Saturday 30 May 2020

Sri Lanka Timeline - Year 2004

Sri Lanka Timeline - Year 2004

January 1
The Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) proposes an interim constitution for the country as a formula to reach a consensus between "the divergent and the polarised views of the different stake holders."
January 5
Four Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) cadres, between 15 and 17 years of age, who had trained at the Thoppigala LTTE camp surrender to the Kandegama police. They had allegedly been kidnapped from Jaffna and Batticaloa in 2002.
January 7
Prime Minister Wickremesinghe calls on President Kumaratunga to take over the task of handling the peace process by introducing suitable amendments to the Ceasefire Agreement of February 2001 and renegotiate the Accord with the LTTE.
January 8
Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) acting chief Hagrup Haukland says that the Ceasefire Agreement stands despite the Prime Minister's speech at a public rally on January 7, relieving himself of the responsibilities of the truce.
January 12
LTTE ‘Political Wing’ leader S.P. Thamilselvan says that it did not matter who the LTTE negotiated with, as long as that person had a mandate to make peace.
January 16
Retired Major General Trond Furuhovde will be appointed as the new Head of Mission of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) replacing Tryggve Tellefsen, who is in Oslo after being accused of endangering national security by President Kumaratunga.
January 23
The LTTE decides not to attend the donor meeting in Colombo, a follow up to the Tokyo Donor Conference, attributing its non-attendance to "political instability" in the South.
January 23
Representatives of the Donor nations which met in the aid group meeting in Colombo said that they were ready to continue with financial assistance, while expressing concern that the ongoing political crisis will hinder the efforts for a negotiated settlement.
February 7
President Kumaratunga dissolves Parliament and calls for elections on April 2, almost four years ahead of schedule. The President used her executive powers to dissolve the 225-member Parliament led by Wickremesinghe.
February 10
Speaking in Karadiyanaaru, ‘Colonel’ Karuna, senior LTTE ‘commander’, says that, "we are prepared to talk to any government that comes to power in Sri Lanka with clear authority and power."
February 18
President Kumaratunga opines that a Government under her leadership would not in any way incite or provoke the LTTE to another war.
February 26
President Kumaratunga states that the future Alliance Government will commence peace talks with the LTTE to reach a solution while also ensuring the rights of all communities.
February 26
S. Elilan, the head of LTTE's political division for Vavuniya, states that "the Liberation Tigers decided today to campaign for the victory of the Tamil National Alliance."
March 1
A United National Party (UNP) candidate, S. Sunderampillai, for the Batticaloa District in the forthcoming General Elections is shot dead by suspected LTTE cadres.
March 1
An activist of the Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP), identified as Ponniah Yogendran, is shot dead by suspected LTTE cadres at Valachchenai in the Batticaloa district.
March 3
LTTE's military leader for the East, 'Colonel' Karuna, quits over alleged differences with his leader Velupillai Prabhakaran and refuses to send 1,000 armed cadres to the North as ordered by Prabhakaran, the Sri Lanka Broadcasting Corporation stated in its news bulletin on March 3.
March 4
Chief of the political wing of LTTE, S.P.Thamilchelvan, told a SLMM delegation in Kilinochchi that the "crisis [the reported split in LTTE] is only a temporary one and a resolution will be reached soon."
March 5
In a letter published in Thamil Alai, ‘Colonel’ Karuna, suggests an administration structure for Batticaloa parallel to the other divisions of the LTTE functioning directly under Prabhakaran's command.
March 5
'Colonel' 'Karuna takes over LTTE apparatus in the Batticaloa and Ampara districts. Ramesh, Karuna's deputy, is replaced by 'Rabat', while Karikalan sacked by LTTE chief Prabhakaran is reinstated by Karuna as the political wing leader of Batticaloa, replacing Kausalyan.
March 6
LTTE Political Wing leader S.P. Thamilselvan announces at a news briefing in Kilinochchi that 'eastern commander' V. Muralitharan alias Karuna had been removed from his post. The LTTE high command appoints T. Ramesh as the 'Special Commander' of the Batticaloa-Amparai region in place of Karuna, while Kaushalyan was appointed as the Political Wing leader. Ram and Prabha were appointed as the deputies of Ramesh in the military wing.
March 8
Life in Batticaloa, Ampara and Valachchenai in the East, comes to a standstill as shops, schools and government offices are closed reportedly in support of ‘Colonel’ Karuna
March 9
The SLMM ceases patrolling in areas held by 'Colonel' Karuna in Batticaloa and Ampara, as he reportedly insisted on a fresh ceasefire agreement with the Government.
March 10
Spokesperson for Prime Minister Wickremesinghe's caretaker Government, Prof. G. L Pieris, said that the Government would not exploit the current situation in the east to gain political mileage. He added that his Government would not interfere in Karuna's matter because it is an internal affair of the LTTE.
March 11
'Colonel' Karuna denounces the LTTE leadership, saying they were no longer the sole representatives of the Tamil people.
March 13
‘Colonel’ Karuna, in an interview to The Hindu states that it is impossible to create a separate Tamil state due to lack of international support. He also terms the assassination of former Indian Prime Minister Rajiv Gandhi as the "gravest mistake" committed by the LTTE intelligence wing.
March 17
The LTTE clandestine radio, 'Voice of Tigers' (VOT) announces that a possible death penalty now awaits 'Colonel' Karuna as the amnesty granted to him ended on the same day.
March 21
The LTTE hands over 35 youths, under 18 years of age, to the UNICEF during an event held at Sampur in the Trincomalee district.
March 24
Suspected LTTE cadres shot at and injure a university lecturer, Thevanayagam Thiruchelvam, believed to be sympathetic to ‘Colonel’ Karuna in the eastern district of Batticaloa.
March 25
According to The Hindu, the LTTE says that it had "decided to get rid of Karuna from our soil.'' The LTTE political division alleged that ‘Colonel’ Karuna was attempting to "create regional differences and fratricidal war'' to "cover up the offences committed by him."
March 27
Sri Lanka's former Hindu Affairs Minister and Member of Parliament (MP) for Jaffna, Thiyagarajah Maheswaran is shot and seriously wounded by unidentified assailants in downtown Colombo.
The Batticaloa government agent, Ratnam Mounagurusamy, is also shot and wounded by unidentified assailants at Pillaiyaradi on the northern outskirts of Batticaloa town.
March 30
Tamil National Alliance (TNA) candidate in Batticaloa, Rajan Sathiyamoorthy, an alleged close confidante of ‘Colonel’ Karuna, is killed by unidentified assailants at his residence on March 30.
April 2
More than 75 per cent of the registered 12.89 million voters reportedly exercise their franchise in the nation-wide elections.
April 4
President Chandrika Kumaratunga's United People's Freedom Alliance (UPFA) polls 4.22 million of the total votes cast during the April 2-General Election to emerge as the single largest party with 105 seats. Prime Minister Ranil Wickremesinghe's United National Front (UNF) polled 3.5 million votes to secure 82 seats. The Illankai Tamil Arasu Kahchchi (TNA- the Tamil National Alliance) was placed third with 633,654 votes securing 22 seats followed by the Jathika Hela Urumaya who obtained 552,724 votes for nine seats, the Sri Lanka Muslim Congress (SLMC) 186,876 (five seats) and the Up Country People's Front 49,782 (one seat).
April 5
The LTTE, in a statement, threatens to renew fighting if their demand for a sovereign Tamil state is not met.
April 6
President Chandrika Kumaratunga appoints the former Leader of Opposition, Mahinda Rajapakse, as the island-nation's new Prime Minister.
April 7
President Kumaratunga says the new Government would give high priority to restarting the peace process and bringing in constitutional changes to abolish the executive presidency and change the electoral system.
April 8
LTTE demands that the new Government headed by Prime Minister Rajapakse open peace talks based on their proposals for self-rule which was earlier rejected by President Kumaratunga.
April 9
At least 22 people are reported killed as heavy fighting erupted between the LTTE factions of Velupillai Prabhakaran and Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan alias 'Colonel' Karuna near the Verugal River, 78 Kilometers from Batticaloa.
April 10
President Kumaratunga appoints a 31-member Cabinet of Ministers and retains the key portfolios of Defence, Constitutional Affairs and Education.
April 12
The pro-LTTE website Tamil Net claims that ‘Colonel’ Karuna has sought refuge in a Sri Lankan military camp in the Polonnaruwa district.
April 13
The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF) facilitates release of nearly 150 child soldiers by the LTTE in Sri Lanka’s eastern region.
April 15
During a meeting between Sri Lankan Army’s General Officer Commanding Vajira Wijeyagoonewardena and Thambirajah Ramesh of the LTTE in Vavunathivu, both sides agree to uphold the February 2002-cease-fire agreement.
April 17
The pro-LTTE Tamil Net website quoting UNICEF sources says that 40 child soldiers were handed over to UNICEF authorities at the LTTE political office in Sampoor, Trincomalee.
April 20
LTTE chief Velupillai Prabhakaran holds a meeting with the 22 newly-elected Members of Parliament belonging to the Tamil National Alliance, a front supported by the LTTE in the recently held national elections.
April 23
Norwegian Prime Minister Kjell Magne Bondevik agrees to a request made by Sri Lankan President Chandrika Kumaratunga for Oslo to resume its facilitator role in the peace process between the Government and LTTE.
April 26
LTTE alleges that seven of its cadres were killed on April 25 in Batticaloa district by cadres loyal to the renegade faction headed by Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan alias ‘Colonel’ Karuna’. According to the LTTE, its cadres were shot dead inside an area under their control, four kilometers northwest of Batticaloa town.
May 3
The LTTE says it is ready to resume peace talks with the Government of Sri Lanka.
May 4
Norway announces that its Foreign Minister, Jan Petersen, will visit Sri Lanka on May 10 and 11 to explore possibilities for holding talks between the LTTE and Sri Lankan Government.
May 6
The LTTE has recruited children in the past few days, said United Nations Children Fund (UNICEF) officials. "We have verified four children have been recruited and we've taken in up with the LTTE, who say they are investigating," said UNICEF spokesperson Geoffrey Keele.
May 9
A Lance Corporal attached to the Sri Lanka Army Intelligence Unit is shot dead by suspected LTTE cadres at Thandamveli in the Batticaloa district.
May 11
In a meeting held in the Batticaloa district, an agreement was reached between the Sri Lankan Army and LTTE to develop mechanisms to ensure information sharing and to prevent serious crimes. Both sides also agree to continue to uphold and respect the Ceasefire Agreement signed on February 22, 2002.
May 12
Sri Lankan Foreign Minister Lakshman Kadirgamar is reported to have said during a lecture in the United States that "Liberation Tigers of Tami Eelam’s proposal for Interim Self-Governing Authority (ISGA) is a blue print for a future separate State… it will be difficult for a sovereign government to accept."
May 14
The United States Assistant Secretary of State for South Asian Affairs, Christina B. Rocca, says in Colombo that the LTTE "will remain'' in Washington's list as a "foreign terrorist organisation'' until it renounces violence and terrorism in "word and deed.''
May 15
President Chandrika Kumaratunga appoints Jayantha Dhanapala as Secretary-General of the Secretariat for Coordinating the Peace Process and as Senior Adviser to the President from June 1.
May 18
Japanese Special Envoy, Yasushi Akashi, holds discussions at Kilinochchi with Thamilselvan, head of the LTTE political division, on issues related to the proposed resumption of peace talks between the outfit and the Sri Lankan Government. Discussions also focused on reconstruction and development in the northeast, said LTTE officials.
May 20
An LTTE cadre is killed during an explosion in the outfit-controlled area of Aalankerni in the Batticaloa district.
May 24
An Eastern University lecturer, K. Tambiah, is shot dead at his residence in Batticaloa town by unidentified gunmen.
May 25
The Indian envoy to Sri Lanka, Nirupam Sen, states that India was willing to carry out reconstruction work in the "uncleared areas" of Sri Lanka, which are under the control of the LTTE. However, he added that it would not have any engagement with the outfit.
May 26
The LTTE demands "institutionalising'' of an Interim Self-Governing Authority (ISGA) for the North-East before it discusses the core issues of the conflict with the Sri Lankan Government. The demand was made by LTTE 'political wing' leader, S.P. Thamilselvan, to the visiting Norwegian Special Envoy, Erik Solheim.
May 30
The Indian Home Minister, Shivraj Patil, dismisses demands for a review of the ban on the LTTE and states that the proscription would continue.
May 31
A senior journalist, G. Nadeshan, is shot dead by suspected LTTE cadres at Manmunai junction in the Batticaloa district.
June 2
The Sri Lankan Government and LTTE agree to strengthen co-operation between the Security Forces, Police and the outfit to identify and arrest criminal elements responsible for the recent killings in Batticaloa district.
June 4
Governing ally, the Janatha Vimukthi Peramuna (JVP), urges the international community to exert pressure on the LTTE to give up the "pre-condition'' linking its proposal for interim self-rule in the northeast to resumption of the stalled peace talks.
June 13
LTTE accuses President Kumaratunga with resorting to "political duplicity'' and warned donor nations that the country would return to a "bloodbath,"' if the international community did not exert pressure on the Government. In a rejection of what it termed a new condition by the President that "discussions on core issues should go parallel to interim administration,'' the LTTE said it was impractical to do so as ‘Sinhala regime’ was not prepared to meet its demand for an interim administration, nor was the President's Government numerically strong.
June 18
A foot-patrol party of the Sri Lanka Police recovers a suicide jacket and some explosives concealed in a bag near Grandpass area in Colombo city.
June 22
The US Assistant Secretary for South Asia, Christina Rocca, says that the designation of LTTE as a terrorist organisation will remain and Washington is looking forward to the day when the outfit will take the "necessary steps" to get off the list.
June 24
The Sri Lankan Government concedes that some individuals in the military supported the former LTTE 'commander', V. Muralitharan alias ‘Colonel’ Karuna, but maintained that there was "no official involvement, directly or indirectly with the breakaway group.'' "Obviously there have been military personnel involved. We are not denying it," but "the Government is not officially involved," Government spokesperson Mangala Samaraweera said at a press conference.
June 27
The LTTE has stepped up conscription of children to its ranks, discloses UNICEF. The UN agency confirmed that the outfit has accelerated the recruitment of under-age combatants in April and May 2004, especially in the North.
June 30
Speaking to the press after meeting Norway’s special peace envoy Erik Solheim in Kilinochchi, LTTE political wing leader Thamilselvan says that the outfit is committed to resuming peace talks. He, however, added that the Government should take the initiative in this regard.
July 1
President Chandrika Kumaratunga rejects publicly aired allegations by the LTTE that the Government had authorised Sri Lankan military activities in the Eastern Province in support of the 'Colonel' Karuna faction.
July 5
An LTTE cadre is shot dead and three others, including a senior political functionary, were wounded in two separate incidents in the Batticaloa district of eastern Sri Lanka. The shootings, carried out by unidentified gunmen, occurred on the day when the LTTE held its annual commemoration for its ‘Black Tiger’ suicide cadres throughout the northern and eastern provinces.
July 6
The Indian High Commission in Colombo says that "With regard to a press report today... That the new Indian government has made a request to the Sri Lankan government to hand over LTTE leader Prabhakaran and Pottu Amman, the High Commission of India hereby denies that any fresh request has been made by the new government of India in this connection."
July 7
A suspected woman LTTE suicide bomber blows herself up at the Kollupitiya Police station next to the Sri Lankan Prime Minister's official residence in Colombo killing herself and four police personnel and injuring nine persons.
July 8
The LTTE denies involvement in the suicide attack in Colombo a day earlier in which four police personnel and the woman suicide bomber were killed. Thamichelvan, head of the LTTE political division, told TamilNet that the outfit had "absolutely no connection in the suicide bombing in Colombo." According to him, "This is an act to destabilize the peace process. We suspect this has been carried out by elements that want to disrupt the peace process."
July 11
The former ‘Special Commander’ of LTTE, Vinayagamoorthy Muralitharan alias ‘Colonel’ Karuna, says in an interview to the BBC that he would launch a political party "within a month" and alleged his former leader, Velupillai Prabhakaran, was pursuing a war strategy.
July 15
Along with Satchi Master, another key associate of 'Colonel' Karuna, Sarvanamuttu Shanthakumar, is killed when Mahendran Puvidaran, a known LTTE supporter, attacked them in the Batticaloa prison.
July 16
Two Muslim traders in the Muttur division of Trincomalee are shot dead by unidentified gunmen. The incident reportedly occurred in the Government- controlled Shafie Nagar village in Muttur division.
July 21
A senior Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP) cadre, Velayutham Raveendran, is shot dead by suspected LTTE cadres in Akkaraipattu town, 64 kilometers south of Batticaloa, on Sri Lanka's southeastern coast.
July 23
A Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) cadre, Seenithamby Mahalingam, is shot dead by unidentified assailants at Kandaladi, near Vakarai, 64 kilometers north of Batticaloa.
Sri Lankan President Chandrika Kumaratunga says in Kandy that all those responsible for the July 1983 ethnic riots that sparked off a civil war in the country must apologise if the country is to move forward.
July 25
Seven suspected cadres of the LTTE faction led by 'Colonel' Karuna and a Sinhalese person are shot dead at a house in Kottawa, 15 kms from the Sri Lankan capital Colombo.
July 28
The visiting Norwegian Deputy Foreign Minister, Vidar Helgesen, states that the two parties, the Government and LTTE, were committed to peace although there was no progress to report in terms of an early resumption of peace talks.
July 30
Thirty-four child soldiers are released to the UNICEF-supported transit centre in Kilinochchi by the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam.
July 31
An anti-Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam intelligence operative, Kandiah Yogarasa (better known as `PLOTE Mohan') is shot dead on Duplication Road in Colombo city by suspected LTTE gunmen.
August 2
During a meeting of the United People's Freedom Alliance (UPFA) Executive Council, President Chandrika Kumaratunga emphasized that the Government is not ready for peace talks on the basis of LTTE’s Interim Self Governing Authority proposals.
August 3
Five persons, including one police personnel, are wounded in a rifle grenade attack on an Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP) camp in Valaichenai, 32 kilometres north of Batticaloa. The local EPDP leader Anpunan Kandasamy was also wounded when a rifle launched grenade hit the camp.
August 5
Cabinet spokesperson Mangala Samaraweera states that the Government is developing a fresh set of proposals on an interim administration for the country's northern and eastern districts that would form Colombo's position whenever talks recommence with the LTTE.
August 10
An unidentified gunman shot dead an EPDP cadre in the Trincomalee town.
In another incident, in Batticaloa district, a Tamil youth was shot dead by unidentified assailants in a boutique on the Batticaloa-Kalmunai highway.
August 11
Unidentified gunmen kill Sivrajah Sivaseelan, suspected to be linked to rebel LTTE 'commander' Karuna at Kiran, 27 kilometers north of Batticaloa. Another person, Seniththamby Yogarajan, also linked to the Karuna group, was shot dead on August 10-night in Kaluwaanchikudy, 24 kilometers south of Batticaloa.
August 16
Sri Lankan President, Chandrika Kumaratunga, offers to meet the LTTE chief, Velupillai Prabhakaran, if the stalled peace negotiations resumed and progress was made. However, she also cautioned the LTTE that she would order troops to march into rebel-held Sri Lanka if the LTTE’s internecine war endangered the country.
The European Union criticises the LTTE for continuing to engage in political killings, abductions and recruitment of children for its ranks.
EPDP leader and Minister Douglas Devananda's Media Secretary, K. Balanadarajah, is shot dead by two unidentified gunmen at Wellawatte in the capital Colombo.
August 20
Two LTTE leaders are shot dead and two cadres sustain injuries in the eastern Batticaloa district during an ambush by unidentified gunmen, allegedly supporters of the expelled military 'commander' of the outfit, ‘Colonel’ Karuna.
A Sri Lanka Police sergeant, identified as G. L Jayaratna, is shot dead by unidentified gunmen in Kalmunai town, 40 kilometres south of Batticaloa.
August 23
A former LTTE cadre, identified as R. Kugananthan, is shot dead by unidentified gunmen at Wellawatte, a largely Tamil suburb of Colombo.
August 24
An associate of the rebel LTTE 'commander' Karuna is shot dead inside the Akkaraipattu court premises, 64 kilometers south of Batticaloa.
August 27
Following media reports referring to statements that were made at a seminar in Oslo last week, the Royal Norwegian Embassy stated that the Government of Norway has never provided any military training to the LTTE or other armed movements.
September 2
The LTTE cadres, managing the Sinnakkadai Northern Province Fisheries Society, released the fishermen and fishing boats they had reportedly taken into custody on August 30 and 31 after opening small arms fire on three fishing trawlers for entering their self proclaimed 'High Security Zone' in the sea of Palaitivu.
September 3
President Kumaratunga rules out a return to war despite factional killings and expressed hopes of a peace deal with the LTTE. The President said she believed neither side wanted to return to fighting although the LTTE had refused to resume face-to-face negotiations with her Government
September 8
The United States Coordinator for Counter Terrorism, Cofer Black, says in Colombo that the LTTE must negotiate with the Government of Sri Lanka in good faith and also renounce terrorism in word and in deed.
The LTTE alleges that on September 7, a group of Sri Lankan Army commandos attacked the outfit’s border post at Pullumalai, 65 kilometers from Batticaloa.
September 11
An Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP) activist, Maivan Chandramohan, who was the chairman of the Achchuweli Pradeshiya Sabha, was shot dead by an unidentified assailant when he was participating in a wedding reception of his friend at Karamppan area in the Kayts Island.
September 15
LTTE political wing leader Thamilselvam states that its Interim Self-Governing Authority (ISGA) proposals were not rigid or final and it was ready to negotiate the issue.
September 18
A senior member of the Eelam People's Democratic Party (EPDP), Thambithurai Sivakumar, is shot dead by an unidentified assailant in Puttalam, 125 kilometres north of Colombo
September 21
LTTE brings in top level changes in the two eastern districts of Batticaloa and Amparai by replacing its ‘Special Commander’ Ramesh with the group's chief of ‘heavy mortar division’, Bhanu.
September 22
Sri Lankan Army (SLA) officials, led by General Officer Commanding Vajira Wijegunawardena, and the LTTE political team members led by E. Kousalyan meet in Batticaloa to discuss cease-fire related issues in the eastern district.
September 23
LTTE cadres kill Reggie, elder brother of its former eastern Commander, ‘Colonel’ Karuna, at the Illuppadichchenai area in Batticaloa district. At least two of his aides were also killed in the attack.
Somasundaram Varnakulasingham, a central committee member of the EPDP, is shot dead at Vihara Lane, Wellawatte, a predominantly Tamil suburb of the capital Colombo by suspected LTTE cadres
A former LTTE cadre, Rajathurai Sivagnanam, was shot dead in Mannampity, 72 kilometres northwest of Batticaloa by suspected LTTE cadres.
September 27
Suspected LTTE cadres shot dead a member of the Eelam People's Revolutionary Liberation Front (EPRLF-Varathar faction), Valli Sundaram, on KKS Road between Maruthanamadam and Inuvil in the Jaffna district.
September 29
Five LTTE cadres and a civilian are killed in clashes between the warring factions of the outfit in the Batticaloa district.
President Chandrika Kumaratunga states that the Government can no longer ignore the act of killing members of disarmed Tamil parties committed by the LTTE.
September 30
Several hundred Muslim civilians in Mannar set ablaze two LTTE political offices at Pesalai and Mannar following the murder of a Muslim civilian.
October 1
A close associate of 'Colonel' Karuna, identified as Ruben, is shot dead by a LTTE 'special jungle warfare unit' operating in Kulaththu Madu near Vakaneri, 40 kilometres north of Batticaloa.
October 2
LTTE cadres of the 'Jeyanthan Regiment' attack a group of heavily armed paramilitary cadres belonging to the 'Colonel' Karuna faction at Omadiyamadu, northwest of Batticaloa, killing two and wounding three others.
October 4
Addressing the inaugural ceremony of the National Advisory Council for Peace and Reconciliation (NACPR) in Colombo, President Kumaratunga seeks a commitment from the LTTE that the Interim Administration as well as the final solution should be based on the Oslo Declaration.
October 5
Two suspected members of the LTTE ‘pistol gang’ kill two Muslim civilians in Welikanda, 65 kilometers northwest of Batticaloa.
At a meeting with a LTTE delegation visiting Geneva, representatives of Amnesty International, Human Rights Watch and the International Commission of Jurists called on the outfit to end political killings and recruitment of child soldiers.
October 5
At a meeting with a LTTE delegation visiting Geneva, the Amnesty International, the Human Rights Watch and the International Commission of Jurists (ICJ) urge the outfit to end political killings and the recruitment of child soldiers.
October 9
Security forces based at Akkaraipattu in Amparai district kill an unidentified gunman suspected to be from the 'Colonel' Karuna faction of the LTTE.
A spokesperson of the Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM) states that the LTTE has recruited 1,424 children, out of which 45 have been abducted during the last 28-month truce period ending August 31, while 359 adults were abducted during the same period.
October 11
Two associates of 'Colonel' Karuna were killed and six others injured in an attack by a LTTE ‘special forces group’ in a village near the border between Batticaloa and Polannaruwa districts.
October 12
Announcing the launch of a political party, Tamileela Makkal Viduthalai Pulikal (TMVP), the former LTTE military 'commander' 'Colonel' Karuna, tenders his ‘apologies to the Tamil people’ for past killings and asserts that he would ‘never leave the liberation struggle’.
October 14
Cabinet spokesman, Mangala Samaraweera says that the Government’s ‘counter-proposals’ were ‘ready and waiting’ to be submitted to the LTTE.
October 15
LTTE ‘media coordinator’ Daya Master states that the LTTE is willing to discuss the counter proposals prepared by the Government at the negotiation table once peace talks between the two parties resume.
October 16
LTTE releases the two Sinhalese homeguards, Chandana Piyasiri and Sarath Bandara held in their detention for over two months.
October 17
An ex-LTTE cadre, Sinnavan Maheswaran killed in a grenade attack carried out by suspected LTTE cadres in a high security suburb of Batticaloa town.
Sunday Observer reports that that the stalled peace talks between Colombo and the LTTE are likely to ‘recommence in early November’.
The Tamileela Makkal Viduthalai Pulikal, the political party launched by ‘Colonel' Karuna and the Eelam National Democratic Liberation Front (ENDLF), join to form a new front — Tamileela Iykkiya Viduthalai Munnani (TIVM).
October 19
Suspected LTTE cadres kill former Tamil National Alliance (TNA) Member of Parliament, Kingsley Rajanayagam at Kalviyankadu area in Batticaloa town.
A LTTE supporter, Kathirgamathamby Ganeshamoorthy killed by cadres of ‘Colonel’ Karuna faction at Iyankerny village in Eravur division of Batticaloa district.
October 20
LTTE's ‘political wing’ leader S.P. Thamilselvan rejects the Sri Lankan government's latest proposals to resume peace talks.
LTTE cadres kill a suspected member of the ‘Colonel Karuna’ faction at Anpuvallipuram, a Tamil settlement, three kilometer off Trincomalee.
October 23
Sri Lanka Monitoring Mission (SLMM), in their report submitted to the Government, rules out the reports of an LTTE military build up around Trincomalee harbour.
October 25
A suspected cadre of the ‘Colonel’ Karuna faction killed and two others injured as unidentified gunmen open fire in the predominantly Tamil suburb of Wellawatte in Colombo.
October 27
Anton Balasingham, LTTE ‘ideologue’ and chief negotiator, says that Tamil Tigers have not abandoned their right to secede despite agreeing to explore a federal solution.
Japanese Special Peace Envoy to Sri Lanka, Yasushi Akashi commences discussions with the Government on the current position of the peace process after meeting Prime Minister Mahinda Rajapakse.
October 29
Japanese special peace envoy Yasushi Akashi emphasizes the importance of early resumption of peace talks between the government and the LTTE during his discussions with President Kumaratunga.
October 30
Sri Lankan Navy personnel inspect the Palampatar Santhiri jungles in Trincomalee and recover a LTTE flag, two hand grenades, a VHF signaling antenna, a 30 metre antenna cable, notebooks with personal details and some weapons.
November 1
President Kumaratunga emphasizes that the final solution to the ethnic question based on any form of power sharing should be through a constitutional amendment and fall within the framework of a sovereign, undivided and united Sri Lanka.
November 3
Anton Balasingham, chief negotiator of the LTTE in a statement states "The donor conferences held in Oslo on 25 November 2002 and in Tokyo on 10 June 2003 and the resolutions adopted at these meetings cannot bind our liberation organisation to a particular framework of a final political settlement."
November 4
A former member of the People's Liberation Organisation of Tamil Eelam (PLOTE), Velayutham Dayalakumar killed by suspected LTTE cadres at a Colombo suburb.
November 5

Norwegian Minister of Foreign Affairs Jan Petersen stated in Colombo that he has no high expectations for the resumption of peace talks between the Sri Lankan government and the LTTE.
November 8

A civilian is injured in a grenade attack by suspected LTTE cadres on two Eelam People’s Democratic Party (EPDP) cadres in Valaichenai, 32 kilometres north of Batticaloa.
November 10

The New York-based Human Rights Watch in its report accuses the LTTE of continuing to enlist boys and girls below the age of 18 years since the Oslo-brokered truce went into effect in February 2002.
November 11

President Kumaratunga met the Norwegian Foreign Minister Jan Petersen and assured the Government's total commitment for the early re-commencement of talks with the LTTE within an agreed framework.
November 14

The LTTE ‘political wing’ leader, SP Tamilselvan, in the Virakesari Illustrated Weekly, stated that India should consult the outfit before undertaking strategically important infrastructure projects in the North Eastern Province (NEP) of Sri Lanka.
November 15

Defence Ministry informed the SLMM to inquire further into the LTTE military build up around Trincomalee harbour since the Ministry cannot agree with the report submitted by them in this regard.
November 16
President Kumaratunga called on the LTTE to inform the Government whether it was prepared to resume peace talks within this month.
November 17
A ‘political worker’ of the LTTE was shot dead by unidentified gunmen at Valaichenai, 32 kilometres north of Batticaloa.
November 18
Suspected LTTE cadres shot dead an army intelligence officer and a Tamil civilian in Polonnaruwa, 85 kilometres northwest of Batticaloa.
November 23
Police in Colombo arrested three suspected LTTE cadres near the Parliament building.
November 25
LTTE ‘political activist’, identified as Umakanth killed by suspected paramilitary personnel in Akkaraipattu town near Batticaloa.
November 26
Two Sri Lankan Army soldiers attacked and severely injured by LTTE cadres.
November 27
The 'Leader' of the LTTE, Velupillai Prabhaharan in a statement issued on the occasion of Heroes' Day, made an urgent appeal to the Government to resume peace negotiations based on the ISGA proposals. He also warned the government it would be compelled to advance the freedom struggle of their people, if the government delays negotiations.
November 29
Curfew imposed in the Trincomalee district until November 30 morning following the killing of a civilian, allegedly by the LTTE cadres.
December 2
Representatives of the Sri Lankan Army, Sri Lanka Police and the LTTE meet in Trincomalee and agree, at a discussion held in the presence of SLMM monitors, to take steps to diffuse tension in the east port town and its suburbs to restore normalcy.
December 5
At the 50th year annual convention of the opposition United National Party held at the Colombo Municipal grounds, former Prime Minister, Ranil Wickremesinghe, says that "the United Peoples Freedom Alliance (UPFA) Government has not taken any forward looking steps towards peace talks or to finding a solution to our pressing national question. Sri Lanka is inexorably drifting towards war with the continued stalemate in peace talks."
December 7
The pro- LTTE website, TamilNet, reports that unidentified persons threw four hand grenades at the Batticaloa town ‘political office’ of the LTTE. However, no casualties were reported in the incident and the attackers managed to escape.
December 8
Unidentified persons threw two grenades at the People’s Liberation Organization of Tamil Eelam (PLOTE) office building located in front of Jaffna Teaching Hospital inside the High Security Zone in the center of Jaffna town. However, no casualties are reported.
December 11
At least two persons are killed and 15 others sustain injuries during a bomb blast at the end of a concert by Shahrukh Khan, an Indian film actor, in the capital Colombo.
December 12
Chandrakumar Rajan, an alleged LTTE supporter, is wounded when unidentified persons threw a grenade inside a bakery in Batticaloa.
December 15
S. P. Thamilselvan, chief of the ‘Political Wing’ of the LTTE, tells Norwegian facilitators in Kilinochchi that "the responsibility of resurrecting the stalled peace process is entirely with the government in ensuring that its coalition partners reflect the thinking of the president, if she is in fact really sincere, and her military refrains from coercive and provocative actions."
December 20
Talking to the BBC, Norway special peace envoy, Erik Solheim, says that reviving the stalled peace talks is "difficult at the moment".
December 21
The Sri Lankan Government reportedly makes a new proposal to revive peace talks with the LTTE amid intense pressure from foreign aid donors.
December 22
A LTTE cadre is killed by unidentified gunmen at Pioneer Road, close to the Arasady Junction in Batticaloa.
December 23
The LTTE rejects President Kumaratunga's new proposal, conveyed through Norway, to revive peace negotiations.
December 29
LTTE chief, Velupillai Prabhakaran, appeals to the international community and the United Nations to generously assist the people of the northeast affected by the Tsunami disaster.

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