilian in the Bakkiela area of Ampara district and escapes with the deceased's one and a half-year-old child, who was found abandoned with wounds on the neck during subsequent search operation.
The JVP urges the Government to ban the LTTE and take well-planned strategies to defeat terrorism without holding onto 'foolish' hopes of false negotiations.
June 16
Three civilians are allegedly killed by the SLA personnel in the Welgampura area of Trincomalee district.
The Sri Lankan Foreign Minister stated that the LTTE leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran, should be tried for war crimes.

The SLMM, while condemning attack in Kebithigollewa, said, "Targeting of a civilian bus is not only a barbaric act, but also jeopardizes the freedom of innocent people in their everyday life."
Senator Steve Hutchins of the Labour Party in Australia in his speech to the Federal Parliament in Canberra urges the Australian Government to proscribe the LTTE as a terrorist organisation under domestic law.
June 17
At least 30 Sea Tigers, six sailors and six civilians are killed in the Talaimannar islet of Mannar district as heavy fighting broke out between security forces and the LTTE. Eight sailors are missing in action. One civilian among those who sought refuge in a church in the aftermath of the sudden flare-up is also killed and several others are injured. The LTTE, however, claims that 12 sailors and two of its cadres are killed in the offensive.
Five LTTE Sea Tigers are arrested on the outskirts of Colombo following a tip-off by civilians when they were planning to attack naval patrol craft with "magnetic sea mines."
June 18
Three Police personnel are killed in a LTTE triggered claymore mine explosion targeting a bowser carrying water to Dutuwewa Police station on the Vavuniya- Kebithigollewa road.
Two soldiers are killed by the LTTE in the Welioya area of Batticaloa district.
The Sri Lankan Government describes the LTTE as an 'eternal killing machine' that kills innocent civilians without rhyme or reason and urges the outfit to instead re-enter inclusive talks with the Government.

The LTTE issues handouts threatening people returning to Allaipiddi, at a time when the displaced are sheltered in two churches in Jaffna and are getting ready to return to their homes on the assurance given by Minister of Social Services and Social Welfare, Douglas Devananda.
June 19
An unidentified civilian is shot dead by a LTTE 'pistol gang' cadre in the Arunagiri-Llyod Avenue Road junction area of Batticaloa district.
The LTTE said that they would resort to any strategy, including suicide bombers, if all-out civil war resumes, and that the effects would be felt across the country.
The Foreign Affairs Minister Mangala Samaraweera rules out parity of status between the Government and LTTE.
June 20
Eight LTTE cadres are killed during an overnight clash with the ‘Colonel’ Karuna group cadres in the Trincomalee district.
A civilian, identified as Nirmalakumaran, is shot dead by cadres of the ‘Colonel’ Karuna group in the Kommathurai area of Batticaloa district. Another civilian, Jeyaraj Suthaharan, is shot dead by unidentified assailants in the Urani area of Batticaloa district.
The LTTE reaffirms their commitment to the truce, but said that the future of cease-fire monitors from Denmark, Finland and Sweden is still in the balance.
June 21
Unidentified assailants shot dead a civilian, identified as Milred Roy Weld, and injured his father in the Jeyanthipuram area of Batticaloa district.
The Sri Lankan Government states that it has no plans to ban the LTTE as demanded by the JVP party.
The LTTE informs the Norwegian peace facilitators that cease-fire monitors from EU countries should leave.
The LTTE said it wants India to "accept and recognise the freedom struggle of the Tamil people in Sri Lanka and extend its moral support" by condemning the "atrocities"' of the Lankan Government.
June 22
Two civilians, Kanthasamy Thavarajah and Shanmugam Jeyaratnam, who were abducted earlier in separate incidents, are shot dead by unidentified assailants in the respective areas of Santhiveli and Vinayagapuram in the Batticaloa district.
The Commanding Officer in charge of the Muhamalai road, Lt. Col. A. G. N. P. Ehelamalpe, is reported to have said that the LTTE has earned over Rupees 40 million by way of taxes imposed on goods sent to the North for civilians in Jaffna passing through the outfit’s checkpoint in Puliyankulam during the last four months.
The UNICEF states that the LTTE breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna faction are abducting and recruiting children as soldiers.
June 23
The Sri Lankan Government said that the LTTE demand to remove EU members from the SLMM is a violation of the CFA.
June 25
An expatriate Tamil civilian from Switzerland, who was on a short visit to the country, is shot dead by unidentified cadres of the LTTE in the Valaichchenai area of Batticaloa district.
‘Pistol gang’ cadres of the LTTE shot dead a member of the PLOTE, identified as Jayahulabdeen Mohamad Wazeer, near the Jaffna Hospital.
President Mahinda Rajapakse offers a two-week cease-fire to the LTTE.
June 26
A suicide bomber kills the SLA Deputy Chief of Staff, Major General Parami Kulathunge, the third highest appointment in the SLA, and three others at Pannipitiya, a suburb of capital Colombo.
Eight persons are wounded in the explosion. A civilian, identified as Kandiyah Yogeswaran, is shot dead by LTTE cadres in the Kayts area of Jaffna district.
One soldier is killed and another wounded in a LTTE fire in the Kantale area of Trincomalee district.
Norway stated that it would continue its mediation efforts in Sri Lanka despite the increasing violence in the country.
June 27
Three civilians are shot dead by unidentified assailants in the Mailambaweli area of Batticaloa district. Four LTTE cadres are killed in an attack by the breakaway faction of ‘Colonel’ Karuna in the Vakarai area of Batticaloa district.
Ambassador Alan Rock of Canada will serve as a special advisor to a UN fact-finding mission in Sri Lanka on the "continuing recruitment and use of child soldiers" by the LTTE. The SLMM stated that the June 26-assassination of Major General Parami Kulatunga had been carried out by the LTTE as the suicide bombing bore the hallmarks of the outfit.
The SLA declares that it is reverting to security arrangements prevalent prior to the February 2002 CFA with the LTTE in the wake of the stepped up violence by the outfit.
The LTTE said that it deeply regrets the May 21, 1991 assassination of the former Prime Minister, Rajiv Gandhi, and described it as a "monumental and historical tragedy."
Indian Government says forgiving LTTE for the killing of Rajiv Gandhi would amount to endorsing the LTTE ideology of terror.
June 28
At least 12 LTTE cadres and five SLN personnel are killed in the sea off Kalpitiya in Puttalam district.
Three civilians are killed in a claymore explosion in the LTTE-controlled area of Musali in the Mannar district.
LTTE denies that it had owned responsibility for the assassination of former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi.
June 29
SLA personnel allegedly kill a woman, identified as Sathasivam Mathuri, and injured her father in the Athiyady area of Jaffna district.
The Norwegian International Development Minister and former Special Peace Envoy to Sri Lanka, Erik Solheim, stated that Norway does not foresee a large Norwegian presence in Sri Lanka to replace the 37 SLMM members from EU countries, who are under pressure from the LTTE to vacate their posts.
Sri Lankan Government decides to make knowledge of Sinhala and Tamil compulsory for new recruits to public service at all levels as part of its efforts to "faithfully" implement the dual language formula.
June 30
One SLN personnel and a LTTE cadre are killed in an exchange of fire near the Jumma Mosque in Mannar town.
July 2
The LTTE claims it had checked the list and determined that more than 800 of those child soldiers named in the UNICEF release are aged over 18.
July 3
Seven persons, including five SF personnel, are killed and 14 wounded in a LTTE-triggered claymore mine explosion at Anuradhapura junction in the Trincomalee district.
The LTTE sets September 1 as the deadline for cease-fire monitors from Denmark, Finland and Sweden to leave the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission.
July 5
One soldier is killed in a landmine explosion targeting troops at Pirappamadu near Vavuniya town.
Policy Planning Minister Keheliya Rambukwella announces that a 12-member multi-ethnic committee has been set up to advice President Mahinda Rajapakse on power sharing in the Tamil dominated north and east. Rambukwella informs that the new committee would study models from all over the world, including India and Canada.
July 6
A fisherman belonging to the Malay Muslim community, Thuwan Vahid Ali, is shot dead by the LTTE along Ganesh road in Trincomalee district.
The Sri Lankan Parliament is reported to have voted overwhelmingly to extend an emergency law for another month to counter rising violence by the LTTE.
July 7
The house of a Norwegian journalist, Nina Johnsrud is attacked with gunfire in Oslo. Nina, who works for the daily Dagsavisen had earlier written about the LTTE leader, Yogaraja Balasingham, rigging the last Oslo municipal election.
At least 245 Muslim families from the Musali area and 43 families from Mannar Island in Sri Lanka's Northern Province have fled their homes and reached the Kalpitty and Puttalam areas.
July 8
M.I.M.Nizar, the bodyguard of Digamadulla District MP and Deputy Minister, Anver Ismail, of the ruling UPFA is shot dead by two unidentified men in the Amparai district.
July 9
The number of Sri Lankan refugees, who have taken asylum in Tamil Nadu in India since January 12, has increased to 4,528, with arrival of the fresh batch of 139 refugees.
July 11
Sri Lankan Navy personnel in a retaliatory fire destroyed a Sea Tiger boat in the Kilaly lagoon area of Batticaloa district, killing four LTTE cadres on board.
The SLMM reveals that the LTTE has violated the cease-fire on 3,754 occasions since February 2002. Nearly half of the violations relates to child recruitment. In all, the SLMM has received 7,308 complaints against the LTTE up to-date.
July 12
Two police personnel are killed and seven persons are wounded in a LTTE triggered claymore mine blast at Nallur in Jaffna.
A PLOTE leader, Sebastian Irudarajan, is shot dead by the LTTE near Wembadi Girls School in Jaffna. A soldier, W.R.
Weerasinghe, is killed by a LTTE sniper at Nagarkovil Forward Defence Line in the Jaffna district.
July 13
Two soldiers are killed and another wounded by the LTTE in the Katkulem area of Vavuniya district.
LTTE cadres abducted and later shot dead a leader of the PLOTE, R.S.S.Bavan, at Kappachchi in Vavuniya district.
July 14
At least 12 soldiers and four LTTE cadres are killed in clash between the two sides in the Vakaneri area of Batticaloa district.
The Government declares that it will not attempt to disarm the LTTE breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna, because it does not want to get entangled in another war.
The Government SCOPP discloses that up to 20 per cent of foreign funds channeled to the Northeast have been siphoned off by the LTTE.
July 16
Three civilians, identified as Joshep Jude, Anton Densil and Pakyarasa Aruldas, are hacked to death by unidentified assailants in the Arialai area of Jaffna district.
Two civilians, Navarathnam Sasidharan and Nawarathnam Wasikaran are shot dead by unidentified assailants in the Point Pedro area of the Jaffna district.
The SLMC Constitutional Affairs Committee finalizes its framework for solving the ethnic conflict in the country.
A total of 64 Tamil refugees arrive at Arichamunai in the Ramanathapuram district of Indian state of Tamil Nadu, raising the total number of refugees who arrived in the country since January 12 up to 5,051.
July 18
A civilian is killed and two others sustained injuries at Kodikamam in the Jaffna district in a LTTE-triggered claymore mine explosion. Four soldiers are also injured in the attack.
July 19
Three Sri Lankan Army personnel are killed after their bus was hit by a claymore mine in Jaffna. Eleven others, including two police constables, are injured.
Government authorities arrested four women suspected to be suicide bombers at Tissamaharama in the Hambantota district.
The four are trained LTTE operatives, who were intending to carry out attacks in the south of the country. The LTTE is entrenched in Canada and uses a Toronto-based "front organization" called the World Tamil Movement (WTM) to raise money for arms, says a summary of an ongoing Royal Canadian Mountain Police (RCMP) investigation.
The RCMP 58-page document released today refers the WTM as "the Canadian arm" of the LTTE.
July 20
Five LTTE cadres are killed and three NGO officials are injured in a claymore mine explosion in the uncleared area (area not under Government control) of Silavathura in the Mannar district.
A sympathizer of the EPDP, Selvar Yogan, is shot dead by unidentified assailants in the Valigamam East area of Jaffna district.
July 21
A woman, identified as Murukaiah Sukirtha, is shot dead by unidentified assailants at Kanthapasegaram road in the Jaffna town. LTTE political wing leader, S.P.
Tamilselvan, rejects the Swedish special envoy Anders Oljelund’s demand of accepting the continuance of EU members as SLMM officials. He reiterates that the deadline issued by the outfit till September 1, 2006 with regard to the removal of the three officials from the EU countries from the SLMM would remain unchanged.
July 23
A senior member of the EPDP, Emily Janoos, is shot dead by unidentified assailants at Uoorkavatturai in the Jaffna district.
Two dead bodies of civilians are found in the Thonikkal area of Vavuniya district. Sunday Times quoting Eliyathambi Pararajasingham, in charge of the LTTE legal system, reported that the outfit is drafting their own anti-terrorism laws to deal with the Sri Lanka Military and Police personnel who enter their territory.
The law is expected to be finalised by the end of year 2006.
July 24
Two LTTE cadres are killed when a group of ‘Colonel’ Karuna faction cadres attacked them at an outfit-held village in the Ampara district.
An activist of the EPDP, identified as Kanapathipillai, is shot dead by unidentified assailants in the Wellawatta area of Colombo district. Suspected LTTE cadres triggered a bomb blast killing one soldier and injuring two others in the Vavuniya district.
July 25
SFs in a retaliatory fire kill two LTTE cadres who lobbed hand grenade towards troops near Urumpirai junction in the Jaffna district.
July 26
The SLAF conducts air strike, using Kfir fighter jets, on known LTTE targets in the general areas (areas under Government control) of Verugal in the Trincomalee district where the outfit were keeping the sluice gate closed without allowing water to flow into thousands of Sinhalese, Muslims and Tamil villages since July 20.
A person identified as Niranjan Claude Fabian, a member of the VVT, a Tamil gang active in the Toronto area, and described by Toronto Police in Canada as a gang leader and a "trained assassin" of the LTTE outfit is secretly deported to his native Sri Lanka after an eight-year court battle to stay in Canada.
July 27
Sri Lanka Air Force fighter crafts struck selected LTTE targets in the east of Mullaittivu district, where the LTTE was reportedly constructing an illegal airstrip, killing six cadres and injuring five civilians.
The UNHCR estimates there are 315,000 long-term internally displaced people in Sri Lanka due to the protracted conflict, 67,000 of whom live in camps and around 247,000 of whom live with relatives and friends. There are another 125,000 Sri Lankan refugees abroad, 68,000 of them in neighbouring India.
July 28
The Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation reports that 30 LTTE cadres are suspected to be killed in a suicide attack launched by the breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna in the Vavunathivu area of Batticaloa district.
Three home guards are killed in a LTTE-triggered claymore mine explosion in the Kebethigollewa area of Anuradhapura district.
Finland and Denmark announce that they will withdraw their observers from the SLMM, given the security situation on the ground, said the Finnish Foreign Ministry.
July 29
Eight LTTE cadres are killed and 12 others sustain injuries in an air strike by the Sri Lanka Air Force at the outfit’s Thenaham conference centre in the Karadiyanaru area of Batticaloa district.
July 30
Chief of the SLMM Major General Ulf Henricsson said that the four-year-old CFA is dead and far from a real cease-fire.
July 31
In a fierce fighting between the LTTE and SLA close to the disputed Mavil Aru sluice gates in the Kallar area of Trincomalee district, 40 LTTE cadres and seven SLA personnel are killed.
Sri Lanka Air Force jets destroy a Sea-Tiger base in the Vakarai area of Batticaloa district, killing at least 30 LTTE cadres.
Suspected LTTE cadres ambush an army bus with a claymore fragmentation mine in the Trincomalee district, killing 18 soldiers.
Four LTTE cadres were reportedly killed in Jaffna district. Defying the United States ban on the LTTE as a terrorist organisation, one of its fronts reportedly held a sports festival in New York last week and the event was marked by the hoisting of the official LTTE flag (Tamileelam National flag).
August 1
At least five SLN personnel are killed and 30 others sustain injuries when LTTE cadres fired artillery at the Trincomalee naval base and in the subsequent air strike the Government in the outfit-held Sampoor area targeting Mavilaru, Verugalaru and Kathirveli claims to have killed 50 LTTE cadres.
The SLN reportedly repulsed a LTTE attempt to destroy a troop carrier transporting 854 unarmed military personnel when it was returning from Kankesanthurai harbour and entering the mouth of Trincomalee harbour.
The SLN boats blocked a fleet of Sea-Tiger boats approaching the troop carrier, destroying three and damaging another. However, the LTTE claims that it destroyed a SLN boat, killing eight sailors on board.
Sweden announces the withdrawal of its monitors from the SLMM, joining Finland and Denmark who announced their withdrawal on July 28. The United States embassy in Colombo states that US authorities couldn't have prevented the Tamil sports festival in New York, as there was no evidence to indicate the organization behind this event had any links with the LTTE.
August 2
Troops repulse LTTE firing in the Kattaparichchan, Selvanagar and Mahindapura areas of Sampoor region in the Trincomalee district, killing 40 LTTE cadres and injuring 50 others.
Four soldiers are also killed and 38 others sustain injuries in the clashes. Sri Lanka Navy foils a LTTE suicide attack in the seas off Pulmudai in the Welioya region of Moneragala district. However, no casualties were reported.
August 3
15 civilians taking refuge at the Al-Nuriya Muslim School in Thoppur and Arabic School in Muttur are killed and more than 30 injured when LTTE cadres indiscriminately fire artillery at two different times.
Government Defence Affairs Spokesman Minister Keheliya Rambukwelle said Muttur town is under total control of the SFs.
August 4
The LTTE massacres over hundred civilians in the Trincomalee district who were fleeing fighting from the Muttur town.
Troops foil a major LTTE attack on a strategic jetty in the Muttur area of Trincomalee district, killing 152 cadres of the outfit. 15 Tamils working for a French aid agency, Action Against Hunger, are found dead in the Muttur town of Trincomalee district.
Five Muslim civilians are killed when a shell fell near them at the 64th milepost in the Pachchanoor area of Muttur town. President Mahinda Rajapakse has stressed that his Government is ready to solve any issue through negotiations at any time but would not allow anyone to solve any problem by using guns.
The Government is compelled to take action to open the Mavil Aru anicut (irrigational channel) as the LTTE had deprived the basic rights of 15,000 families by forcibly closing the anicut, the President adds further.
Norway announces a pledge of $US1.5 million to help civilians caught in the latest violence.
August 5
Intercepted LTTE radio transmissions reportedly confirmed that the LTTE has lost 330 cadres during fierce fighting that erupted during the past four days.
Trincomalee LTTE military leader Soornam had been heard desperately calling for more reinforcements from Batticaloa, the transmissions have revealed. Security forces kill five LTTE cadres who infiltrated the security forces forward defence lines at Kothweli in the Kilali region of Jaffna district.
August 6
The pro- LTTE website Tamil Net alleges that at least 15 Tamil civilians were killed when SFs fired on LTTE cadres controlling the Mavil Aru reservoir.
The head of the SLMM, Ulf Henricsson, has a narrow escape when the Army opened artillery fire at the time he was approaching the Mawilaru sluice gate along with a LTTE leader to open the gate.
August 7
Suspected LTTE cadres killed a top elite Police Commando, Senior Superintendent of Police Upul Seneviratne, in a claymore mine explosion in the Kandy region of Jaffna district.
His driver is wounded in the incident. Heavy fighting is reported from Mawil Aru in the Kallar region of Trincomalee district as the Government forces continued its offensive in the area to open the sluice gates closed by the LTTE since July 20. Sri Lanka Government invites the LTTE to return to the negotiation table and expressed its commitment to find a solution for the ethnic conflict.
Australia pledges an initial $1,000,000 for immediate humanitarian relief supplies for displaced residents of Muttur in the Trincomalee district but voices concern about the ongoing violence in Sri Lanka.
August 8
Three persons, including a two-year old child, are killed and eight others, including former EPDP Parliamentarian S. Sivadasan, are injured when a bomb planted by suspected LTTE cadres exploded, targeting the vehicle transporting Sivadasan at Milagiriya in the capital Colombo.
Two more employees of a French charity are found dead in the Muttur town of Trincomalee district, raising the toll to 17. One soldier and a Police constable are killed when a claymore mine hit the water carrier truck along the Uganthai Poththuvil road in Amparai District.
The LTTE unilaterally lifts the waterway blockade in the east even as the Army continued to target outfit positions in and around the waterway.
August 9
Five civilians, including a doctor and two nurses, are killed when the LTTE explodes a claymore mine targeting an ambulance near Nedunkerny in the Vavuniya district.
Sri Lankan Government announces that the military had re-opened the controversial sluice gates near the Mawilaru anicut (irrigational channel) around 8 p.m. on August 8.
Earlier, the LTTE claimed that they have opened the gates around 5 p.m. but area people said that the military had re-opened the gates. The LTTE breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna opens an office in Colombo, aiming to eventually contest elections.
August 10
At least 30 LTTE cadres are killed as troops retaliated LTTE mortar fire in and around Mawilaru in the Trincomalee district.
Four soldiers are also killed and 31 others sustain injuries in the incident. However, the pro-LTTE website Tamil Net claims that the Army advancing into the LTTE-controlled areas has lost 41 soldiers and also alleges that Sri Lanka Air Force pounded civilian populated areas killing more than 40 civilians and injuring a large number of them.
An unspecified number of troops fighting the LTTE in the Trincomalee district are feared dead or wounded after an ammunition dump at an army camp apparently exploded accidentally, military sources said.
Norway said that it has worked out a temporary arrangement to tide over the crisis resulting from the expected exit of the EU members from the truce monitoring team following the September 1 deadline set by the LTTE.
LTTE spokesperson Daya Master told the media that attacks by the Government in the Mawilaru area of Trincomalee district amount to a declaration of war.
August 11
At least 128 people, including 28 army and navy personnel, are killed in the battle between the SLA and the LTTE in the east and north.
Clashes occur when the LTTE attempted to overrun the army's FDL in the Jaffna peninsula. Five soldiers who were injured in a clash between troops and the LTTE on August 10 in the Mawilaru area of Trincomalee district succumbs to their injuries today.
The LTTE claims many of their cadres are killed as the Sri Lanka military opened a new front against them bombarding their camp in the Tharavai area of Batticaloa district.
August 12
Kethesh Logananathan, Deputy Secretary-General of the Government's SCOPP and former EPRLF member, is shot dead by unidentified gunmen near Vandervet place in the Dehiwela area of Colombo district.
Loganathan had taken part in the negotiations between the Government and Tamil militant groups, from the Thimpu Peace talks of 1985 to the Mangala Moonesinghe Parliamentary Select Committee of 1992.
LTTE cadres open artillery fire on the naval base in Trincomalee district, killing one civilian and a sailor. Three civilians and three sailors are injured in the incident. One LTTE cadre commits suicide and another one is killed by troops after they failed to proceed to Jaffna defying the curfew enforced by SFs in the Kaithadi area of Jaffna district.
August 13
Twenty-five more LTTE cadres are killed raising the death tally of the outfit cadres to 125, while Army has lost four of its troopers raising the tally to 32 during the continued between troops and the LTTE in the Jaffna district.
SLN personnel foils a LTTE attempt to over run Allapiddy village in the Kayts area as a flotilla of about 50-60 LTTE Sea-Tiger boats attempted to over run the village.
A LTTE cadre commits suicide as Wattala Police in the Jaffna district arrested two LTTE suspects. Later, on the information revealed by the surviving cadre, Police recovers a cache of arms and ammunition packed inside a lorry.
The LTTE alleges that 15 civilians are killed as rockets and artillery shells fired by SFs hit a church in the Allaipiddy area of Jaffna district. It also alleges that seven more civilians are killed in a separate artillery fire by the SFs.
The Sri Lanka Peace Secretariat states that the SLMM has officially informed that it is withdrawing from monitoring the cease-fire between the Sri Lankan Government and the LTTE. The Government has requested all child recruits and other LTTE cadres to surrender to the nearest security forces camp or Police Station and that the Government would take full responsibility for their safety.
August 14
At least seven persons, including four soldiers of the SLA, are killed and 17 others sustain injuries in a suicide attack carried out by the LTTE targeting Pakistan High Commissioner Bashir Wali Mohammad in the capital Colombo.
The envoy, returning from the Pakistan Independence day function at the mission, escapes unhurt though his vehicle suffered minor damage. The LTTE alleges that at least 61 school children were killed and 150 injured in an aerial attack by the SLAF in the outfit-controlled Mullaittivu district.
However, the Government claims that the SLAF attacked a LTTE training camp in Puthukudirippu and killed more than 50 LTTE cadres. According to Sri Lankan Army reports, 88 SF personnel are killed in fighting between the troops and LTTE since August 11 in Jaffna. Another 120 are injured in the confrontations. The confrontations have also killed more than 200 terrorists and injured over 300, according to the reports.
August 15
The Sri Lankan Military said that at least 250 LTTE cadres are killed and another 300 injured in continued fighting in the Jaffna peninsula during the past 72 hours.
During search operations at the Velanithurai village in the Kayts area of Jaffna district, SLN personnel kill five LTTE cadres hiding in the Grama Sevaka (local village official) office of the village and subsequently recovered a cache of weapons, including T 56 weapons, GPS, ammunition and communication equipment and some maps.
Two medical students, identified as Sivasankar and Theepan, are shot dead by unidentified assailants inside the Jaffna University campus. The UNHCR informs that more than 135,000 people have fled renewed fighting in Sri Lanka between Government forces and LTTE since April 2006.
August 16
Troops kill at least 98 LTTE cadres in retaliation when the latter attacked the FDL in Kilaly area of Jaffna district. The SLA has reported that three soldiers are also killed and 15 others wounded in the incident.
An elite Police unit kills three LTTE cadres who had attacked a Police patrol in the Akkaraipattu area of Ampara district.
A one and a half year-old infant, identified as Nilushan, the son of a former LTTE cadre Nimalan, is killed in LTTE firing in the Sittandi area of Batticaloa district. Nimalan and his wife are also injured in the incident.
Two civilians are killed and another sustained injuries when LTTE cadres open fire at a tractor carrying civilians in the Morawewa area of Ampara district.
President Mahinda Rajapakse states that the Government is not engaged in a war and forces are retaliating against the LTTE offensive to safeguard the sovereignty of the country.
August 18
Two Sri Lanka Navy personnel who sustained injuries due to LTTE firing at Salliya Sambalathivu in the Trincomalee district succumbed to their injuries today.
SFs foil an attempt by the LTTE to abduct 50 child inmates from the Revatha Children’s Home in Trincomalee.
Three SF personnel and a home guard sustained injuries in the exchange of fire. Iceland announces that it would increase the SLMM’s Icelandic contingent from the existing 4 to 10.
The decision comes in the wake of Norway’s decision to increase its SLMM contingent from 16 to 20. The Government announces that it will extend all facilities for medical treatment to injured LTTE cadres on humanitarian grounds.
August 19
Three civilians are shot dead by unidentified assailants in separate incidents in the Jaffna district.
August 20
Suspected LTTE cadres shot dead former Tamil Parliamentarian of the TULF, Sinnathamby Sivamaharajah, at his temporary residence in Tellippalai in the Jaffna district.
A Sri Lanka Red Cross employee, Nagarasa Thavaranjitham, is shot dead at his residence at Chettikulam in the Vavuniya district.
The Government arranged immediate humanitarian assistance to the internally displaced in the Jaffna peninsula in the wake of the conflict situation.
A vessel carrying 3,800 tons of essential food items under the International Committee of the Red Cross flag is dispatched from Colombo to be distributed through the Government Agent in Jaffna.
August 21
The former Norwegian Army chief, Major General Lars Johan Solvberg, will take over as head of the SLMM from Swedish Major General Ulf Henricsson by the end of August 2006.
Solvberg retired from the post of Chief of Staff of the Norwegian Army in 2005. The Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapakse reaffirming commitment to the 2002 CFA told the envoys of Co-Chairs of the island nation that his Government will seriously consider any initiative incorporating a clear and explicit commitment to a comprehensive and verifiable cessation of hostilities to be made by the LTTE chief V. Prabhakaran.
August 22
Three civilians are killed by unidentified assailants in separate incidents in the Trincomalee district. Unidentified assailants shot dead two civilians in separate incidents in the Jaffna district.
According to the United Nations estimates, the number of the displaced has swelled to 1.7 lakh.
13 suspects with close links to the LTTE have been charged in the US for plotting to buy surface-to-air missiles, according to US federal prosecutors.
Other charges include the use of "front" charitable organizations and U.S. bank accounts for money laundering and fund raising on behalf of the LTTE and attempts to bribe U.S. public officials to remove the LTTE from the U.S. State Department's list of officially designated foreign terrorist organizations.
August 22-23
Two more Tamil Canadians, Ramanan Mylvaganam and Piratheepan Nadarajah, are arrested in an alleged conspiracy to buy weapons for the LTTE in Sri Lanka on August 22 and 23 respectively.
August 23
A woman, identified as Manoharan Rajini, is shot dead by unidentified assailants in front of the welfare centre at Sakkotai in the Vadamaradchchi division of Jaffna district.
Unidentified assailants shot dead a civilian, Thammugaraja Prabhakaran, in the Trincomalee town.
One police personnel is killed and another one sustained injuries when LTTE cadres carried out a claymore mine attack and subsequently opened fire at a police foot patrol in the Ottamavady area of Batticaloa district.
Chicago Tribune quoting law enforcement officials reports that the money for a trip to Sri Lanka in 2005 of a U.S. congressman, Danny Davis, and an aide allegedly came from the LTTE.
The LTTE reiterates that it has no connection with the eight persons arrested by the U.S. authorities on charges of attempting to mobilise military and material support for it.
The UNHCR informs that nearly 180,000 people in Sri Lanka were displaced by violence since April 2006.
August 24
Five cadres of the LTTE and a STF personnel are killed in the Urani area of Batticaloa district.
An aid worker attached to the United Office Project Firm, which is a New Zealand-funded aid agency working for Tsunami-affected civilians, identified as P. Lesly, is abducted and subsequently killed by the LTTE ‘pistol gang’ cadres in the Thirukkovil area of Ampara district.
An attack launched by LTTE cadres towards the Mahakachchakodiya Forward Defence Line in Vavuniya district killed one soldier.
Troops kill one cadre of the outfit in the retaliatory fire. The Sri Lanka Military informs that 159 soldiers and 487 LTTE cadres are killed in 11 days of fighting over the last fortnight on the Jaffna peninsula.
The Sri Lankan Government has stated that it would consider a new CFA with the LTTE only if it is offered by their chief, Velupillai Prabhakaran. The outgoing SLMM head, Ulf Henricsson, criticizes the EU for imposing a ban on the LTTE.
The US court documents alleges that the LTTE was filling a shopping list of deadly arms to be used to blow up Indian aircraft, ships and even submarines.
A LTTE operative in Canada, identified as "Waterloo Suresh" Sriskandarajah, allegedly used student couriers to smuggle war-related items to the outfit. The FBI documents claim that he told the students to hide the contraband with "teddies and chocolates."
August 25
Unidentified assailants shot dead a civilian, identified as C. Lingeswaran, near Kaddudai Junction in the Manipay area of Jaffna district.
One LTTE cadre is killed when police personnel retaliated LTTE fire in the Thirukkovil area of Ampara district.
The new chief of the SLMM, Lars Johan Sølvberg, accompanied by the outgoing head of the SLMM, Ulf Henricsson, visits the LTTE-held Kilinochchi and held talks with the political head of the outfit, S.P. Tamilselvan. Following the meeting, the LTTE decides to release the third Sri Lankan police personnel, B.W. Bopetigoda, detained since October 11, 2005.
Sri Lanka's Upcountry People's Front leader P. Chandrasekaran, who joined the Government and was sworn in as the Minister of Community Development and Social Inequity Eradication, told the media that prior to taking this decision, he discussed it with the LTTE leader S.P. Tamilselvan.
August 26
Troops kill 12 cadres of the LTTE in a retaliatory fire following LTTE mortar fire targeting the Chenkalady Army detachment in the Batticaloa district, in which five civilians are injured as the mortars missed their intended target and fell on a nearby village.
Six soldiers are killed and four others sustain injuries when an IED planted by the LTTE exploded in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district. Troops were conducting clearing operation in the area.
LTTE cadres shot dead a civilian, identified as Sinnaraja, and his sister Wimalakumari Komalan inside their home at Mavadiwembu in Batticaloa district.
August 27
The death toll of soldiers in the LTTE-triggered Improvised Explosive Device blast at Muhamalai in Jaffna rose to nine.
The LTTE hands over the Sri Lankan Police personnel, B.W.Bopetigoda, who was detained by the outfit since October 11, 2005 to the outgoing SLMM chief Major General Ulf Henricsson.
The Sri Lanka's High Commissioner in Canada, W.J.S. Karunaratne, states that the LTTE is collecting funds in Canada using various front organizations, despite the ban against them.
President Mahinda Rajapakse calls for a bigger role by India in Sri Lanka's peace process.
The UNHCR informs that the number of people dislodged from their homes since April 2006 has surged to around two hundred and five thousand.
The former Norwegian army chief, Lars Solvberg, will take over as the new chief of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission next week.
August 28
At least 31 persons are killed and 105 are wounded, when troops backed by multi-barrel rocket launchers and artillery guns, retaliate a LTTE attack at Sampur in the Trincomalee district.Six soldiers are killed and 28 others injured due to LTTE artillery and mortar attacks as fighting continued.
A British doctor, Murugesu Vinayagamoorthy alias Dr Moorthy, a senior LTTE intermediary is arrested in New York, for aiding the LTTE by facilitating the purchase of American rockets and British submarine technology.
The SLMM said that they would remain in their present stations in all conflict affected districts including Kilinochchi, denying reports of alleged threats from the LTTE.
August 29
At least 66 cadres of the LTTE and 13 SF personnel are killed in continued fighting between troops and the LTTE cadres in the Trincomalee district till last reports came in.
Troops on duty at FDL in the Poovarasankulam area of Vavuniya district confronted more than 20 LTTE cadres who tried to infiltrate the FDL. During the subsequent search operation in the area in the area, SFs recover 16 dead bodies of LTTE cadres and one weapon.
Five accused Sri Lankan gang members are behind bars in Canada in connection with a massive fraud scam that police suspect may have milked thousands of Mississauga residents. Detectives are probing the trail of stolen cash to determine whether loot was sent to Sri Lanka for the LTTE.
August 30
LTTE ‘pistol gang’ cadres shot dead a woman home guard, identified as Jayasooriya Arachchige Sujeewa Damayanthi in the Mamaduwa area of Vavuniya district.
The Indonesian police claim that it has arrested 13 LTTE suspects during a recent raid in the southern Java coast. The suspects were reportedly moving to Australia, the report added.
Two more Sri Lankan men - bringing the total charged to seven – are arrested by the Toronto Police in connection with a massive fraud scam. Detectives are probing the trail of stolen cash to determine whether loot was sent to Sri Lanka for the LTTE.
The UN threatens to end aid operations in Sri Lanka unless its Government discloses what it knows about the killing of 17 aid workers on August 4, 2006.
The SLMM formally accuses the SFs of being behind the execution-style murders of 17 local staff of French aid agency, Action Contre La Faim. It blames that Sri Lankan authorities obstructed their efforts to investigate. The SLMM also accuses LTTE for the June 15 attack of a civilian bus at Kabitigollewa in the Anuradhapura district.
Secretary to the Pakistan Interior Ministry, Kamal Shah, said that the Pakistani Government would consider the proscription of LTTE on its territory if there were evidence that the latter is engaged in assisting or is drawing assistance from terrorist groups in Pakistan.
August 31
119 LTTE cadres and 14 soldiers are killed in the continued fighting between SFs and the outfit since August 28 in Trincomalee district.
Military spokesperson Brigadier Prasad Samarasinghe said that troops engaged in the operation to neutralise LTTE artillery and mortar gun positions in the Sampur region brought Kaddaparichchan, a stronghold for mortar and artillery gun positions of the outfit, under their full control.
Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Mangala Samaraweera calls for a "more independent and more impartial role" by the SLMM. He reiterates that there were no conditions for the LTTE to return to negotiations but there has to be a verifiable guarantee from the outfit chief V. Prabhakaran that the hostilities will be ceased.
The Sri Lanka President Mahinda Rajapakse meets British Prime Minister Tony Blair in London and discussed the current situation in Sri Lanka.
September 1
SFs find a heap of Tsunami relief items at the Kattaparichchan mortar location of the LTTE in the Trincomalee district. Defence spokesperson Brigadier Prasad Samarasinghe said, “Those relief items have been pilfered by the LTTE from the areas affected by Tsunami waves in the North and East in December 2004.”
The Sri Lanka Government enforces new controls on foreign aid workers. Local and foreign non-government organisations are told to obtain work permits for expatriate staff by September 1, before the deadline was extended by a week, the officials said.
Three inmates of the Chencholai 'orphanage' as claimed by the LTTE, injured in the August 14 aerial bombing in Mullaitivu and undergoing treatment at a hospital in Kandy, told police that it was not an orphanage as claimed by the LTTE but a LTTE camp where hundreds of youth were given weapons training.
September 1-2
The Sri Lankan military said it has sunk 12 boats of the LTTE and killed 80 of its cadres in a sea battle off the northern Jaffna peninsula in a retaliatory action as 20 LTTE boats, including five suicide boats laden with explosives, had attacked a patrol near the Kankesanturai harbour.Two Government boats are slightly damaged and two sailors are wounded.
Four civilians are killed in the Jaffna peninsula by the LTTE.
September 2
One soldier is killed and two others sustain injuries in a LTTE artillery fire targeting troops at Nagarkovil Forward Defence line.
A civilian, who was shot at and injured by an unidentified assailant at Chithra Lane in Colombo, succumbs to his injuries later.
September 3
Unidentified assailants shot dead three civilians - two in Jaffna and one in Batticaloa district - in separate incidents.
The Sri Lanka Navy has increased patrols off Mannar in the Palk Strait between Sri Lanka and India to curb the illegal migration of Sri Lankan Tamil refugees to the Southern Indian state of Tamil Nadu to upset the plans of the LTTE to use the refugee problem and the pro-LTTE politicians in Tamil Nadu to put pressure on the Indian Government.
The Sri Lanka Government freezes bank accounts of TRO, a non-government organisation and a registered charity with the Government with its head office at Kilinochchi that operates mainly in the northeast and is believed to be a front organisation of the LTTE. The Financial Intelligence Unit of the Central Bank has begun investigating the TRO financial transactions under the recently introduced Financing of Terrorism Law.
The Australian police has launched investigations into several Tamil organisations in the country after the United States FBI accused the Tamil community here of supporting LTTE in Sri Lanka.
President Mahinda Rajapakse said that the Government will invite an international independent commission to probe abductions, disappearances and extra-judicial killings in all areas in the country.
September 4
Three civilians are killed in separate incidents by unidentified assailants in the Jaffna district.
The Sri Lankan military claims that it had taken control of the strategically crucial town of Sampur in the Trincomalee district. The military backed by air support had launched an offensive to take control of Sampur over a week ago to halt attacks by the LTTE on the strategic port of Trincomalee harbour and the naval base.
The Sri Lankan Central Bank states that the probe on the TRO is triggered by the arrest of TRO members in several foreign countries for their suspected involvement in terrorist financing. The United States, United Kingdom and Australia have started investigating this internationally registered charity organisation, which is reported to run active branches in 28 countries, including Switzerland, France, Germany, Norway and Denmark, for any terrorist links.
President Mahinda Rajapakse formally announces the capture of the Sampur town. However, the LTTE spokesperson, S. Elilan, insists that the outfit has not relinquished control of Sampur and that fighting is continuing, adding, “The battle is going on. The army has come to the area and we are also there.”
September 5
One soldier is killed and eight others are injured when the bus they were traveling in struck a claymore mine at Siruppiddy junction in the Jaffna district.
An active member of the EPDP, Nallathambi Punarathnam, is shot dead by LTTE cadres in the Valaichchenai area of Batticaloa district.
According to sources from Muttur in the Trincomalee district, the people displaced due to the attack by the LTTE a month ago, are returning back home. More than 10,000 are believed to have returned to date, sources said.
September 6
At least three civilians are killed and 10 others injured in artillery fire by SLA troops towards the LTTE held territories in the Kathiraveli town of Batticaloa district.
LTTE cadres, hiding in jungles of Kadiravely area in the Trincomalee district, south of Mavilaru, open artillery fire towards troops near the Mavilaru sluice gate, killing two soldiers and injuring 16 others.
Heavy fighting erupts between LTTE and its breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna in the jungles in the Kanchankudi area of Ampara district in which six LTTE camps, including the Kanchikudichchuaru, Pavata and 73 Camp, are overrun by hundreds of Karuna cadres. However, the LTTE blames SFs for the incident.
The LTTE political head, S.P. Tamilselvan states that with the capture of Sampur town by the SFs, the 2002 CFA has ended and there was no scope for talks unless the troops returned to pre-CFA positions. He also warned that the Sinhala population would soon have to face the consequences of the ongoing clashes between the LTTE and the security forces in the country's north and east.
September 7
One soldier is killed and six others, including three officers, are wounded in a LTTE mortar and artillery fire in the Muhamalai, Kilaly and Neravilkulam areas of Jaffna district.
A US Government report on Child Labour says that the LTTE recruited Tsunami-orphaned children into its fighting units picking them from survivor’s camps in the North and East.
The SLMM disputes the claim of the LTTE that it only responded to artillery strikes launched by the Government troops and that the Government triggered the recent Jaffna battle which claimed the lives of about 700 combatants and wounded about 1,000. The mission said, “Considering the preparation level of the operations it seems to have been a well prepared LTTE initiative.”
Army Headquarters reported that 180 soldiers died in action and about 500 were wounded. Over 500 LTTE cadres died in action, some of them during sea-borne attacks on heavily fortified security forces positions on Mandaitivu and Kayts islands.
September 8
One civilian and a soldier are killed and three other civilians, including a woman and a child, sustain injuries when LTTE cadres activated an explosive device using a remote control in the Chenkalady town area of Batticaloa district.
Police recover two bullet-riddled dead bodies of civilians, identified as Karadeepan Anandan and Karadeepan Mawanseelan, from the Savukkadi area in Batticaloa district.
The LTTE warns the Government to immediately withdraw from Sampur or face war.
September 9
Two soldiers are killed and 15 sustain injuries when SFs launch an attack on LTTE artillery and mortar positions near the de facto border between Government and the outfit-held areas in the Jaffna peninsula.
Two LTTE cadres, Sutha and Viji. P. Thayamohan, are killed by SFs in the Valaichenai area of Batticaloa district.
September 9- 10
At least 150 LTTE cadres are killed in the continuing battle between SFs and the outfit at Muhamalai, the northern gateway to the Jaffna peninsula on the A-9 main supply route, and its surroundings areas. 28 soldiers are killed while 120 others sustain injuries in the incident.
September 10
Three soldiers are killed in a LTTE-triggered-pressure mine explosion in the Asikkulama area of Vavuniya district.
Unidentified assailants shot dead a Tamil civilian, identified Thiruchelvam Sebastian, along the Nanattan-Vankalai road in Mannar.
The LTTE leadership has ordered three months of compulsory combat training for Ordinary and Advanced Level students in Sri Lanka's North and East and also rejected sending more cadres to the East.
September 11
Two soldiers are killed in LTTE artillery fire towards Army detachments in and around Muhamalai, Kilaly, Kodikamam in the Vidattapalai area of Jaffna district.
Unidentified assailants in the Trincomalee district kill an aid worker, identified as Ragunathan Ramalingam, for the Seattle-based non-profit group, World Concern.
Two female cadres of the LTTE, arrested from Nelliady in the Jaffna district, swallowed cyanide capsules and tried to commit suicide while in Police custody. One of them died later.
The Sri Lankan Army said that at least 163 persons, including 130 LTTE cadres and 33 soldiers, were killed in the confrontations in Jaffna since September 8. Reports added that 130 LTTE cadres are among the 260 wounded.
September 12
An infant and her father were shot dead by Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) cadres at their home in the Adikovil area of Jaffna district.
A civilian, Sellaiyana Nadaraj, is stabbed to death by LTTE cadres in the Nelliady area of Jaffna district.
A LTTE cadre who tried to lob a hand grenade towards troops in the Ganeshapuram area of Vavuniya district is overpowered and killed by troops.
A Government official stated that 185 combatants are killed over the past six days of battle between SFs and LTTE in the Jaffna district. Military spokesperson Brig. Prasad Samarasinghe said that SFs and LTTE cadres traded artillery fire across their front lines at Muhamalai on Jaffna Peninsula since September 7 and sporadic exchanges of fire continued on September 12. He added that the 35 soldiers and 150 cadres were killed in the fighting. However, the LTTE peace secretariat leader, Seevanatnam Puleedevan, claims that only 12 of the outfit’s cadres were killed and said the military's toll was 78.
The Sri Lanka Government denies that it had agreed to unconditional peace talks with the LTTE and criticises the Norwegian peace facilitators for announcing a possible time frame for the talks.
September 13
The dead bodies of two of the three home guards, who went missing since September 11-afternoon after LTTE terrorists opened fire at them while they were on duty in the Kuriniyankulam area of Trincomalee district, are recovered. Another missing Home Guard is found lying injured beside the two dead bodies.
Two police personnel who are shot at and wounded by two LTTE ‘pistol gang’ cadres who boarded a bus on its way from Kalawanchikudy in the Batticaloa district, disguised as passengers, on September 12, succumbs to their injuries today.
LTTE cadres attack SFs foot patrol in the Nagarkovil area close to Muhamale in Jaffna district, killing two soldiers.
SFs kill two LTTE cadres when they attacked a military camp in the Vavuniya town.
The Sri Lanka Government states that it remains fully committed to participating in peace talks with the LTTE, but said the specific modalities relating to dates and venue must be discussed and agreed on by the Government and the Norwegian peace facilitators.
The LTTE political wing leader S. P. Tamilselvan states that it is the responsibility of the Norwegian facilitators and international community to ensure that the Sri Lankan Government adheres to the territorial demarcations, terms and conditions of the cease-fire agreement and thereby create a conducive atmosphere for talks.
September 14
Three civilians are shot dead by suspected LTTE ‘pistol gang’ cadres in the Mathawathakulam area of Vavuniya district.
Unidentified assailants shot dead two civilians at Manipay road in the Jaffna town.
The ‘Colonel’ Karuna faction states that any talks between the LTTE and the Government should be restricted to strengthening the truce and ending the outfit's "violent conduct."
Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickramanayake, reiterating the Government’s commitment to resume peace talks, says that if the LTTE was willing to resume negotiations with the Government it should first lay down its weapons.
The Government officially lodges a complaint against the arbitrary statement by Norwegian Minister, Erik Solheim, and the Co-Chairs imposing a deadline for peace talks, with the facilitator's Chief of Mission.
September 15
A Naval personnel was killed by LTTE cadres in the Trincomalee town.
Unidentified assailants shot dead a member of ‘Colonel’ Karuna faction, identified as Samithambi Thirumal, in the Chenkalady area of Batticaloa district.
The newly appointed chief of the SLMM, Larse Solveberg, visits the LTTE administrative headquarters at Kilinochchi and hold discussions with the head of the outfit’s political wing leader, S.P. Tamilselvan.
President Mahinda Rajapakse appoints Mahanama Tillekeratne, a retired High Court Judge, to inquire into the increasing instances of abduction, disappearances and killings in the country.
The LTTE imposes conditions for the proposed talks between them and the Government by saying that the Government should fully implement the CFA before commencing the talks and that the Government withdraw from the areas captured recently, including the strategically important Sampur.
September 16
One civilian is killed and two others sustain injuries when unidentified assailants attacked a pick-up truck carrying Ceylon Electricity Board workers near Chunnakam power station in Jaffna district.
One LTTE cadre is killed by troops in a retaliatory fire in the Valachchenai area of Batticaloa district.
September 17
The Sri Lankan Navy and Air Force in a coordinated attack on September 17 sank an suspected LTTE ship carrying weapons in the sea off Kalmunai in the Batticaloa district. Unconfirmed reports suggest that 12 to 15 LTTE cadres were on board the ship, when it sank.
Two civilians, including a child, are killed and three others, including a woman, are injured when unidentified assailants opened fire at them in a house located along Ambal Road in the Anpuvallipuram area of Trincomalee district.
September 18
At least 11 civilians, belonging to the Muslim community, are killed at Pottuvil town in the Amparai district. Both the LTTE and Sri Lankan Army accuse each other of being involved in the killing.
The Sri Lankan Government asks for a personal assurance from the LTTE chief, Velupillai Prabhakaran, on the outfit’s commitment to peace and requested the global community to play a more active role in checking LTTE’s international operation.
September 19
A group of journalists escape unhurt but four soldiers are killed when the LTTE fired mortars at a vehicle convoy carrying journalists in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district.
Unidentified assailants shot dead two civilians, V. Mathiaparanam and M. Sanoon, in the Kantalai area of Trincomalee district.
President Mahinda Rajapakse during his talks with Switzerland President Moritz Leuenberger, express hope that the Swiss Government will take measures to curb disinformation and fundraising activities by the LTTE in Switzerland.
The Sri Lankan Government states that the LTTE ship that was destroyed by the Navy on September 17 in the sea off Kalmunai in the Batticaloa district originated in Indonesia.
The new U.S. Ambassador to Sri Lanka, Robert O. Blake Jr, says in Colombo that Norway is persuading the LTTE to return to the negotiating table with credible guarantees that it would not use fresh talks to strengthen itself militarily. He adds the Co-Chairs are not in position to furnish guarantees on behalf of the outfit and such guarantees would be credible only when they came from the LTTE.
September 20
Three LTTE cadres are killed by the police in an encounter that lasted for five hours at Isamalai in the Murunkan area of Mannar district.
14 Muslim civilians are injured in a gunfire incident in the Pottuvil town of Ampara district when a group of Muslim civilians had been protesting near the anicut (irrigational channel) where a massacre of 11 Muslim youths occurred on September 17.
President Mahinda Rajapakse calls on the LTTE to give up violence and embrace democracy and the peace process, including international negotiations brokered by Norway.
The President told the U.N. General Assembly that the LTTE is a ruthless terrorist outfit that devotes its full force to violence, suicide bombings, massacre of civilians, indiscriminate armed assaults, and conscription of young children for war.
September 21
The dead bodies of three civilians, identified as Ilambaram Lewd Kumara, Selvadorei Kadeeshwaran and Kumar, are recovered by troops from the Illavali area in Jaffna district.
A woman, identified as Rajendran Yaso, is shot dead by LTTE ‘pistol gang’ cadres while she was in the general area (area under Government control) of Petale-Valaichchenai in the Batticaloa district.
The Sri Lanka Government said that it will hold any future peace talks only with the LTTE leader Vellupillai Prabhakaran and will not hold talks according to the outfit’s wishes.
The APRC set up to formulate a political solution to the ethnic problem unanimously resolved that the Muslim community is a stakeholder in Sri Lanka's ethnic conflict entitled to be represented at future peace negotiations.
September 22
Two LTTE suspects are killed when they detonated a hand grenade while the Police were trying to arrest them in the Udappuwa area of Puttalam district.
Police arrests a suspected LTTE cadre at a checkpoint in the Medawachchiya town of Vavuniya district along with two suicide explosive belts, a claymore mine, detonators, remote controls and timers while on the way to the capital Colombo in an alleged plot to attack high-ranking Army or Government officials, the military said.
Elections for the local bodies in the districts of Jaffna, Vavuniya, Kilinochchi, Batticaloa, Mullaitivu and Mannar district, which did not have local bodies elections this year, will be held on June 30, 2007.
September 24
At least 70 LTTE cadres are killed by the SLN as they attacked a flotilla of 24 boats of the LTTE and sunk eight of them loaded with outfit’s cadres and weapons in a fierce sea- battle that started on late September 24-night and lasted for five hours.
The battle occurred off the coast of the eastern town of Pulmoddai in the sea 50-miles north of the Trincomalee harbour. Police chief Percy Perera said that a top LTTE commander is believed to be killed or injured during the clash, adding, the boats were bringing in reinforcements.
At least 15 LTTE cadres are killed as SFs launched artillery fire on a group of LTTE cadres who had opened fire towards troops in the Pulipanchikal area of Batticaloa district. Troops retaliate LTTE fire in the Iluppkulam area of Trincomalee district and recovered the dead bodies of two outfit cadres from the incident site during the subsequent search operation.
President Mahinda Rajapakse states that he is ready to share power with minority communities.
The Sri Lankan Government informs Norway that it would participate at the proposed meeting demanded by Sri Lanka's key financial backers, including Japan, the United States, Britain and European Union, who threatened to cut off aid.
According to reports, thousands of Muslims are fleeing their homes in Muttur after a previously unknown suspected rebel front, Tamileela Thayaga Meedpu Padai, distributed leaflets in the town warning residents to leave immediately. "The final preparations have begun to recapture Mutur," the leaflet said, adding, "Do not remain in Mutur. You will only face destruction." Meanwhile, the LTTE denies any involvement in the distribution of leaflets warning residents to leave immediately.
September 25
A civilian, identified as Mohammed Musur, is shot dead by a suspected LTTE cadre in the Trincomalee town.
September 26
One soldier is killed in a LTTE fire in the Eluthumadduval area of Jaffna district.
A LTTE suspect, identified as Piratheepan Nadarajah, who faces extradition to the U.S. on terrorism charges is granted bail in Canada.
Nadarajah is alleged in U.S. court documents, as a scientist and technical expert who intentionally conspired to provide material support to the LTTE.
The Government said they would explore possibilities of opening the Puttalam-Mannar-Pooneryn road as an alternative to the A-9 main Jaffna-Colombo highway.
September 27
Unidentified assailants shot dead a civilian, Arumugam Puvanendran, who was working in a tourist hotel located along the Nilaveli coast in the Trincomalee town.
A civilian, identified as Keyzer Rome Dias, is shot dead by unidentified assailants in the Pesalai area of Mannar district.
September 28
One soldier is killed and two others sustain injuries when LTTE cadres fire artillery towards the SF Forward Defence Line at Muhamalai in the Jaffna district.
The Sri Lankan government states that the LTTE has informed them that the outfit chief, V. Prabhakaran, has agreed to resume the stalled peace talks.
Commenting on the closure of the A-9 highway Defence spokesperson, Minister Keheliya Rambukwella, said that it is the LTTE that forced the closure of the highway by attacking the troops in the Muhamalai area, the last entry point from South of cleared areas to uncleared Wanni.
He rejects the LTTE's demand for opening the A-9 highway, but proposed to open a land route through Mannar.
President Mahinda Rajapakse said that the country's population in the East should decide their own future through a referendum. He emphasised that the people in the East have to decide their own future and it is a crystal clear established fact that a referendum should be held in accordance with the India-Sri Lanka Pact, he adds.
September 29
Three soldiers and a civilian were killed as cadres of the LTTE launch a mortar attack on the Black bridge Army camp in the Chenkaladi area of Batticaloa district.
Two more soldiers sustain injuries in the incident. The SLN claims to have destroyed a Sea-Tiger boat killing four cadres and recovered a large cache of armament from the Velanithurai area of Jaffna district.
The bullet riddled dead bodies of three civilians, identified as Sellaiya Navaratnaraja, Chandralingam Devaneshan and Kandasami Sri, are recovered from the Vinayagapuram area in the Batticaloa district.
Police said one of the victims is beheaded and that a group calling itself ‘People's Tamil Organization’ has claimed responsibility for the killings in a note near the bodies. According to federal officials, arms brokers for the LTTE and other customers in Indonesia are charged with trying to buy surface-to-air missiles and other weapons through undercover agents in Maryland.
The Government decides to withdraw visas issued to members of four INGOs, which through their alleged clandestine dealings with the LTTE are posing a threat to national security. The committee has recommended withdrawal of the visas issued to MSS France, MSS Spain, MDM France and Doctors of the World USA.
September 30
Government officials claim that 16 LTTE cadres, including its Koaveli leader Kannan, are killed in an encounter with the STF at the Pillumale Police post in the Amparai district.
However, the LTTE military spokesperson, Irasiah Ilanthirayan, states that 11 outfit cadres were killed in an ambush carried out by the STF inside outfit-held territory in the Batticaloa district and that the bodies of the dead cadres were transferred in Military vehicles into the STF-controlled area.
Eight LTTE cadres, including a senior cadre identified as Malarvan, who led the attack, are killed and 15 others wounded by SFs in a retaliatory fire at the Thamparaveli outfit base following a LTTE attack on the Chenkaladi Army camp in the Batticaloa district.
Three Police personnel are killed when suspected LTTE cadres detonated a claymore fragmentation mine in the Vavuniya district. SLN personnel kill three LTTE cadres in an encounter at Kannathivu island in the Jaffna district.
The dead bodies of three civilians are recovered from the Uthankulam and Tharanikulam areas in the Vavuniya district. A former member of the EPDP, Ponnaiya Srikaran, is shot dead by suspected LTTE cadres in the Point Pedro area of Jaffna district.
The Sri Lanka Government states that any future peace talks with the LTTE would hinge on its chief, Velupillai Prabhakaran, agreeing in writing or verbally to three major conditions.
The conditions include a specific time frame to resume and conclude talks, an assurance to the Donor Co-chairs that it will not use sea routes to smuggle in military hardware and a commitment not to resort to any violence during the period of talks.
October 1
A curfew is imposed following a clash between two Muslim factions at Kathankudi in the Batticaloa district in which at least three civilians are injured and nearly 32 houses are damaged.
The leader of the LTTE breakaway faction party Tamileela Makkal Viduthalai Puligal (TMVP), ‘Colonel’ Karuna, has said that the majority of the LTTE military commanders are becoming old and infirm and Prabhakaran has lost good calibre recruits and committed leadership. The failure was due to lack of leadership, he maintained. He added that TMVP is not for a separate state of Eelam, but for a united Sri Lanka under a federal constitution.
October 2
Suspected LTTE cadres shot dead a police officer at Pottuvil police station in the Amparai district.
The Interpol is reported to have unanimously adopted a resolution proposed by Sri Lanka to fight against recruitment and use of children as combatants by non-state actors.
October 3
Police personnel retaliate LTTE firing in the Murunkan area of Mannar district and during subsequent search operation recovers the dead body of one LTTE cadre.
The Government accuses the LTTE of having links with six organised criminal gangs and being responsible for the series of recent abductions in Colombo. It also stated that a Presidential Commission of Inquiry is probing the matter.
LTTE states that they have agreed to unconditional peace talks with the Sri Lankan Government but warned that they would pull out of the 2002 cease-fire agreement (CFA) altogether if the Government continues with its Military campaign.
October 4
A civilian is abducted along with his vehicle and subsequently shot dead by LTTE cadres in the Kondavil area of Jaffna district.
Federal prosecutors at Baltimore in Indonesia announce that six men, who were charged with attempting to export weapons to Indonesia and to the LTTE, are facing additional charges.
The Sri Lanka Government agrees to hold unconditional peace talks with the LTTE in Geneva.
October 5
LTTE cadres trigger a claymore mine explosion targeting troops on route clearing duty at Kokkeliya in the Vavuniya district, killing one soldier and injuring two others.
Nine soldiers sustained injuries in LTTE mortar and artillery fire towards troops in the Eluthumadduval, Nagarkovil and Muhamalai areas of Jaffna district.
Peace talks between the Sri Lanka Government and LTTE will be held on October 28-29 in Switzerland.
October 6-7
At least 60 LTTE cadres are killed and an unspecified number of them injured when clashes between SFs and the LTTE in the Batticaloa district erupted on October 6 when the outfit cadres launched a heavy ground attack using artillery, mortar and small arms on Army detachment at Mankerni and Kajuwatta. 2 soldiers area also killed and 15 others sustained injuries, while 12 others are reported missing.
A fleet of five LTTE Sea-Tiger boats transporting additional cadres and weapons to Mankerni are blocked and attacked by the SLN craft in the seas off Kadiraweli in the Trincomalee district destroying two of them completely with LTTE cadres on board.
LTTE cadres blast the Panichchankerni Bridge causing inconvenience nearly to 30,000 civilians.
October 7
A former member of the EPDP, Nagarasa, is shot dead by LTTE cadres at Mallakam in the Jaffna district.
LTTE cadres fire upon troops who were on a route clearing operation in the Thirunaveli junction area of Jaffna district, killing one soldier.
October 8
Five SLA soldiers are killed and four others sustain injuries when cadres of the LTTE launch an artillery and mortar attack towards troops in the Muhamalai area of Jaffna district.
The LTTE hands over the dead bodies of 11 SLA personnel, who went missing during the continued clashes between SFs and the LTTE in the Batticaloa district which erupted on October 6 when the outfit cadres launched a heavy ground attack using artillery, mortar and small arms on Army detachment at Mankerni and Kajuwatta to the ICRC.
SFs re-capture areas west of Muttur in the Trincomalee district, where LTTE activities were confined to since the military regained control of Sampur last month.
October 9
Addressing the Sri Lanka-based Ambassadors of the Peace Process Co-Chairs, President Mahinda Rajapakse reiterates his firm commitment to a negotiated settlement and to make the forthcoming talks with the LTTE and expresses the hope that the Co-Chair countries would be able to persuade the LTTE to abandon their violent approach and return to negotiations.
LTTE cadres shot dead a civilian, identified as Selvarajah Idayarajan, in the Kokuvil area of Jaffna district.
A soldier on duty at Averikadu in the Jaffna district is killed in a LTTE mortar fire.
The Sri Lanka Government states that it wants the new round of talks with the LTTE, scheduled to be held on October 28-29 in Oslo, to focus on core issues such as human rights and development.
October 10
Three civilians are killed and three others injured when LTTE cadres allegedly detonate a claymore mine fixed inside a van in the Poonthottam area of Vavuniya district.
LTTE cadres detonate a claymore mine and subsequently open fire towards troops in the Vandaramoole area of Batticaloa district. In retaliatory fire, two LTTE cadres are killed and five others are wounded.
Troops after observing a large gathering of LTTE cadres who were poised to attack the Kiran Army camp, pounds artillery and mortars successfully on their movements causing death to two of their cadres and injuring three others.
The LTTE informs Norwegian Ambassador Hans Brattskar in Kilinochchi that they are ready to resume peace negotiations with the Government but if security forces continue the offensive they would reconsider.
Following an in-depth inquiry, the HRC in their report rules that the Sencholai Camp in the Mullaitivu was in fact an LTTE recruitment station and the 500 children and young adults had been receiving motivation training on August 14, the day of aerial attacks. The HRC report points out that their evidence proves the State supported education system is exploited by the LTTE for child recruitment and combatant training as it provides a ready made 'pool' of vulnerable children.
October 11
At least 50 SLA personnel, including seven officers, are killed and another 214 are injured in continued fighting between Government troops and LTTE at the Muhamale and Kilaly FDLs of SFs.
An 81-year old woman, Manniyakka, sustains injuries in a LTTE artillery fire and later succumbed to her injuries in the Kodikamam area of the Jaffna district.
Chief Government negotiator, Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva, states that the LTTE has no right to lay claim to any part of Sri Lankan soil, which is sovereign territory under the Sri Lanka Government.
Norwegian Ambassador, Hans Brattskar, informs the Government that the LTTE is ready for unconditional talks though should Government forces capture any territory occupied by the LTTE, the latter would withdraw from the peace process.
The Government confirms to Norway, official facilitator of the peace talks, that it is agreeable to meeting the LTTE for talks on October 28 and 29 and said the exact location of the talks in Switzerland would be determined later.
October 12
The Sri Lankan Military claims that at least 478 persons, including 78 soldiers and 400 LTTE cadres, were killed in a five-hour battle in the Jaffna peninsula along the FDLs in the Kilani and Muhamalai sectors on October 11.
LTTE 'pistol gang' cadres shot dead four civilians, including three EPDP members, on the Electricity Board road in Jaffna town.
Three civilians and two police personnel are killed when a LTTE laid claymore mine on Kachcheri road in the Jaffna district, targeting a vehicle that was carrying EPDP members, hit the victims standing nearby.
The ruling SLFP, led by President Mahinda Rajapakse, and opposition UNP under the leadership of the former Prime Minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe, agrees to pursue a national consensus on all issues, including federal solution to the ethnic issue.
October 13
The SLA confirms that it lost 129 soldiers in fighting with the LTTE in Jaffna peninsula on October 11. It also confirmed that the outfit buried 196 of its cadres in the uncleared areas (area not under Government control) of Sunokkai, Kilinochchi, Mannar, Omanthai and Mullaithivu. 283 soldiers and 312 LTTE cadres were inured in the confrontation.
The SLA informs that the outfit has handed over 74 dead bodies of the soldiers to the Red Cross.
The LTTE chief, Velupillai Prabhakaran, refuses to meet the Japanese special peace envoy, Yasushi Akashi, who is scheduled to hold talks with the outfit on October 18.
In the annual Human Rights Report issued by the British Government, the Government of Sri Lanka and LTTE are blamed for carrying out violations of basic human rights in Sri Lanka.
October 14
Three civilians, Vaithilingam Mahenthiran, Nadarasa Navarasa and Navaneethan, are killed and another injured by unidentified assailants at Samalankulam in the Vavuniya district.
Two persons are killed and an equal number of them injured when an unidentified assailant opened fire at a group of civilians in the Oluvil area of Jaffna district.
LTTE launches artillery attacks to Muhamale, Nagarkovil and Kilaly areas in the Jaffna district, killing two soldiers and wounding 13 others.
October 15
The SLN destroys a LTTE trawler transporting weapons, ammunition and explosives, about 35 nautical miles in the seas off Arippu West in the Mannar district, killing six of the outfit's cadres.
Three Sinhalese civilians, identified as P.K. Gunawardane, P.K.Upali and Ranjith, who along with two Muslim civilians were on a van collecting fruits in the Madavaithyakulam area of Vavuniya district are dragged inside a jungle patch and shot dead by LTTE cadres. The Muslim civilians are set free.
Germany officially froze any new aid for projects in Sri Lanka in a bid to put pressure on the Government and LTTE to restart peace talks.
October 16
At least 98 sailors of the navy are killed and 100 injured as suspected LTTE cadres rammed an explosive-laden vehicle into a naval convoy at Digampatana in the Habarana area of Matale district.
Sri Lanka's Supreme Court declares the temporary merger of the northern and eastern provinces, effected in 1987 and extended annually, "null and void and illegal." It said the President has no powers to effect a merger of provinces under Emergency Regulation, and only Parliament could decide on the subject.
October 18
Suspected LTTE cadres carries out a suicide mission on Dakshina Naval Base in Galle. Troops, however, successfully repulse the attack killing 15 LTTE cadres, while one sailor also died in the incident. Another 15 sailors and 14 civilians are injured in the confrontation.
Yasushi Akashi, Japanese peace envoy, after meeting Tamilselvan in Kilinochchi said, "We obtained commitments from Mr. Thamilchelvan that LTTE has prepared to go to Geneva for talks on the 28th October… I was able to get LTTE's willingness and preparedness to go to Geneva."
October 19
Two SF personnel are killed in a LTTE triggered mine attack at Thandikulam in the Vavuniya district.
The LTTE administration in Kilinochchci bans the use of mobile phones in uncleared areas (area not under Government control).
LTTE agrees to attend the peace talks scheduled to be held at Geneva on October 28-29.
President Mahinda Rajapakse asserts that for the first time ever, political parties in the South are now prepared to set aside political differences, sit together, reach a consensus and formulate a framework through which all could work on resolving the ethnic crisis to reach a sustainable and honourable peace.
The annual publication of the International Institute for Strategic Studies, London, 'Military Balance 2005/2006', refers to emerging links between the LTTE and al Qaeda.
October 20
Sri Lankan navy boats destroy seven vessels of the LTTE in a sea battle off the coast of Jaffna peninsula, killing at least 35 cadres of the outfit. Two sailors are wounded in the battle.
Unidentified assailants shot dead three civilians, Kulasingham Kunarasa, Vellupillai Thiyagarajah and Illayathamby Kirupananthan, at Rasa Veethy in the Jaffna district.
October 21
A 17 year-old boy, Suresh Kumar, who was earlier abducted by the LTTE, is killed by its cadres when he attempted to escape in the uncleared areas (area not under Government control) of Batticaloa district.
October 22
The dead bodies of two civilians, Savarian Robinson Koonja and Sahayam Ajith Croos, are recovered from the Pesalai area of Mannar district.
The head of Government's Peace Secretariat, Palitha Kohona, said that the LTTE is trying to intimidate the Sri Lankan Government ahead of peace talks scheduled to be held on October 28-29 in Geneva by launching high-profile attacks.
President Mahinda Rajapakse and leader of the Opposition Ranil Wickremesinghe on October 22-evening agreed on a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) for cooperation on six points pertaining to crucial issues facing the country.
October 23
Suspected LTTE 'pistol group' cadres shot dead a lorry driver and injure another at Poonthodam in the Vavuniya district.
'Pistol gang' cadres of the LTTE shot dead a civilian, Nadarajah Indran, in the Serunuwara area of Trincomalee district.
A civilian, Sewapada Sharma, is shot dead by a LTTE cadre in the Poontottam area of Vavuniya district.
The SLFP and the opposition UNP sign a Memorandum of Understanding on collaboration on key national issues, at Temple Trees in the capital Colombo.
October 24
Troops on route clearing patrol shot dead a LTTE cadre when he attempted to lob a hand grenade towards them in the Velvetithurai area of Jaffna district.
The Sri Lankan Government has released casualty figures showing nearly 3000 deaths in fighting between the Army and the LTTE over the past eleven months. The breakdown lists more than 1300 outfit cadres killed, with Government losses over seven hundred. The period covers from December 1, 2005 until October 10, 2006. There were also above six hundred civilian deaths. The figures exclude some recent incidents, which claimed another two hundred lives, according to the report.
The Sri Lanka Navy issuing a special announcement totally bans all dinghies and other small boats in the sea along the coastal zone from Wellawatta, south of Colombo to Uswetakeyiyawa, north of Colombo.
The Government and LTTE delegations on October 24 left for talks to be held on October 28-29 at Geneva. Health Minister Nimal Siripala de Silva leads the Government delegation, while the LTTE delegation is led by their political wing leader, S.P. Tamilselvan.
October 25
LTTE 'pistol gang' cadres shot dead a Sinhalese civilian, D. M. Padma Kumara, on Galwalamatha Kovil road in Vavuniya.
A hartal (strike) is observed in the Trincomalee, Mannar, Batticaloa, Ampara and Vavuniya districts in the north and east of Sri Lanka to protest the de-merger of the Northern and Eastern Provinces.
Switzerland authorities will not allow the LTTE to raise funds or carry out any campaign against the Government and people of Sri Lanka in Switzerland after the peace talks this time, said official sources.
October 26
Three cadres of the TMVP, a LTTE breakaway faction led by 'Colonel' Karuna, are killed and eight others sustain injuries in a LTTE attack on the TMVP political office on the Chenkalady-Badulla road in Batticaloa.
Two civilians are shot dead by suspected LTTE cadres in the 3rd Mile Post area of Trincomalee district.
Indonesian Defense Minister Juwono Sudarsono is reported to have said that Sri Lanka has expressed its suspicions that weapons supplied for the LTTE were illegally sent through Indonesia.
October 27
'Pistol gang' cadres of the LTTE shot dead a civilian, identified as Weerasinghem Chandra Mohan, at Anjisandi in Jaffna town.
British newspaper The Times, quoting international and local aid workers, reported that the LTTE-breakaway faction led by 'Colonel' Karuna has abducted between 300 to 900 children - some as young as 12 - since March, 2006.
October 28
LTTE cadres shot dead two soldiers in the Mirusuvil area of Jaffna district. Troops retaliate as LTTE cadres opened fire towards them in the Ampara district.
During subsequent search operations, two dead bodies of LTTE cadres and two weapons are recovered.
The two-day peace talks between the Sri Lanka Government and the LTTE begins in Geneva with a message from Norway that the former faced the danger of losing the goodwill and foreign aid if the situation did not improve.
Head of the Sri Lankan delegation Nimal Siripala de Silva issues a 6,600-word statement at the inaugural of the peace talks, blaming the LTTE for the current situation.
In his 3,000-word counter, the LTTE political head and leader of the delegation, S. P. Tamilselvan sought to hold the Sri Lankan Government responsible for the ground situation and declared the peace talks were contingent upon implementation of the 2002 CFA.
October 29
Five civilians and a suspected LTTE cadre, carrying the bomb, are killed and two more civilians sustain injuries when a claymore mine fixed to a bicycle exploded in the Uduuppidy area of Jaffna district.
LTTE cadres shot at and injured four members of a family, including an infant, one 11-year old girl and a woman, in the Eravur area of Batticaloa district.The 11-year old girl, identified as Pathmanathan Vinodini, succumbed to her injuries later.
The two-day talks between the Sri Lanka Government and LTTE concludes in Geneva without an agreement on any of the issues or future engagement. The dialogue reportedly collapsed on the subject of the closure of the A9 Highway, which links Jaffna peninsula and the rest of Sri Lanka. The LTTE insisted that the peace process was contingent on re-opening of the highway, while the Government said it was compelled to close the highway for security reasons and that the LTTE was raking up the issue as it was not serious about discussing "core political issues."
October 30
A Pradesiya Sabha member (local councilor) of Illangai Tamil Arasu Katchi party, identified as Kopala Sundaram, is shot dead by unidentified assailants near Serunuwara Junction in the Trincomalee district.
The UNCEF in a report has said that the prolonged conflict between the LTTE and Sri Lankan Government has affected nearly six lakh people in the country's Jaffna Peninsula who are now facing food and fuel shortages due to closure of many businesses.
October 31
STF soldiers kill two LTTE cadres, Pavakkannan and Satha, belonging to the outfit's political wing at Vinayagapuram in the Ampara district.
Two of the six persons wounded in the bomb blast on October 26-morning in a vegetable field located on Chelvi Cinema Theatre road at Chenkalady in the Batticaloa district have reportedly succumbed to their injuries.
November 1
A family of three, Sivarajah Yathavan, his wife Abirami Yathavan and, P. Senthuran, father-in-law of Yathavan, has reportedly taken full control of the LTTE operations in the state of Victoria in Australia.
Government Defence spokesperson, Keheliya Rambukwella, states that the Government will assist LTTE cadres deserting its ranks and surrendering to the SFs by offering them foreign employment after they are provided a few months of rehabilitation and vocational training. According to Army statistics, more than 500 LTTE cadres have surrendered to the SFs following the signing of the cease-fire agreement in 2002.
Troops retaliate when four LTTE cadres opened fire towards them in the Vakaneri area of Batticaloa district, killing two of them, while the other managed to escape.
The number of Sri Lankan refugees to India has crossed the 15,000-mark despite a drop in arrivals in October 2006. The total number of refugees in camps in Tamil Nadu is now 15,912, sources said. It includes 6,027 men, 5,451 women, 2,312 male children and 2,122 female children.
November 2
Seven LTTE cadres are killed and ten others sustain injuries during a clash between the SFs and LTTE cadres in the Kiran area of Batticaloa district.
Five civilians are killed when SLAF jets dropped four shells near a hospital around 3-km from the LTTE headquarter in Kilinochchi.
Government chief negotiator, Nimal Siripala de Silva assured the Co-Chairs of the Tokyo donor conference that it would seek an alternative land route to ensure an unrestricted flow of essential items to the North within a couple of days if the LTTE delays the reopening of the A9 highway with continuing attacks.
Essential Services Commissioner, S.B. Divaratne, said that the closure of the A9 highway has not caused any breakdown in the supply of essential food items to the Jaffna peninsula since the Government has supplied essential food items to Jaffna by sea since August 17.
The UNP decides to participate in the All Party Conference called by the President Mahinda Rajapakse to make a southern consensus to seek a solution for the ethnic conflict.
November 3
Unidentified assailants shot dead a civilian, Marimuthu Chandrasegaram, inside his house at Aachikulam in the Samalankulam area of Vavuniya district.
The Indonesian Government is to investigate claims that its waters are being used to ship illegal weapons to the LTTE in Sri Lanka.
November 4
One STF soldier, identified as M. Jayawardana, is killed and two others sustain injuries when LTTE cadres trigger a claymore mine explosion and subsequently opened small arms fire targeting a STF jeep near the 12th mile post on Ampara-Pothuvil road in the Ampara district.
LTTE releases 22 underage recruits who lied about their age to join the separatist campaign. The outfit claims that the youths "joined the movement by lying about their age."
November 5
LTTE cadres kill a woman, Nagamani Rajani Devi, employed in the EPDP office at Putur in the Jaffna district.
An EPDP supporter, identified as Raju, is killed by LTTE cadres in the Valaichchenai area of Batticaloa district.
The SLMM states that Sri Lanka Government has violated the CFA by the closure of A-9 highway and its continued air attacks on the LTTE-held territory. The SLMM also notes that the LTTE has violated the CFA by launching claymore mine attacks against Government troops.
India has reportedly agreed to a recent request by the Sri Lanka Government for supply of relief goods to internally displaced persons in the North and East in the aftermath of the closure of the A-9 highway since August 11. The supplies would be undertaken through the Indian Red Cross and Sri Lanka Red Cross.
The Sri Lankan Defence Ministry states that 3300 people have died in Sri Lanka since December 2005 due to the escalation of violence as fighting erupted between Government SFs and the LTTE. Between November 17, 2005 and October 25, 2006, 860 SF personnel and 549 civilians have been killed, the Defence Ministry said. The number of LTTE cadres killed by the SFs has been estimated at 1880. Another 1303 are believed to have been injured.
November 6
Dead bodies of three civilians, including two identified as Yogarajah Jayalan and Abdul Jabar Mohamed Mansoor, killed by the LTTE are recovered by the Uppuveli Police in Trincomalee district.
Troops retaliate as two LTTE cadres open fire towards them in the Thirunaveli area Jaffna district. Both of them are killed during the encounter.
A suspected LTTE front organisation has threatened to attack civilian targets, including hospitals and water reservoirs, in southern Sri Lanka in retaliation against military strikes on LTTE areas. The High Security Zone Residents’ Liberation Force, which claimed responsibility for a series of attacks on troops in the north earlier this year, said it is giving the military a final warning to halt attacks on LTTE territory.
A former Chief Justice of India, P. N. Bhagwati, has been nominated to head an international panel to supervise a human rights investigation in Sri Lanka.
November 7
The SLMM spokesperson, Helen Olafsdottir, said 1,076 civilians have been killed since violence escalated at the start of 2006.
Parliament votes to extend an emergency law to deal with the surge in violence by one month.
The CID said that according to information available to them, nearly 1000 people have disappeared throughout the island since the recent upsurge in violence between the LTTE and Government forces.
November 8
More than 45 civilians are killed at Vakarai in the Batticaloa district as a welfare centre was allegedly hit by the retaliatory fire of the military. The SLMM spokeswoman Hellen Ollafsdottir said that monitors who visited the incident site had counted 23 bodies at hospitals where also 135 injured were treated. However, the LTTE claimed that 50 to 100 civilians are killed when "indiscriminate fire" by the military hit a school building where the displaced are housed.
The LTTE has reportedly rejected the Government proposal for an "alternate route" to the A-9 highway. The outfit claims it is not fit for travel.
November 9
The SLN foils a major LTTE attack on the civilian passenger vessel 'Green Ocean I' with 300 Jaffna bound civilians from Trincomalee in the sea off Nagarkovil destroying a flotilla of Sea-Tiger boats, including three suicide boats. "We believe more than 40 LTTE cadres were killed in the attack," told SLN spokesperson Commander D.K.P. Dasanayaka, adding, two suicide boats rammed into to two Dvora fast Attack Craft escorting ‘Green Ocean I’, destroying one and damaging the other. However, LTTE's military spokesperson, Irasiah Ilanthirayan, claims that a Sea-Tiger flotilla clashed with the SLN, killing 25 SLN soldiers, capturing four alive and destroying two Dvora Fast Attack Crafts when Sea-Tigers engaged in training activities were provoked by the SLN vessels.
LTTE cadres activate a claymore mine targeting an army motorbike in the Anaipathi area of Jaffna district, killing two soldiers, identified as Sergeant G.A.S. Ganepola and Corporal Bandara.
The Sri Lanka Government expresses its regret over the killing of civilians in Vakarai and accused the LTTE of using civilians as a human shield. Denying media reports, it said that only 23 civilians died and 125 others were injured.
November 10
Unidentified assailants shot dead Jaffna district TNA parliamentarian, Nadarajah Raviraj, and his personal security officer near his home at Borella in the capital Colombo. TNA is regarded to be a proxy party of the LTTE.
The SLN destroys one weapon laden LTTE suicide craft and captured another that were sailing in the seas off Nilaveli coast in the guise of ordinary fishing boats in the Trincomalee district. At least six Sea-Tigers aboard are killed, according to the SLN. Sources confirm that one of the boats was also carrying the remains of Ariv Charles, a senior military leader attached to the Charles Anthony Brigade of the outfit, who was killed in a security forces retaliatory fire in the Batticaloa district a few days back.
United Nations Secretary-General Kofi Annan emphasizes the urgent need to end the spiraling violence in Sri Lanka and called on both sides to immediately return to the peace process.
November 11
LTTE 'pistol gang' cadres shot dead one civilian, Swarna Kumara, and injured another on the Tihppankulam road in the Jaffna district.
LTTE 'pistol gang' cadres shot dead one civilian, identified as Egodawatte Aratchchige Podimahathmaya, at Kantale in the Palauththu area of Trincomalee district.
Suspected LTTE cadres shot dead a civilian, Krishnapiallai Mohandas, and injured another in the Kaththankudi area of Batticaloa district.
November 12
Two civilians, identified as Thumb Ayyahjegan and Kangarupan Kelli, are shot dead by the LTTE 'pistol gang' cadres in the Anaipanthy area of Jaffna district.
The civilian influx from Uncleared areas (area not under Government control) to cleared areas (area under Government control) is continuing in the North and East, as the LTTE has intensified their military preparations for more attacks on the security forces.
A suspected LTTE frontal organization, High Security Zone Residents' Liberation Force, vows to kill majority Sinhalese civilians in southern Sri Lanka in retaliation for the alleged Army bombing of a refugee camp in the Batticaloa district on November 8. It claims to represent Tamils displaced by Army high security zones in the Jaffna peninsula.
LTTE military spokesperson Rasaiah Ilanthirayan says that the Government's plan to bring food from India to Jaffna was a clever device to divert attention from the issue of re-opening the A-9 main highway at Muhamalai, adding, the best solution would be to lift the barriers at Muhamalai and allow food to come from the Wanni and South Sri Lanka. Opening the A-9 would obviate the need to get supplies from abroad, he claims.
November 13
One soldier, Private L.R M. Sampath Kumara, is killed and two others sustain injuries when LTTE cadres opened mortar fire towards troops at Ponnar in the Kodikamam area of Jaffna district.
Alan Rock, Special Advisor to the UN Special Representative for Children and Armed Conflict accuses elements within the SFs of helping the breakaway faction of the LTTE led by 'Colonel' Karuna to abduct children to recruit as child soldiers and said that there is 'credible evidence' that the Government soldiers have forcibly rounded up the children for the Karuna group.
November 14
SLN destroys a large trawler carrying massive quantities of arms, ammunition and explosives and killed eight LTTE cadres on board in the seas off Kalpitiya, West of Kudiramale, in the Puttalam district.
Three soldiers are killed in a LTTE-triggered improvised explosive device explosion at Mantottam roadblock in the Mannar district.
The architect of the Good Friday Agreement in 1998, which ended the subversive activities of the IRA, Paul Murphy, reportedly arrives in Sri Lanka to assist the peace negotiations between the Sri Lankan Government and LTTE.
A newly released UNICEF report states that as of October 31, 2006, there were 142 outstanding cases of under age recruitment by the LTTE and all of them were boys.According to UNICEF statistics, as of October 31, 2006, there were 1598 outstanding cases of under age recruitment by the LTTE. Of these, 649 are under the age of 18, and 949 were recruited while under 18 but have now passed that age.
November 15
Four LTTE cadres are killed and one is wounded by SFs at Ethawetunuwewa in the Welioya area of Moneragala district.
President Mahinda Rajapakse states that India "need not play a direct role" in the peace process in Sri Lanka. He said, "India need not intervene directly. It will be enough if it carries out a global campaign against the collection of funds and arms by the LTTE", adding, "We are determined to devolve power to the Northern and Eastern Provinces. We are examining various models, including the Indian model (of federalism). We are ready to talk about the Panchayati Raj system, which devolves power to the villages."
November 16
18 LTTE cadres are killed and three soldiers wounded in three separate clashes between troops and LTTE cadres in the Batticaloa district.
Security forces in a retaliatory action killed nine LTTE cadres when they opened fire towards troops' forward defence line at Kadjuwatta in the Batticaloa district.
President Mahinda Rajapakse urges the LTTE to lay down their arms and resume talks to pursue peace, democracy and development in the country. He cites increased violence for the spike in spending.
British peace envoy Paul Murphy, the architect of Irish peace talks, urges parties to keep the lines of communication open and says that there is striking similarity conflicts in Northern Ireland and Sri Lanka.
Defence spokesperson and Minister, Keheliya Rambukwella, said at a media briefing that it had been proved that the LTTE harassed Indian fishermen and used their trawlers to transport war material to strengthen its bases. "Since January 2006 there have been eight such sea attacks, six of them in the seas off Mannar. This shows how the LTTE cadres are harassing and making use of Indian fishermen. The Indian Government should move fast and act to protect their fishermen," he added.
November 17
The LTTE rejects President Rajapakse's offer to lay down their arms and resume talks to pursue peace, democracy and development in the country, calling it "joke."
Sri Lankan High Commissioner to India, C.R. Jayasinghe, accuses the LTTE of "spreading misinformation globally to hide the reality that the violence in Sri Lanka was solely instigated by it."
The IDMC of the Norwegian Refugee Council, releasing a report on displacement in Sri Lanka, announced that some 130,000 internally displaced people - more than half of those uprooted by the current intensification of violence in Sri Lanka - are cut off from international assistance and exposed to serious human rights abuses.
According to statistics, 1623 civilians have entered into the Government-controlled areas since November 2006, said Military spokesperson Brigadier Prasad Samarasinghe.
November 18
At least 23 persons are killed in continuing fighting between the Sri Lanka military and LTTE in the northern and eastern parts of the country. The military sources claim to have destroyed three LTTE gunboats, killing at least 15 cadres at Mannar. However, the LTTE claims that its cadres sank two navy boats, leaving 10 sailors dead.
An explosion targeting a military truck killed four soldiers and four students from a nearby agriculture institute in Vavuniya.
November 19
The dead bodies of four unidentified civilians are recovered from the Trincomalee district.
Three bodies are recovered from Allesgarden, a suburb in Trincomalee town, and one from Pattithidal in the Muttur division.
Two civilians, Sebasthiyan Moisath Sivakumar and I. M. Rohith Laxman, are shot dead by LTTE cadres in the Varadayanagar area of Trincomalee district.
The SLMM states that Sri Lankan troops opened fire on a group of agriculture students at close range in Vavuniya district on November 18, killing five, after a LTTE ambush on Government forces. The Sri Lankan Government orders opening of the A 9 highway that links rest of the country to the Jaffna peninsula for transportation of essential commodities.
November 21
Unidentified assailants trigger a claymore mine explosion at Gnaniyar Valavu in the Varani Thenmaradchi area of Jaffna district, killing one soldier and injuring three others.
The Co-Chairs of the Tokyo Donors Conference, the U.S., European Union, Japan, and Norway, issuing a joint statement after meeting in Washington in U.S., condemns the systematic ceasefire violations by both the Sri Lanka Government and LTTE and urges both parties to immediately cease hostilities.
The TNA parliamentarians from Batticaloa district have written a letter to the Parliamentary Speaker, saying they have received death threats over the phone and were informed specifically that if they did not resign from being Members of Parliament, they would be killed.
November 22
Suspected LTTE 'pistol gang' cadres shot dead two civilians, identified as Ponnadorai Ramakrisnan and Kannanthambi Sathrarajah, close to the rail tracks at Sangama in the Trincomalee district.
The Sri Lankan Government states that it is willing to immediately resume stalled peace talks with the LTTE, but accused the outfit of not cooperating. The political wing of the LTTE-breakaway faction led by 'Colonel' Karuna, TMVP, announces that it is ready to lay down arms provided the 'repressive acts' of the LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran are brought 'under control'.
The 'Colonel' Karuna group has officially been added to the U.N. Secretary General's "list of shame", that aims to discredit Governments and armed groups committing grave crimes against children.
The LTTE rejects a Government request for a guarantee that a convoy of essential items to be sent to the northern Jaffna peninsula by road would be allowed to pass safely through the LTTE-held territory. Government spokesperson Rambukwella said that Nordic truce monitors and a U.N. envoy have misled Sri Lanka's main financial donors about cease-fire violations by the Military.
The LTTE ideologue, Anton Balasingham, is reportedly suffering from an advanced stage of cancer and is battling for his life. He was the chief negotiator for the LTTE in all major negotiations until his illness worsened.
November 23
Three home guards are killed when cadres of the LTTE opened small arms fire towards home guards on duty at Atambagashandiya in the Vavuniya district.
At least 12 LTTE cadres are killed when the STF opened fire on a group of LTTE cadres who shot dead three Police personnel and a home guard in the Ampara district. Five security force (SF) personnel sustained injuries in the incident.
The Sri Lankan Military foils a major LTTE attack on SF's defence positions in the Kirimichchi and Kadjuwatte areas of Batticaloa district, in which seven soldiers are injured.
The LTTE has reportedly planted thousands of anti-personnel mines in and around Vakarai in the Batticaloa district to block civilians leaving the area, reveals a surrendered LTTE cadre to the SFs.
Troops kill at least nine LTTE cadres following the killing of two civilians by LTTE in Batticaloa. Four policemen died in the encounter.
Four SF personnel are killed and five others injure in an LTTE attack at Bakkiella in Ampara.
Three SF personnel guarding a checkpoint at Kebitigollawa are killed by the LTTE.
November 24
The dead bodies of five LTTE cadres are recovered from Piramanayankulam area in the Vavuniya district on November 24. The slain terrorists are suspected to have been killed in retaliatory firing after they opened fire on a Sri Lankan military foot patrol on November 23-night.
November 25
Elite police commandos kill four LTTE cadres in an encounter in the eastern district of Ampara. The outfit, however, claims four soldiers are killed.
November 26
Sri Lankan Army shot dead at least 21 LTTE cadres in separate incidents in the Batticaloa district.
A sympathiser of the EPDP, Shankarpilla Senasaran, is killed by LTTE in the Northern Province.
November 27
In his annual Heroes’ day statement delivered at an undisclosed location in the northern part of the country, the LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran accuses the Sinhala leaders of "duplicity" and said this left the Tamils with no choice but to strive for "political independence." According to copies of his speech made available to the media, Prabhakaran said, "Both our liberation movement and our people never preferred war to a peaceful resolution. We have always preferred a peaceful approach to win the political rights of our people. We have never hesitated to follow the peaceful path to win our political rights. That is why we held peace talks, beginning in Thimpu right through to Geneva, on several occasions, at various times, and in many countries." He asserted that the LTTE will continue the ‘freedom struggle’, and claimed that President Mahinda Rajapakse had rejected his final call in his Heroes’ Day statement last year to find a resolution to the Tamil national question with urgency.
Sri Lankan Naval troops destroy a LTTE trawler engaged in smuggling weapons and ammunition and claim to have killed six of its cadres on board at Negombo in the Colombo district.
November 28
Suspected LTTE cadres shot dead a civilian, identified as Somasuntharam Inban, and injure two others at sixth mile post in the Trincomalee district.
The LTTE kills one SF personnel and injure two others at Kadjuwatta, in the Batticaloa district.
November 30
Two unidentified gunmen shot dead Gilbert Anandarajah, a Grama Sevakar (local government official), at Jaffna divisional secretariat in the Jaffna district.
The Cambodian Prime Minister, Hun Sen, has promised the Sri Lankan Prime Minister Ratnasiri Wickremanayake to choke the flow of weapons from his country to the LTTE, during the latter’s visit to Cambodia. Hun Sen reportedly admitted that for the first time in 2005 arms were smuggled out of his country for terrorist activities in Sri Lanka, and assured Sri Lankan Prime Minister to trust Cambodia that "no more weapons would enter Sri Lanka."
December 1
A suicide attack by the LTTE targeting the Defence Secretary, Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, who is also the brother of President Mahinda Rajapaksa, at Dharmapala Mawatha in Colombo injure seven army personnel and seven civilians. Two of the injured army personnel subsequently succumb to their injuries. The suicide bomber rammed his three-wheeler into the convoy of the Defence Secretary. Gotabhaya Rajapaksa, who was en route to the Presidential Palace for an official meeting, escapes unhurt. The headless body of an unidentified person, believed to be the suicide bomber, is recovered from the incident site. At least eight vehicles, including that of the Defence Secretary, are damaged in the attack.
Two Sri Lanka Police constables are killed in a claymore mine attack by unidentified assailants near the junction of Clock Tower road and Hospital road near Jaffna town.
December 2
One soldier, Private A.M.H. Athapaththu, is killed and another sustains injuries when LTTE cadres hurl a hand grenade at an Army foot patrol in Velvettithurai in the Jaffna district.
SLAF bombs a civilian settlement in the Mullathivu district, a day after the unsuccessful attempt on the life of Defence Secretary Gothabaya Rajapakse by a suspected LTTE suicide bomber. One civilian is reportedly killed during the aerial raid.
December 3
A woman, Pakkianathan Calista Nirmala, is shot dead by unidentified gunmen in her house along Antony Road at Palaiyootu in the Trincomalee district.
December 4
At least six LTTE cadres are killed in retaliatory fire when the outfit cadres ambush the STF personnel at Sangaman Kanda in the Ampara district. One soldier succumbs to his injuries while four others sustain bullet injuries during the ambush.
December 5
Sri Lankan troops kill at least 16 LTTE cadres in the Vaharai region of Batticaloa district. Two soldiers are reported to have died in the incident.
LTTE cadres shot dead two civilians in the Vavuniya district.
December 6
Four civilians are killed and another injured when LTTE cadres trigger claymore mine explosions targeting SF personnel and hit civilians instead, at the Telecommunication Department in the Jaffna district.
At least three civilians, including a teacher, are killed and nine students sustain injuries, when the LTTE cadres fire artillery targeting the Somadevi School and Kallar village in the Trincomalee district.
Two soldiers are killed when LTTE cadres trigger a claymore mine explosion targeting an army tractor at Putukkulam in the Vavuniya district.
December 7
Two civilians, identified as Bernard Kingsely and Velu Jeyakanthan, are shot dead by unidentified gunmen at Aathimoddai village along the Trincomalee-Nilaveli road.
The Sri Lankan Government rejects the SLMM’s request for a clarification regarding the re-imposition of the PTA.
At least 2203 civilians has crossed over to the un-cleared areas in the Kilinochchi and Mullaitivu districts through Manthai and Uyilankulam checkpoints while an estimated 2539 civilians has arrived in Vavuniya from un-cleared areas from between December 1 to December 7.
December 8
A civilian, Sithamparapillai Pathmanathan, is shot dead by unidentified gunmen at Sithandy under Eravur police division in the Batticaloa district.
The Sri Lanka Government has allowed the Norwegian special envoy Jon Hanssen-Bauer and Norwegian Ambassador Hans Brattskar to visit Kilinochchi.
December 9
At least 45 people are reported to have died during clashes between Sri Lankan troops and LTTE cadres in the northeastern district of Trincomalee.
A suspected LTTE cadre shot dead a civilian, Sellaiya Thangarasa, at VadukodaI in the Jaffna district.
December 10
At least 19 civilians are killed and 25 others sustain injuries when SLA personnel fire artillery shells at Kandalady Government School in the Vaharai area of Batticaloa district.
At least 12 soldiers are killed and 51 others sustain injuries when the LTTE cadres directed heavy artillery and mortars towards Kaddimuravikulam, Kadjuwatta, Kirimichchiya and Madurankerni in the Batticaloa district. A Sri Lankan military spokesperson said that a large number of LTTE cadres are also killed and many more are reportedly injured when the troops retaliated.
December 11
Government troops clashed with the LTTE in the Eastern province leaving at least 24 soldiers dead and 69 injured. Unconfirmed reports quoting civilians who are in the process of leaving LTTE-held areas, adds that as many as 50-60 LTTE cadres also died in the retaliatory fire by the troops and similar numbers sustain injuries.
December 12
LTTE cadres trigger a claymore mine explosion leaving one soldier dead and injuring two others at Kallady area in the Mannar district.
A soldier is shot dead by suspected LTTE ‘pistol gang’ cadres at a newspaper office in the Jaffna District.
December 13
Troops clashed with the LTTE cadres leaving at least five cadres dead at Meeyankulam and Welikanda area in the Batticaloa district. During a subsequent search operation, 11 of the 12 soldiers who went missing after a clash with the LTTE cadres on October 5 were found dead, and one among them, Sergeant K.M.S. Rathnayake, was found injured and abandoned by the LTTE at the incident site.
Troops found bunkers constructed and abandoned by the LTTE cadres using canopies supplied by the UNHCR meant to provide shelter for IDP at Kajuwatte and Panichchankerni in the Batticaloa district.
The SLA chief Sarath Fonseka has said that the LTTE would be driven out of the Eastern province "so that civilians could pursue their daily lives peacefully."
The SLA said that the strength of the LTTE has been weakened since the Karuna faction broke away in March 2004. "But, this is not the first instance the LTTE has lost its hold in the Eastern province. During the period 1993 - 1994, LTTE influence was swept away under then Commander Eastern province Brigadier Lucky Algama," it said.
December 14
The UNICEF officials in the Batticaloa district hand over at least 12 LTTE cadres, including five injured, who had been forcibly recruited, to the Batticaloa Police.
Hindustan Times quoting the pro-LTTE Website Tamil Net reports that the LTTE had lost 818 cadres (including 250 women cadres) during various operations this year alone. Since the death of ‘Lieutenant’ Sanker, the first LTTE cadre to be killed in military action on November 27, 1982, the LTTE has lost 18,742 cadres, the report added.
Anton Balasingham, political adviser of the LTTE, passes away in London after a spell of illness. A close associate of LTTE chief Velupillai Prabakaran, Balasingham had participated as chief negotiator of the LTTE in almost all political negotiations, beginning with the Thimpu talks in 1985.
December 15
Seven internally displaced civilians traveling from Kathiraveli to Vaharai in the Batticaloa district in a tractor are killed when an artillery shell fired by the SLA explodes their vehicle.
Four unidentified assailants shot dead a civilian, identified as Ambikaipahar Manickavasagar, in the Vepankulam area of Vavuniya district.
December 17
The LTTE is believed to be facing its worst shortage of ammunition, particularly mortar and artillery rounds, as troops continue to intensify pressure on the outfit in the Eastern region. Quoting a recent LTTE signal monitored in the East, an unnamed official said the LTTE is desperately seeking to smuggle in fresh consignments of ammunition. Senior military officials said the LTTE would not be able to mount major offensives in the Eastern province due to a shrinking arsenal.
The CID investigating the mysterious disappearance of the Eastern University V.C., Sivasubramanium Ravindranath, since December 15, has uncovered that his temporary driver had maintained links with the LTTE.
SLA states that a total of 13,910 civilians have vacated the un-cleared areas (areas not under Government control) of Vakarai in Batticaloa district and reached troops at Riditenna and Valachchenai since November 1.
The U.S. is to release financial aid to Sri Lanka to meet with the unexpected refugee situation in the country, the White House announced.
December 18
Three civilians are shot dead by ‘pistol gang’ cadres of the LTTE at Chenkaladi in the Batticaloa district.
The LTTE warns the Army that they would resort to pre-emptive strikes if the military pushes ahead with a declared plan to drive them out of the outfit-held territory in the East.
The Army accuses the LTTE of forcibly detaining the refugees and civilian population in the areas under its control and using them as "human shields".
The military has hemmed the LTTE in to a 14-mile (22-km) stretch of coastline around Vakarai and has already driven the outfit out of territory near the strategic northeastern port of Trincomalee further north.
Australian Foreign Minister, Alexander Downer, addressing a gathering on terrorism and Islamic extremism at the IISS in London stated that Australia is considering a ban on the LTTE.
December 19
LTTE cadres lob a hand grenade at the Kalmunai political office of the TMVP in the Ampara district, the political wing of the outfit’s breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna, killing two of the TMVP cadres and injuring another.
The LTTE breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna warns it would be forced to take its fight against the LTTE to Government-controlled areas in the East if the Government failed to assure the security of political cadres of the group.
December 20
At least three cadres of the LTTE breakaway faction led by ‘Colonel’ Karuna are killed in a clash with the LTTE in Vavuniya district.
Military spokesman Brig. Prasad Samarasinghe accuses LTTE of abducting at least 455 underage combatants from Government-controlled areas this year and asked the outfit to stop the practice.
December 22
The LTTE warns that ongoing violence in Eastern Sri Lanka would escalate into a full-scale war.
The Media Center For National Security said that troops are determined to drive out the outfit from Vakarai, Kadiraweli, Komathalamadu, Palchanai and Panichchankerni north in the Eastern Province ‘until the last civilian is freed from the clutches of the LTTE.
The establishment of the IIGEP of Sri Lanka has come to the final stage with the EU announcing its nominee for the monitoring panel. EU Commissioner for External Relations Benita Ferrero-Waldner has nominated former French Minister Bernard Kouchner as the EU nominee for the IIGEP.
December 23
Unidentified assailants shot dead two civilians, identified as Navaratnam Sivendran and Sellathamby Gunasingham, injure six others in the Puthukudiruppu area of Batticaloa district.
The Northern Province Governor, Rear Admiral (Retd) Mohan Wijewickrama confirms that the de-merger of the northeast province is proceeding as planned.
December 24
Two local LTTE cadres, Jegan and Maradijaan, are killed and six others sustain injuries in a retaliatory fire by STF personnel in the Kanchanakuda area of Ampara district.
Suleiman, the general manager of the Jordanian ship, Farha III, owned by the International Al Salam (Peace) Company for Trade and Transport, states that the ship's 25 crewmembers have been released and are handed over to the ICRC and would be heading to the Sri Lanka capital of Colombo.
The SLN brushes off speculation that the Jordanian ship, which drifted towards Mullaitivu seas following a technical failure, was carrying arms to the LTTE.
December 25
Three soldiers, identified as Lance Corporal P.A.A. Pushpa Kumara, Private H.R. Dayarathna Bandara, and Private A.M.P.K. Ariyarathne are killed when the LTTE cadres triggere a claymore mine targeting an Army patrol in the Kudamiyan north area of Jaffna district.
Security forces retaliate when LTTE cadres lob two hand grenades towards troops who were conducting a search and clear operation at Nayanyurai, injuring nine soldiers. During subsequent search, troops recovere four dead bodies of the outfit cadres.
The LTTE releases the 25-member crew, including 13 Jordanians, 11 Egyptians and an Iraqi captain, of the captured Jordanian ship Farha 111, which was carrying rice from India to South Africa.
December 27
Two LTTE cadres are killed in a clash that ensued between SFs and the outfit’s cadres when they attempted to infiltrate the Muhamalai FDL in the Jaffna district.
December 28
Three soldiers are killed and an equal number of them are injured in a LTTE-triggere claymore mine explosion at Chavakachcheri in the Jaffna district.
The TULF President, V. Anandasangaree, urges President Mahinda Rajapakse to put the de-merger of the northeast province on hold on the plea that it would only strengthen the LTTE.
According to the MCNS figures, 23095 civilians have arrived to the Government controlled areas in the Eastern Province since November 1.
December 29
Galgamuwa Police in the Puttalam district recovers the dead bodies of two PLOTE members, abducted earlier by the LTTE on December 27, from the Simbalangamuwa area on the Kurunegala – Anuradhapura main road.
December 30
LTTE cadres, hiding inside the IDP’s camp, open fire towards a group of soldiers distributing foodstuff and medicine to the refugees at the Parangiyamadu IDP centre in the Kiren area of Batticaloa district. In the retaliatory fire, troops kill three LTTE cadres.
One soldier is killed and two others sustain injuries in a LTTE artillery fire towards Kaddu Murivlikulam in the Welikanda region of Polonnaruwa district.
December 31
President Mahinda Rajapakse states that his Government was committed to keep the process of negotiations with the LTTE open in order to solve the ethnic separatist conflict.
The SLMM said it would curtail its monitoring activities for a "short period" as it re-groups and reconsiders its operations in the wake of continuing hostilities between Government troops and the LTTE. All SLMM district offices will remain open during the workshop early this month but the monitoring activities will be reduced though not completely suspended, an SLMM spokesperson said adding that the monitors were yet to fix a date for the regrouping in Colombo.

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